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voce mostrou ter um pessimo senso de interpretaçao hein dan, nao entendeu nada do que eu falei

le aqui um trecho do livro do tom venuto:

Chapter 5: Metabolic Individuality and Your Body Type:

Doing Your Best With What You've Got

"Some people are born with the propensity to become fatter than others. There are

naturally skinny ectomorphs and naturally fatter endormorphs. Some individuals are

given more fat cells by heredity, some fewer. But the set point is affected by

environment and behavior as well as heredity. You can vary your set point

considerably depending on what and how you eat, as well as what kind and how much

exercise you do.”

- Neal Spruce, bodybuilder, author, speaker and founder of APEX fitness

“Whatever you have, you must make the most of it. Rest assured that you can

transform yourself, no matter where you started from. The most important body part is

the mind. With the will and know-how, you can perform near miracles.”

- Stuart McRobert, author of “Brawn”

No two people are exactly alike.

In the Declaration of Independence, it is written, "All men are created equal."

This truism could be interpreted in different ways depending on the context: If you are

referring – as Thomas Jefferson was - to unalienable rights, such as life, liberty and the

pursuit of happiness, then virtually everyone would agree. However, if you’re referring to

physical and metabolic characteristics, then nothing could be further from the truth: It

would be more correct to say that no two people are ever created equal.

There are 6.2 billion people on our planet today and no two are exactly the same.

Just as individuals are born with various eye, hair and skin colors, people have also

inherited different metabolic and physiological characteristics which influence how easily

they can build muscle and lose body fat.

The classic example of metabolic individuality is when two people follow

identical training and nutrition programs and one makes amazing progress while the other

gets no results at all. This proves that no single program could possibly work for

everyone. One of the biggest secrets of permanent fat loss is to develop the ability to

recognize and understand the uniqueness of your physiology and adjust your nutrition and

training accordingly instead of blindly following someone else.

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 78

There are four keys to understanding body types. The first is to learn how to

recognize which is your predominant body type. The second key is to learn how to adjust

your training and nutrition to fit your body type. The third key is to be patient, persistent

and maintain a positive attitude as you work towards your goal. The fourth key is to

assume responsibility for the outcome, for better or worse.

The genetic bell curve

Dr. Michael Colgan, author of “Optimum Sports Nutrition” said, “As a part of

biochemical individuality, people differ widely in their inherited tendencies to accumulate

body fat.” So true! In the world of bodybuilding and fitness, there are genetically gifted

people who seem to just "touch" the weights and their muscles grow. (These are usually

the same people who eat McDonalds every day and have ripped abs!)

When I was just a beginner in bodybuilding, seeing other people get results more

easily than I did was always very frustrating. I was eating perfectly; pushing, working,

struggling and straining with every bit of energy I could muster for every ounce of muscle

I could get. Then one of these "genetic freaks" would come along and pass right by me,

without even breaking a sweat. To add insult to injury, they were often training

completely wrong and breaking every so-called “rule” in the book. When some of them

took steroids on top of their hereditary gifts, their muscles literally exploded overnight!

This goes to show just how widely people can differ in their ability to gain muscle and

lose fat.

The law of averages dictates that the distribution of body types will always be

statistically predictable. This phenomenon, called “the genetic bell curve,” is very

similar to the distribution of grades among students. 60% of students will receive passing

grades (B’s, C’s and D’s), 20% will fail, and 20% will get A's.

With body types, most people (about 60 % of the population by my estimate) are

“genetically average.” If you fall into this middle category, you will respond well and

predictably to a properly constructed nutrition and exercise regimen. All it takes is

starting and sticking to an exercise program and mastering the fundamental laws of

nutrition. This includes all basic principles such as proper caloric intake, high meal

frequency, balanced nutrient ratios, and smart food choices.

The 20% of the population on the right side of the curve represents the genetically

above average. This lucky group will lose fat very quickly and easily, even if their

nutrition and training isn’t quite perfect. They seem to have more “leeway” (they can “get

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 79

away with” fewer workouts and more cheat days). On the extreme right edge of the curve,

you have the people who can eat chocolate and donuts all day long, they don't work out at

all and they have "six-pack abs.” These are the “genetically gifted,” or as I affectionately

call them, “the genetic freaks.”

The final 20%, located on the left side of the curve, are the genetically below

average. These people have a more difficult time losing fat and will need to work much

harder and be more patient than others. The further to the left side of the genetic bell

curve you are, the more difficult it will be to lose body fat. At the farthest edge, you will

find a tiny handful of people who have an immensely difficult time getting lean. This tiny

group is the “genetically disadvantaged.”

The roll of the genetic dice

There’s no question about it; some people have the genetic card deck stacked

against them, while others were dealt a “royal flush.” You can’t deny that it’s much easier

for some people to lose body fat and develop muscle than it is for others. Nor should you

deny it. An intelligent person will realistically assess their body type to the best of their

ability and then adjust their goal time frame and training protocol accordingly. To do

otherwise would be counterproductive; it would also be denial.

The best approach is “realistic optimism.” Not everyone has the biological raw

material to become a Mr. Universe or a fitness model. Nor does everyone have the

physical gifts to become an Olympic sprinter, a marathon runner, or world-class

swimmer. However, absolutely everyone can improve their physiques from where they

are today. One of your primary goals should be to achieve your own personal best, while

avoiding comparisons to others who may have totally different genetics than you.

The 10 major genetic variables affecting fitness, fat loss, muscle development and

athletic ability

There are 10 major genetic variables that can affect your ability to lose body fat,

develop muscle, increase strength and reach high levels of athletic achievement.

Examining these variables will give you a better understanding of how nutrition and

training can affect each person differently.

1. Basal metabolic rate

Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy (number of calories) you burn

at rest just to maintain normal body functions such as breathing, circulation, digestion,

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 80

thinking, etc. Genetically gifted people are like cars that idle too fast. They burn off fuel

even while sitting still. When they become active, they move fast and burn off fuel at an

enormous rate.

