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Só para dizer como vai ser o treino de aqui por diante:

Vou usar os pesos da primeira fase do ciclo do Strong-15 (sim, eu perdi bastante força ://). Menos no terra, que vou usar a da terceira fase pois melhorei bastante no terra. E no militar vou basear que minha RM é 60% da RM do meu supino e usar como se fosse a 2ª fase do strong-15, só convertendo as percentagens.

Vão ser só 2 treinos por semana, assim:

Semana 1:

Treino 1:

Agacho: 1x5, 1x4, 1x3, 1x2, 1x1, 1x1, 1x1, 1x5 @ primeiro single
Circuito Bodyweight 1:
Agacho (peso do corpo): 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5
Abdominal: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5
Chin Ups: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Flexão: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5
Esses circuitos são agacho + abominal + chins + flexão, seguindo as reps, depois volta pro agacho... etc. Tipo: agacho 1x5 + abdominal 1x5 + chins 1x2 + flexão 1x5 + agacho 1x10 + abdominal 1x10... e assim por diante.
Treino 2:
Supino: 1x5, 1x4, 1x3,1x 2, 1x1, 1x1, 1x1, 1x8 @ primeiro single
Circuito Bodyweight 2:
Paralelas: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
Pull Ups: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Flexão: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5
Leg Raises: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
Semana 2:
Treino 1:
Terra: 1x5, 1x4, 1x3, 1x2, 1x1, 1x1, 1x1, 1x5 @primeiro single
Circuito Bodyweight 1
Treino 2:
Militar: 1x5, 1x4, 1x3, 1x2, 1x1, 1x1, 1x1, 1x5 @ primeiro single
Circuito Bodyweight 2
Também vou fazer 2x por semana caminhada na esteira, por 30 minutos, e 2x na semana hiit.

Ah, e vou começar a fazer dieta cetogênica, pra ver se essa porra funciona msm rs. Desejem-me sorte.

  • 1 mês depois...

Só quero relatar uma coisa que me deixou realmente puto hj.

Meu treino de supino seria:







pois bem, tudo indo bem, até que pedi pra um instrutor que tava passando ficar ~DE OLHO~ nessa minha última serie de 8x92,5. O que o cara vem e me faz? Eu tiro a barra do apoio, o cara mete a mao na porra da barra, e fica lá nela fazendo força desde a minha primeira repetição, além do que com a mão dele lá, a barra nem chegava a tocar no peito, fazendo com que isso virasse uma espécie de board press, eu fiz umas 12 reps e dava pra fazer umas 20 na vdd, já que o cara nunca ia deixar eu morrer msm. PQP, resolvi escrever isso aqui pra pelo amor de deus, não façam uma bosta dessas quando alguém vier falar pra vcs ajudarem ~CASO VC VENHA A FALHAR NA SÉRIE~.


Bro, eles nunca vão entender que não devem tocar a barra a não ser que trave 100%... não adianta!!

Toda vez que pedirmos ajuda a esses caras, vai dar merda e vamos ficar P da vida!!


Não fez os singles no Supino ou já está em outra fase que não a do relato anterior?

Gde ab e bons treinos.


to sim, so que na hora de calcular as cargas, deram mto parecidas, o último double tava 1kg de cada lado a menos que o primeiro single, e os dois outros singles tbm tavam qse a msm coisa que isso, então resolvi agrupar logo rs.

Acaba essa semana o treino. Perdi mta força, ainda mais que semana passada fiquei viajando e comi mto pouco, perdi mais de 1kg! To doido pra começar a proxima fase.



Tem algum link sobre o seu treino atual para eu aprender os conceitos?

Postado (editado)

Tio, dá pra pega esse shape natural?

Just kidding.

Acompanhando, depois eu leio o diário na integra, mas pelo pouco que já li gostei bastante do seu estilo de treino.

Abraços e bons treinos.

Editado por MHDNR

Cara n tenho link, mas comprei ebook,, vou copiar e colar o treino atual aqui:

Weeks 19-25: Conditioning Acceleration
Fat Loss, Conditioning Peaking
Primary Goal: Conditioning Acclimation, Fat Loss, Strength Maintenance
Secondary Goal: None – This is a conditioning peaking block
Training Structure: Two days a week lifting with ladder circuits.
Conditioning: HIIT 2X a week, Weighted Vest/Steady State 2X a week.
Diet: LRB Deficit Diet or keto diet
Primary Goal: Conditioning Acceleration, Fat Loss, Conditioning Peaking -
The primary goal of this 6 week block is to get you into the best shape you can be in. Period. For 6 weeks strength is going
to be put on the back burner a bit, and getting your bodyfat down and gas tank up will be the priority. There is no secondary
goal because you are going to put conditioning at the forefront of your training for 6 weeks. Do not bitch and moan about “all
the strength you gained”….while you were fat. I don’t care. You’re not competing, so you shouldn’t be worried about having
to demonstrate strength for anyone. You should be worried about creating a bigger, stronger, leaner you over time in the big
picture of things, and that’s what this block is about. Getting you leaner, and in “fighting shape”.
After the last block, you should already be in solid shape. Now it’s time to take it up a notch. For the next 6 weeks, your interval
training will be the focus of training along with narrowing down lifting to a few basic movements, and some bodyweight
circuits. This is the kind of training I did when I was getting ready to go back into the military and it got me into the best shape
of my life. So let’s get knee deep in the shit.
Hills or Track – You will need a hill or a ¼ mile track for this block. The hill should be 60 yards. If it’s a little less, that will
work, but not less than 50 yards. The hills will be annotated at the intensity or percentage of speed that you run it. So if 100%
is as fast as you can run, then obviously 75% is about ¾ that speed. If you choose to run the track intervals, they will be run
with a maximum time per lap, and ALWAYS only 2 minutes rest between laps. You cannot do both or do one of them one
week, and then one the next. I get so pissed off at guys that want take my programming and bastardize it to hell. Do it AS
WRITTEN. So pick which one you want to do for this block.
HIIT 6 week block – Week 1 is a bit of a break in week. So it’s only 10 hills @ 75% and 8 ¼ miles @ 3 minutes per lap.
Treat these with respect. Don’t push it the first week too hard. Each week will get more difficult from here on out.
Week 1 – 10 hills @ 75% - 8 intervals @ 180 seconds per lap
Week 2 – 10 hills @ 85% - 8 intervals @ 150 seconds per lap
Week 3 – 12 hills @ 85% - 10 intervals @ 130 seconds per lap
Week 4 – 15 hills @ 80% - 10 intervals @ 120 seconds per lap
Week 5 – 15 hills @ 85% - 12 intervals @ 130 seconds per lap
Week 6 – 15 hills @ 90%+ - 12 intervals @ 120 seconds or less per lap
The stop-watch: Someone is bound to ask…”How do I judge 75% on hills?” Pretty easy. Warm up on a few hills. Then run
a hill at a speed you can pretty much call full speed, and have someone time it, or time it yourself (this is a little more difficult).
This is 100% intensity for a hill. So if it takes you 18 seconds to run the 60 yard hill at full speed, running it at 75% means
about 23 seconds. If this is too much trouble, just calibrate a little bit on speed. However by the end you could fool yourself
into being lax in your hill sprints if you have nothing to really judge them by. For the track laps, you have no choice. Go buy a
stop watch and time it.
28 Lifting: The ladder circuit
For lifting you’ll be training twice a week, each time doing ladders in a circuit. Most of this will be bodyweight only after the
big main lift. For the ladders you will do the listed movements all non-stop, for the designated amount of reps. You will then
take a 2 minute rest, and go again.
So for example if you are supposed to do bodyweight squats, sit ups, push ups, and chins and the first round of ladders says
3,5,3,2 that means you do 3 bodyweight squats, 5 sit ups, 3 push ups, and 2 chins.
Like so…
Bodyweight squats – 3
Sit Ups – 5
Push Ups – 3
Chins – 2
You do all of these non stop, then rest for 1 minute. The numbers generally double up to a top ladder, then back down to
where you started.
For the big stuff, you’re going to use the strong-15 method. However for this block, it’s best to go feel. The reason I option this
up is because you will probably be tired as fuck some days lifting wise because of all the conditioning and even if you program
very conservatively, your legs and back could feel beat the hell up. The back off set is simple what you hit for the first single
Lifting and circuit portion
Week 1
Day 1:
Squats – 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1x5 @ first single
Ladder Circuit #1:
Bodyweight Squats: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5
Sit Ups: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5
Chins: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Push ups: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5
Day 2:
Bench Press: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1x8 @ first single
Ladder Circuit #2:
Dips: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
Chins (different grip than circuit #1): 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Push Ups: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5
Leg Raises: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
Week 2
Day 1:
Deadlifts – 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1x5 @ first single
Ladder Circuit #1
Day 2:
Incline Press – 5,4,3,2,1,1,1, 1x5@first single
Ladder Circuit #2
Notes on the ladders: Do not ask what you change about them. Nothing. If they are too hard, just take as long as you need
to get the reps in for that ladder, and then continue. If they are too easy, don’t take the 1 minute rest between ladders. Just
do the whole circuit if you can, OR throw the weighted vest on. Now that’ll make it interesting again.
After this 6 week block is up, take a week off and recover. If you did everything correctly, you should be lean as hell and feeling
pretty damn awesome. Especially if you were tight on your diet and really following the LRB diet.
It’s very possible that strength faded a bit during this block, and are all whiney about it. However, the big picture here, is to
be a bigger and LEANER version of yourself by the end of the year. That requires getting lean first. Which you should be at this
point. Now on to getting that strength and mass back.

Tio, dá pra pega esse shape natural?

Just kidding.

Acompanhando, depois eu leio o diário na integra, mas pelo pouco que já li gostei bastante do seu estilo de treino.

Abraços e bons treinos.

hehe, obrigado por acompanhar cara.


Valeu pela quote do ebook! Não conhecia o treino.

Parece muto interessante, realmente!

Acompanhando sempre por aqui.

Gde ab.

  • 2 semanas depois...

Ae pessoal, o bloco de condicionamento acabou ontem. Terminei tudo 9kgs mais leve que comecei. To com 69 kgs agora, fiquei as 6 ultimas semanas fazendo dieta cetogenica, perdi muita força no supino e agacho, porém meu terra ainda aumentou rs. Estou ansioso pra mais tarde voltar a treinar direito. Nesse exato momento estou comendo carne com arroz e estou me sentindo até estranho de comer carboidrato depois de tanto tempo haha. Meu corpo n ta acostumado mais.

Enfim acabei de tirar umas fotos na mesma posição das anteriores pra ver a diferença:


PS: NÃO estou forçando a barriga em nenhuma das fotos.

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