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    • GH15 sobre Kevin Levrone (bible index)
    • GH15: Bodybuilding para os pobres (parte 1, 2 e 3) (bible index)
    • GH15 sobre INSULINA
    • GH15 sobre descendo até 4% de BF
    • GH15: os 10 erros mais comuns
    • GH15: Guia sobre BF e retenção de agua
    • GH15 sobre as dosagens do GH

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o bodybuilding para os pobres tem parte 4 tb! rsrs

esse maluco que começou a enquete dormiu...

se vc quer traduzir tradus uns 2 3 pots e posta ai no forum!

eu vou ler :P

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Sobre insulina e abaixar Bf/Retenção , tenho lido aqui e tem umas coisas boas que vão me ajudar bastante

Se manjar de inglês, vais gostar disso:


wouldnt post stuff like this on many other boards, in fact if you look at the bulk of my posts here they are regarding insulin- its use i have never posted about on other boards- mostly cause you really have to know what your doing with it, and it can fuck you up if you dont respect it or know your body well enough to manipulate it in the way im about to outline below. but i figure on this board there are a lot of vets who could use this info- and this is the hardest of the hardcore boards, or will be, so you get the most hardcore info- and whats more hardcore than using slin to burn fat? nothing. dnp is a joke compared to what insulin can do if you manipulate it correctly. mostly because you have to know your body well enough to get it in 'there' and stay 'there'.

GH's thread on gh and sweating has prompted me to outline how to use insulin for fat burning, cause contrary to popular belief you can manipulate it to burn fat, and it will copycat the same mechanism that gh does to do so- at least the 'signs' are very much the same- especiailly the sweating.

there is a period, a 'fine lne'- a period of time when your body will sweat, and sweat thouroughly on slin- BUT you are in no danger of going low- you have to know the difference bewteen going low and the sweats that come with it, and the sweats that come with 'the fine line', cause the sweats that come with going lo tell you 'i need fucking carbs NOW' and you can really really cause yourself lot of hurt.

the fine line for me comes about 3 hours post injection after using 14 iu humulin r spaced out and hour and a half apart in units of 7. it comes after your carb first meal and before your second.

you'll feel like your about to go low- but your not if you just ride it out and listen to your body- you'll be sweating- but its a body sweat- arm pits, lower back, groin and stomach- that whow you know your there. you first insticnt will be to pound carbs but dont- pay attention to your body- is it really craving food? cause when your going low your body is demanding food- when your on the fine line, you'll be sweating like your going to go low, but the cravings are absent- thats how you know when you 'in'.

once your in i have found you'll stay in until you eat next. for me i can stay in for about and hour and half to two hours before i go low enough that i need to eat. for example i have been sweating now for alomst 2 hours. my pits are fuckign soaked, as is my back. you'll know its time to eat when you get a bit shaky- you wont get the shakes like you do when your going low when you on the fine line- thats another differentiating factor- the shakes will be absent- but you'll be vibrating a bit, like your on fat burners.

the third sign that differentiates bewteen going low and the fine line is the thirst- the thirst is absent when your on the fine line- whereas just before you go low you always get thirsty.

as all good things must come to an end, so will the fine line. you'll start to dip into going low. eat and about 20-30 minutes later you'll be good to go.

you want hardcore? thats about the most hardcore shit you'll ever read on fat loss. why? cuase you have to know what the fuck your doing to get there. newbies wont be able to do this. only guys wth years of experience will be able to get into this state and ride it out as long as you can.

dont ask me for the scientific bullshit about how or why this works. i have no idea. i only know after over a decade of manipulating insulin that it does. up to you to take it or leave it.

i have never seen anything as comprehensive on insulin and fatloss written on any board as i have written here. and as a result of me sharing this with you and giving you my time and experience, i expect it to stay between 'us' and stay on this board.

good luck. if you have any questions, hit me up.

Este post foi feito por um usuário do fórum gh15 e logo em seguida o próprio gh15 elogiou tornando-o gh15 approved.


Uma coisa que eu tenho dúvida desde que comecei a ler o gh15. Claro, concordo com tudo o que ele diz sobre PRO BODYBUILDING. No bullshit, todos os PRO BBs (Phil, Kai, Wolf, Jay, etc...) todos estão no GH e insulina e até alguns vloggers por aí (hodgetwins, eliott hulse, chris jones) também estão à base de alguma coisa..