2. Number of fat cells

You were born with a predetermined number of fat cells. Some people are born with

more than others. The person born with more fat cells is at a disadvantage compared to

someone with fewer fat cells. Fat cell number can increase throughout life but it cannot

decrease (except through liposuction, which has many potential hazards). Fortunately,

what can change is the size of the fat cells. Even someone with a large number of fat cells

can shrink all of them, thereby becoming dramatically thinner and leaner.

3. Limb lengths

Some people were born with long legs and long arms, others with short legs and short

arms. Your limb length can affect the way your body’s symmetry appears and it can also

affect your strength, athletic prowess and ability to gain muscle mass. Long limbs means

long levers, which can create a mechanical disadvantage when performing certain

exercises. Some people were born with fantastic leverage and that’s why they are

naturally strong.

4. Joint circumferences

People may be either large boned, medium boned or small boned. Many people complain

of being “big-boned,” citing that as a reason they are overweight. Joint size affects the

way your body is shaped, however it has nothing to do with your ability to lose body fat.

The simple test for joint size is to wrap your hand around your opposite wrist. If your

thumb and middle finger overlap, you are small jointed (usually 6-7 inch wrists); if your

thumb and middle finger touch, you are medium jointed (usually 7-8 inch wrists); if your

thumb and middle finger do not touch, you are large jointed (usually 8 inches or more in

wrist circumference).

5. Muscle insertions

The muscles insert onto the same bones in all humans; however, the exact point of

insertion can vary. Even a tiny difference in insertion points can create large increases in

mechanical advantage. This partly explains why certain people are naturally stronger than

others (they have better leverage because their muscle insertion points are further from

the origin points.)

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 81

6. Number of muscle fibers

Like fat cells, you were also born with a pre-determined number of muscle fibers.

Hyperplasia, the process of splitting existing muscle fibers into new fibers, has been

hypothesized but never conclusively proven in humans. If you were born with a large

number of muscle fibers, you will have a greater potential for developing muscle size

than someone with fewer fibers.

7. Muscle fiber type

Within each person’s predetermined number of muscle fibers, there are also different

types of muscle fibers. Some fibers are suited to endurance activities (red or slow-twitch

fibers) while others are suited for strength, power and explosive activities (white or fast

twitch fibers). The differences in each person’s ratio of muscle fibers may explain why

some people make better endurance athletes while others naturally gravitate to strength or

power sports.

8. Digestive capabilities

Some people have highly efficient digestive systems capable of greater absorption and

utilization of nutrients from the digestive tract. The length of the intestinal tract can also

vary by as much as fifteen feet or more among the various body types.

9. Food allergies and insensitivities

Some people are born with or acquire food allergies and sensitivities. Lactose intolerance

(an inability to properly digest dairy products) is a common example. Over the years,

people naturally tend to gravitate towards certain foods while shying away from others.

Some people become vegetarians while others become carnivores simply because of the

way each food or diet makes them feel.

10. Insulin response and sensitivity to carbohydrates

Some people are more carbohydrate sensitive than others. Your level of sensitivity to

carbohydrates will have a direct bearing on your ability to lose body fat, and it’s one of

the most critical factors in determining the correct nutritional strategy for you.

Carbohydrate sensitive individuals who do not adjust their nutrition properly often have

an incredibly difficult time getting lean. Their blood sugar rises rapidly with the

consumption of even small amounts of carbohydrates. This in turn causes the release of

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 82

large amounts of insulin. High concentrations of insulin in the bloodstream are lipogenic

and anti-lipolytic. This means that when excessive insulin is present, you stop releasing

fat from the adipose cells and you go into “fat storage mode.” This explains why one

person can eat a diet high in bread, pasta, potatoes and other carbohydrates and lose body

fat easily, while another person will gain body fat and feel terrible on the same diet.

The importance of understanding variations in body type

Judging from this list of ten genetic variations, it might seem that the only surefire

road to athletic prowess or extreme levels of leanness is to “choose the right parents.”

But even if you feel that Mother Nature dealt you a "bad hand," you can take consolation

in the fact that success in fat loss is not determined purely by genetics. Most of the factors

involved in losing fat are entirely under your control.

Success does not always come from holding a good hand of genetic cards, but in

playing a poor hand well. If you’re on the below average side of the genetic bell curve,

then you must accept that getting lean might be a slower process for you than for others.

You’ll also need to meticulously tailor your nutrition and exercise program specifically to

your body, while ignoring what the “genetic freaks” are doing, because anything will

work for them.

No amount of positive thinking or visualizing is ever going to change your

inherent physical characteristics. The good news is that you can achieve fantastic results,

regardless of your genetics, as long as you recognize and understand your body type and

then adopt the proper nutrition and training strategies for your type.

Understanding your body type: The theory of somatotyping

In the 1930s, and 1940s, Dr. William H. Sheldon, a professor from Harvard,

became engrossed with the study of human body types. As a psychologist, it was

Sheldon’s primary intention to discover how body types were related to temperaments

such as introversion and extroversion. As a part of his extensive research on the subject,

which included studying over 4000 photographs and interviewing hundreds of people,

Sheldon developed a classification system for body types known as somatotyping.

Sheldon identified three basic body types: endomorphs, mesomorphs and

ectomorphs. Endomorphs are the "fat retainers." Characterized by roundness, excess

body fat and large joints ("big bones"), endomorphs often have great difficulty in losing

body fat. Mesomorphs are the "genetically gifted." They are lean, muscular and naturally

athletic. Mesomorphs lose fat and gain muscle with ease. Ectomorphs are the lean,

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 83

skinny types. They are usually very thin and bony, with fast metabolisms and extremely

low body fat.

