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Atomini's all-you-need-to-know about TREN and how to use it effectively thread!

So, I have seen a lot of threads lately with questions about
. We literally are getting at least 4+ threads a day with questions regarding
. I figure we need a good solid tren thread here for newbies and experienced people alike where we can all come to a singular source to get information on it. I absolutely love tren, and have been using it for 5 years straight.
and trenbolone are the ONLY two
I ever use, and ever will use. So I figure that my experience and knowledge on it should lend to answering people's questions and curiosity concerning it. This thread isn't a trenbolone profile thread. It is more along the lines of how to use it practically in the real world, and what to expect out of it, and how you can make it a versatile compound. A 'profile' is merely an article that provides the raw data and statistics on a compound as opposed to actual into on real world practicality. I'll also post this thread in the educational threads section.

I'd like to start off by pointing in the direction of the actual Tren profile for the purpose of familiarizing yourself with the compound first:

I know that upon first glance tren seems to freak out and scares everyone (it did with me when I first read about it)... but then again, upon first glance didn't everything in the AAS world scare you?

As I mentioned, I've been running tren for 5 years in literally every single
consistently. I think I threw it into my 3rd or 4th ever cycle and I instantly became addicted. I've found it to be the best bang for your buck. It really is an incredible compound, my favorite by far. All other compounds aside from test (primo,
, EQ,
, and ESPECIALLY winny and pretty much every single other AAS out there) goes into the 'useless pile of shit bin' for me. The only exception I make to that is
(Drostanolone), but that's about it. As I type this, I am currently on 800mg/week of Tren Ace, though I think this will be the only time I will ever run tren this high. I don't think there's any need to run stuff that high, especially tren, if you're just doing this recreationally and not competing or whatever. I will explain this in more detail in a second.

Trenbolone is extremely versatile compound that can be used for both cutting AND bulking.
For some reason, for years people have been parroting around this line of junk about tren being good
for cutting/leaning out/hardness. This is absurd, and if someone is telling you this - they do not fully understand the capabilities of this compound. What you have to remember here is that trenbolone is a VERY strong compound (5x as strong as testosterone), it is
the strongest
conventional anabolic
out there. Trenbolone's anabolic rating is 500. By comparison, Testosterone's anabolic rating is 100 (testosterone is the standard by which all other
are measured against, being that it is the original anabolic steroid by which all others are essentially derived from). That means to get the effect of 100mg of tren, you would need 500mg of test. To get the same effect of 500mg of tren you'd need 2,500mg(!!!) of test, to get the same effect of 1,000mg of tren from testosterone, you'd need 5,000mg of test, etc. GET THE POINT? So, with that being said, I think that there is no need to be running tren at very high doses (especially if it is your first time running trenbolone), and the reason why a lot of people say "be careful, a lot of people can't take the sides" is because these people are running tren at unnecessarily high dosages. They're treating it like test, or any other much weaker compound. Tren is in a class all on its own! People need to realize this.

The fact of the matter is that people pump out arbitrary numbers when it comes to doses. Why do people tell others to run '500mg of test'? Why 400mg of tren? Why 300 mg of this, and 250 mg of that? Why? Because they don't know. Most of the time these numbers are arbitrarily made up. What I am presenting here is this: closely analyze the characteristics and stats of a particular compound (in this case we are looking at tren), and develop your cycle and dosing protocol based on the stats! There is no need to run 500mg of tren on your first tren cycle. The reason why I would reccomend far less than that is because when you look at trenbolone's characteristics and see that it is 5x as anabolic as testosterone, you see that it is evident you don't need very much to make dramatic physique changes.

For a first-time tren run, I believe one should be able to garner some very great gains off of 100mg test prop and 250mg tren per week (remember, you'd need 1,250mg test to achieve what 250mg tren does). Hell, 300-400mg tren per week produces great results with still minimal undesireable sides. And there is absolutely no reason to increase tren dosages with every tren cycle you do. For example, if you do 250mg on your first tren cycle there is absolutely no need to think you'll need to run 500mg on the next one, and then 750mg on your 3rd run, and so on and so forth. That's just plain stupidity. Remember, this beautiful compound is
so strong
that you don't need huge doses to elicit great gains, and the lower your dose is, the less undesireable
for the most part. And the beauty with tren is that it is so strong on a mg for mg basis that if you run it at a low dose, you're not losing out on your gains! You don't need a whole lot. Tren is one of those compounds where
a little goes a long way
. That is my personal saying and rule for tren. Remember that.

