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Obs: Colarei o artigo em seu formato original e integral por tanto nao me perturbem caso ele cite nome de algum produto pois nao sou vendedor de nada para fazer propagandas.

obsII: Sintam-se a vontade para traduzir pois eu nao tenho como fazer issso agora.


(FYI... there's been a lot of "very recent" marketing hype here that needs to get exposed ASAP!))

Ok, so you've heard of all the latest and greatest marketing about single serve nitric oxide products and nitrates. Also, Arginine vs. Citrulline and how all of a sudden one is better than the other. Ok, so what is the truth... and what is just new marketing hype? And further, who's being misled or even worse, which uneducated sports nutrition manufacturer's opinions are based on the marketing of other companies rather than scientific research, real world results and common sense?

Ok, let's just start off by explaining the theory of how nitric oxide products work in the body. And further, how they are supposed to be designed to "truly" become a muscle building, endurance enhancing, perpetual pump creating anabolic agent.

Nitric Oxide (NO), also known as endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) is a cellular messenger that initiates relaxation and subsequent expansion of the arterial blood flow and capillary system. NO is a highly reactive molecule and is directly created from the amino acid arginine. In addition to NO, Arginine itself produces high amounts of Citrulline via NOS (Nitric Oxide Synthase) which is recycled back into Arginine and then to back into NO again. Citrulline is the direct precursor to Arginine, which is naturally produced via enzymatic reaction. So, due to the fact that Arginine converts at a high rate into both citrulline and also NO, it is a far superior stimulator of nitric oxide than Citrulline. However, Citrulline still plays a big part, but a supporting role of sorts, supporting the NOS looping mechanism of recycling citrulline and arginine to produce more nitric oxide. However, a precise blend of each of these compounds is crucial for maximum recycling effect.

A large apparent reason for the confusion with Citrulline and Arginine are misinterpreted studies which compare acute dosing protocols of one versus long term of another, theoretical half-lives of NO, and so on. Therefore, many companies are now saying that Citrulline is now superior. However, they simply don't understand the science of nitric oxide production. The bottom line is, ounce for ounce, Arginine simply produces more Nitric Oxide per gram than Citrulline. However, what many companies haven't figured out yet is that taking both together synergizes to produce even more Nitric Oxide by supporting the NOS feedback loop! This process actually signals and produces MORE Nitric Oxide in the body. Another benefit of taking them together is that they are both powerful scavengers of ammonia, which removes toxins created from training stress, facilitating enhanced recovery.

So, now that we have established that Arginine is superior to Citrulline, and when taken together they work the best, how do NO products help build muscle mass? Well, primarily via enhancing blood flow to the muscle tissue. Blood helps pump in all of the aminos and hormones necessary to continuously build muscle. The key to nitric oxide products is just that... you want a CONTINUAL "BEEFED UP" SUPPLY of blood flow "carrying in" anabolic hormones and nutrients to your muscle cells.

A good analogy to explain how the need for continual dosing plays a KEY role is this. Similar to taking the water based anabolic steroid Winstrol, which like nitric oxide, has a very short half- life. You need to take it at minimum, every other day, for it to be effective at continuously sending anabolic signals to steroid receptors. Otherwise you are wasting your time. The same logic applies with the stimulation of Nitric Oxide and subsequent enhanced blood flow to your muscles. (If you remember, that is why the originator of Nitric Oxide technology recommended time release dosing, due to NO's very short half-life.) This logic still stands true to this day and even better than the old time released method... multiple daily dosing is the correct dosing protocol to achieve a consistent cellular saturation level of Nitric Oxide in the blood vessels. This in turn perpetually relaxes blood vessels and supplies a continual rush of extra blood to muscles for anabolic processes.

So, with this theory in mind, single serve NO products that simply give you a quick shot of NO before you train are completely useless for the long term ANABOLIC support. Remember, muscle building is a process that happens each and every second of the day... not just the 1-2 hours during and after you train. Also, most of these new single serve products are also powered by nitrate compounds that just may not be that safe to take at all! Heart attack medicine for muscle pumps? Are they serious? I mean, if nitrates were safe to take and worked so well, wouldn't hardcore bodybuilders have been taking them all along. I mean come on, the pros will take anything that "really" works. So, I'm sure we would've all heard stories if they were using nitroglycerin before shows to increase vascularity... but we didn't! Because... Nitrates are B.S. and heart attack medicine in bodybuilding just doesn't mix!

The truth is, nitrates do relax blood vessels, but at the cost of toxicity. Plus it is a quick burst, rather than a prolonged supply of nitric oxide... so it is just useless for building muscle. Another little known fact about Nitrates and Nitrite is that they have both been shown to have toxic effects in the body and may be very dangerous for certain people to use. So, bottom line is, the latest BUZZ about nitrates is a fad of pseudo-science conjured up by marketers, not by scientists in the lab. Seriously, pro bodybuilders would've been using nitroglycerin all along if it really worked and was safe.

