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The Great Gatsby


The novel takes place following the First World War. American society enjoyed prosperity during the "roaring" 1920s as the economy soared. At the same time,Prohibition, the ban on the sale and manufacture of alcohol as mandated by the Eighteenth Amendment, made millionaires out of bootleggers. After its republishing in 1945 and 1953, it quickly found a wide readership and is today widely regarded as a paragon of the Great American Novel, and a literary classic. The Modern Library named it the second best novel of the 20th Century.

Esse livro é tão bom que vai sair um filme no final do ano.

The Catcher in the Rye


The Catcher in the Rye is a 1951 novel by J. D. Salinger.[3] Originally published for adults, it has since become popular with adolescent readers for its themes of teenage confusion, angst, alienation, language,[4] and rebellion.[5] It has been translated into almost all of the world's major languages.[6] Around 250,000 copies are sold each year, with total sales of more than 65 million books.[7] The novel's protagonist and antihero, Holden Caulfield, has become an icon for teenage rebellion.

the Things They Carried


The Things They Carried is a collection of related stories by Tim O'Brien, about a platoon of American soldiers in the Vietnam War, originally published in hardcover by Houghton Mifflin, 1990. While apparently based on some of O'Brien's own experiences, the title page refers to the book as "a work of fiction"; indeed, the majority of stories in the book possess some quality of metafiction. Even though the characters are based on a work of fiction, they show similarities to real soldiers that O'Brien knew during his time in the war. A few of the characters show similarities to characters from his autobiography If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home. That is why O'Brien dedicated his book to the men of the Alpha Company.

Mtu bom esse livro.



In his sober, searing and even cynical little book “Disgrace,” J.M. Coetzee tells us something we all suspect and fear — that political change can do almost nothing to eliminate human misery. What it can do, he suggests, is reorder it a little and half-accidentally introduce a few new varieties. This view should not surprise any of the great South African novelist’s readers. In his early-1980s masterpieces “Waiting for the Barbarians” and “Life & Times of Michael K” — indeed, in all of his work — political and historical forces blow through the lives of individuals like nasty weather systems, bringing with them a destruction that is all the more cruel for being impersonal. “Disgrace” is Coetzee’s first book to deal explicitly with post-apartheid South Africa, and the picture it paints is a cheerless one that will comfort no one, no matter what race, nationality or viewpoint.

Esse livro tem até um filme


A Death in Brazil


From his own near murder in Rio at the hands of an intruder twenty years ago and continuing through the recent slaying of a former president's bagman who looted the country of more than a billion dollars, violent death poses a steady threat in Peter Robb's brilliant travelogue through modern-day Brazil. It's not death, however, that leaves a lasting impression but the exuberant life force that emanates from the country and its people.

Seeking to understand how extreme danger and passion can coexist in a nation for centuries, Robb travels from the cobalt blue shores of southern Brazil to the arid mountains of the northeast recounting four centuries of Brazilian history from the days of slavery to the recent election of the country's first working-class president. Much more than a journey through history, Robb renders in vivid detail the intoxicating pleasures of the food, music, and climate of the country and references the work of Brazil's greatest writers to depict a culture unlike any other.

With a stunning prose style and an endlessly inquisitive intellect, Robb builds layer upon layer of history, culture, and personal reminiscence into a deeply personal, impressionistic portrait of a nation. The reader emerges from A Death in Brazil not just with more knowledge about the country but with a sense of having experienced it and with a deep understanding of its turbulent soul.

A visão do Brasil ataves dos olhos de um gringo. Depois de ler esse livro vc comecara a odiar os gringos

nao me lembro o resto mas depois posto outros

Editado por Bernos

1808 - Laurentino Gomes

1822 - Laurentino Gomes

A Arte da Guerra - Sun Tzu

Introducao ao Estudo do Direito - Paulo Dourado de Gusmao

Direito Civil Brasileiro Volume I - Carlos Roberto Goncalves

Angus O Primeiro Guerreiro Livro I - Orlando Paes Filho

Fortaleza Digital - Dan Brown

O Codigo da Vinci - Dan Brown

Licoes Preliminares de Direito - Miguel Reale

Crepusculo- Estephenie Meyer

Mentes Perigosas o Psicopata Mora ao Lado - Ana Beatriz Barbosa da Silva

Sociedades Secretas o Submundo - Sergio Pereira Couto

esses sao os que tenho perto de mim aqui na estante e que ja li


As Séries: Crônicas Gelo e Fogo; Ciclo da Herança e Senhor dos Anéis.

Edit: A sombra do vento.

ooo grande, as cronicas de Gelo e fogo eh bom??? faz uns 2 meses que to ensaiando pra comprar mas to com receio..


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