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Fala pessoal , hoje digamos que passei quase que o dia todo pesquisando e lendo sobre preparacoes de bodybuilders na gringa , metodos genericos de se tomar insulina e gh , enfim... coisas que nao se acha com tanta facilidade nos foruns brasileiros...

estava pensando em juntar tudo aqui , neste topico... para tentar criar uma discussao legal igual criou-se neste topico http://www.hipertrof...ifbb-pro-de-97/


Bom , vou começar postando a preparacao de um guru/prearador de bb's na gringa bem conhecido , Skip...

essa foi a preparacao dele de 2002 , e tem MUITAS coisas interessantes , cada vez que eu re-leio essa preparacao dele , eu acabo aprendendo alguma coisa....

Achei interessante na parte em que a algumas semanas do campeonato , ele acaba estourando a dieta com mais frequencia (1x semana , as vezes até 2x) e aplicava 20ui de insulina ... e ele notou que cada vez que estourava a dieta e mandava essa dosagem de insulina alta , 2-3 dias depois de ter estourado a dieta , ele estava pesando Menos do que na semana anterior , porem BEMM melhor que antes... e ele continuou usando essa estrategia até poucas semanas do campeonato , ele mesmo escreve : fica bem mais facil seguir uma dieta de contest assim..

Contest Prep

By skip

A Few Notes:

The diary had to be in text format due to me bouncing it between home and work computers. It wouldn't save in different formats and the two computers weren't compatible for some reason. Either that, or I am just a dumbass that couldn't figure it out. Either way, it is text format.

My notes are edited so that it is a little more organized and a little easier to read or reference.

It was quite confusing before so if it seems confusing now, you could only imagine how bad it was before so quit your whining you bitch and just read it.

The first few months aren't very detailed simply because there wasn't much going on. By this I mean that I am lucky in that when I need to drop bodyfat, it comes off quite easily as I make subtle changes by simply dropping my carbs. I rarely plateau until I get deeper into precontest as you will see.

The notes get more detailed the time draws nearer to the show.

Preparation for the Northern Colorado (April 6th 2002)

18 weeks of contest prep

Starting weight: 241

Approximate contest weight: 195

Starting gear use:

Sustanon @ 250mg./week

Anavar @ 30mg. ED

Gear use is low for this first month as the bulk of my precontest will start the first week of January. This is sort of a ‘bridge’ as far as the gear goes. This month is only to get a jump on getting my metabolism set and my system geared down for ****ing bodyfat efficiently. Need to be 220 by end of the month. I anticipate dropping a lot of water the first week as I always do.

Training schedule for December:

Sunday and Monday - rest days

Tuesday - Chest, tris and soleus

Wednesday - Back, bi, traps

Thursday - rest day

Friday - Abs, Calves, Quads

Saturday - Delts, hamstrings

No cardio. Will try to not use any cardio as usual and control dropping bodyfat only with diet.

Diet will be as follows:

Protein 430 grams of protein (this will not change throughout the entire precontest phase)

Carbs to start at 300 grams

Fat to start at approximately 60 grams

Protein is tuna, chicken breast, lean beef and other fish (salmon, halibut, shrimp, etc).

Carbs are only to come from oatmeal with the exception of post workout when I will use applesauce with the oatmeal in a protein drink.

Fat to come from natural peanut butter (no sugar added).

Protein drink will continue to be Max Muscle’s Max Pro (protein only) @ 75 grams per drink for 3 drinks a day.

Meal 1 - 8am protein drink with oameal - blended with natural peanut butter.

Train at 10am

Meal 2 (post workout) at 12:30pm - chicken breast, oatmeal, a fruit

Meal 3 - 3pm - protein drink with oatmeal blended with natural peanut butter

Meal 4 - 5:30pm - chicken breast, oatmeal

Meal 5 - 8pm - chicken breast, oatmeal

Meal 6 - 10:30pm - protein drink with small amount of oatmeal, peanut butter



Damn near overdosed on superclen.

The IP superclen was marked as Anavar. I was planning to take the anavar and after 2 tabs in 5 hours, noticed very obviously that it was instead superclen.

Resting heartrate was 12-145 BPM for almost 6 hours. VERY sleepy - fell asleep in chair at work. Went home early.

Misread syringe for insulin and was taking 40IU instead of 4IU. Sweat profusely and was difficult to stay awake. Stupid mistake big time. Could have cost me dearly.

No more insulin this month.

Progress for this month:

Week 1 - dropped from 241 - 232 (mostly water in the first couple of days)

Cramping badly - calves cramping when benching.

Took a couple days to go adjust and go away.

Already feel better as system is running cleaner.

Week 2 - dropped to 229

Kept calories the same and continue to drop.

Week 3 - dropped to 225

Still no change in diet. Not changing anything until I start to plateau.

Week 4 - dropped to 221

Added 50 grams of carbs (total = 275 grams per day) per day later in the week so that the weight wouldn’t continue to drop so quickly. Worked prefectly.

Stabilized at 221.

Changes for January:


Test stays the same - not going to run any more test than 250mg./week

Tren @ 75mg/ 3 times a week (M, W, F)

Superclen @ quarter tab per day to start and move up to 1 tab

Insulin @ 10 IU post workout (humulog R)

No changes to diet yet due to body continuing to respond to current caloric intake.

Have increased poundages slightly and feel very full and tight.

Not getting irritable at all compared to last year on the tren. Of course, am not taking all that much YET either. See what happens later.

No changes to training this month.

Volume relatively the same and schedule staying the same.

Poundages holding constant in the gym.

Looking to drop to 210 by end of the month.

Week 5 - dropped to 219

Week 6 - dropped to 218

Dropped carbs by 50 grams per day (total = 225grams of carbs per day) due to bodyweight drops slowing down.

Week 7 - dropped to 214 - added insulin back in for this month at 8IU post workout carbs are @ 80 grams post workout and no other carbs for the rest of the day. Also, on my off training days, I don’t take in any carbs at all other than what is in the lettuce that I have with my chicken breast in the form of a salad.

Bumped the carbs up by 25 grams due to dropping too quickly

Week 8 - dropped to 212

2 pounds off my goal at 212.

Need to pick it up the next few weeks.

Feeling flat and pretty low on energy.

Took a cheat day and ate my ass off - you name it, I ate it - pizza, ice cream, Krispy Kremes, cereal bars, etc..

Put on 6 pounds.

Week 9 - 218 to start. After only 4 days was back to 212 and by end of the week was actually down to 209. Apparently, the increased caloric intake caused a big spike in my metabolism and made it easy to drop weight after dropping calories back to normal.

February changes:


Added in winny tabs (IP) at 50mg per day.

Superclen is now at 1 full tab after building up to this slowly last month.

I notice no serious trembling or tired feeling anymore either. I do notice increased heartrate for about 4 hours after taking it though. Seems to be helping keep water off also.

Need to be 200 by end of the month.

Had to switch up training schedule as I just don’t have as much energy anymore.

Tuesday - chest and soleus

Wednesday - back and traps

Thursday - tris, bis

Friday - abs, calves and quads

Saturday - delts, hams

Week 10 - dropped carbs back 50 again (to 175g) and dropped to 208.

Looking noticably better from the winny. Seem more vascular after only a week on winny. I already like this shit. Seem to be holding less water too. ??

Week 11 (8 weeks out) - no insulin this month. 75 grams of carbs post workout in a protein shake and another 50 split up for the next 2 meals.

weight is the same at 208. Need drop carbs again by 50 grams (75 grams post workout and that is it).

Week 12 (7 weeks out ) - dropped to 205.

Week 13 - (6 weeks out) dropped the protein shake for meal 1 and replaced it with 2 cans of tuna. Want to see if I notice a difference or not. feeling flat and miserable. Starting to feel weak for the first time.

Decided to give the ‘shitload’ a trial run.

Shitloaded on Friday after training from about 1pm until about 10pm.

Ate everything in sight and was miserable. Basically, just ate as often as I could squeeze more food into my gut. Looked unbelievable. Looked even better the next morning as the distention from the gut was gone but the affect was still with me. Started to smooth out by about 3pm the next day.