Rating body types

Although there are three basic categories, pure body types are very rare. Few

people are 100% of one body type and 0% of another. Usually there is a mix of two or

even all three types. However, most people will tend to gravitate towards one type


In order to more accurately classify people, Sheldon developed a 7-point scale to

determine the degree to which each person held attributes of each body type. The first

number ranks the endomorph component; the second number the mesomorph, and the

third the ectomorph. For example, an extreme endomorph would score 7-1-1:

Endomorph 7

Mesomorph 1

Ectomorph 1

A pure mesomorph such as a world champion bodybuilder who gains muscle

easily and was lean and muscular before ever touching a weight might score 1-7-1:

Endomorph 1

Mesomorph 7

Ectomorph 1

Combination body types

Combination body types are more common than pure body types. For example,

someone who gains muscle easily, but who also tends to gain fat along with the muscle is

an endomorphic mesomorph (endo-mesomorph). This body type is typical of football

linemen, heavyweight wrestlers, shot-putters and many bodybuilders. This is the type of

person with high levels of muscle, but the muscle is often covered with a layer of fat.

Someone with this body type might score 5-6-1:

Endomorph 5

Mesomorph 6

Ectomorph 1

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Another example is the ectomorphic mesomorph (ecto-mesomorph). This is the

type of person without an ounce of fat and with some fairly substantial muscle

development on a tall and linear frame. Basketball players often have ecto-mesomorph

body types. An ecto-meso (think Michael Jordan) might score 1-4-5:

Endomorph 1

Mesomorph 4

Ectomorph 5

Because the lines between body types are obviously quite blurry and somewhat

arbitrarily chosen, the question is, how do you know which is your predominant type?

Let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of each somatotype to better help you

classify yourself.

The Ectomorph

The ectomorph tends to be tall and skinny with small joints and a small waist.

Ectomorphs are naturally lean and usually never have trouble with excess body fat during

their entire lives. Many ectomorphs can maintain extremely low body fat while doing no

cardiovascular exercise whatsoever. Ectomorphs have overly efficient metabolisms. In

other words, they “waste” excess calories as body heat, so they can often eat whatever

they want without gaining fat. The downside is that ectomorphs also have a very difficult

time gaining muscle.

Ectomorphs usually stay close to the same body weight within a fairly narrow

range. If they have any weight fluctuations, it’s usually in the direction of losing weight,

especially if meals are skipped or caloric intake is too low. When an ectomorph increases

their activity level, they will usually drop body weight and body fat very rapidly –

sometimes too quickly. Excessive cardio is usually counterproductive.

Many ectomorphs begin bodybuilding to fill out their skinny frames. Although

ectomorphs will seldom, if ever, develop the massive muscle thickness of the pure

mesomorph, with persistence and hard work, most can overcome their body type and

build impressive physiques showing excellent muscular definition. However, ectomorphs

will usually lose most of the muscle they gained if they quit training or if they allow their

calories to drop too low for too long. Without proper ectomorph training and nutrition,

they will eventually slide back towards the level of leanness where their body is most

comfortable. It takes lifelong commitment for an ectomorph to keep the muscle and body

weight up.

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 85

Characteristics of the ectomorph

Naturally skinny, wiry

Long limbs, linear

Small joints, small-boned

Small waist, narrow shoulders

Angular, projecting bones

Naturally lean (low levels of body fat without even working out)

Often call themselves "Hardgainers"

Low strength levels prior to starting a training program

Fast metabolism – they burn up everything, even when overeating

Don’t store carbohydrates as fat – high carbohydrate diets are ok

High energy levels

Tendency to be overactive and restless (hyperactive)

Natural born endurance athletes (successful at distance/endurance sports)

Sometimes hard to maintain weight

Extremely hard to gain weight

Sometimes insomniacs

Respond best to low volume, brief, infrequent, high intensity weight training

It takes years of hard weight training and heavy eating to overcome this body type

If you're reading this book, the chances are good that you're not an ectomorph,

because ectomorphs are the people who lose fat without even trying. However, you may

have a combination body type with a small ectomorph component. For example, some

people have thin, lean lower bodies, with almost all of their body fat stored in the upper

half of the body. Others have small wrists and a light, delicate bone structure, yet they

exhibit all the other features of endomorphy such as extreme carbohydrate sensitivity and

difficulty losing body fat.

Ectomorph training and nutrition strategies

The common complaint of the ectomorph is: "No matter what I eat, I can never

gain weight; I've always been thin and very lean." In bodybuilding, they tend to be the

ripped lightweights and middleweights, rather than the massive heavyweight types.

When they retire from competition, they tend to stay very lean and their muscle mass

usually shrinks down a bit in size. Despite the challenge, many ectomorphs have gone on

to become successful bodybuilders after years of consistent hard training and proper

eating. The following guidelines will help maximize results for the ectomorphic body


Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 86

Slow down

Ectomorphs are thin, hyperactive people with fast metabolisms. So the first and most

obvious solution is less activity. Like an engine idling too fast – an ectomorph has to

hold down the brake just to keep from lurching forward. Conservation of nervous energy

is important. Ectomorphs must slow down and relax more.

Get extra sleep

By their nature, ectomorphs tend to require less sleep and often suffer from insomnia.

Because they burn so many calories even while not physically active, it’s important for

ectomorphs to get plenty of quality sleep every night and to do so on a regular schedule.

Taking naps is also helpful.

Reduce stress and worry

Ectomorphs tend to be high strung, stressed and hyperactive. Stress reduction techniques

can help the ectomorph get better results from their nutrition and exercise programs.

Taking up meditation can be especially beneficial. An excellent book about meditation

from a scientific point of view is The Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson.

Avoid overtraining

Ectomorphs respond best to brief, high intensity training programs. Daily training and

marathon workouts are incredibly counterproductive. The ectomorph must get in and out

of the gym quickly and allow plenty of recuperation between workouts.

Keep cardio vascular exercise to a minimum

Although there are some people with light, fragile ectomorph bone structures who also

are carrying excess fat, body fat is seldom a problem for the ectomorph. As such, cardio

should be kept to a minimum and done mainly for health reasons. 15-30 minutes a day,

three days a week is usually sufficient.

