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E leandro uma pergunta boba haha mas ai vai ! :

Se eu quiser aproveitar ao maximo a energia dos carboidratos ingeridos , quanto tempo eu devo dar desde a refeição rica em carboidratos até o treino ?

Ex: Se eu comer um pratão de macarrão as 13:00 , qual seria o melhor horário para treinar e utilizar toda a energia proporcionada por esta refeição ?



postando outros 3.. e suas respectivas formulações:

1) Panthera Primaldrol 4000 60 capsule

Break the muscle expansion barrier with Primadrol 4000! A highly androgenic and anabolic strength complex, Primadrol 4000 is the first to harness the science of both LJ100 and 6KETO to stimulate anabolism and drive muscle growth. Panthera's unique Primadrol 4000 anabolic and non-steroidal formulation represents yet another industry first only from Panthera Labs! Formulated with 7 dominating compounds Panthera Primadrol 4000 supports:

- Increased Strength

- Zero Water Retention

- Muscle Expansion

- Blocked Estrogen

- Power Output

Directions: Take 2 capsules daily. After 6 weeks of continual use, a 30 day cessation period is recommended. Users of this product should consume at least 64 ounces of water per day. Do not exceed suggested daily dose. Suggested use on training and non-training days.

Warning: NOT FOR USE BY INDIVIDUALS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YEARS. DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT OR NURSING. Not intended for use by persons under 40. Consult a physician or licensed qualified health care professional before using this product, including, but not limited to, if you have, or have family history of, prostate cancer, prostate enlargement, heart disease, low "good" cholesterol (HDL), or if you are using any other dietary supplement, prescription drug, or over-the-counter drug. Do not exceed recommended serving. Exceeding recommended serving may cause serious adverse health effects. Possible side effects include acne, hair loss, hair growth on the face (in women), aggressiveness, irritability, and increased levels of estrogen. Discontinue use and call a physician or licensed qualified health care professional immediately if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, blurred vision, or other similar symptoms. To reports adverse event call 1-800-332-1088. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

Other Ingredients: FD&C Red #40, FD&C Yellow #5, Candurin Silver Fine.

Serving Size 2 capsule(s)

Servings Per Container 30

Amount Per Serving

Vitamin B6 20 mg

ZMA 100 mg

Primaldrol Mass, Strength & Size Complex: 1000 mg

LJ 100 (40% Glycosaponins, 22-28% Eurypeptides) *

Cyanotis Vaga (20 Hydroxy Ecdysterone) *

Spirost-5-an-ol, (3-beta,25r) 6-Keto Dioagenin *

Decanoate Ester *

Propionate Ester *

Acetate Ester *

Cypionate Ester *

Beta Alanine *

DHEA 3B - Hydroxy-5-Androstan-17-one *

Stinging Nettle Root Extract (Urutica Dioica)

2) GE Pharma EpiDrol 60 capsule

Expect Excellent Strength Increases from EpiDrol, GE Pharma's Estrogen Blocker. It's a higher concentration Epistane Clone.

Directions: Take 2 capsules once daily. Do NOT exceed the recommended dosage.

Warning: NOT FOR USE BY INDIVIDUALS UNDER THE AGE OF 21 YEARS. DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT OR NURSING. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Do NOT consume this product if you have a medical condition and/or taking any prescription medication. Do not exceed recommended serving. Discontinue use and call a physician or licensed qualified health care professional immediately if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, severe headache, or other similar symptoms.

Other Ingredients: Magnesium Stearate, Gelatin.

Serving Size 2 capsule(s)

Servings Per Container 30

Amount Per Serving

2-cyano-17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-androst-3-1 20 mg

2a,17a-dimethyl-17B, Hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one 10 mg

SERM-FIRE Complex: 520 mg

Sodium Caprylate *

Ellagic Acid (Highly Standardized) *

Ginger (Highly Standardized) *

Quercetin *

Luteolin *

Chrysin *

3) GE Pharma MethylDrol 60 capsule

MethylDrol causes strength increases, muscle growth and elevated test levels. It is not metabolized by aromatase, eliminating any water retention normally associated with highly androgenic compounds. State of the art pharmaceutical grade (MSAT) has been added to give you the most bio-available delivery system for guaranteed maximum anabolic absorption.