Did not limit water or use insulin so I can imagine that the affect would be even more intense with the insulin, diuretics and limiting the water.

204 at end of the month. 4 pounds off original goal but looking damn good.

Changes for March:


Added arimidex @ .25mg ED (I know the test is low but it is a long acting ester and I react poorly to long esters by holding water. My legs for some reason seem to be behind everything else and this has NEVER been the case. I am assuming that it is water retention as my ankles are indented when I take off my footies at night (socks). Also, my calves are even smoother than my quads so it seems to make sense. Hopefully, the arimidex will make the difference.

Changed the winny to 100mg ED

Changed the tren to 150mg./ 3 times per week (doubled it)

Changed test from sust to ICN Galenikas (enanthate)

These phukers are overfilled! I drew a ml and it went 3 hash marks past the 1ml mark!! Yee Haa!!

Put on 8 pounds from the shitload.

Week 14 (5 weeks out) - dropped to 203 by the end of the week. This shitload thing has caused MASSIVE cravings for carbs this week. I am wondering if I shouldn’t even have phuked with it. Of course, I needed to see how it would work so I guess it was a necessity. Looking very tight and dry and vascular.

Finally added in cardio. I am worried about my legs as they are always the first to come in - not the last. Hopefully, the cardio will help to harden them up.

I don’t count cardio by ‘time’, I count it by how many calories I **** per session. I am going for 300 calories per session after the weights in the morning about 5 days a week to see what happens.

Look very good at this point. Am wondering if I might not be able to get down to 195 and have it be a good weight for me. ??

Legs are much dryer and harder and more separation. Possibly the arimidex or the increase in winny or tren. I don’t notice much difference from the bumping of the tren with either condition or attitude. ??

Craving carbs so bad that I didn’t give a shit and ate my ass off again the next weekend for about 6 hours. Ate everything in sight with 20 IU of insulin. Was sweating while eating the food. ?? Is my metabolism surpressed?? Possibly.

Put on 7 pounds.

Started with insulin again @ 5 IU post workout. Slin is giving me that tight, full feeling that I miss when I don’t use it. I can not only feel a difference when I am using it but I think I can see a difference also.

Week 15 (4 weeks out) - only taking in 50 grams of carbs post workout and no other carbs the rest of the day. by the end of the week I was down again and below my previous weeks weight of 203 to 200 and looking unbelievable again. Is this shitload thing actually helping me??

Switched up training schedule again due to energy levels being low.

Monday - abs, calves, quads

Tuesday - chest, soleus

Wednesday - back, traps

Thursday - tris, bis, hams

Friday - delts, calves, serratus tie-ins

Volume is very high right now - examples - back 22 sets, chest 16 sets, quads 15 sets, etc..

Week 16 (3 weeks out) - still only taking in 50 grams of carbs post workout with a protein shake. Fat is about 30 grams. Thank god for that peanut butter in my last meal (protein shake). Only carbs other than post workout are from lettuce.

Well, the shitload worked last week right?? You guessed it. I did it again.

Anything and everything in sight and 20 IU of insulin for about 10 hours.

Put on 8 pounds and looked unbelievable again. Same thing happened as usual - dropped 3 more pounds below previous weight and looked even better than before at 197. This is too easy. I can’t believe how well this is working. All those phukers eating dry oatmeal and I am eating a dozen Krispy Kremes among other things. LOL

Week 17 (2 weeks out)

Yup, did it again (shitloaded). Same results almost exactly. Dropped 2 more pounds to 195. This is kinda easy.

Could go on stage looking just like this. Can’t imagine being in any better shape or any dryer or harder. Still only 50 grams of carbs post workout with a protein shake. Haven’t dumped the protein shake yet as my condition is so good that I don’t see a reason to drop it yet. Will drop it for the last week for sure.


That is a shitload at 5 weeks out, 4 weeks, 3 weeks, and 2 weeks out.

This doesn’t seem that smart on the surface but I am glad that I experimented with it as it worked very, very well. It also made the precontest dieting quite tolerable. I really don’t know why I didn’t store anything as fat (or very little). It was probably the clen and the kick on my metabolism and that would explain the sweating when I ate and my heartrate would be like I was doing cardio. You would think that the insulin would store the fat that I took in as bodyfat but I didn’t do anything but get sharper and dryer. Of course, I would smooth over for about 2 days but it would be gone as fast as it came after those 2 days.

Changing my last meal from protein shake with peanut butter to 10oz. Chicken breast. Need to eliminate the protein shakes. Will cut the post workout protein shake at 1 week out. No insulin the last week until shitload on Friday night and Saturday of the show.

One week out.

Note: Don't attempt to use dream tan with any other color trunks than a dark color - preferably black. That shit gets everywhere. Just an FYI.

Friday - shitloaded again. Figured it worked for the past 4 weeks, it will work again and might help even more due to the increase in sodium for a 'sodium loading' phase. Only put on 4 pounds - very watery on Sunday and it was gone by Monday night. Hit legs on Saturday for the last time before the show and hit them with very high volume and low intensity. Went with kind of a slow motion rep scheme to start my depletion phase. Only 25 grams of carbs (oatmeal) on the days of depletion training and NO carbs on the rest of the days until the shitload on Friday night before the show.

Depleted again on Monday. This sucks - weak and lethargic but looking sharp. Focussed primarily on Back, chest, a little side delt work and a little arm work. I figure the high volume of back and chest work will already help to deplete arms and delts anyway. NO abs or oblique work this week to let the size of the midsection shrink down even more. NO cardio of course either.

supplements are the same. Still using the superclen and will use it through the show. Winny and test and tren all staying the same through the show. Arimidex will stay at .5 mg ED through the show also. If I didn't already note it, I increased the arimidex at approximately 9 days out. Yes, it is a low level of test but insurance is insurance.

Depleted on Wednesday. This one didn't seem so bad for some reason. Maybe cuz it is getting closer to the end of all this. Very flat but looking sharper by the day.

Did almost the exact same workout as monday. Just looking to deplete and not get sore or train too hard. More of a 'stretch and squeeze' day with the weights - just to get a good pump.

Started aldactone at 50mg./ 2 times a day and am taking in 3 gallons of water today. Took in 2+ for the past 3 days also. Pissing like crazy.

Switched from chicken breast to turkey breast and started with distilled water just as a precaution.

By bedtime, my legs were vastly improved and separating quite well.

Put a coat of pro tan on before bedtime.


Planned to drop water to 1 gallon of distilled water today but instead kept it at 1.75 gallons. Why??

I don't really know other than to say that it just didn't feel right. I was very pasty mouthed after only a couple of

hours into the day on Thursday and not pissing at all. My gut told me that the drop was too dramatic and

I felt that I might be cutting the water too early, running the risk of a possible kick back. This

will end up being a great idea in about a day so hang in there.

50mg. aldactone/2 times today. Drying out nicely. Looking better by the hour.

Hamstrings are cramping a little while posing but after stretching, were fine.

2 more coats of pro tan - one in am and one in pm at bedtime.

Added some no salt, natural peanut butter to each meal as I feel too flat and lethargic. Felt much better after only 2 meals of this. Shouldn't cut fat so low anyway.


Cut water at 4pm. Only planned to have about 1 litre until then but changed that also to about 2/3 gallon.

Aldactone at 50mg./2 times today (9am and about 5pm)

Started shitload at 7pm after monitoring my condition almost hourly all day long. Seem very flat and

depleted. Weighed 189 in a.m.. This is a bit low but I needed to be about 9-10 pounds under so that

the shitload wouldn't take me over the cut off weight.

Had not weighed myself all week. Didn't want to get caught up in the number game at all this week. Weighed myself this morning only to see how much room I have to shitload without going over the cut off for the light-heavy. Don't want to shitload myself into the heavy-weights.

Shitloaded with caramel brownies, cheesecake, went to Woody's Pizza and threw down the pizza buffet, Mrs, Field's cookies and oreo cookies, and of course..... Krispy Kremes (they ARE my staple shitload food).

