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Em 26/12/2024 em 20:42, Lucas, o Schrödinger disse:

Pra manutenção da força a redução na intensidade (carga) deve ser de ~5-10%. A redução no volume (número de sets) deve ser de ~30-60%.

Como reduziu mto a carga, é natural perder um pouco de força, mas deve recuperar rápido.

Se eu pego halteres de 35kg, e reduzo só 5% seriam apenas 1,5kg de redução e se eu reduzo 10% seria uma redução de 3,5kg, é isso mesmo?

Em 28/12/2024 em 10:32, Naturale disse:

Se eu pego halteres de 35kg, e reduzo só 5% seriam apenas 1,5kg de redução e se eu reduzo 10% seria uma redução de 3,5kg, é isso mesmo?

Sim. Pode reduzir um pouco reps pra acomodar. Se faz 35kg pra 10 reps, pode reduzir pra 8 e deixar mais duas em reserva, pode funcionar tb.

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January 29, 2024 | Read this online


How to taper for powerlifting success

Welcome to the Stronger By Science newsletter! We're here to bring you some fresh content, insights, and resources to help you train smarter. 


Tapering is one of the most critical yet often misunderstood phases of powerlifting preparation. It’s not just about cutting back on training; it’s a strategic process designed to minimize fatigue, preserve strength, and optimize performance on competition day. The margin between hitting a PR and underperforming can come down to how well you execute your taper.

This phase is where months of hard work come together, and fine-tuning the balance between recovery and readiness can help you step onto the platform feeling both physically and mentally prepared.


At its core, tapering involves a deliberate reduction in training volume and load during the weeks leading up to a competition. For powerlifters, the goal of tapering isn’t just to rest but to allow accumulated fatigue to dissipate while preserving the neural and muscular adaptations developed during training. This is a delicate process. Reducing training too much or for too long can lead to detraining, while tapering too lightly might fail to alleviate fatigue completely, diminishing performance.


While tapering strategies vary based on the lifter, certain principles consistently emerge from research and practice. Volume is the primary lever in tapering. Studies show that reducing training volume by 30–70% is effective for peaking strength, but the exact reduction should align with the athlete’s workload during prior training. For most powerlifters, a 50% reduction strikes a balance between maintaining readiness and promoting recovery. This is typically achieved by decreasing the number of sets per workout while maintaining similar intensity levels.


Powerlifters often approach load differently than athletes in endurance sports, where maintaining or even increasing intensity during a taper is common. For strength athletes, tapering often involves a slight reduction in load during the final week. This strategy reflects the fatigue-heavy nature of high-intensity strength training. Small reductions in load (e.g., 5–10% of 1RM) can help recovery without compromising performance.


The placement of heavy lifts during a taper can significantly affect readiness on meet day. Typically, the final heavy squat and deadlift sessions occur 5–10 days before competition. The bench press, which generally requires less recovery, is often performed closer to the meet, within the final 4–7 days. After these sessions, lighter, technique-focused work helps maintain neuromuscular coordination without imposing additional fatigue. That said, the above are not set-in-stone guidelines and may not necessarily apply to everyone. They are, however, good rough guidelines for you to experiment with.


While there are evidence-based guidelines for tapering, lifters often discover that slight tweaks can make a difference. A lifter who thrives on frequent high-intensity sessions might taper differently from one who needs more rest. Additionally, lifters competing at the international level who travel frequently and have to deal with greater exogenous stress may require more precise tapering strategies than those competing at local competitions.


Ultimately, the goal of a taper is to reduce fatigue but without sacrificing performance. Regardless of the specifics of your taper, as long as you reduce overall training volume and continue performing the competition lifts with heavy loads as you approach your competition, it’s likely that you won’t be leaving a ton of strength on the table. 


That’s it for today’s newsletter. If you’d like early access to these newsletters and even more science-based content, consider checking out our Instagram. 

Have a great rest of your week.


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