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Para Aqueles Que Apreciam Um Bom No2 Como Nano Vapor, No-shotgun, No Xplod... Whiteflood, Prazer.

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Eae pessoal..

Ultimamente.. além de tirar minhas duvidas aqui.. venho frequentemente visitando o site

Fui inicialmente em busca de mais informações relacionadas a No2... Pois é o produto dificil de encontrar no Brasil em alguns casos.. e o preço é muito salgado.

O que mais me impressionou nessa minha "Pesquisa" sobre No2, é que muitos deles que no Brasil, são famosos e cobicados por muitos.. Nos EUA, são totalmente criticados. Vendo dezenas de relatos, o No2 que está fazendo sucesso lá é o chamado WHITEFLOOD ( QUE NEM MESMO ESTÁ DESCRITO NA LISTA DE NO2 PARA VOTACAO NO TOPICO SOBRE,o que mostra o tanto que devemos evoluir nesse aspecto).

Em todos os relatos, NO xplod , NANO VAPOR,NITRIX,NO-SHOTGUN nem se comparam com o grande poder do WhiteFlood.

O que me assuta é que eu nunca tinha ouvido falar nele.. nem mesmo aqui no forum e no topico de votação sobre..

Vejo pessoas aqui sendo seduzidas por NANO VAPOR,NITRIX.. ETC ( eu mesmo ) .. e por outro lado, neste forum gringo, vejo relatos ( senão a maioria ) de pessoas que odiaram esses produtos .. em comparação com o WhiteFlood.

Isso mostra ( o que ja é evidente ), como que o nosso país está dezatualizado em relacão a suplementos( na verdade, em relacao a tudo ).. principalmente em relacao aos EUA.

Uma prova é aqui, esse famoso WhiteFlood nem mesmo foi citado na enquete sobre No2!

È assustador.. coisas aqui que pensamos ser magicas( como alguns tipos de no2 ), no exterior são fortemente criticados.. isso me faz ter uma certa inveja aos gringos.. por ter 1 mercado muito maior em relacao a isso.

Esse review abaixo é de um dos moderadores do forum do bodybuilding sobre o WhiteFlood:



I realize that I am 16 years old and the recommended age for taking White Flood. is 18 years of age. I, with my parents consent, chose to take this product. I understand that supplements are not an answer to getting big or getting strong, and that diet and a good program always come first. Supplements are not meant to be the key to my lifting, they are only to SUPPLEMENT my already good diet and workout program. Please no age comments, thanks. 


Age - 16

Weight - 178lbs.

Height - 6'.5"

Flat BB Bench - 195x1 (2 weeks ago, probly around 200-205 now)

Parallel Squat - 300+ (not sure)

Power Clean - 210x1 (2 weeks ago after 4 sets, probly around 220 now)

Current Supplements

I am currently taking Controlled Labs Green MAGnitude, Cytosport Cytogainer, Dymatize Elite Whey Isolate, and NOW Adam multivitamin

Taste/Smell – 4/10 - Heh. Well. I had heard that this wasn’t the GREATEST tasting supplement on the market, but hey, I’m not buying for taste, I’m buying for function. Upon opening the tub (after shaking it for a few seconds to break up any possible clumps as advised by CL reps), I immediately smelled a gelatin like odor. I tried it out and it tasted how it smelled. It’s really not a big deal at all though, just don’t breathe through your nose or just chug it down quickly. Throw in a scoop of Green MAG and it’s pretty easy to get down. Moving on…

Mixability – 9/10 – Very good mixability. It dissolved quickly, and the only thing I noticed that was left was tiny little blue specks. Not sure what ingredient that was…anyone know?

Strength – 7.5/10 – I first took this product on a day when I was doing incline bench, deadlifts, and front squats. I got through the incline fine, and I did feel stronger than usual. I put up a PR of 175x4, which I have not done before. I unfortunately could not deadlift or squat due to hamstring soreness and a small injury. Friday I decided to have a quick arm workout since I couldn’t do any lower body. No strength gains for curls/skullcrushers. Today was the first day that I used FLOOD. and completed my workout – flat bb bench, squats to parallel, and power cleans.

Flat bench – final two sets were 180x5, which was a PR

Squats – I have not worked my lower body in 2 ? weeks, so I know I would be much weaker and would have some trouble. Surprisingly I had a lot less trouble that I thought, and got 265x5 on my final set (not GREAT, but much better than expected for the 2 first time squatting in 2 ? weeks.)

Cleans (into deep front squat) – Felt pretty good with these as well. Final set got 195x3 and decided to end it there since my legs were hurting from running a little before lifting (track, only half a mile since I’m a thrower) and from the Olympic squats. Clean max is 210, I will retest in a couple of weeks while on FLOOD.

Pumps – 9.5/10 - GREAT pumps! On the Friday I hit my arms, they were feeling and looking huge (huge for me at least ). They were very pumped up and were really solid even when relaxed. Felt great. Today I had an amazing pump in my chest after flat bb bench, which I’ve never felt before to that extent. I also felt a pretty good pump after the squats in my quads, and also a very nice pump in my forearms after doing the cleans (I love compound lifts )

Vascularity – 9/10 – My forearm veins were bulging out a lot after those cleans, and after my workout today I had very prominent veins running from each front delt down my bicep and into my forearm/hand. I LOVE those veins!

Recovery – 8/10 – Recovery time between sets was a lot shorter than usual. Took about 90-120 second rests between sets on bench and I felt no strength was sacrificed. I took a little longer on squats since I had not hit my legs in a while.

