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pouta que o pariu vcs tão tentando zuar minha sequencia né, to 13 dias porra


Planeta essa é de matar, já penssou você em cima dessas carnes?

Primeiro você lambia a bundinha depois você passava a mão na xotinha, ai tirava de lado a calcinha

ai passava o dedinho, e via que tava molhadinha molhadinha.

Nossa que delicia.


59 days

The day I began my abstinence from PMO I began to grow out my facial hair. I now look and feel like a muhfucking Viking. There's no real reasoning behind it. You just feel like a beast with a mane . I take cold showers every morning, none of that pussy shit where you start of warm. Im talking ice cold , the same temperature as my heart. Fuck the fap, get your axe and chop the fap in half. Bludgeon that son of a bitch. You wanna fap ? Look at all the guy's around you. They probably fap. You don't wanna be like them.
Your a beast. A caged animal who needs to be freed.
No fap is your key. Become the best of YOU. Your amazing. The world deserves to know. Now go forth into the world and conquer

[s poiler]

Planeta essa é de matar, já penssou você em cima dessas carnes?

Primeiro você lambia a bundinha depois você passava a mão na xotinha, ai tirava de lado a calcinha

ai passava o dedinho, e via que tava molhadinha molhadinha.

Nossa que delicia.

[/spoi ler]

e ela ainda lembra a cleo pires


59 days

The day I began my abstinence from PMO I began to grow out my facial hair. I now look and feel like a muhfucking Viking. There's no real reasoning behind it. You just feel like a beast with a mane . I take cold showers every morning, none of that pussy shit where you start of warm. Im talking ice cold , the same temperature as my heart. Fuck the fap, get your axe and chop the fap in half. Bludgeon that son of a bitch. You wanna fap ? Look at all the guy's around you. They probably fap. You don't wanna be like them.

Your a beast. A caged animal who needs to be freed.

No fap is your key. Become the best of YOU. Your amazing. The world deserves to know. Now go forth into the world and conquer

e ela ainda lembra a cleo pires

Planeta qual é o link do site de NoFap quero me converter.









Olha o tamanha da testa








Espero que tenham gostado meus amigo, isso foi só uma forcinha que dei para vocês aguentarem o desafio do NoFap RIARIARIARIARIARIA

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