Keep the calories high and never, ever, ever miss a meal

Ectomorphs need calories - and lots of them. They need to eat high calorie density foods

and use moderate amounts of good fats such as flax oil, nuts, seeds, natural peanut butter

and cold-water fish such as salmon. Skipping meals is the #1 cardinal sin for the


Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 87

Use a diet moderately high in complex carbohydrates

Carbohydrate restriction is an effective fat loss strategy, but since ectomorphs burn up

nearly everything they consume, there’s usually no reason to restrict carbohydrates. Fifty

or even fifty-five percent of total daily calories should come from carbohydrates in the

ectomorph diet with 30% from lean proteins and 15-20% from fats.

Pay attention to food quality

People with ectomorph tendencies quickly discover that they can “get away with” eating

certain foods without ill effects on body composition, so they often do exactly that – eat

anything and everything. However, this is not a wise practice because even an ectomorph

should be concerned with nutrient density and not just calories. Nutrition is not just for

cosmetic improvements; it’s about your health. Never use a muscle-building program as

an excuse to “pig out” on junk food, even if you find you can “get away with it.”

Ectomorphs must think about the nutritional value of everything they eat and about the

effect of food on their health.

The mesomorph (a.k.a. the “genetic freaks”)

Pure mesomorphs are naturally lean and muscular with small waists, broad

shoulders, medium-sized joints and large, round muscle bellies. Mesomorphs are the

typical natural-born athletes and bodybuilders. Most of them were lean and muscular

before they even started working out.

For example, Olympic sprinter Michael Johnson is very mesomorphic (5) with

very muscular arms, shoulders and chest. He also has a moderate ectomorphic component

(4) with small joints and very low body fat. There is no sign of any endomorphy (1)

whatsoever. Johnson would probably score a 1-5-4.

A bodybuilder like Arnold Schwarzenegger is almost pure mesomorph (7) with

low body fat and massive muscles. Because of his height and long limbs, he has a small

ectomorph component (2). He also seemed to get quite bulky in the off-season,

indicating a slight endomorph component as well (2). I would rate Arnold a 2-7-2.

Mesomorphs are the genetically gifted people we all “love to hate” because they

gain muscle and lose fat so easily. These are the people who don’t seem to train or diet

hard at all, yet their bodies respond like crazy.

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 88

Characteristics of the mesomorph

Medium joint circumference

Small waist

Broad/square shoulders

Chest dominates over abdominal area

Naturally lean (low levels of body fat without even working out)

Naturally muscular (muscular before they even started working out)

Naturally strong (strong before they even started working out)

High energy levels

Don’t store carbohydrates as fat – high carbohydrate diets are ok

Highly efficient (fast) metabolism

Controlling body fat is easy

Gaining strength is easy

Gaining muscle is easy

Losing body fat is easy

Responds very quickly to just about any type of training (fast results)

Natural born athlete (successful at strength and power sports)

Top-level professional bodybuilders are often pure mesomorphs

Mesomorph training and nutrition strategy

There’s not much to say about mesomorph training and nutrition. The ironic thing

about mesomorphs is that for many of them it doesn’t matter what they eat or how they

train, they lose body fat and gain muscle anyway!

Yes, we genetically average people envy (hate?) the mesomorphs, but they do

have their downfall: They often have the tendency to coast on their genetics. Because

they get results so easily, they often don’t even train hard. As a result, many of them

never realize their full potential. The gift of good genetics sometimes makes a person

lazy. Often, the less genetically blessed a person is, the more discipline, willpower and

determination they develop, and it’s this desire and drive that propels them to high levels

of physical achievement. Their weakness actually becomes their strength. Of course, a

mesomorph with clear goals and a superior work ethic will always shoot to the top and

quickly become a superstar. Here are two tips for the mesomorph to live by:

Don’t “coast” on your genetics just because you can

Because mesomorphs are so genetically gifted, they often have the tendency to cheat and

skip workouts because they can get away with it and still look good. But just imagine

what they would look like if they applied themselves 100%. If you recognize that you are

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 89

genetically gifted in any sense, then make the most of your gifts - train and eat to the best

of your ability and you could become one of the best in the world in bodybuilding, fitness

or athletics. Even if you’re not a competitor, why shouldn’t you actualize your full

potential and be the best you can possibly be?

Pay attention to food quality

Like the ectomorph, those with mesomorph tendencies quickly discover that they can also

“get away with” eating certain foods without ill effects on body composition, so they

often do exactly that – eat anything and everything. Again, keep in mind that nutrition is

not just about cosmetic improvements; it’s about your health. “Pigging out” just because

you can get away with it is not a wise practice. In the best-case scenario, it will limit your

development. In the worst scenario, it could compromise your health in the long run.

The endomorph

Most people who are working hard but still struggling to lose body fat are

endomorphs. An endomorph is someone with a slow metabolism who is genetically prone

to store fat easily. Endomorphs are usually, but not always, large framed with medium to

large joints.

Endomorphs sometimes have varying degrees of carbohydrate sensitivity and

insulin resistance, so high carbohydrate diets are usually not effective for body fat control.

Processed and refined carbohydrates that contain white sugar and white flour are

especially detrimental and tend to convert to body fat more rapidly in endomorphs. Low

to moderate carbohydrate diets with higher protein usually work best for endomorphs.

While some genetically gifted mesomorphs and ectomorphs can eat whatever they

want and never gain any fat, the endomorph must eat clean and healthy almost all the

time. This requires the development of high levels of nutritional discipline. Endomorphs

are the types who will tend to gain body fat very quickly if they eat too much or if they eat

the wrong types of foods.

Endomorphs cannot “cheat” frequently and get away with it. Their metabolisms

are extremely unforgiving. One or two cheat meals per week seem to be the limit. Poor

daily nutrition habits or frequent cheat days always set them back.

Endomorphs generally have a very difficult time losing fat with diet alone. Even a

nearly perfect diet sometimes won’t work by itself because the endomorph needs the

boost in metabolism that exercise provides.