See what happens in the morning. I find it VERY difficult to not drink water while shitloading. It is

torture. These shitload foods are high in sodium which, is great for affect, but makes you thirsty as a

mother phuker. It was terrible.

Should look phuking unbelievable.

The only thing that can go wrong at this point is that I cut my water too early and I don't have any indication at this point that that is what will happen.

Saturday morning.

NO wake up call and the back up alarm had lost power.

Luckily, I happened - somehow to wake up only 15 minutes late and we got around quickly, still making

it to the check in early.

Weighed in at 192 - a little low but haven't eaten but 4 krispy kremes on the way to check in.

Look very dry and hard but a little bit flat.

Breakfast should take care of this.

weigh in was 8am and I was eating breakfast about 9am - thick french toast with real maple syrup and a

load of butter, omelette with ham and green peppers and mushrooms and about 8 ounces of ice cold water.

Felt I could use the water as I would be upping my aldactone to 75mg. this morning anyway. I took the aldactone

with breakfast.

Was a little distended for about 2 hours. It subsided about 30 minutes before stage time.

Only had a few bites of some cookies to keep some carbs in me sucking up as much sub Q water as possible

and filling me out a bit.

Hit my dream tan and was ready to go at about 11am.

Laid down on a towel with my feet up and napped until being called to the pump room around 1pm.

Touched up my dream tan, did a couple light sets of laterals and push ups to get the veins going - and

they were phuking GOING. Almost all of my competitors were commenting on, and asking me how I get so vascular.

Hit some salt and grape juice before stage time but it didn't hit in time to help me on stage.

Some mild hamstring cramping near the end of prejudging.

Also, cramping a bit in my stomach - not abs but in my guts. I felt very bad for about an hour after the posing.

Drank about 2/3 of a litre of water (slowly) and felt much better in about an hour. The feeling was weird -

almost as if I needed to throw up. In hindsite, I think it was the salt and fruit juice that upset my stomach but I

can't be sure.

Ate nothing all afternoon. Drank about another 1/2 litre of water until about 5pm.

Seem to be getting harder (too little water?????).

Checked back into the show at 5pm and walked up the mall and had a gourmet burger with cheese and

mushrooms and sauted onions and blue cheese dressing, fries and about a quarter glass of water.

Took my 75mg of aldactone and figure that if I took in a little more water than I should have, it would come

off in the next 3 hours anyway.

I was right.

No water at all until about 5 minutes before the stage when I sipped a few times.

I got harder and harder until I hit the stage at 9:30pm, approximately 6 pounds heavier than at prejudging

and obviously tighter and drier.

No cramping at all at the night show.

I had hit it perfectly and dialed it in right on the mark.

If you aren't sure, check my pics and you can come to your own conclusions.

About 30 minutes later I was on stage (took the salt and fruit juice combo about 20 minutes before hitting the stage and it met with my stomach

just fine and was obviously kicking the vascularity up for me, one last time for the day) kicking everyone's ass and raising the roof when I didn't get the

nod for the overall.

In hindsite, the only thing that really stands out, that I learned, was that FOR ME, dropping the water so

drastically from Wednesday to Thursday is overkill and would have phuked me up if I hadn't had made adjustments.

When I took the water in, I filled out quite a bit while still getting tighter.

Next time, I will go with 3 gallons up and through Thursday, dropping to 1 gallon or 1.5 on Friday and cutting all of

it by 5pm (same time) on Friday. This should work equally as well and I won't have to fight the thirst and risk

going flat.

I hope that this helps to shed some light on the concept of shitloading.

Understand, this was only MY experience with it and you may react totally differently than I do or did.

It is your responsibility that if you are going to use this tool, that you experiment with it sometime BEFORE

the show to see how you respond.

Please don't rely on this info exclusively to get ready for a show.

Sift through it, try what you can, and change things to suit YOUR needs.

I did it this way and found out that some subtle changes worked even better for my situation.

Example: If I had waited until saturday morning to shitload, I would have come in way too flat and

possibly had too much distention in my gut from trying to force down too much food.

On the other hand, SFzilla stated that in HIS experience, he would smooth out when he started on friday night

vs. saturday morning.

Find what works and then use it to kick those same asses that will chastize you for eating like shit while they

hold their baby food jars and 5th place trophies


Um outro artigo que eu achei bem interessante , foi esse... dando um exemplo basico de como tomar gh e insulina

HGH+IGF+Insulin+T3 - A cycle example


Putting it all together - HGH + IGF-1 + Slin – by RedBaron

A basic guide for the lazy man

There are volumes of information and studies available about using HGH, IGF-1, and Insulin, but for the most part coming up with a good cycle including all of these is a tedious process and requires more reading than most people wish to do or have the time to do. The following is meant to a quick and simple reference to what a cycle including all three might look like and a brief description of the action of each component. This is in no wise intended to be a comprehensive guide nor is it presented as the ONLY way to run a cycle such as this. This is merely as an example of one method that will definitely yield results.


Weeks 1- (20-30) – HGH – On 5/ off 2

Weeks 1-5, 11-15, (21-25)

• 2 – 2.5 IU’s - first thing in the morning on workout days – early afternoon on non-workout days

Weeks 6-10, 16-20, (26-30)

• 2 – 2.5 IU’s first thing in the morning

• 2 – 2.5 IU’s post workout with your insulin (or alternatively before workout if desired)

All HGH injected subQ into abdomen, obliques, fronts of the thighs, upper triceps

Weeks 1-5, 11-15, (21-25) – Long R3 IGF-1 – Every day

60mcg’s intramuscular

• post work out on workout days

• first thing in the morning on non workout days

Weeks 6-10, 16-20, (26-30) – Humalog – Workout days only

• 8IU’s immediately post workout, intramuscular

IMPORTANT / CRITICAL - Post Insulin Nutrition

Immediately after Humalog injection – do the following

• Injection + 5 minutes – drink shake with 10g glutamine / 10g creatine / 55g dextrose (7 grams per IU of Insulin)

• Injection + 15 minutes – drink shake with 80g of whey isolate protein in water

• Injection + 60 – 75 minutes – eat a protein / carb meal with 40-50g of protein, 40-50g of carbs, NO FATS (you may wish to add another whey isolate protein drink with this meal)

Avoid fats for 2-3 hours for Humalog IM, 3-4 hours for Humalog subQ, 4-5 hours for Humulin-R.

keep some glucose tablets or other simple carbs on hand (Orange Juice, Full sugar Coke, etc.) for the active window of your insulin. Hypo symptoms can and will hit hard and fast and you will have little time to react. This is the main danger of insulin use. Be ready.

OPTIONAL Addition to above cycle

Weeks 1- (20-30) T3 - Every Day

• 12.5 mcgs - 25 mcgs taken each day

[alternative method if additional fat loss is necessary - Only use if sufficient AAS cycle is present to protect and support lean tissue]

Weeks 1-5, 11-15, (21-25) T3 Every Day

For each of the 5 week runs of T3:

Days 1-3 25 mcgs

Days 4-6 50 mcgs

Days 7-9 75 mcgs

Days 10 - 20 100 mcgs

Days 21 - 24 75 mcgs

Days 25 - 27 50 mcgs

Days 28 - 30 25 mcgs

Days 31 - 35 12.5 mcgs



HGH should ideally be used for 20-30 week cycles (or longer). The dosage should be between 2-3IU per day if you are using GH primarily for fat loss, 4-5 IU’s a day for both fat loss and muscle growth, and approximately 1.0 – 2.0 IU’s a day for females. It is best to split your injections 1/2 first thing in the morning, 1/2 early afternoon if your dose is above 3.0 IU’s per day. Your pituitary will naturally produce about 6-9 pulses of GH per day. Each injection you take will create a negative feedback loop that will suppress these pulses for about 4 hours. By taking your injections first thing in the morning and early afternoon you will still allow your body to release its biggest pulse, which normally occurs shortly after going to sleep at night.

