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Tipo meu treino tinha muita retenção, era um braço um pouco mais feio, tá mais bonito agora, chegou a cair 1cm acho, qnd tava com a creatina, ai agora nesse 1 mes e meio de treino, caiu 1cm mas a qualidade melhorou, mas as cargas tão boas, paralelas bw+24kg chin bw+12kg


Se não me engano, dá pra dar um intervalo até maior que 5 minutos, conforme necessidade. (Li isso em algum lugar que não lembro agora.)


Uma dúvida, no StrongLift não se treina biceps nem triceps ?

Os compostos treinam indiretamente e tem os chin-up's e paralelas também

Postado (editado)

Teria como trocar o chin-up ? meu treino entao ficaria assim, com aumento das cargas +/- por treino ?


Agachamento 5x5

Supino 5x5

Remada Curvada 5x5

Paralelas 5x5


Agachamento 5x5

Elevação em cima da cabeça (militarombro) 5x5

Terra 5x5

Barra fixa 5x5

Editado por Azzizika
Postado (editado)

Barra fixa - Pull up:




Qual a o melhor (artigo em ingles):

So is the pull up or chin up a “better” exercise?

I guess it depends on your definition of better since neither are bad.

If you are weightlifting for good looks and to impress the ladies – looks like the chin up is best for you – high lat activity with greater biceps and pec activity.

For those worried about posture, shoulder function, and general athleticism, as well as for those that may have some shoulder pathology, the pull up may be the better option as you minimize pectoralis major activity and maximize lower trapezius muscle activity. Both are common goals when dealing with posture and upper body cross syndrome. The lower trapezius is often an area that gets weak, especially in the presence of shoulder pathology, so any exercise variation that increases lower trap involvement is a plus for me, especially when you are likely performing the exercise primarily for the latissimus.

For the athletes, especially the overhead athletes that don’t want to emphasize biceps activity especially when the body is distracting away from the body, I would say the pull up is probably better suited. Especially when you consider the above in regard to posture.

Editado por FastApologies

Barra fixa - Pull up:




Qual a o melhor (artigo em ingles):

So is the pull up or chin up a “better” exercise?

I guess it depends on your definition of better since neither are bad.

If you are weightlifting for good looks and to impress the ladies – looks like the chin up is best for you – high lat activity with greater biceps and pec activity.

For those worried about posture, shoulder function, and general athleticism, as well as for those that may have some shoulder pathology, the pull up may be the better option as you minimize pectoralis major activity and maximize lower trapezius muscle activity. Both are common goals when dealing with posture and upper body cross syndrome. The lower trapezius is often an area that gets weak, especially in the presence of shoulder pathology, so any exercise variation that increases lower trap involvement is a plus for me, especially when you are likely performing the exercise primarily for the latissimus.

For the athletes, especially the overhead athletes that don’t want to emphasize biceps activity especially when the body is distracting away from the body, I would say the pull up is probably better suited. Especially when you consider the above in regard to posture.

Não tenho como fazer nada que precise se pendurar, tem como eu trocar por outro exercicio ? Quanto aos resultados, voce ja notou algum ?

Postado (editado)

Sim, tive muitos resultados, por exemplo, antes nao conseguia fazer terra com 40 kilos, hoje faço com 80 kg LOL.

Para saber mais sobre o metodo:

Topico oficial: http://www.hipertrof...stronglift-5x5/

Traduçao do livro: http://www.hipertrof...fts-5x5-report/

Site oficial:

Editado por FastApologies

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