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 90

A larger quantity of cardio is almost always necessary for the endomorph to lose

body fat. Someone with a low endomorph component may stay lean with little or no

cardio at all. Extreme endomorphs usually need cardio every day before the body fat

begins to come off.

Occasionally, an extreme endomorph (7 on the endomorph scale), will have a

difficult time losing fat even while on a well-constructed training and nutrition program.

Extreme endomorphs sometimes need to restrict carbohydrates drastically (under 100

g./day for women, under 175 g./day for men) before any substantial fat loss occurs. They

may also need to use a carbohydrate cycling approach that rotates high carbohydrate days

with low carbohydrate days in order to stimulate their sluggish metabolisms and prevent

going into starvation mode. Santa Claus is the archetypical endomorph.

Endomorph characteristics

Naturally high levels of body fat (often overweight)

Usually large boned, large joints, large frame (but not always)

Short, tapering arms and legs

Smooth, round body contours (round or pear shaped body)

Wide waist and hips

Waist dominates over chest

Tendency to always store excess calories as fat (can’t get away with overeating)

Keeping fat off after it is lost is a challenge

Tendency to be sluggish, slow moving and lacking energy

Slow thyroid or other hormone imbalance (sometimes)

Fairly good strength levels

Sensitive to carbohydrates (carbs are easily stored as fat)

Responds better to diets with higher protein and low (or moderate) carbs

Naturally slow metabolic rate/low set point (fewer calories burned at rest)

Falls asleep easily and sleeps deeply

A lot of cardio is necessary to lose weight and body fat

Extremely difficult to lose weight (requires great effort)

Bouts of fatigue and tiredness

Often describe themselves as having a "slow metabolism"

Tendency to gain fat easily as soon as exercise is stopped

Tendency to lose fat slowly, even on a "clean," low fat, low calorie diet.

Often overweight, even though they don't eat very much

Respond best to frequent, even daily, training

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 91

Endomorph training and nutrition strategy

When it comes to fat loss, a well-planned, strategic approach to nutrition and

training is more important for the endomorph than for any other body type. The

endomorph strategy focuses on high levels of activity and extreme levels of discipline and

consistency in nutritional habits. Most endomorphs also need some degree of

carbohydrate restriction with higher protein levels to compensate.

High protein, medium to low carbs

High protein, low to moderate carb diets work best for the endomorph. Endomorphs

usually have varying degrees of carbohydrate sensitivity and insulin resistance. Therefore,

high carbohydrate, low fat diets are usually not effective. Sugar is a major no-no:

Processed and refined carbohydrates that contain white sugar and white flour tend to

convert to body fat very rapidly in endomorphs because of the way they affect the

hormone insulin.

Exercise is an absolute MUST

Endomorphs generally have a very difficult time losing fat with diet alone. Even a closeto-

perfect diet often doesn’t work by itself because the endomorph needs the boost in

metabolism that comes from exercise. The endomorph must do everything in his or her

power to stimulate their metabolism and this means combining good nutrition with

weight training and aerobic training. To diet without exercising means certain failure for

the endomorph.

Large amounts of cardio

Someone with a low endomorph component may stay lean with little or no cardio at all.

Endomorphs need a larger quantity of cardio to lose body fat. Most endomorphs will lose

fat with surprising ease by doing some type of cardio at least 4 – 5 times per week.

Extreme endomorphs usually need cardio every day (seven days per week). All

endomorphs will tend to gain the fat back if they stop doing cardio completely. Often,

they successfully lose weight, but then put it back on if they haven’t made the

commitment to continue exercising for life.

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 92

Get more activity in general

Endomorphs usually (but not always) have a tendency towards relaxing as opposed to

staying constantly in motion. Their natural inclination is usually to kick back in the easy

chair, while their ectomorphic or mesomorphic counterpart might “relax” with a nice 40-

mile bike ride.

The best strategy for the endomorph is to get active and stay active! You have to get

moving! Take up some sports or recreational activities in addition to your regular

workouts in the gym. If you’re an endomorph you should get some type of activity almost

every day.

Make a lifelong commitment to fitness

Endomorphs must commit to a lifelong exercise program and avoid quick fixes or any

short-term approach to fitness. After reaching the long term ultimate body fat and body

weight goal, the endomorph needs to commit to at least three days a week of exercise -

for life – to keep the fat off. This should be done for health reasons anyway, but for the

endomorph, exercise is essential to maintain a desirable body fat ratio. Once you begin,

you must keep going or you will lose your momentum. Every time you stop working out,

you can be sure the body fat will slowly start to creep back on. Long “vacations” from

physical activity are not a good idea. Get your momentum going and keep it going.

Train hard

The basic endomorph disposition is towards taking it easy and relaxing. If you are an

endomorph, you must fight this urge and train with high intensity. You have to push

yourself constantly. Not only must you train almost every day, you must push yourself to

train harder every day and repeatedly beat your own personal best. The best advice for the

endomorph that I’ve ever heard came from a Zen master; Roshi Philip Kapleau. He said,

“Don’t relax your efforts, otherwise it will take you a long time to achieve what you are


Increase your training frequency

This is important – the endomorph must stay in motion to keep their metabolic engine

revving. Staying still for too long is the death of the endomorph. The boost in resting

metabolism from training doesn’t last long. For someone with a naturally slow

metabolism, the only way to keep it elevated is with a high frequency of training.

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 93

Increase your training duration

Losing fat all boils down to burning calories. You must burn more calories than you

consume each day. The most obvious way to burn more calories is to do your cardio for a

longer duration. 20 minutes is the recommended starting point for effective fat burning,

but for the endomorph, this is seldom enough. 20 minutes is a maintenance workout for

endomorphs. For maximum fat loss I recommend 30-45 minutes of continuous aerobic

activity and in some instances it may be necessary to go as long as 60 minutes until a goal

is achieved. Go back to the 20-minute workouts for maintenance only after you reach

your goal.

Avoid over-sleeping.

Endomorphs should avoid excessive sleep. They should be early risers. The chances are

good that if you’re an endomorph, you are not an early riser and you often have the urge

to hit snooze and go back to sleep. Resist this urge. Getting up early for morning cardio

is one of the best strategies for the endomorph.