Now, trenbolone is a 19-nor steroid and as such belongs to the class of 19-nor steroids (along with
, AKA deca). This makes it a
, and it is unable to aromatize into estrogen. What does this mean? No bloating, no risk of estrogen-related
, no blood pressure skyrocketing from water retention. You can expect very lean nice gains with tren. From week to week, with an immaculate diet and trenbolone in the mix, you will literally see your body change as the days go by. Unfortunately, due to its nature as a 19-nor progestin, it causes some undesireable potential side effects.

First lets discuss what a progestin (AKA progestogen) is. A progestin is essentially a derivative of the steroid
progesterone, and as such it has progestogenic effects in the body. This is much like something that is a DHT derivative, and therefore has very strong DHT effects (think about DHT-derived AAS). Progesterone is a hormone involved in the female menstrual cycle and pregnancy, and is not something that should be found in men. One of progesterone's purposes is so signal the pituitary gland to produce and secrete a protein hormone called prolactin. Prolactin is another hormone which serves a purpose in pregnant women, and it binds to receptors in breast tissue to signal lactation. This presents a couple of problems for men, which leads to the side effects from tren that are progesterone-based.

The first undesireable side effect commonly discussed is 'tren-dick'. Basically, it is erectile dysfunction resulting from the use of trenbolone due to its progestogenic effects and prolactin secretion. Prolactin has an EXTREME suppressive effect on the libido. Related effects to this include anorgasmia (inability to achieve orgasm), which is again a direct result of increased prolactin levels in the body. The second undesireable side effect is gyno. Yes, gyno is a potential risk with trenbolone even though it does not aromatize into estrogen. This is once again due to prolactin. In addition to prolactin causing lactation, it can and will cause breast tissue to form. This is known as prolactin-related gyno (as opposed to estrogen-related gyno).

In order to deal with these side effects, I highly reccomend the use of a prolactin antagonist. One of the three: Cabergoline (my favorite, and the one I use exclusively), Pramiprexole (a new prolactin antagonist on the market), and Bromocriptine. Vitamin B6 has also displayed strong anti-prolactin qualities. It is also well known that one can eliminate the risk of prolactin-related gyno by controlling estrogen levels and maintaining a low level. This is
true, as estrogen has an upregulating effect on the progesterone receptor in breast tissue (in layman terms, it makes the receptors more excitable to progesterone). As a result, it is very possible that a very very high estrogen level may upregulate progesterone receptors to the point where even a very small amount of prolactin can set off prolactin-induced gyno. My personal preference: take Cabergoline (or one of the prolactin antagonizers) anyways. Although you may be able to eliminate prolactin-related gyno by keeping estrogen levels under control - it does NOT eliminate or prevent prolactin secretion from the pituitary. This is only a control for the gyno issue. A good prolactin antagonizer such as Prami or Caber run during a tren cycle will prevent any potential prolactin secretion in the first place by operating through dopaminergic pathways.

run cabergoline at 1mg per week while using tren. No exceptions.


Q: I keep hearing that tren is a 'harsh compound'. What does this mean and what can I do about it?

A: Tren is often describe as a harsh compound because of its propensity to carry certain side effects not seen at all in any other compounds. These include: night sweats, insomnia, sleep disturbances, increased body heat associated with sweating, and diminished cardiovascular ability. The other reason is because it not only carries a strong anabolic rating, but it also carries a very strong androgenic rating. This means that there is the possibility of increased aggression and irritability. Though I have personally not experienced this, I would say that if you are a hot head when you're not on anything, then you will most likely be affected in such a way when you use tren. If you plan on using it, make sure to keep a level head at all times and be aware of yourself and all of your actions. And most of all: maintain proper discipline and self control when necessary. Most of these side effects are dose dependant and everyone has different tolerances. As such, should you follow a moderate or low dosing protocol with tren as I outlined above, these side effects shouldn't be a gigantic issue.