Directions: Adult males take 1-2 servings daily. Do NOT exceed the recommended dosage.

Warning: NOT FOR USE BY INDIVIDUALS UNDER THE AGE OF 21 YEARS. DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT OR NURSING. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Do NOT consume this product if you have a medical condition and/or taking any prescription medication. Do not exceed recommended serving. Discontinue use and call a physician or licensed qualified health care professional immediately if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, severe headache, or other similar symptoms.

Other Ingredients: Magnesium Stearate, Gelatin.

Serving Size 2 capsule(s)

Servings Per Container 30

Amount Per Serving

Liver Support Matrix: 300 mg

Milk Thistle *

Dandelion (root & leaf) *

N-acetyl Cysteine *

Alpha Lipoic Acid *

MetyhlFire Matrix: 60 mg

3-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2, 5 (10)-diene-17-one *

Bergamottin (DHB) 25 mg

Ajuga Turkestanica 40:1 Extract 420 mg

Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum Graecum) (Seed) (Standardized To 50%) 270 mg

[(S)-2,3-Dihydro-5,7-Dihydroxy-2-(3-Hydroxy-4-Methoxyphenyl-4-H-1-Benzopyran-4-One] 5,7-Dihydroxy-2-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-Benzopyran-4-One Trans-3,5,4'-Trihydroxystillbene 200 mg

6-17-keto-etiocholeve-3-0l-tetrahydropyranol 15 mg

6-Bromoandrosten-2a-drol 10 mg


Fala leandro , meu irmao começou na academia ontem e o instrutor passou o seguinte treino :


Peito - 2 exercicios 3 series de 15

Costas - 2 exercicios 3 series de 15

Ombro - 1 exercicio 3 series de 15

Biceps - 1 exercicio 3 series de 15

triceps - 1 exercicio 3 series de 15


Perna - 4 exercicios 3 series de 15

Eu achei muito estranho esse treino, gostaria que voce me desse sua opniao , abraço


leandrão, postei aqui minha dieta. da uma olhada D:,


vlw !




Leandro, sou novo aqui no site e quero postar minha dieta pra galera avaliar mais não tô conseguindo colocar a foto, você poderia mim ajudar ? desde já agradeço.

Envia ela nesse site

Ele vai te gerar um link, esse link vc coloca aqui!


Leandro, tem como avaliar meu treino?

Comecei está semana este, esta bom? falta algo? Oque devo mudar?

Objetivo e ganho de massa magra (BULK e depois um CUTT)

Suplementação: Whey Optimum, Dextrose e Creatina Universal. (Pós-Treino)

Dieta esta boa. (3220 Kcal por dia) (Só alimentos bons tipo, ARROZ INTEGRAL, PEITO DE FRANGO, GRANOLA, AVEIA, LEITE DESNATADO e etc.)

Tenho 6 meses de academia, mudei treino só 2x. Agora será a terceira.

Treino o maximo de mim! Para um otimo ganho...



Peso: 82kg

o Treino é 2xABC +Abdominais 2x na Semana.

A - Peito, Ombro e Tríceps

Supino Reto 3x8

Supino Inclinado 3x8

Peck Deck 3x8

Militar com barra 3x10

Elevação Lateral 3x10

Triceps bancos 3x8

Testa 3x8

B - Costa, Bíceps e Trapézio

Levantamento terra 3x8

Barra Fixa (Frente) 3x8

Remada Curvada 3x8

Rosca Direta com barra reta 3x8

Chin-up 3x8

Encolhimento 3x8 (Trapézio)

Remada alta 3x8~10

Extensores de punho 3x12

C - Pernas

Agachamento livre 3x8

Avanço 3x8

Stiff 3x8

Flexora 3x8

Panturilha Sentado 3x12

Panturrilha de pé 3x12~15

Abdominais São (ganhar musculo e definir. )

Abdominal tradicional 3x15

Elevçaão de pernas 3x15

Rotação (oblíquios) 3x15

Ponte (estabilizador) 60-45-30seg

Panturrilha joga mais 2 séries.