So, what product should you use? Well, the product MOAB by Muscle Warfare was designed to circumvent the new fads and hype in the marketplace and provide you with the most potent, three times per day dosing regimen of Arginine and Citrulline on the market. What makes it even more powerful is the addition of EPO blood building nutrients that help increase red blood cell count, supplying even more ANABOLIC nutrients to your muscles! These include a strong dose of the B-Complex Vitamins. Additionally included is the highly anabolic, androgen supporting, lean mass facilitating Vitamin D3, at 9000 iu per day! For continuous muscle pumps (almost painfully big) that last 24 hours a day, MOAB is definitely the product of choice for athletes "in the know". MOAB is a definite must try for those that absolutely love FREAKISH, "garden-hose like" , muscle pumps!


Eu até traduziria se nao fosse um texto marketeiro e errado.


- Arginina funciona;

- Arginina é superior a Citrulina

- Pump é anabolico;

- Nitratos sao toxicos e nao funcionam.

Ai o final do texto, que está em spoiler: "Entao, qual produto voce deveria usar? Bem, o produto MOAB da Muscle Warfare...". Vamos olhar a tabela do MOAB:

Blend 1 = 3g totais de AAKG + Citrulina Malato

Blend 2 = 200mg de enzimas digestivas

Blend 3, 5 e 6 = nao parei para checar quais sao as substancias, nao reconheci pela mera citacao da molecula

Blend 4 = 10mg de DAA + outro aspartato

Blend 7 = 50mg Acido Lipoico + ALCAR

Ou seja, piada. 3g de AAKG + CM nao é nada, mesmo utilizando 3x/dia como é o recomendado do produto. 10mg de DAA? Tao de sacanagem comigo? A dosagem sao 3.000mg. 50mg de AL + ALCAR? ...

Se a discussao for pra frente eu posto estudos, mas tenho certeza que outros farao por mim tambem :D


O do pump nem preciso comentar

O da arginina ser melhor que a Citrulina, nao concordo. Ate onde jah vi a ingestao de suplementos de Citrullina (Citrulina Malate) eh mais eficaz em aumentar a % de arginina no corpo do que os proprios suplementos de arginina. Isso devido ao fato da otima conversao de um em outro.

Arginina funciona nao eh novidade

Isso de nitratos nunca pesquise a fundo.

Obs: esta mais do que claro que o artigo visa APENAS falar bem do suplemento anunciado


Tem estudos comparando a ingestao da mesma dosagem de citrulina e arginina, e a primeira sempre ganha mesmo.

Sobre arginina, tem bastante estudo bem interessante, tipo:


7 dias comparando suplementacao com 12g/dia de AAKG (uma dose bem alta se comparada com a que a galera costuma usar) com placebo e ambos grupos treinando (eram pessoas que já treinavam tambem); no final da semana, apesar do grupo que usava AAKG ter ficado com mais quantidade de L-Arginina no sangue, ambos grupos terminaram sem diferencas na "forca" do fluxo sanguineo, quantidade de metabolitos de NO e quantidade de sangue na arteria braquial, o que já coloca em duvida a teoria de que NOs empurram mais nutrientes pro musculo;


12 homens treinados realizaram 6 series de barra fixa + 3 series de flexoes (todas até a falha com 3 mins de descanso) usando ou placebo ou 7.4g AAKG (3.7g 4h antes do treino, 3.7g 30 mins antes); o grupo placebo fez mais repeticoes que o grupo usando AAKG.

Enfim, tem varios estudos interessantes sobre arginina, esses dois eu tinha salvo aqui. E nitrato é toxico mas depende da dosagem, geralmente os suplementos nao chegam na dosagem problematica. O argumento que o artigo usa pra desbancar os nitratos é basicamente: qualquer dosagem é problematica, BodyBuilders nao usam entao nao funciona (e bodybuilder usa MOAB né, aham :D) e nitrato é usado na recuperacao de ataques cardiacos, nao tem nada a ver com BB; ou seja, nao provaram que nao funciona.


uai, mas esses estudos sao minoria neh? pq eles dizem que arginina nao eh tao eficaz como dizem e eu jah ouvi falar muito bem dela (ta certo que nunca a pesquisei a fundo como fiz com a Citrullina, mas uma leva a outra)



Nao vou afirmar se sao minoria ou maioria, mas nao sao poucos questionando a eficacia da AAKG (nem digo L-Arginina porque essa já foi comprovada praticamente inutil de tudo :P) nao... eu nao condeno o uso por causa dos bons relatos que existem, galera costuma gostar; mas de um ponto de vista cientifico eu nao botaria minha mao no fogo por ela nao.

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