Q: Tren diminishes your capacity for cardio? What can I do about it?

Yes, it does and is a frequently reported side effect that seems largely dose-dependant (much like everything in this game). This is due to the prostaglandin F2Alpha increase that tren is responsible for. It is also speculated that this is the reason for the tren cough occasionally seen when injecting. Unfortunately there is nothing I know of that counteracts the reduced cardio effect from tren. But like I said, it is only prominent with high doses. The numbers I am about to give out are not to be taken as gospel, but it has occurred to me that anything under 300mg per week shouldn't really see diminished cardio. At the very least, at that dose it would be extremely minimal. Again, everyone reacts differently. Prior to this cycle i'm on now (800mg/week), I only ever used tren at no more than 300-400mg per week. And I did a full out 13 kilometer ruck march once (with no work-up training for it) with absolutely no problems and I was on a tren cycle at the time. As i've mentioned, I gather that the cardio suppressive effect from tren really only starts to manifest itself at higher doses. At 250mg per week of tren, you likely won't notice a thing. At 900mg per week, you'll probably get winded just going up a flight of stairs.

Q: Can I run tren alone?

NO. Testosterone at least in some dose must be run with it in order to maintain proper normal bodily functions that testosterone is responsible for. Trenbolone is a very strong compound, and is highly suppressive on your natural testosterone production. Trenbolone, although a very strong anabolic and androgen, does not perform the same way testosterone does in other important areas in the body. Always run testosterone with
you plan to use.

Q: Can I run tren on my very first cycle?

You can do anything you want, but I hightly advise AGAINST IT. I do know people who have used trenbolone on their first cycle with no problems, but they are the exception - not the rule. Trenbolone, as mentioned above, carries side effects that are not seen with any other anabolic steroid. When a first-time beginner user encounters some of the side effects from tren, it will be very difficult for him to understand what is happening and why, and how to deal with it. Ultimately, you will end up hurting yourself. Tren is a compound for the intermediate and experienced user ONLY. How many cycles in should you throw tren in, depends on you, your understanding, your education on the matter, and your experience. There is no general rule for how many cycles you require under your belt before running tren. I have seen some brilliant people who grasped the knowledge of AAS so well that they ran tren on their second cycle and coped quite well. Again: the exception - not the rule.

Q: Can I run tren higher than test? Is this safe?

Yes and yes. In fact, I very much prefer running the tren higher than test. Ideally, this is what you want to do! I used to run my tren
at 400/week of test prop with 300/week of tren. Then I eventually realized, why not just make tren the primary anabolic and leave test for purely maintaining normal bodily function? That way, you totally avoid the estrogen related sides. No risk of bloat, no gyno , no estrogen, no SHBG from high test levels (trenbolone does not have a high affinity for SHBG - nowhere near test). Just solid lean hard gains. I highly reccomend running tren higher than test, and keep test at TRT doses (100mg per week). There are some who are advising against this practice, but I find it funny that they provide no reason behind it. It is not as if the trenbolone acts like pac-man in your blood, eating up all of your testosterone. You will be fine, and this is the ideal method of running tren - not to say running test at a hefty dose isn't a
thing, however... if that is what you wish to do, then so be it.

Q: Tren carries the risk of gyno as well? Is this true? What can I do about it?

Yes, and this is explained above in the main body of this post. Please scroll up and read what can be done to prevent/eliminate it.

Q: What are the different forms of tren? What is better? What should I use?

Tren is primarily and most popularily found in these 3 formats:

- Trenbolone Acetate

- Trenbolone

- Trenbolone Hexahydrobencylcarbonate

The difference between the 3 are simply release times and half-lives. There is no solid answer I have on 'what is better' and which one you should use. These are things you must determine for yourself. Tren Ace is the most commonly used format. I can definitely say that the benefit to the Acetate variant is that due to its short half life, you can start and stop your cycle quicker in case you encounter any highly undesirable side effects, and as a result wish to halt immediately. With the Enanthate variant, it takes 2 weeks to fully clear your system. Decide accordingly

Q: What's this 'tren cough' I hear so much about? What can I do to stop/prevent it?