Eu jogaria 4 séries de tudo.


Qual a sua opinião sobre treinos de força, como StrongLifts 5x5 , esses treinos miofibrilares ?

Eae Leandro, firmeza?

O que acha do StrongLifts 5x5 e treinos miofibrilares ?

na sua opinião sobre Hipertofia miofibrilar VS hipertofia sarcoplasmática ?

Qual você pratica atualmente e/ou prefere?

Abraços parceiro

Não sou muito fã de treino com baixas repetições, prefiro focar na hipertrofia máxima (sarco e mio).

Gosto de trabalhar mais com repetições altas.


Leandrão estava estudando e discutindo com uns amigos meus e em um livro um pouco antigo mais muito bom , encontrei uma coisa que me deixou intrigado

" Um aspecto muito interessante para indivíduo interessado no ganho de massa , é como a alimentação influencia o GH. Infelizmente o tópico é controverso , existindo observações de que dietas ricas em gordura são mais eficientes do que as ricas em carboidratos para promover respostas do GH.. "

Apesar de ser controverso , estava pensando em minha fase de bulking , testar nem que seja de 2-3 meses uma dieta com uma quantidade maior de gorduras ( 1,5g/kg~2g/kg ) e observar como o corpo iria reagir e como funcionaria o ganho de massa muscular , gosto de testar as coisas em mim mesmo porque dessa forma , e por ser natural e jovem , posso saber como funciona em cada corpo dependendo de idade/sexo/tempo de treino , outros estudos no mesmo livro mostram também que durante o treino de esforço maximo ( treino de força ) ou seja mais intenso , pode gerar uma liberação maior de testosterona , você acha que seria valido tentar pelo menos de 2 a 3 meses uma dieta com uma maior quantidade de gorduras vinda de fontes melhores possiveis e um treino de força focado em estética miofibrilar ? ( FB x3 ) , abraços

Manipulação de hormonio com dieta acho furada. Já é provado que dobrar o GH não leva a aumento significativo de músculo, então...

Válido sempre é, afinal cada um cada um. As vezes vc até de adapta melhor a fazer dietas assim e mantem, não por que vai aumentar hormonio x ou y e sim por que gostou e deu os mesmos resultados.



andei pesquisando...

NRG-X Labs 1,4 Andro MaXX 60 capsule

1-Androsterone? and 4-Androsterone? (1-AD, 4-AD / 1,4 AD) combine with 3 5 7-trihydroxy-4-

methoxyflavone to produce a testosterone RICH environment all while producing ZERO estrogen

conversion! 1,4 Andro MaXX? by NRG-X Labs is a true prohormone complex that has ZERO side effects

and is completely FDA legal.

NRG-X Labs' trademarked 1-Androsterone? and 4-Androsterone? (1-AD, 4-AD / 1,4 AD) compounds are

both 5 alpha-reductase enzymes which are involved in blocking estrogen and promoting the

conversion of testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is the most powerful naturally

occurring androgen in the human body - AKA, you get more testosterone, ZERO estrogen, keep the

gains you get while on cycle and GROW BABY GROW like never before!!!

What does this mean for you:

- No water gain

- Lean mass gains

- Increased and deeper cuts (this is perfect for dieting and pre-contest)

- More (WAY MORE!!) testosterone (lean mass gain, more strength, increased sexual stamina and


- ZERO estrogen conversion!

- In our labs tests - 1,4 Andro MaXX? users saw an weight increase of 50 lbs added to their raw

power movements like deadlift, squat and flat bench. Just imagine what you could do to your body

with an extra 50lbs hanging off the end of that bar!!

With our exclusive blends you'll see and FEEL gains from DAY ONE; our compounds hit your blood

stream quick and you don't need 2-3 weeks of loading; meaning you get more for your money with

each cycle since you get results from the first dosage!!

Directions: Take one serving per day preferably with a meal; you can take this serving at anytime

during the day however before a workout or before bed are the PRIME testosterone boosting time

frames. Take for a maximum of eight weeks, then stop for at least 2-3 weeks.

o que seria esse "suplemento" ?

é um PH?

um complexo hormônio verdadeiro que não tem efeitos secundários e é completamente legal FDA.

