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Celebrity Big Brother: Darryn Lyons shows off fake six-pack stomach

Hoje existe cirurgia plástica para tudo. Para implantar covinha, para encurtar dedo do pé, para afinar o tornozelo e para embelezar o umbigo. Para endurecer o músculo do tchauzinho e até para criar uma barriga tanquinho.

O paparazzo australiano Darryn Lyons confirmou que fez um procedimento para definir o abdome. Aparentemente, ele implantou bloquinhos de silicone ou algo parecido para “construir” um tanquinho sobre sua antiga pancinha.

O que você achou do resultado? Ele conseguiu sua barriga tanquinho ou acabou com um abdome de tartaruga?

Link: http://colunas.epoca...e-de-tartaruga/


PORKY paparazzo Darryn Lyons looks like the incredible bulk as he shows off his weird washboard tum – the result of £13,000 of cosmetic surgery.

It’s not just fellow contestant Amy Childs who has been surgically enhanced, Darryn has been boasting about his “boob job for men”.

The 46-year-old Aussie has been going topless to show off the results of his “muscle sculpting” liposuction and fat-busting ultra-sound sessions. Bizarrely, it has left him with rippling muscles on a hefty torso – like the Little Britain USA character, gym buddy Mark.

Afterwards the agency boss was put on a strict protein-only diet before being ordered back to his local Virgin Active gym – the one used by X Factor judge Gary Barlow.Darryn went to Poland at the end of last year for the painful five-hour body contour procedure which removes fat from between the muscles. It targeted his chest, arms, legs and tummy and left him bed-bound for almost three weeks.

Before going into the CBB house, Darryn told the Mirror: “It’s great, it really works. It’s bloody amazing.

“At the time it was pretty painful and I had to have follow-up drainage massages which were quite intense.

“But I noticed the results immediately – and everyone in the gym was commenting on how buff I looked.

“In fact, I was so impressed I went and bought the company behind it and moved them to London’s Harley Street.”

Darryn also claimed to have lost 7cm from around his waist after having three £200 top-up ultra-sound sessions.

Verdict - James McDiarmid, consultant plastic surgeon

THIS is over-treating one area of the body and producing an outcome totally out of keeping with the rest of the patient.

He's a heavy guy with a six-pack - it doesn't fit and looks totally wrong.

It looks like he's had ultrasoundassisted Vaser liposuction which, on the right patient, can look great.

He may have had fat injected into his muscles to make them bigger but the problem is if he loses weight he will deflate and it will look ridiculous.

It looks like it was done with no consideration to the rest of his shape.

In plastic surgery, they say a reputation is made on the people you say "no" to. He would have been better off getting a pair of trainers and running to lose weight.

Edit: pessoal, movam pro Off Topic se julgarem necessario, eu fiquei em duvida em qualquer área postar, foi mal, abraço

Editado por Rafael.TI
The 46-year-old Aussie has been going topless to show off the results of his “muscle sculpting” liposuction and fat-busting ultra-sound sessions.

nao vi nada com relacao a implante de silicone ... <_<


MUITO HILÁRIO ! No mínimo bizarro .

Esses bloquinhos de de silicone não podem ficam tortos?Se tem mulher que poe silicone no bumbum e as vezes sai do lugar a barriga desse cara ai quero nem ver , deve virar um tetris '.'


Na verdade não foi silicone mesmo. Ele fez uma lipo localixada, retirou gordura entre os músculos e fez ultrassom pra queimar gordura (é o que tá escrito aí).

Visitante usuario_deletado17

terceiro tópico já sobre a barriga mais bizarra do mundo... VIRAR TETRIS FOI HILÁRIO...

Tem como não essa história de queimar gordura e não sei mais o q... Isso aí é silicone.

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