When starting out with your HGH cycle, for most people it is wise to begin you dose at 1.5 – 2.0IU per day for the first couple of weeks, and then begin increasing your dose by 0.5 unit every week or two until you reach your desired level. While it isn't an absolute neccessity to do this, if you are sensitive to the type of sides HGH present you will often times avoid these sides of joint pain/swelling, and bloating/water retention by slowly acclaimating to your ultimate 4-5 IU/day goal.

You should use an U100 insulin syringe for injecting HGH, and inject it subQ into your abdomen, obliques, top of thighs, triceps. Rotate injection sites. HGH can have a small localized fat loss benefit, so keep this in mind when choosing your injection sites.


When HGH makes it pass through the liver, a release of IGF-1 is a result. IGF-1 appears to be the key player in muscle growth. It stimulates both the differentiation and proliferation of myoblasts. It also stimulates amino acid uptake and protein synthesis in muscle and other tissues. While HGH will cause an increase in your IGF-1 level over the course of a few months, HGH has a cumulative effect, so the addition of IGF-1 will greatly speed up the time to results.

There are two types of IGF-1 that will typically be used by bodybuilders. One is bio-identical huIGF-1, a 70 amino acid string. The other is Long R3 IGF-1, which is an 83 amino acid analog of human IGF-I comprising the complete human IGF-I sequence with the substitution of an Arg for the Glu at position 3 (hence R3), and a 13 amino acid extension peptide at the N-terminus (hence the long). This 13 amino acid "side chain" helps prevent the IGF-1 from being so easily bound, and thus increases its active window exponentially. Which of these you use depends on your goal.

HuIGF-1 is very short lived in the body (half life of probably around 10 minutes). This type of IGF-1 is very useful if you are seeking local site growth. Since it is so short lived, little of the IGF-1 makes it to other tissues and IGF-1 receptors in the body. The way to inject this is immediately post work out into the muscle that you wish to have local site growth. Use a U100 insulin syringe, and inject 60-80mcg’s bilaterally into the desired muscle immediately post workout. For this type of IGF-1, I would use it workout days only or if desired you could inject on non-workout days first thing in the morning into a muscle group worked the previous day.

For Long R3 IGF-1, it isn’t as critical that you inject into a local site as long R3 has a active window of many hours, and is designed specifically to resist being bound by IGF binding proteins.

Since it is common to reconstitute this type of IGF-1 with Benzyl Alcohol, Acetic Acid, or Hydrochloric Acid, I would still recommend that you inject intra-muscular. While for some purposes of nerve regrowth, etc. subQ is a somewhat superior injection method, it can and probably will leave a nice red irritated spot if you inject subQ, and it is not superior for muscle growth purposes anyway.

I still inject into a muscle just worked to take advantage of increased IGF-1 receptors present as a result of tearing down muscles with workout, but because of the long activity window of this type of IGF-1 any muscle will work well and give you good results,. I would suggest that you inject between 40-80mcg’s per day everyday immediately post workout on workout days, and first thing in the morning on non-workout days.

Use a U-100 insulin syringe with 1/2" needle to inject IGF-1 intramuscular (bilaterally for HuIGF-1, bilaterally optional for Long R3)


Working out causes us to end up in a catabolic state. It is important to back in a positive nitrogen balance as soon as possible. When not using insulin, we drink some dextrose with our protein to cause an insulin spike immediately post workout to help shuttle the protein and sugars to the muscles.

Insulin is very good at shuttling nutrients to the muscles, and works in a very complimentary manner with GH in the types of things that they shuttle. Also, HGH can cause an amount of insulin resistance, so adding some insulin to your cycle will go a long ways toward reducing the elevated blood glucose levels caused by HGH's interfering with the liver's ability to uptake glucose, and thus help offset any potential resistance that might occur during your HGH cycle. Also by taking our HGH with or near the time of our insulin injection (immediately post workout) we are ensuring a great influx of growth factors. HGH + Slin passed through the liver = BIG secretion of growth factors. These growth factors will equate to muscle growth, rapid healing, etc.

For the purposes that we are using insulin, a dosage of 4-10IU’s is adequate and should be used immediately post workout. I personally prefer using Humalog intramuscular as it will cause a rapid spike and clear out of your system quickly. You can use it sub-q or use Humulin-R instead, but each of these will result in a longer active window, thus a longer time to avoid eating any fats and watching your carb intake. Any fats or over abundance of carbs will end up being stored as fat during insulin's active window. The approximate windows are:

Humalog - IM - 2-3 hours

Sub-q - 3-4 hours

Humulin -R - IM - 3-4 hours

Sub-q 4-5 hours

Use a U-100 insulin syringe with 1/2" needle to inject IM immediately post workout. Alternatively, you can inject subQ if desired or if you wish a longer active window for some reason. Begin with a dose of 2IU's or so, and increase the dose each workout day until you reach your 8IU's.

If for some reason you wish to avoid insulin, I would still suggest that immediately post workout you spike you own endogenous insulin by drinking 80 grams of dextrose / 40 grams of whey isolate protein. While this certainly won't do the work of 8-10 IU's of Humalog, it will most certainly assist getting your muscle back in a nitrogen positive environment in a short amount of time.


Alguns ciclos.. bom , nao da para termos certeza se esses sao os verdadeiros ciclos ... porque nao temos como provar que eles nos disseram , mais nesse artigo abaixo mostra uma comparacao de ciclo no passado , e um atual... diferença monstruosa

If Arnold had him the drugs of today then ya, he would have been an even bigger monaster for sure. Below is "Arnold's cycle".

"Weeks 1-5 Primobolan Enanthate (Injectable) 600mg/week, D-bol 60mg ED

Weeks 6-10 Primobolan Enanthate (Injectable) 800mg/week, D-bol 80mg ED

Weeks 11-14 Primobolan Enanthate (Injectable) 1000mg/week, D-bol 100mg ED

Weeks 15-17 Primobolan Enanthate (Injectable) 800mg/week, D-bol 80mg ED

Weeks 18-20 Primobolan Enanthate (Injectable) 600mg/week, D-bol 60mg ED


Weeks 21-16 Deca Durabolin(Injectable) 200mg/week, D-bol 30mg ED


Most new age steroid users will ask, where is the time off? Where are the anti estrogens? Where is the PCT? Where is the Testosterone? Well, back in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s time, these things didn’t exist. People went on cycles and hoped their genetics would prevent bloat, gynecomastia and permanent testicular atrophy. Back until about 7 years ago, pyramiding steroid use was thought to be appropriate, only now we have found that it’s a waste of time because the half-life of the steroids don’t change based on dosage, so there is no point in the pyramid.

Looking at the average bodybuilders steroid stack I realized these guys have far surpassed my thought of ridiculous. What I am about to write is by no means a cycle anyone should ever use so it is being placed on here for informational and comedy purposes.

38 week Pro Blitz

HGH weeks 1-39 starting at 5IU’s-8IU’s

IGF weeks 1-39, 4 weeks on 4 weeks off 50 mcg per day

Test Enthate weeks 1-16 1000mgs a week

Test Cypionate weeks 17-30 1500mgs a week

Test Prop weeks 31-39 150 mgs a day

Deca weeks 2-14 600mgs a week

EQ weeks 16-32 1000mgs a week

Primobolan weeks 30-39 600 mgs per week

D-Bol week 10-15 & 20-25, 50-75 mgs a day

Winstrol weeks 33-39 50mgs a day

Tren Acetate weeks 15-20 & 25-30 100mgs a day

T3 weeks 1-39 25 mcgs a day"

The greatest feeling you can get in a gym, or the most satisfying feeling you can get in the gym is... The Pump. Let's say you train your biceps. Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. You muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute, and it's really tight - it's like somebody blowing air into it, into your muscle. It just blows up, and it feels really different. It feels fantastic.

It's as satisfying to me as, uh, coming is, you know? As, ah, having sex with a woman and coming. And so can you believe how much I am in heaven? I am like, uh, getting the feeling of coming in a gym, I'm getting the feeling of coming at home, I'm getting the feeling of coming backstage when I pump up, when I pose in front of 5,000 people, I get the same feeling, so I am coming day and night. I mean, it's terrific. Right?