ZERO conversão de estrogênio!


1 dose por dia, de preferencia antes do treino ou antes de dormir.

Tome, por um máximo de oito semanas, em seguida, parar durante pelo menos 2-3 semanas.

Outros dois que eu gostaria de passar as formulações e a descrição para poderes comentar com o seu conhecimento...

o que são, os efeitos.. sobre a composição.. se tem alguma substancia que pode ser danosa.. ou se é só marketing e não tem nada de "BOM" na formulação..

NRG-X Labs 19-Nor Deca MaXX 90 capsule

Remember the good old days of 'real' prohormones with their 'unreal' strength, mass and size gains… well, those days are back with 19nor Deca MaXX™ a prohormone complex that has ZERO side effects and is completely FDA legal – our exclusive and trademarked 19nor-Androsterone™ and 1-Androsterone™ combine to give you the backbone of real testosterone boosting that's proven in the lab and in the gym!

At NRG-X Labs we always blend the cutting edge with the time tested, 19nor-Androsterone™ and 1-Androsterone™ are the time tested and proven giants of the prohormone world... however, we found a new kid on the block that has the makings of becoming the NEXT big thing, Massularia Acuminata 4:1 Extract – this herbal ingredient has been proven in university studies to boost "free" testosterone levels up to 66% when taken twice a day. Blend this all together and, well... you get the idea, but just like the Slap Chop guy... "We ain't done yet!!".

Now, you know the only way all that NEW testosterone is going to do you any good is if you are eating like a horse and training like an animal… the training like an animal is up to you however we can help with the eating. Our exclusive GORGE complex is a blend of time test ingredients guaranteed to boost appetite and increase your bodies caloric need; basically you'll want to eat everything in sight. We also included a blend of digestive aids that allow the body to process all this extra food and make sure that your caloric uptake is operating at peak performance!

With our exclusive blends you'll see and FEEL gains from DAY ONE; our compounds hit your blood stream quick and you don't need 2-3 weeks of loading; meaning you get more for your money with each cycle since you get results from the first dosage!!

Directions: Take one serving per day preferably with a meal; you can take this serving at anytime during the day however before a workout or before bed are the PRIME testosterone boosting time frames. Take for a maximum of eight weeks, then stop for at least 2-3 weeks.

Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Rice Powder, Magnesium Stearate

Serving Size 3 capsule(s)

Servings Per Container 30

Amount Per Serving

19nor Deca Complex: 550 mg

19nor-Androsterone™ *

1-Androsterone™ *

Massularia Acuminata 4:1 Extract *

Appetite GORGE Complex: 325 mg

Banaba Leaf Extract (Crape Myrtle) *

Indian Gooseberry *

Ellagic Acid *

Licorice *

Ginger *

NRG-X Labs Tren 13-Ethyl 90 capsule

Tren 13-Ethyl is the ultimate compound for lean & dry rock hard gains without added estrogen conversion; users notice increased stamina and strength in the gym along with increased libido and performance out of the gym.

Tren 13-Ethyl should be stacked with NGR-X Labs PCT MaXX, the hottest post cycle therapy supplement on the market today and great for use after your Tren 13-Ethyl cycle; or any cycle for that matter! Also, use Liver MaXX during and after your Tren 13-Ethyl cycle to promote a healthy liver and keep your system in balance to produce the best and cleanest gains possible!

- Increased lean and dry muscle mass

- Increased libido and performance

- Increased strength and stamina

Directions: Take one to three capsules spread evenly throughout the day preferably with meals. Do not exceed six capsules per day. Take for a maximum of eight weeks, then stop for at least four weeks.

Warning: Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing, or at risk for high blood pressure, liver, prostate, diabetes, or psychiatric disease. If you have any medical condition, seek professional medical advice before taking this or any supplement. Do not use this product if under age 18. Healthy adults should cycle off this product after 8 weeks. Keep Out Of Reach Of Children.

Other Ingredients: Gelatin, Rice Powder, Magnesium Stearate.