Watch Less TV

Any pastimes or hobbies that glue your rear end to a couch are not the preferred option

for an endomorph, especially if you also spend 40 hours or more behind a desk each

week. This means you should replace as much TV watching as possible with physical

recreation or exercise (unless your workout machine is parked in front of the TV and

you're on it).

Use metabolism-stimulating exercise

Weight training exercises that utilize large muscle groups like the back and legs are

extremely effective for stimulating the metabolism and for stimulating the hormones that

increase fat burning. High rep compound leg exercises (squats, lunges, leg presses, etc)

are particularly effective for this purpose. Toning classes, yoga, pilates and similar

activities have some fantastic benefits, but for the endomorph, this type of activity is

NOT the ideal way to lower body fat. Participate in these activities as a supplement to

your regular weights and cardio, but not by themselves.

Always be on the lookout for something to motivate and inspire you.

Endomorphs sometimes lack motivation, especially in the beginning. The solution is to be

on the constant lookout for anything and everything to motivate and inspire you. Read

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 94

biographies. Watch the Olympics, get a training partner, read motivational books, hire a

trainer or personal coach, re-write your goals every single day, or enter a before and after

fitness contest. Stay pumped up and fired up!

Restrict carbohydrates, but never remove them completely

The endomorph nutrition strategy leans towards higher protein (and slightly higher fat)

diet with more moderate carbohydrates (Similar to a "Zone" diet). This is necessary

because most endomorphs tend to be carbohydrate sensitive. People with normal

carbohydrate metabolisms can consume up to 50-60% of their total calories from

carbohydrates and stay lean, while endomorphs will tend to get fat eating this many


Keep cheat meals to only once per week

Endomorphs have very unforgiving metabolisms. They cannot “cheat” frequently and get

away with it. One or two cheat meals per week seem to be the limit. Poor daily habits or

frequent cheat days always seem to set them back. Cheat days should be reserved for

special occasions or as well-deserved rewards for a week of great training and nutrition.

Be consistent and persistent

The endomorph loses body fat more slowly than ectomorphs or mesomorphs. Therefore,

endomorphs must be very consistent and diligent in eating and exercise habits 24 hours a

day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Going on and off diet and exercise programs will

never work for the endomorph. Endomorphs will lose body fat just like everyone else, but

it almost always takes a little longer. The results will come, but not without time and

effort. Patience is a virtue all endomorphs must cultivate.

The Most accurate measure of your True Body type

One final note should be made about somatotypes: You can’t always jump to

conclusions about a person’s body type based only on the way they currently look. If

you’ve been training for years, then how you look now might not be the most reliable

indicator of your body type. How you looked before you started training is much more


In addition, the way you respond to training and nutrition is also a good indicator

of your body type. If you grow muscle like crazy and the fat melts off with great ease, you

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 95

have genetic gifts; you have the mesomorph’s muscle-building qualities and the

ectomorph’s fat-burning qualities.

How quickly you respond to de-training is also a good indicator of your true body

type. What happens when you stop training? Do you hold your muscle gains? Does the

body fat stay off? If so, you are genetically gifted. If body fat starts accumulating the

second you stop training, you have a higher endomorph component.

Beware of absolutes.

Here is one of the greatest truths you will ever learn about nutrition and exercise:

There is no single best way! When you read diet and training books, keep in mind that

what you are reading is “A” way, but it is not “THE” way.

Since there is such a wide range of different body types, you should always view

"absolutes" with great caution. When it comes to nutrition and exercise, be very

suspicious of the words "never" and "always." In the bodybuilding, fitness and diet

world, there is a tendency for people to dogmatically believe in a single nutrition or

training method while refuting all others. Doing this can seriously limit your progress.

The most common example of absolutes is the advice that “carbohydrates will

make you fat.” This sends people – of all body types – into a state of total fear of

carbohydrates. For someone to lump all people into a single category and make the

sweeping proclamation that carbohydrates make you fat, totally fails to take into account

the issue of metabolic individuality.

The zero carb gurus have caused more confusion by their "carbs are bad"

brainwashing than anything in the history of the industry. High protein, very low carb

diet programs will work phenomenally well for carb sensitive extreme endomorph body

types, while causing other body types to lose their muscle and have their energy levels


The same premise could be extended to exercise programs. There is no single

training program that is best for everyone. Some people need daily cardio, some people

hardly need any cardio at all. Some people respond very well to high volume weight

training, while others become easily over trained on such programs. Again, you must

think in terms of your own uniqueness and individuality without being tempted to copy

someone else’s program – especially if they are blessed in the genetics department.

While there are few absolutes in developing a better body, there are certain

fundamentals and laws that apply to everyone. You will learn all of these laws

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 96

throughout this program. Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals of a good baseline

nutrition plan, then you MUST make the adjustments for your goals and your body type.

Failure to do so could be the difference between great results and zero results.

Assume 100% responsibility for your results

There's no denying that heredity plays a major role in how difficult it will be for

you to lose fat. However, excess body fat is the result of many influences. Genetics is

only one of them. Heredity may be a factor that governs your rate of progress and

ultimate level of development; however, most of the factors that affect body composition

are entirely under your control. Like it or not, the primary cause of excess body fat is

your own behavior and attitudes. NO matter what your body type or genetic potential, you

can always lose fat by taking consistent action in all the areas you control.

The factors you control

How much you eat

What you eat

When you eat

What type of exercise you do

How frequently you exercise

How long you exercise

How hard you exercise

Your overall lifestyle

Your mental attitude about your situation

This might offend some people, but the truth is, if you have too much body fat,

it’s your fault; you’re responsible. Refuse to accept this, and you’ll never reach your full

potential. If you have excess body fat, and you want to lose it permanently, the first step is

to accept 100% total responsibility for your circumstances.