Editado por Outlaw

Bom , vou postar mais algumas coisas , quem quiser comentar e colaborar , sinta-se avontade :D


Bem como algumas pessoas questionam, sem olhar antes e esta é uma questão que eu gosto e que tenho experienc ia, digo-vos do meu e GH deve ser usado isso não significa que eu faço bem, mas eu faço assim e eu faço bem, nem para recomendar GH eo uso de cada um para fazer o que você pensa e sob responsab ylide.

Antes de iniciar com GH deve ser testada por sangue nos valores de tumor que são solicitadas, ou se, depois, mas uma baixa% de pessoas que podem chorar e muito GH nas velocidades corpo a (todo o bem eo mal algum câncer latente) e nos restaura niéveles eA da adolescênciaCIA quando continuamos a crescer ainda .

O GH a longo prazo não usá-lo com taxas de gordura de 18% para menos de 6 meses, há muito falso e os custos de uma pasta, você já sabe tudo isto, eu usei Jintropin e HyperTrop Getropin em (a última a melhor de todas). Se as abas com os ciclos de energia, bem como todos os roids.

Seu uso tem efeitos colaterais irritá-lo como a síndrome do túnel do carpo (no meu caso 3 meses, com início a 20 dias de uso até hoje eu noto qualquer entumecim ento nos dedos das mãos), dor no articulac íons e crescimento ósseo ocorre para o mesmo e alguns órgãos, membros inchados (aconteceu-me nas mãos e foi acerca de 3 dias), as mãos eu tenho algo maior (touch me corrigir o anel de casamento eu fui), este foi num primeiro momento, ele me levou cerca de 4 meses para se adaptarem e eu quase deixá-lo até que as coisas estavam bem e hoje sem ela. Com relação à memória faz com que você se recuperar e lembre-se as coisas que eles não se lembrarão (boas e más). Os dias mais críticos da primeira semana de uso, tudo que você nervoso, não parecem ter paciência, mas depois o corpo se adapta e sem sobressaltos .Sobre o sexo é bom, mas nada em comparação ng com o testo. O sono é muito suave no início você não dorme quase, não a dor, mas porque você não pode dormir como se acordado, com 3 ou 4 horas que você se como uma besta.

Uma das coisas que ele faz é que os truques nosso fígado para alimentar a nossa gordura corporal, em vez de hidratos de carbono, permite que você coma mais sujeira, sem ser tão consciente da dieta.

Para começar, a primeira coisa é que você tem que começar pequeno não devemos colocar UI no dia 4 e isso representa o primeiro problema, se usássemos 2 IU por dia com água normal que dura 72 horas dizer reconstit uidA mas eu não confio por isso, se você tem um frasco de 10 UI 5 dias você tem que dizer que, se misturado com água bacteriostática Tatica dura 20 dias, mas essa água é água para injeção álcool benzílico é de 0,9% não é alcançado, um colega apontou que o fórum poderia fazer com CROMATONB IC B12 A vitamina B12 é a solução de álcool benzílico, eu li no site de alguns hormônios podem ser reconstit China UIR, em seguida, durou 20 dias. Se finalment e fazê-lo apenas com água usando água bidestilada 10 ML Água PREPARAÇÃO DA preparado para os inyectabl é uma ampola de 10 ml Laborator ios Pamies Nacional da Serra Código: 89 271 (este número localizá-lo na farmácia) que reconstit envelope uência o frasco fora, os custos lâmpada 0,35 €, o melhor insulinas BD Micro Belas + 1 ml 29G 13 milímetros em sacos de 10 unidades. Podemos começar a reconstit ucion o frasco, retire o frasco tampão de plástico e da esquerda para a descoberta a borracha para limpá-lo com algodão e álcool insulina carregar as unidades correspondentes Dentes estrada 8 ou 10 ou qualquer outra coisa, a rolha de borracha tem dois slots se você olhar para o lado que nos permitem não ir direto para a água carregados de insulina porque, se a pressão da água cai sobre o pó portanto, quebra do pincharem Eu ficha eo ângulo máximo é alcançado usando esses slots é difícil, mas ao mesmo tempo, devemos ter o êmbolo da insulina, mas não sujeitos a água direto de fazê-lo lentamente, porque se a estrada tem um bom vácuo absorvem água, sem nós, ter que puxar o êmbolo (primeiro sinal de qualidade é que o GH está vazia) que extrair insulina carregado com ar em um número igual de interface do usuário que tem a estrada e voltar para perfurar a rolha de borracha para inyectarl ou podemos fazer em linha reta e os olhos não injeção de bolha de ar não toque no líquido (se não hiciéramo s que ao carregar a interface do usuário inyectarn bolhas vão fazer a estrada, uma vez que exige do ar para substituir o líquido, bolhas estragar GH) obtemos a insulina frasco vez cogiéndol ou a tampa de alumínio para um lado ea outra metade do frasco de lado para fazer toda a mistura. Agora, se você quiser mudar a insulina que eu não fiz isso com a vantagem que já não é solução que eu respeito como eu antes, perfurou o buffer de borracha que vire à direita e carregar a interface do usuário para usar ao iniciar a primeira semana 2 é bom, jejum prolongado e pequeno-almoço uma hora mais tarde, cerca de 3 UI se você é capaz de dividir em duas partes 1,5 e 1,5 em jejum de pelo menos 6 horas após o café da manhã, antes ou depois do treino antes de eu fazer gostos e cores, de modo que o frasco de 8 ou 10, você tê-lo dentro de 48 horas (que é o que eu acredito reconstit uirla com água normal e para ficar bem nunca), sempre antes de dormir, e assim nós paramos a produçãoEndógena não chega a cerca de 2 IU durante o sono. Assim, por uma ou duas semanas antes de subir para quatro dias UI e sempre em 2 de fevereiro e 2 UI UI jejum 6 horas mais tarde e para sempre, que deve agora decidir se usar 5 ou 6 dias por semana, que o seu gosto e Eu uso 7 dias por semana (espero que não despertam paixões, mas esta é a minha decisão sobre GH e muito pouco e isso não é tão clara, mas eu também). Hoje em dia d usando 6 UI por dia, no começo eu tocava baixo 4-3 dor UI (síndrome do túnel do carpo) não me deixava dormir à noite ou um mês e eu fui para cima e depois que nenhum problema . Eu conheço pessoas que usaram 14 dias UI, mas essas pessoas competir.

Os melhores lugares para picar em um subcutânea para incluir toda a área ao redor do umbigo, mas se formos casacos muito gordo deve inyectarl até um pouco abaixo e entre eles, por isso, se você acha que uma cicatriz de uma cesárea de uma mulher injetar bottom-up mestres levantand ou gordura e inyectand ou logo abaixo, toda a linha de cicatriz é onde é metabolizado mais um, quando menos gordura nessas áreas como um cartucho de como airbags laterais e de armas na região do tríceps entre moyita ombro que e tríceps.

Você tem que assistir muito da tireóide e algumas pessoas vão afectar a sua produção para baixo Nenhum hormônio da tireóide, que é fornecido com metade de um comprimido de T3 (agressiva) ou incorporar nd de iodo em sua dieta (cuidado) e repitiend ou análise, para mim, tudo isso eu fui sem problemas . Mas se o hormônio da tireóide não funciona e bajareis% de gordura usareis.

Agora, se alguém quer pedir algo específico para a frente e se alguém pede alguma coisa e isso é o que pode ser convidado para o lugar procurado utilizando o gh.

Eu só posso tentar com r3 IGF-1 e se tudo correr bem, eu começo na segunda-feira disse-me que a acusação genérica chegou hoje e usá-lo com GH e pós ciclo, mas esta é outra boa casa, vou comentar o meu imprimir é.


The "Secret" to Getting Huge Revealed

Dave, what is the secret to getting huge? Does it mean taking huge amounts of steroids?