Serving Size 1 capsule(s)

Servings Per Container 90

Amount Per Serving

13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-diene-17-one -> 25 mg


postando outros 3.. e suas respectivas formulações:

1) Panthera Primaldrol 4000 60 capsule

Break the muscle expansion barrier with Primadrol 4000! A highly androgenic and anabolic strength complex, Primadrol 4000 is the first to harness the science of both LJ100 and 6KETO to stimulate anabolism and drive muscle growth. Panthera's unique Primadrol 4000 anabolic and non-steroidal formulation represents yet another industry first only from Panthera Labs! Formulated with 7 dominating compounds Panthera Primadrol 4000 supports:

- Increased Strength

- Zero Water Retention

- Muscle Expansion

- Blocked Estrogen

- Power Output

Directions: Take 2 capsules daily. After 6 weeks of continual use, a 30 day cessation period is recommended. Users of this product should consume at least 64 ounces of water per day. Do not exceed suggested daily dose. Suggested use on training and non-training days.

Warning: NOT FOR USE BY INDIVIDUALS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YEARS. DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT OR NURSING. Not intended for use by persons under 40. Consult a physician or licensed qualified health care professional before using this product, including, but not limited to, if you have, or have family history of, prostate cancer, prostate enlargement, heart disease, low "good" cholesterol (HDL), or if you are using any other dietary supplement, prescription drug, or over-the-counter drug. Do not exceed recommended serving. Exceeding recommended serving may cause serious adverse health effects. Possible side effects include acne, hair loss, hair growth on the face (in women), aggressiveness, irritability, and increased levels of estrogen. Discontinue use and call a physician or licensed qualified health care professional immediately if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, blurred vision, or other similar symptoms. To reports adverse event call 1-800-332-1088. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

Other Ingredients: FD&C Red #40, FD&C Yellow #5, Candurin Silver Fine.

Serving Size 2 capsule(s)

Servings Per Container 30

Amount Per Serving

Vitamin B6 20 mg

ZMA 100 mg

Primaldrol Mass, Strength & Size Complex: 1000 mg

LJ 100 (40% Glycosaponins, 22-28% Eurypeptides) *

Cyanotis Vaga (20 Hydroxy Ecdysterone) *

Spirost-5-an-ol, (3-beta,25r) 6-Keto Dioagenin *

Decanoate Ester *

Propionate Ester *

Acetate Ester *

Cypionate Ester *

Beta Alanine *

DHEA 3B - Hydroxy-5-Androstan-17-one *

Stinging Nettle Root Extract (Urutica Dioica)

2) GE Pharma EpiDrol 60 capsule

Expect Excellent Strength Increases from EpiDrol, GE Pharma's Estrogen Blocker. It's a higher concentration Epistane Clone.

Directions: Take 2 capsules once daily. Do NOT exceed the recommended dosage.

Warning: NOT FOR USE BY INDIVIDUALS UNDER THE AGE OF 21 YEARS. DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT OR NURSING. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Do NOT consume this product if you have a medical condition and/or taking any prescription medication. Do not exceed recommended serving. Discontinue use and call a physician or licensed qualified health care professional immediately if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, severe headache, or other similar symptoms.

Other Ingredients: Magnesium Stearate, Gelatin.

Serving Size 2 capsule(s)

Servings Per Container 30

Amount Per Serving

2-cyano-17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-androst-3-1 20 mg

2a,17a-dimethyl-17B, Hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one 10 mg

SERM-FIRE Complex: 520 mg

Sodium Caprylate *

Ellagic Acid (Highly Standardized) *

Ginger (Highly Standardized) *

Quercetin *

Luteolin *

Chrysin *

3) GE Pharma MethylDrol 60 capsule

MethylDrol causes strength increases, muscle growth and elevated test levels. It is not metabolized by aromatase, eliminating any water retention normally associated with highly androgenic compounds. State of the art pharmaceutical grade (MSAT) has been added to give you the most bio-available delivery system for guaranteed maximum anabolic absorption.

Directions: Adult males take 1-2 servings daily. Do NOT exceed the recommended dosage.

Warning: NOT FOR USE BY INDIVIDUALS UNDER THE AGE OF 21 YEARS. DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT OR NURSING. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Do NOT consume this product if you have a medical condition and/or taking any prescription medication. Do not exceed recommended serving. Discontinue use and call a physician or licensed qualified health care professional immediately if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, severe headache, or other similar symptoms.