Focus – 8.5/10 – Sometimes I feel lethargic during my workout, and I sometimes space out staring at things and am pretty tired. This definitely doesn’t happen with FLOOD.. If I do end up kind of spacing out, it is because thoughts of me destroying the weight are running through my head and I’m getting really focused and mentally prepared for the set. I got really pumped up (mentally) before each set and I really think that helped me get the weight up.

Price – 9/10 – Not bad of a price, got it for $34 which is pretty cool. NO Xplode and other arginine/NO products are pretty expensive depending on where you look, and I was glad to see that everywhere I looked FLOOD. was around the same low price. Unfortunately I have to take 1.5-2 scoops (about a serving) to feel the effects well. As I stated earlier, I’m not very susceptible to stimulants, and barely felt NO Xplode and Trac Extreme NO, so the product won’t last me as long as some people who only need 1 scoop. Overall great price.

Overall – 9/10 – I had seen this products hyped up a lot on the forums, and being a big Controlled Labs fan I was really hoping it would live up to it’s name so far. The only thing I’m slightly disappointed with is that I have to take the whole 2 scoops (1 serving), but hey it is a serving so whatever. If you choose this product, make sure to STAY HYDRATED and drink tons of water all day including during your workout. I was advised to do this by CL reps and I found that it does help (e.g. todays workout when I drank a lot of water during was much better than last weeks when I did not). I feel that it’s really starting to give me the mental edge in the gym that I need to keep pushing myself to attain my goals both strength and size wise. Controlled Labs has done it again. Great job guys .


I just finished a tub of NO Xplode and I recently started a tub of White Flood (powder).

Price: I find the White Flood to be more cost effective because I get 50 servings and I only need one scoop (so far) per serving. I needed two and one half scoops of NO Xplode to have the same feeling as White Flood with one serving. I went through the NO Xplode pretty fast, even though I only used it on workout days (5 days a week).

Mixability/Taste: The NO Xplode didn't mix so well. It left a thick layer of foam on top of the liquid, but the taste was really refreshing (fruit punch). White Flood mixes better but the taste is a little off (electric lemonade).

How long did it take to feel the effects of the product?

The first few times I took NO Xplode I felt the surge of energy within 15 minutes, I had tunnel vision for the first week that I took it and I was really focused and ready to workout. At about the 45 minute mark I hit the high point of my rush and I started to workout.

With the White Flood, I felt the rush in about 10 minutes and it was really really intense, it elevated my mood and I was even more ready to workout than I was with NO XPlode. I started working out 30 minutes after consuming the drink, and I was more than ready to go.

How did I feel during the workouts?

With the NO Xplode my muscles got really hard and I had decent vascularity. I didn't really feel any pump, but I did have the energy to keep myself motivated.

With White Flood I had the same muscle hardness as NO Xplode and I had even greater vascularity. It felt like my muscles were a lot bigger. I have awesome pumps during my workouts and my energy and stamina lasted a lot longer than with NO Xplode. I felt like I could workout out for 2 hours.

I had a crash with the NO Xplode whereas I didn't with the White Flood. I think White Flood is a much better all around product and I am glad that I stumbled upon it. I don't think the NO Xplode did anything for me besides make me motivated to workout.


White Flood is my favorite pre-workout supplement. I took NaNo Vapor, N.O.Shotgun, SuperChargextreme, and superpump250. White Flood gave me immediate energy and focus after just 5 minutes of drinking it. It gives you a tingling sensation while your body is absorbing it, which was a little weird the first time I took this product. I do enjoy the taste of White Flood, it is may be acquired though. The pump while in the gym is very good, it gave my muscles good denseness. My energy lasted throughout my entire workouts and I still felt great after.

Edit: List of prework supps that I have experience with in ranked order...

White Flood

NO Xplode

Super Pump 250

NO Shotgun

Liquid Masterdrol (not exactly in the same class but whatever i liked it)


NaNO Vapo(worst)


SERÁ WHITE FLOOD UM NOVO CONCEITO DE NO2 MESMO ? ALGUEM TEM mais informacoes sobre? disponibilizacao no Brasil e etc?

Abraco a todos!

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Edit: Lista de prework supps que tenho experiência com a classificação em ordem ...

White Flood

NO Xplode

Super Pump 250

NO Shotgun

Liquid Masterdrol (não exatamente na mesma categoria, mas o que eu gostava dele)


NaNO Vapo (pior)



nano vapor pior???

e fórum gringo todo mundo fala que a muscletech e so marketing!! Falam mau dos produtos da musclitech pakass...

isso e verdade??


WhiteFlood é de um laboratorio bem famoso la fora ( controlled labs ) que tem outros excelentes suplementos tipo Purple Wraath. WF tem uma fama muito boa mesmo, mas falar que ele é o top dos tops é incoerente. Muita gente acha o SP250 o melhor, como outros acham o NO Xplode e assim vai.

Sobre MuscleTech, sim, la fora todo mundo fala que é só marketing e nao presta. Vide reviews de naNO Vapor, a maioria fala que é um dos piores NO2 que tem.


WhiteFlood é de um laboratorio bem famoso la fora ( controlled labs ) que tem outros excelentes suplementos tipo Purple Wraath. WF tem uma fama muito boa mesmo, mas falar que ele é o top dos tops é incoerente. Muita gente acha o SP250 o melhor, como outros acham o NO Xplode e assim vai.

Sobre MuscleTech, sim, la fora todo mundo fala que é só marketing e nao presta. Vide reviews de naNO Vapor, a maioria fala que é um dos piores NO2 que tem.


Vo acaba essa semana u SP250,produto excepicional,qualidade extrema,ainda bem que comprei ele ao inves do Nano.


Interessante, vou procurar mais informações sobre esse NO2!

To terminando o NO Xplode e to tendo ótimos resultados!!

Fiquei curioso!hehe

O Brasil é realmente complicado com os suplementos!!

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