I am addressing this topic because this is the most prevalently asked question. My answer to you is in the form of the question, "how many people do you know who take large amounts of steroids yet look no better than they did before they started?" And the answer to that question is "TOO MANY!" The problem is that people think that if you take 1000mg of testosterone a week, you will get huge. What they forget is the most important part of the equation : THE FOOD! NO protein, NO carbs, and NO fat means NO muscle. If you are taking adequate amounts of "STUFF" and you still aren't growing, don’t assume that you need to take more stuff. EAT MORE FOOD (especially protein) and EAT MORE FREQUENTLY! I cant stress this enough. The difference between the massive bodybuilder and the mediocre bodybuilder is that the MASSIVE one views eating as a JOB (not as a luxury).

Growth Hormone Vaccines

What's the deal with this new growth hormone vaccine that is being put out by Genentech? How does it last for up to a month?

According to my sources, Genentech’s new GH Vaccine is not actually growth hormone. Basically, upon injection, it blocks the hormone somatostatin. Somatostatin is the hormone responsible for inhibiting the production of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) from the hypothalamus which in turn inhibits the release of GH from the pituitary gland. By blocking the Somatostatin hormone, you essentially enable the pituitary to produce unlimited amounts of GH (i.e. there is no shut off mechanism). The problem with this approach is that the amount of GH released is a very person-specific event. In other words, one individual may produce a lot of GH and another may produce very little (it becomes a genetic thing). I liken this product to attempting to increase testosterone levels using hCG. Why worry about how much GH the individual can produce naturally, when you can just administer the GH (in a known amount) using the current GH formulas that are out there? I don’t foresee that the bodybuilders will replace the use of GH with this new product. They will probably just add it into their stacks or they will use it when in an off cycle.

Micronized Water-Based Steroids

What have you heard of the new "micronized" water-based steroids (Winstrol and testosterone suspension)? Is this a better formula? AND why doesn’t it settle out?

The term micronization refers to the crushing or pulverizing of the Winstrol or Test suspension powder into a very fine dust that once suspended in sterile water forms a milky looking colloidal mixture (i.e. the steroid tends to remain in suspension much longer without settling out).

Micronized creatine, on the market, is a similar theme to the micronized Winstrol and suspension we a talking about. It mixes in water more thoroughly, and thus is absorbed better through the GI tract thus causing less diarrhea and bloating.

The Ultimate Precontest Stack for a Competitive Bodybuilder

Dave, what is the ultimate "STACK" for a precontest, dieting, bodybuilder? Please include dosages.

Given the current available anabolics (and starting from a point at around 8-10 weeks out), I would have to say that the following would be an ideal anabolic combination:

  • 1000mg Sustanon per week (necessary to maintain base of muscle mass)
  • 200mg Primobolan per week (great on low calorie diets)
  • 50mg Winstrol every other day (hardening agent)
  • 400mg Deca per week (keeps the joints feeling good)
  • 50mg Anadrol per day (keeps the strength elevated, meanwhile, the hunger-blunting effect is welcome)
  • 2-4 IU GH per day (fat burner and muscle preserver)
  • 2-4 clenbuterol per day (fat burner and strength increaser)

How to Kick My Nubain Addiction

I have a question, I use Nubain 4-6 times a day it is an addiction for me. I want to stop using it. I am also currently taking 4.5iu of Serostim a day and I use it yr round. I would be able to use 9iu of Serostim a day yr round if I could get off of Nubain. My question is will I be able to quit Nubain cold turkey? And will I see more of a significant result using 9iu of Serostim a day instead of 4.5? I don't want to waste my money if its not going to have more of a dramatic effect. What do you think?

Stick to the 4.5IU GH (Serostim) per day. That's plenty to grow with (with little side effects). IF you want to get off the Nubain as well, get down to small amounts (.15 cc) spaced every 3-5 hours. When you get to that point, switch to Ultram (they are pills). They will kill the withdrawal symptoms then and take Ativan or Valium for the anxiety. It should take about 1 week of doing this to be totally off (3 days for the physical withdrawal to go away and another 4 days for the mental desire to wane).

How Do I Use Synthol?

What are the best bodyparts to inject Synthol into? How often and how many CCs per injection?

Synthol is used to enhance or augment a weak or lagging bodypart. The muscles that respond best are the small, rounder, muscle groups such as the biceps, triceps, and calves. Usually, 3cc amounts of Synthol are placed DEEP into the muscles 2-4 times per week for the first 3-4 weeks. Thereafter, 3cc amounts are injected on a once per week basis for the next 20-24 weeks until the size increase has become permanent.

Subject: Growth Hormone and Insulin Resistance

Dear Dave,

I have been taking growth hormone (Nutropin AQ) twice daily at 2 IUs in morning and 2 IUs after I train. I have not been gaining weight and I look very "flat." Should I try taking insulin and, if so, what type, how much, and how often?


ANSWER: When one self-administers GH (especially more than once daily) a situation known as insulin resistance can occur. When this phenomenon occurs, the current insulin release in the body becomes insufficient to absorb all the ingested nutrients (thus explaining your observed "flat" feeling and inability to gain "weight"). My suggestion is to try adding Humulin-R (this is a relatively quick acting insulin with a life of about 4-6 hours in the bloodstream) at 10 IUs in the morning and 8 IUs eight hours later. Also, make sure to ingest at least 100 grams of carbohydrates with breakfast and 80 grams of carbs with your second insulin injection (i.e. 10grams of carbohydrates for each IU of Humulin-R). This should resolve your insulin resistance and thus enable you to start gaining weight.


I recently heard about a form of insulin called HUMALOG. What is this and should I try using it with my growth hormone cycle? Jack

ANSWER: Humalog is a relatively new synthetic form of insulin. It is an extremely quick acting insulin-- only surviving for a few short hours in circulation. It, unlike other forms of insulin, requires a doctor's prescription thus making it more difficult to procure. From what I discovered after talking to several diabetic individuals and one endocrinologist, Humalog is so quick acting (and short lived) that it requires you administer it many times a day. Since, as a bodybuilder, you are only looking to supplement your current insulin output (not replace it as a type I diabetic would), it would make more sense to stick to the non-prescription Humulin-R type that would only require a twice daily administration schedule.

How much exogenous testosterone do I (at 220 lbs., 5' 10'') require per week to maximize my gains and obviously minimize my side effects. Mike

ANSWER: Mike, I get asked this question time and time again and its a hard one to answer but I will give you my best guess based on years of empirical data observing and noting how other bodybuilders respond to varying dosages of testosterone (T). It is my experience that 1000 mg (1 gram) of testosterone (T) per week (taken in divided doses every other day) provides an adequate stimulus for muscle growth. Since testosterone is a man's primary muscle-building hormone, it makes sense to utilize it to maximize muscle gains. When one begins administering T at 250-500mg per week, endogenous T production begins to shut down and there is very little noticeable muscle mass gains (most weight gain is water at this point). However, as T dosages reach 1000mg per week, muscle gains are maximized. As one increases the dose over 1000mg T per week, more aromatization (conversion to estrogen) occurs and quantitatively less T is available for muscle building. Likewise, if one adds an anti-aromatase such as Arimidex to the mix, less estrogen is produced but more dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is produced. DHT production (which can result in acne, hair loss, and prostate enlargement) has very little direct anabolic properties, therefore, we are back to the same empirical conclusion-- 1000mg T per week maximizes muscle gains while minimizing estrogen and DHT production-- the two hormones responsible for testosterone-induced side effects.

Mr. Palumbo,

What supplements or prescription drugs do you suggest I use to minimize estrogen-related side effects? Justin

ANSWER: The best solution to your problem (assuming the estrogen is coming from the aromatization of testosterone) is to inhibit estrogen from being produced in the first place. That being said, compounds like Nolvadex (tamoxifen) become obsolete for they only block the estrogen once it has been produced (and what you are left with is too little T and too much estrogen). If anti-aromatases such as chrysin, Arimidex, or Teslac are utilized, the enzyme necessary for conversion of T to estrogen is neutralized thus preserving T for muscle building and removing the possibility of estrogen-related side effects (i.e. there is no estrogen present).