Other Ingredients: Magnesium Stearate, Gelatin.

Serving Size 2 capsule(s)

Servings Per Container 30

Amount Per Serving

Liver Support Matrix: 300 mg

Milk Thistle *

Dandelion (root & leaf) *

N-acetyl Cysteine *

Alpha Lipoic Acid *

MetyhlFire Matrix: 60 mg

3-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2, 5 (10)-diene-17-one *

Bergamottin (DHB) 25 mg

Ajuga Turkestanica 40:1 Extract 420 mg

Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum Graecum) (Seed) (Standardized To 50%) 270 mg

[(S)-2,3-Dihydro-5,7-Dihydroxy-2-(3-Hydroxy-4-Methoxyphenyl-4-H-1-Benzopyran-4-One] 5,7-Dihydroxy-2-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-Benzopyran-4-One Trans-3,5,4'-Trihydroxystillbene 200 mg

6-17-keto-etiocholeve-3-0l-tetrahydropyranol 15 mg

6-Bromoandrosten-2a-drol 10 mg

São PH (pró-hormonais), da uma olhada no meu vídeo, eu falei sobre isso!


Fala leandro , meu irmao começou na academia ontem e o instrutor passou o seguinte treino :


Peito - 2 exercicios 3 series de 15

Costas - 2 exercicios 3 series de 15

Ombro - 1 exercicio 3 series de 15

Biceps - 1 exercicio 3 series de 15

triceps - 1 exercicio 3 series de 15


Perna - 4 exercicios 3 series de 15

Eu achei muito estranho esse treino, gostaria que voce me desse sua opniao , abraço

Começa-se com um treino de adaptação, menos volume e mais frequente. O treino A até esta ok, agora o treino b achei uma porcaria.


Então leandrão irei fazer ABC2x como te falei.

E como voce acha que tem que ser a divisão, pois irei fazer:

A- peito,triceps,ombro

B- costas,biceps,trapezio

C- perna

Como acha que devo fazer? 12 series pra os maiores e 9 para os menores, e perna eu nem conto pois dou "pau" mesmo. Ou voce acha que esta muito volumoso a divisão do treino A e B?

Obrigado desde ja!

Essa é a melhor divisão na minha opinião.

Pode fazer 12 grande, 9 pequeno e coxa umas 15.

Se for off, guenta tranquilo.


E leandro uma pergunta boba haha mas ai vai ! :

Se eu quiser aproveitar ao maximo a energia dos carboidratos ingeridos , quanto tempo eu devo dar desde a refeição rica em carboidratos até o treino ?

Ex: Se eu comer um pratão de macarrão as 13:00 , qual seria o melhor horário para treinar e utilizar toda a energia proporcionada por esta refeição ?

Até o carbo ser digerido, absorvido, sintetizado pra glicogênio leva tempo. Vc dificilmente vai usar o carbo do pré-treino no treino, na verdade é mais provável que ele fará a recuperação pós-treino.

Eu prefiro treinar mais longe das refeições, assim o parassimpático já caiu e o simpático vem comendo solto, o que rende mais. Afinal, energia vc já tem estocada... não faz muita diferença o que vc ingere algumas hroas antes do treino.


Leandro blz

Estou fazendo o treino fst-7 ab off cde off

Você acha interesante fazer os musculos menores (biceps, triceps e panturilha) 2x na semana?


Sò panturrilha!



Leandrão, o novo treino so começo na segunda cara...mas a dieta hj é o 3o dia mas o q eu sinto e so um desanimo....mas nada significativo....hj esta melhor q ontem....

ficou assim

Ref 1- ok normal

2 - Ovos

3 - Carne

4- sheike da albumina e csaeina

5 e 6 ok normal msmo o q acha?


Hmm entendi ...

Entao se eu treino umas as 17:00H , qual o horário aproximado em que eu devia mandar uma boa quantidade de carboidratos ?


Hmm entendi ...

Entao se eu treino umas as 17:00H , qual o horário aproximado em que eu devia mandar uma boa quantidade de carboidratos ?

24 horas antes.


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