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Bom é o seguinte , eu tenho um contato que tras algumas coisas pra mim vender aqui, roupas , tenis e alguns acessorios , mais nunca pedi nenhum suplemento e nem pre-hormonais , ate que ontem ele me disse para eu entrar no AMAZON.COM e la tem alguns suplementoss e pre-hormonais , porem achei uns pre hormonais diferente pelo menos o nome e nunca ouvi falar

são eles :

Decca-Durabol Bodybuilding Supplements

Product Features:

* Great bulking muscle mass and strength agent

* Results in as little as 2 weeks!

* Not toxic to the liver or kidneys

* NO negative side effects

* Improves collagen synthesis and bone mineral content

Product Description

A phenomenal bulking compound for building muscle mass, appetite stimulation, and increased red blood cell production. Will not throw off testosterone levels and has a very low rate of aromatization. Improves collagen synthesis and bone mineral content offering relief to those with connective tissue and/or joint ailments. Offers no adverse side effects on the scalp, skin, and prostate. Not toxic to the liver or kidneys. Will not cause erectile dysfunction or cardiovascular damage. Use for a period of not less than 12 weeks. Stacks well with Dianabal-DBoll, Parabal, and/or Anadral. Notice effects within 24 to 36 hours. It works that fast! Muscle gains of 15-20 lbs over a one month period can be achieved together with impressive strength increases. Often referred to as the KING of muscle supplements because it is the best product to give you muscle mass and strength.* Item: 1 bottle of Decca-Duraboll Serving Size: 1 Tablet (775mg) Servings Per Bottle: 60 Directions: Take one (1) tablet two (2) times daily with meals. *This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is NOT an anabolic steroid.

Sterodrol ~ High Performance Muscle Volumizer. The Most Powerful Legal Alternative

Product Features

* The most powerful legal steroid alternative.

* Gain up to 25 POUNDS of lean muscle

* Dramatic strength increases, HUGE increases in muscle volume & density

* No prescription necessary.

* Inhibits Estrogen, Enhances Sex Drive

Product Description

Sterodrol is our new flagship and represents the next generation of Pharmapro Anabolics. After 4 weeks on Sterodrol, most users wonder how it is that Sterodrol is legal. We assure you, it is legal (at least for now). Let's explain how it works. Most people that have taken anabolic steroids and/or steroidal precursors(prohormones) know that when you stack several different forms of them together, the results you derive can increase exponentially; this translates to more Size, Mass and Strength than can be derived by taking these compounds individually. By using the same premise, what we've done with Sterodrol is combined several powerful legal anabolics into one product to attain that same level of exponential growth. The key is (and this is of the utmost importance) the right compounds must be used and in a quantity sufficient enough to evoke an anabolic response.

MAXSTERONE ~ The ultimate mass builder!

Product Features

* Dramatic Muscle Volume and Density

* Maximum Strength & Endurance

* Powerful Protein Synthesis Optimizer

* Can be Stacked with Virtually Anything

* Excellent during PCT (post cycle therapy)

Product Description

The active ingredients in Maxsterone dramatically increase the levels of nitrogen in the blood stream. Elevated nitrogen levels then increase the overall rate of protein synthesis in the body and ultimately- Increase Muscle Mass. Scientists theorize that the main active ingredient in Maxsterone decreases the urea concentration in the blood leading to increased hemoglobin (red blood cells). This process, known as erythropoiesis, in turn triggers the anabolic process ultimately leading to protein synthesis and a state of positive nitrogen retention. Once again, positive nitrogen retention means dramatic increases in Mass, Strength and Recovery time.

Parabal Bodybuilding Supplements

Product Features

* Promotes a lean and hard "ripped" physique

* Stimulate appetite to reduce fat deposited in the body

* Does not cause bloating or water retention

* Not toxic to the liver or kidneys.