Hey Palumbo,

How dangerous is 50 mg of Anadrol-50 (a.k.a. Synasteron, Hemogenin, Anapolon, oxymethelone)? Neal

ANSWER: Yes Neal, oral steroid are hepatotoxic; however, the context in which we are talking must be clarified. The term hepatotoxic refers to any substance that places an undue strain on the liver. Technically, eating too much food or even taking too many fat soluble vitamins can fall into this category. It is the ingestion of drug-like substances that force the liver to work above and beyond its normal workload that we are talking about. To answer your question, yes, taking 50 mg of Anadrol-50 per day is hepatotoxic but so is drinking one shot of vodka daily. Why is it that no one complains about the neighbor who has a nightly martini after work yet the drug enforcement squad is called if you're caught ingesting pills to grow large muscles? The answer is that our local Congressmen like to ingest alcohol (not Anadrol), therefore, they don't want to hear health lectures on the dangers of alcohol. Save it for the steroid abusers! Getting back to your question, 50 mg Anadrol per day will not destroy your liver (just like one martini per day won't); however, if continued indefinitely (unlike most bodybuilders and like most martini drinkers) there may be some serious consequences.

Theorem #1:One Anadrol-50 (oxymethelone) is hepatotoxically equal to one vodka martini.


I just got my hands on some (Long R3) IGF-1. What exactly does Long R3 mean and what dosages should I be taking? Also, Dave, can I freeze my IGF-1 to use at a later time? John

ANSWER: IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) is liberated from the liver following the destruction of circulating growth hormone. The "long R3" part of the IGF-1 refers to the three long amino acid side chains that have been "added" to the recombinantly produced IGF-1 to inhibit it from attaching to the IGF-1 binding proteins (all "bound IGF-1" is inactive while "free IGF-1" remains available for stimulating muscle hyperplasia in skeletal muscle). Most humans that inject recombinant long R3 IGF-1 notice good result when dosages of at least 10mcg (micrograms) are taken per day. The longer one injects IGF-1, the higher the dosage (upward of 50mcg per day) that is required to see continual gains (probably due to some sort of receptor downregulation).

Yes John, IGF-1 and its analog (long R3 IGF-1) can be frozen; however, complex, polypeptide hormones such as growth hormone can under no conditions be frozen or their convoluted protein structures will be destroyed rendering the hormone useless when defrosted

Ephedrine versus Clenbuterol

What is your personal opinion on the long term effects of ephedrine and clenbuterol? What do you consider abuse or unsafe amounts? I was on and off ( mostly on ) the ECA stack for about 4 years. I have been off for 3 months. How long should I wait before I can start again for the upcoming bodybuilding season?

Thanks for your time.


Clenbuterol is a much better fat burner (at 2-4 pills per day)-- too bad it's illegal! Clenbuterol also acts anticatabolically thus aiding in putting on muscle (a phenomenon especially noticeable in women). You must remain on the Clen for at least 6 months straight for the muscle building effect to become apparent(at 2-5 tablets). I truly believe that Clen's fat burning effect stops after about 4-8 weeks due to the decrease in the active thyroid hormone (T3). That is, Clen decreases T4 (inactive thyroid) conversion to T3 (active thyroid); therefore, you may want to include Cytomel or Triacana tabs in your Clen cycles (if fat burning is your priority).


nossa , so de pensar que os caras usam 1gr de testo por semana so pra manter mm... imagina em bulk? 3gr pra cima com ctz , uahauhauhuha

se eu ouvisse isso há um tempo atrás acharia que seria mentira,mas hoje eu vejo que a realidade do fisiculturismo se resume na coragem em usar dosagens cavalares de AEs.

Postado (editado)

Usage of Human growth hormone with T3 and insulin

In this article I will try to explain how to use HGH with INSULIN and T3 what dosage you should use and why combine it with insulin. Also for you who are scared of insulin, I will write how to manage without it, but at the same time get almost same results.

Dosage: Two things you should know to get the best results.

You should use at least 4 IU of HGH per day for at least 8 weeks.

Shorter usage or lower dosage is waste of money. If you don't have enough dosage its better to invest it in some good cycle instead.

Second, you should combine HGH with Insuline and T3, and back it up with Testosterone (Sustanon, Testosteron Depo or Testosteron Cypionate) .

Insulin will push nutritients into muscle. T3 is required for 2 reasons:

1. Thyroid hormone increases your fat-burning capability.

2. Use it to overcome HGH-induced hypothyroidism. T3 burns everything while GH stimulates the beta-3 receptor.

Let me explain this more simply. Thyroid production is decreased with GH usage as well as calorie deficit. As we know, thyroid hormone is in charge of metabolism in our body. By adding 25mcg you are bringing your T3 levels back to normal and adding 25mcg, 50 mug totals, helps you with fat burn. Insulin helps to pump up your muscles with nutritions, so if you choose not to use insulin, you should not eat carbs (sacharides) for at least 3 hours after training (after injecting HGH) because body will not be able to use it and HGH will be wasted.

So the rule is that in this case you are not using insulin with HGH during your cycle you should only consume proteins for at least 2 hours after HGH injection.

If you go with insulin you should start with lower dosage and slowly increase dosage. Most common dosing protocol is to use 1IU of the drug for every 15-20lbs of lean bodyweight, with 10IU being the most common dosage.

When using insulin you must be EXTRA careful. Blood sugar levels need to be monitored over the active time so you should use only RAPID insulin.You don't wish to stay up 24 hours and eat every 30 minutes 100g of rice :)

Well here you have basic information on HGH, Insulin and T3 and why you should use it stacked.

Editado por Outlaw

La vai mais um ciclo , achei bem interessante..


The Drug Cycle of an IFBB Professional Bodybuilder

As the following drug cycle commenced, our interviewee was 14 weeks out from the world’s most prestigious bodybuilding event, the Mr. Olympia. Upon beginning this cycle he weighed a whopping 280 pounds. Due to the possibility that he could be identified, his contest weight and his placement at the event will not be published. Below is his cycle as it was given to me (please see the drug guide at the end of the article for a brief explanation of the drugs used).

Week 14

400 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

25 mg/day methandrostenolone

Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

Week 13

400 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

25 mg/day methandrostenolone

0.70 mg/day tiratricol

3 IU growth hormone M, W, F

Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

Week 12

300 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

300 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

25 mg/day methandrostenolone

0.70 mg/day tiratricol

3 IU growth hormone M, W, F

Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

Week 11

300 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

300 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

25 mg/day methandrostenolone

0.70 mg/day tiratricol

3 IU growth hormone administered M, W, F

Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

Week 10

200 mg/wk Testosterone [specific ester name not given]

400 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

25 mg/day methandrostenolone

0.70 mg/day tiratricol

3 IU growth hormone administered M, W, F

Total weekly androgen dose: 775 mg

Week 9

152 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

200 mg/wk nandrolone decanoate

200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

200 mg/wk dromostanolone

1.05 mg/day tiratricol

3 IU growth hormone, change to daily injections here until Mr. Olympia

Total weekly androgen dose: 752 mg

Week 8

152 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

200 mg/wk nandrolone decanoate

200 mg/wk dromostanolone

200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

3 IU/day growth hormone

1.05 mg/day tiratricol

Total weekly androgen dose: 752 mg

Week 7

152 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

200 mg/wk nandrolone decanoate

200 mg/wk dromostanolone

200 mg/wk methenolone enanthate

4 IU/day growth hormone

1.05 mg/day tiratricol

Begin alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol and 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

Total weekly androgen dose: 752 mg

Week 6

100 mg Testosterone suspension administered twice per week

100 mg injectable stanzozolol administered three times per week

228 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

200 mg/wk dromostanolone

5 IU/day growth hormone

1.05 mg/day tiratricol

Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

25 mg/day oxandrolone

Local injections with formyldienolone begin here until Mr. Olympia (upper chest, biceps, and side delts)