Tren cough is the result of nicking a vein in the injection site and getting some of the oil in the vein. Now, you'll get the cough from ANY compound when that happens - not just tren. However, tren causes a far worse cough than any others when this happens. It is postulated that this is the result of the prostaglandin increasing effects of the tren, but it is also largely a mystery. Tren cough does not happen on every injection, it only occurs if the oil gets into a vein. There are no known cures or preventatives for the cough. The cough, depending on how much oil seeped into a vein (i.e. nicked a vein or literally injected right into it), should last anywhere from a minute to 5 minutes. The severity of the cough can range from a mild little dry-throat esque type of cough to a major coughing fit. I have had both. The cough typically feels like there is something itching in your throat/chest area, and mich akin to a dry throat feeling, you have the need to cough. This is your body attempting to expel the substance out of your lungs (because veins carry blood to the lungs; arteries to the heart)


No, you are not going to die. Yes, you will be okay. The cough clears within a matter of minutes.

That's about it for now. If you have any questions, please post them here and I will try to answer as best I can. If anyone has any extra questions to add to the FAQ that I may have missed, please let me know here and periodically add them to the post!

Bom pessoal é isso ae,eu copei esse artigo de um forum gringo.

É uma porrada de informação a respeito da trembolona,sanou todas as dúvidas que eu tinha até então.

Leitura recomendada pra quem pretende ciclar com trembo.

é também um tapa na cara de muita gente,já que o autor do topico aborda outros assuntos a respeito da efetividade de outros esteroides(como ele mesmo fala os unicos que valem a penar usar seria trembo,testo e masteron)e também sobre o protocolo low test.

Editado por Surfers

muito bom o artigo. vou ler com calma depois

agora, se ele fala em usar o masteron, seria pela sinergia? baixar prl, dandos ganhos solidos e tal...

não seria dispendioso pra quem tem bf acima dos 10%?


Postado (editado)

muito bom o artigo. vou ler com calma depois

agora, se ele fala em usar o masteron, seria pela sinergia? baixar prl, dandos ganhos solidos e tal...

não seria dispendioso pra quem tem bf acima dos 10%?


Ele fala que se comparando os ganhos de cada droga se torna disperdicio vc querer ciclar com algo que não tenha a trembo como principal anabolizante no ciclo

Tem um post que ele fez apos esse topico que ele fala o seguinteé preciso acabar com essa mentalidade que testo deve ser usada para ganhos e entrar na mentalidade que ele deve ser utilizada apenas para manter a funções normais do corpo "

N tenho ctza se é principalmente pelo fato da sinergia,mais acredito que seja além disso pelos próprios efeitos esteticos que o masteron proporciona.

Pra mim ciclar com BF alto e desperdicio.

Interessante esse pensamento.

Se vc usa dosagens baixas de testo,não tem que se preocupar com aromatização por tanto não precisara usar IA.

Menos testo = menos aromatização = menos colaterais.

além do mais a trembo e 5x mais androgenica que a testo.

Isso significa que,se vc usar 300mg de trembo por semana,seria como se estivesse usando 1.5 G de testo por semana lol .

Editado por Surfers

É uma ótima contribuição, mas seria bem melhor se alguém pudesse traduzir o texto, algumas coisas são complicadas de entender para quem não tem um inglês muito bom(como eu)!!!... :tired::laughingsmiley:

no mais muito obrigado pela informação!!!



estou no meio de um ciclo de dura shering plous 250mg por semana

e stano 100mg dsdn lander

posso meter uma trembolona junto? como eu uso? qntidade?

estou pesquisando e nada de achar

ou mandem o link pra mim q eu pesquiso, nao tenho preguiça nao



estou no meio de um ciclo de dura shering plous 250mg por semana

e stano 100mg dsdn lander

posso meter uma trembolona junto? como eu uso? qntidade?

estou pesquisando e nada de achar

ou mandem o link pra mim q eu pesquiso, nao tenho preguiça nao


falta de pesquisa.

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