In a powerful little book called "As a Man Thinketh," the author James Allen

wrote, "circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him." What he meant was that we

are not products of our environment or our heredity (our "circumstances"), instead, we are

products of our own thinking and belief systems.

We create our circumstances through positive thinking and positive action, and we

create negative circumstances through negative thinking, lack of action and wrong

actions. In other words, you are responsible for who you are, where you are, and what

you have - and that includes the way your body looks.

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 97

Some people get very upset when I tell them this: They say, "Hold on a minute;

are you trying to tell me that when bad things happen to me, it’s my own fault? That I

brought unemployment, financial hardships, failed relationships, weight gain or even

health problems onto myself? Because if that's what you're saying, that's totally unfair!"

With very few exceptions, yes, that’s exactly what I am saying. When you’re not

getting the results you want, the easiest thing to do is to cast the blame somewhere else

and make excuses: “It's my genetics,” “I have big bones,” “I have a slow metabolism”, “I

don't have enough time to exercise,” etc. But if you don’t accept that you’re in control,

how can you ever expect to succeed? You might as well grab a bucket of fried chicken

wings and plop down in front of the TV.

Make no excuses – you are in control!

Making excuses is relinquishing control. It’s conceding that you' are at the mercy

of circumstances instead of being the creator of your circumstances. You must avoid

blaming and take responsibility for your results and your life. Take action! Start working

out. Eat better. Do something - do anything - but don't just sit there on the couch and

curse your parents for passing you the wrong chromosomes.

It’s no surprise that so many people put the blame outside themselves because so

many psychologists, dietitians and physicians argue that your weight is determined

completely by genetics and if you're fat, "it's not your fault." Please don’t accept this.

Genetics are only one factor. Believing that you’re destined to be overweight for life

because you've inherited "fat genes" is the most self-defeating attitude you could ever


No one ever said life was fair. In fitness as in other areas of life, there will always be

people above you and below you. If you were not blessed with a fast metabolism, you

have two choices on how to view your situation; you can either sit around cursing and

complaining, or you can get moving and make the best of what you have; you can choose

to become the best that YOU can be.

So called “limitations” that force you to learn more about exercise, to eat nutritious

foods, to adopt a healthier lifestyle, to develop a strong work ethic and to become a more

persistent person can be a blessing in disguise. You'll find that when you finally work

your way to your goals, you’ll have become a much stronger person than you ever thought

you could be. When someone has it easy, they don't develop the qualities of persistence

and determination. They often become “coasters.” There are a lot of "natural born

athletes” and bodybuilders that “coast” on their genetics. Instead of making them

Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance, LLC 98

stronger people, being genetically blessed has made them lazier people who never fulfill

100% of their potential. Don't envy them.

Before you get mad at your mesomorph friends who can eat whatever they want and

never gain an ounce of fat, remember: The more difficult the challenges, the stronger you

will become when you overcome them. And as Richard Bach wrote in Illusions, “If you

don’t have problems, you will never be the person who overcame them.”

Every adversity carries with it the seed of a greater or equivalent benefit. The

seed of greater benefit to the genetically disadvantaged is the inner strength that is gained

by having to work harder to reach a goal. I'm not impressed with someone who shoots to

the top easily. I'm more impressed by someone who gets knocked down over and over

and keeps getting back up. I'm impressed with the person who overcomes; the person

who has a difficult time achieving a goal – and achieves it anyway. Arnold

Schwarzenegger put it this way; "Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles

develop your strength. When you overcome hardships, that is strength."

Understanding your body type doesn’t mean throwing in the towel if you’re an

extreme endomorph. It doesn’t mean, “I’m genetically inferior so I won’t even bother

trying in the first place.” Be realistic about your body type and accept the role it plays in

changing your body. Don’t get discouraged if you feel you don’t have Olympian

genetics. You can overcome nearly any obstacle if you are willing to work hard enough.

No matter what your genetic endowment is, you can totally transform yourself with hard

work, dedication, persistence and a positive attitude.


In closing, let me share with you the words of former UCLA Bruins basketball

coach John Wooden. Coach Wooden said, “The good Lord in his infinite wisdom, did

not create us all equal when it comes to size, strength, appearance, or various aptitudes.

But success is not being better than someone else, success is the peace of mind that is a

direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing that you gave your best effort to become the

best of which you are capable.”

Don’t try to become better than someone else; become better than you used to be.

Instead of focusing on comparisons, focus on progress and self-improvement. Do the

absolute best you can with what you’ve got and you’ll be able to look at the face in the

mirror everyday and with the pride and self-esteem of a true winner.

Editado por Ferret

Acho q vc não entendeu o q o Ferret quis dizer.

Entendi ele dizer que saber qual é o biotipo ajuda a saber escolher o tipo de treino, forma de alimentar-se. As informações dos biotipos permitiriam saber pós e contras e assumir melhores cuidados e aproveitar também melhor suas potencialidades.

Um ectomorfo com baixo percentual de gordura então não faria aeróbico igual a um endomorfo em cutting, pois ele conhecendo as informações de seu biotipo ele saberia não precisar de fazer aeróbico - Isso foi o que eu critiquei!

Visitante Éverton Udson
Postado (editado)

pelamor de deus Ferret coloca isso no spoler né :blink: o texto é longo d+ e atrapalha agente ler as postagens. (por favor) :axehead:

Editado por Éverton Udson
  • Supermoderador

Então acho q o povo brasileiro é mais inteligente do q vc.

Realmente só acha, assim como eu acho que deveria ficar calado.

E para o pessoal que não entendeu o que eu quis dizer. Frequente foruns gringos e observe que biotipo é a ultima coisa que é mencionado (ou nem é dito) em topicos de dieta/suplementação/treinos, enquando no brasil é uma das primeiras coisas que o pessoal fala.

O motivo para isso é que há diversas variaveis em questão de ganhos de massa, por isso cada pessoa tem de achar o que funciona para sí e não o que um autor X recomenda apenas pela classificação de biotipo.


Realmente só acha, assim como eu acho que deveria ficar calado.