Total weekly androgen dose: 1,103 mg*

Week 5

50 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered twice per week

100 mg Testosterone suspension administered twice per week

100 mg injectable stanzozolol administered three times per week

228 mg/wk trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

200 mg/wk dromostanolone

5 IU/day growth hormone

1.05 mg/day tiratricol

Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

25 mg/day oxandrolone

Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

Total weekly androgen dose: 1,203 mg*

Week 4

100 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered three times per week

200 mg/wk dromostanolone

100 mg Testosterone suspension administered three times per week

100 mg injectable stanozolol administered three times per week

1.05 mg/day tiratricol

Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

25 mg/day oxandrolone

5 IU/day growth hormone

Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

500 mg/day testolactone

500 mg/day tolbutamide

100 mg/day mesterolone

Total weekly androgen dose: 1,975 mg*

Week 3

100 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered three times per week

200 mg/wk dromostanolone

100 mg Testosterone suspension administered three times per week

100 mg injectable stanozolol administered three times per week

1.05 mg/day tiratricol

Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol and 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

25 mg/day oxandrolone

5 IU/day growth hormone

Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

500 mg/day testolactone

500 mg/day tolbutamide

100 mg/day mesterolone

Total weekly androgen dose: 1,975 mg*

Week 2

50 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered twice per week

100 mg/day mesterolone

1.05 mg/day tiratricol

100 mg injectable stanozolol administered three times per week

100 mg/day Testosterone suspension

600 mg/day testolactone

500 mg/day tolbutamide

750 mg/day aminoglutethimide

Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

25 mg/day oxandrolone

5 IU/day growth hormone (GH stops this week)

Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

Total weekly androgen dose: 1,975 mg*

Week Preceding the Mr. Olympia

50 mg nandrolone phenpropionate administered twice this week

100 mg/day mesterolone

100 mg injectable stanozolol Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

100 mg Testosterone suspension Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday

600 mg/day testolactone

500 mg/day tolbutamide

25 mg/day oxandrolone

Alternating daily dose of 30 mcg clenbuterol or 100 mg ephedrine (i.e. one day C, next day E)

750 mg/day aminoglutethimide

Local injections with formyldienolone (upper chest, biceps, side delts)

Total weekly androgen dose: 1,575 mg*

Total androgen dose for 14 week cycle: 15,937 mg*

*Androgen totals do not include site injections of formyldienolone or oral administration of testolactone.

Analysis of the Cycle and the Bodybuilding Lifestyle

In looking at the cycle and how professional bodybuilders use steroids, one thing is evident: bodybuilders use more steroids, growth hormone, and fat loss drugs than any other group (e.g. baseball players, American football players, track & field athletes, and Olympic weight lifters). This is not just out of stupidity or abuse that these men take such large amounts of drugs; it’s a matter of necessity. Understand this about the upper echelon of bodybuilding: human physiology and demands of the competition require large amounts of drugs. If you want massive muscles, you have to supply the growing tissue with enough androgen, not only to maintain that muscle, but to make it grow. In the book I cover, in detail, the above cycle and that of another IFBB pro for his off season mass building cycle.

For a man to achieve a body that carries well over 200 pounds of lean tissue is a physiologic impossibility without massive dosages of drugs. The human body was not designed to carry this much skeletal muscle under the control of a natural endocrine system. You can become a world class track athlete, NFL player, or baseball player and not use steroids. It is, however, a physiologic impossibility to become a professional or top level amateur bodybuilder without the use of these drugs.

It’s difficult when looking at the bodybuilding subculture not to judge bodybuilders harshly because of the rampant use of steroids. What I can tell you from spending time around these individuals is that bodybuilders aren’t bad people. Don’t judge them because they use steroids. Aside from their high dose steroid use, most bodybuilders are upstanding individuals. Having said this, I ask you, which criminals are most dangerous to society, the executives at Enron or steroid using professional bodybuilders?

If you go to a bodybuilding contest you see that steroids are accepted as part of the bodybuilding subculture. At these events, no one complains or spreads rumors about who is taking steroids, everyone on the inside already knows and accepts that this is going on. Bodybuilders are not hurting anyone but themselves, and the jury is still out how much damage they are really doing to their bodies. Professional bodybuilders and other high dose steroid users are not dropping dead at an alarming rate. Given the amounts of drugs these men take, it’s surprising they don’t suffer more problems.

I believe we can equate bodybuilding and the high dose use of muscle building drugs to cigarettes and the heavy smoker. We all know people who smoke a great deal for years but when they stop, the body rejuvenates itself. In some cases people will get sick, but there are many who are able to go on to live healthy and productive lives. It appears as though the body has amazing capabilities of handling this drug and others. The same applies to steroids. Based only on anecdotal data, it appears as though some adult men can take large amounts of androgens for a few years and the body can recover from the negative shifts in the HDL/LDL ratio and partly recover from insult to the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis. However, the 1990’s ushered in a new breed of professional bodybuilders.

With the emergence and total dominance of Dorian Yates and now Ronnie Coleman, these men have taken muscle mass to new levels. Growth hormone and insulin have helped create bodies which far surpass those altered by steroids alone. The health effects of these drugs appear to be serious, especially when combined with androgens and fat loss drugs. No one knows what will happen to these guys and those competitors who now follow in their footsteps. One would hypothesize based on the actions of growth hormone and insulin that the heart and other organs will undergo pathologic growth. Cancer and diabetes is also a possibility with the use of GH, insulin, and various male hormones taken in combination.

While a link to these newer growth promoting agents and increased mortality in bodybuilders is pure conjecture, some bodybuilders may be exposing themselves to the risk of developing a different set of troubles, much more serious than what could be caused by androgens alone. While future health problems can at present only be hypothesized, what has been documented to date is that several IFBB professional and amateur bodybuilders have come very close to death by the misuse of insulin.

IFBB professional bodybuilders are literally walking experimental drug laboratories. As with all experimental protocols, time is required to determine the results. Time and controlled scientific study is what is required to see the harm that may or may not occur in those who enter this uncharted territory. From seeing these guys up close, and what monetary rewards they gain from competing, I’m not sure that their drug use is worth the price they may pay in the future. Every drug has side effects, and as a weathered and very wise, old West Texas physician once told me, "Boy, there’s no free lunch in pharmacology."

The Steroid Interviews Drug Guide Part II

Aminoglutethimide — Taken because the drug possesses the ability to inhibit the conversion of androgens to estrogens via the aromatase enzymatic pathway, also used as an adrenocortical suppressant (believed by bodybuilders to be an anti-catabolic agent).

Clenbuterol — A selective beta-2-agonist, used as a lipolytic agent to decrease body fat.

Dromostanolone — An injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid used for muscle gain and muscle hardness.

Ephedrine — Stimulant drug used to decrease body fat and secondarily used as a pre-workout stimulant/antidepressant.

Formyldienolone — Injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid used for its ability to cause local muscle inflammation and hence make small muscle groups appear larger or more pronounced.

Growth hormone — Injectable peptide hormone used to decrease body fat and stimulate protein synthesis.

Mesterolone — An oral anabolic/androgenic steroid. Drug does not metabolize to estrogen, and has been reported by steroid users to block the estrogen receptor. This claim has not been substantiated by science.

Methandrostenolone — Oral anabolic/androgenic steroid.

Methenolone — enanthate Injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid.

Nandrolone decanoate — Injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid.

Nandrolone phenpropionate — Injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid.

Oxandrolone — Oral anabolic/androgenic steroid.

Testosterone — Injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid.

Tiratricol — Thyroid drug used for decreasing bodyfat.

Testolactone — Oral drug used to prevent the estrogen related side-effects of high dose androgen administration.

Tolbutamide — Oral sulfonylurea drug, used to increase insulin release from the pancreas and increase the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to insulin.

Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate — Injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid.

Stanozolol — Injectable anabolic androgenic steroid.

tem um Porem : em alguns foruns gringos , alguns bodybuilders estao falando : O ciclo esta perfeito... so tem um detalhe : Duplique ou triplique as doses , ai sim pode ser comparado a um ciclo Pre contest de algum bodybuilder Pro.

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