O que me deixa a dúvida é: se o que ele diz; VC NÃO É O QUE VC COME, E SIM SEUS HORMÔNIOS ou seja, quanto mais alto meu hgh no organismo maior eu serei, independente do o que eu comer, como crescer se eu não uso esteroides ? A resposta seriam, a produção natural desses hormônios Mas como eles sempre dão risadas sobre como PRODUZIR (AUMENTAR) NATURALMENTE OS NÍVEIS DE HORMÔNIOS ANABÓLICOS NO CORPO, como faço pra crescer então?

Resumindo, pra quem usa esteroides, pouco importa o que vc come, desde que atinja seus macros, vc vai crescer, mesmo que coma besteira pois os esteroides são tao potentes que além de desenvolver muita massa destroem toneladas de gordura..

Mas para um mero mortal que não usa drogas anabólicas? como faço pra crescer??? considerando que já estou em um estado de plateau, O QUE FAZER pra crescer agora?


Se manjar de inglês, vais gostar disso:


wouldnt post stuff like this on many other boards, in fact if you look at the bulk of my posts here they are regarding insulin- its use i have never posted about on other boards- mostly cause you really have to know what your doing with it, and it can fuck you up if you dont respect it or know your body well enough to manipulate it in the way im about to outline below. but i figure on this board there are a lot of vets who could use this info- and this is the hardest of the hardcore boards, or will be, so you get the most hardcore info- and whats more hardcore than using slin to burn fat? nothing. dnp is a joke compared to what insulin can do if you manipulate it correctly. mostly because you have to know your body well enough to get it in 'there' and stay 'there'.

GH's thread on gh and sweating has prompted me to outline how to use insulin for fat burning, cause contrary to popular belief you can manipulate it to burn fat, and it will copycat the same mechanism that gh does to do so- at least the 'signs' are very much the same- especiailly the sweating.

there is a period, a 'fine lne'- a period of time when your body will sweat, and sweat thouroughly on slin- BUT you are in no danger of going low- you have to know the difference bewteen going low and the sweats that come with it, and the sweats that come with 'the fine line', cause the sweats that come with going lo tell you 'i need fucking carbs NOW' and you can really really cause yourself lot of hurt.

the fine line for me comes about 3 hours post injection after using 14 iu humulin r spaced out and hour and a half apart in units of 7. it comes after your carb first meal and before your second.

you'll feel like your about to go low- but your not if you just ride it out and listen to your body- you'll be sweating- but its a body sweat- arm pits, lower back, groin and stomach- that whow you know your there. you first insticnt will be to pound carbs but dont- pay attention to your body- is it really craving food? cause when your going low your body is demanding food- when your on the fine line, you'll be sweating like your going to go low, but the cravings are absent- thats how you know when you 'in'.

once your in i have found you'll stay in until you eat next. for me i can stay in for about and hour and half to two hours before i go low enough that i need to eat. for example i have been sweating now for alomst 2 hours. my pits are fuckign soaked, as is my back. you'll know its time to eat when you get a bit shaky- you wont get the shakes like you do when your going low when you on the fine line- thats another differentiating factor- the shakes will be absent- but you'll be vibrating a bit, like your on fat burners.

the third sign that differentiates bewteen going low and the fine line is the thirst- the thirst is absent when your on the fine line- whereas just before you go low you always get thirsty.

as all good things must come to an end, so will the fine line. you'll start to dip into going low. eat and about 20-30 minutes later you'll be good to go.

you want hardcore? thats about the most hardcore shit you'll ever read on fat loss. why? cuase you have to know what the fuck your doing to get there. newbies wont be able to do this. only guys wth years of experience will be able to get into this state and ride it out as long as you can.

dont ask me for the scientific bullshit about how or why this works. i have no idea. i only know after over a decade of manipulating insulin that it does. up to you to take it or leave it.

i have never seen anything as comprehensive on insulin and fatloss written on any board as i have written here. and as a result of me sharing this with you and giving you my time and experience, i expect it to stay between 'us' and stay on this board.

good luck. if you have any questions, hit me up.

Este post foi feito por um usuário do fórum gh15 e logo em seguida o próprio gh15 elogiou tornando-o gh15 approved.

ja tinha lido, mas nao entendi muito bem, precisaria de alguem pra traduzir pro portugues certo, e nao o portugues do tradutor, rsrs

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