E para o pessoal que não entendeu o que eu quis dizer. Frequente foruns gringos e observe que biotipo é a ultima coisa que é mencionado (ou nem é dito) em topicos de dieta/suplementação/treinos, enquando no brasil é uma das primeiras coisas que o pessoal fala.

O motivo para isso é que há diversas variaveis em questão de ganhos de massa, por isso cada pessoa tem de achar o que funciona para sí e não o que um autor X recomenda apenas pela classificação de biotipo.

quais foruns de gringo vc frequenta? fala alguns nomes por favor que eu queria ampliar mais minhas leituras.

em relação ao biotipo eu acho importante procurar saber qual que a pessoa é pra traçar os objetivos.

  • Supermoderador
Postado (editado)

quais foruns de gringo vc frequenta? fala alguns nomes por favor que eu queria ampliar mais minhas leituras.

em relação ao biotipo eu acho importante procurar saber qual que a pessoa é pra traçar os objetivos.

Biotipo é interessante para ter uma noção do que pode tentar, evitar ou não mas não é regra, saca? Do tipo "putz eu sou biotipo X, não posso fazer Y no treino e tenho que comer isso ou aquilo"

Eu não gosto muito do forum do BB (meio zoneado as vezes e muita trollagem pelos topicos), mas pessoalmente indico o anabolicminds e musculardevelopmen

Editado por krebz
Visitante Éverton Udson
Postado (editado)

Realmente só acha, assim como eu acho que deveria ficar calado.

E para o pessoal que não entendeu o que eu quis dizer. Frequente foruns gringos e observe que biotipo é a ultima coisa que é mencionado (ou nem é dito) em topicos de dieta/suplementação/treinos, enquando no brasil é uma das primeiras coisas que o pessoal fala.

O motivo para isso é que há diversas variaveis em questão de ganhos de massa, por isso cada pessoa tem de achar o que funciona para sí e não o que um autor X recomenda apenas pela classificação de biotipo.

Ninguém aqui tá falando q é pra seguir dieta ou treino de acordo com as referencias do biotipo q ele se encaixa ou qualquer coisa do tipo.

Nos não somos burros não.

E a unica coisa q os "Gringos" tem q o pessoal do forum não tem é grana.

E independente de qualquer coisa eu gosto de falar sobre biotipos.

E acho legal o pessoal querer saber em qual se encaixa e tal.............

Qual o problema??

e vc acha q eu devo ficar calado porq????

(ora, mas tem sempre um chato né)

Editado por Éverton Udson
  • Supermoderador

Ninguém aqui tá falando q é pra seguir dieta ou treino de acordo com as referencias do biotipo q ele se encaixa ou qualquer coisa do tipo.

Nos não somos burros não.

E a unica coisa q os "Gringos" tem q o pessoal do forum não tem é grana.

E independente de qualquer coisa eu gosto de falar sobre biotipos.

E acho legal o pessoal querer saber em qual se encaixa e tal.............

Qual o problema??

e vc acha q eu devo ficar calado porq????

Eu sei que ninguem está indicando nada, mas o que mais aparece aqui no forum é topico falando de biotipo em suplementação e dieta, por exemplo, como se biotipo X pudesse comer mais calorias que o outro ou tivesse algum suplemento melhor, entende?

To falando isso pois é o que eu mais vejo aqui e não vejo nos foruns gringos (curiosamente, pois não sei por que seria mais importante saber o biotipo aqui no brasil do que por lá fora). E parte do que to falando é por experiencia propria, depois de já ter passado por 3 nutri esportista (até achar um bom) e nenhum deles terem feito nada de especial para o meu biotipo, foi apenas calculo de kcal até acertar o que da resultado ou não. ;)

Não é problema saber biotipo, mas na prática mesmo vai ter que achar o que funciona para si mesmo basicamente na tentativa e erro, então fica como apenas curiosidade saber mas não muito prático.


Ninguém aqui tá falando q é pra seguir dieta ou treino de acordo com as referencias do biotipo q ele se encaixa ou qualquer coisa do tipo.

Nos não somos burros não.

E a unica coisa q os "Gringos" tem q o pessoal do forum não tem é grana.

E independente de qualquer coisa eu gosto de falar sobre biotipos.

E acho legal o pessoal querer saber em qual se encaixa e tal.............

Qual o problema??

e vc acha q eu devo ficar calado porq????

(ora, mas tem sempre um chato né)

Gringos não tem apenas mais grana, tem mais poder de compra, mas creio isto está não muito fácil de associar ao assunto dos biotipos.

Realmente não gosto desta coisa de biotipos, vira uma questão de identidade, pessoas assumindo com orgulho o biotipo que tem. Acho interessante sim o que se pode conhecer de apectos por algumas características, mas elas não podem determinar ninguém e menos ainda alguém deve se deixar determinar por estas características que são ditas.

No campo da psicologia, mais voltada ao estudo da subjetividade, é muito comum a reflexão spinozista "O que pode um corpo?". Cultura influencia bastante o corpo, aqui mesmo no fórum pessoas consomem muitas vezes mais símbolo e imaginação que realidade... que a realidade de algumas pessoas sejam algumas características, sempre complicado saber exatamente o quanto disso elas estão simbolizando ou imaginando.


"E a unica coisa q os "Gringos" tem q o pessoal do forum não tem é grana."

todas, vou repetir, TODAS as informaçoes que a gente tem aqui no forum (salvo raríssimas excessões), vieram de outros paises (leia-se: gringos)

entao no minimo eles tem acesso a informaçao de qualidade de maneira mais rapida, assim como tb tem acesso a de má qualidade.

os dogmas que ainda perpetuam por aqui custaram a serem/estão sendo/nem foram desmitificados, enquanto nos foruns gringos os conceitos são amplamente aceitos (tirando os contestadores de tudo)

na minha opiniao falar o biotipo nao muda em muita coisa, só faz as pessoas ficarem com peninha pq vc é ecto/endo e tem que se esforçar mais, OOOO QUE VIDA INJUSTA!

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