* Made from the purest, proven raw ingredients

Product Description

Parabol is used in cutting cycles when quality muscle gain is favored over bloating and water retention. It increases body mass more effectively than by weight training alone by increasing the nitrogen uptake in the muscles, leading to an increase in the rate of protein synthesis. May stimulate appetite to reduce the amount of fat deposited in the body, and decrease the rate of catabolism. Does not cause water retention, insomnia, or high blood pressure. Not toxic to the liver or kidneys. Use for a period of not less than eight (8) weeks. Offers no adverse side effects. See noticeable results in a little as two (2) weeks.* Item: 1 bottle of Parabal Serving Size: 1 Tablet (375mg) Servings Per Bottle: 60 Directions: Take one (1) tablet two (2) times daily with meals. *This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is NOT an anabolic steroid.

Winnstral Bodybuilding Supplements

Product Features

* Causes strength increases without excess weight-gain

* Will not convert to estrogen

* Does not cause excess water retention

* Preserves lean body mass while metabolizing fat tissue

* Made from the purest, proven raw ingredients

Product Description

Fast acting Winnstral causes strength increases without excess weight-gain. Promotes increases in vascularity, and will not convert to estrogen. Does not cause excess water retention. May have a diuretic effect on the body. Winnstral is commonly used to lose fat while retaining lean body mass. Use in a cutting cycle, to help preserve lean body mass while metabolizing fat tissue. Not recommended for heavy bulking cycles. Does not produce acne, hair loss or clitoral hypertrophy (in females.) Use for a period of not less than six (6) weeks. Offers no adverse side effects.* Item: 1 bottle of Winnstral Serving Size: 1 Tablet (460mg) Servings Per Bottle: 60 Directions: Take one (1) tablet two (2) times daily with meals. Workout period using Winnstral: 2 months on-cycle followed by 2 weeks off-cycle. *This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is NOT an anabolic steroid.

Andro-T Natural Testosterone Booster

Product Features

* Increases natural testosterone levels

* Increases recovery, strength, and sex drive (libido)

* Helps promote muscle size and strength

* Proven to enhance energy and vitality

* Safe to use and is not a hormone

Product Description

Enhancing testosterone levels helps to gain muscle, enhance your mood, support healthy libido, and more! Use Andro T during your bulking cycle to achieve exceptional gains in muscle mass and strength. Andro T's formulation contains natural prohormones produced from cholesterol from the adrenal glands, and is a precursor of androstenedione, which further converts to produce androgen testosterone. It simultaneously optimizes pure testosterone levels in the blood, increases "Free Testosterone", improves the testosterone to estrogen ratio and maximizes the anabolic effects of natural Testosterone. Use for a period of not less than eight (8) weeks. Offers no adverse side effects.* Item: 1 bottle of Andro-T Serving Size: 1 Tablet (185mg) Servings Per Bottle: 30 Directions: Take one (1) tablet two (2) times daily with meals. *This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is NOT an anabolic steroid.

Se ja tem algum topico ai igual a esse me desculpa mais nao achei nada , pode ate ser que essas drogas tem outro nome aqui no Brasil , se alguem tiver algumas informaçoes concretas por favor.

Eu me interessei muito nesse PARABOL,ANDRO-T,WINNSTRAL[deve ser stanozol] ;

preferi nao traduzir , assim voce mesmo traduz:




Bom meu querido primeiramente Muito Bom seu post Parabéns pela iniciativa

Parecem ser muito bons esses Ph's ai só podemos ter certeza se os usuários relatarem...

Boa contribuição



vlw TheMan, tem mais alguns phs la , depois eu posto mais alguns

eu queria que alguem relatasse alguma coisa aqui se ja utilizou ou ouvio falar , estou muito interessado nesses produtos hsuahsuahsuahsuahs

Sterodrol 12 kilos em 4 semanas é loucura, ainda fala que nao e toxico ao figado e ainda por cima ajuda no lipibo , kkkkk diz que ele é uma combinação de alguns phs e esteroide, isso for verdade mesmo , muito bom

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