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A molécula contida no mdrol(2a,17a Di Methyl Etiocholan 3-one, 17b-ol (10mg)) pode dar ginecomastia sim, porém, teoricamente essa aromatização dificilmente ocorreria por estrogeno, mas sim pelo aumento de prolactina. Na dúvida, TPC com citrato de clomifeno ou tamoxifeno e Bromocriptina para diminuir níveis de prolactina.

Eddie Pinheiro

Farmacêutico Bioquímico






Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio:

Unknown. The anabolic/androgenic ratio for the target hormone of Bolasterone is around 1300:300 vs. methyl test by oral administration. [1]


7a,17a-dimethyl-androst-4-en-3b,17b-diol, Boladrol, Bolasterone diol, Dimethylandrostenediol.


This is a brand new prohormone from PHF/IBE, never seen before on the prohormone or pharmaceutical market, that converts in vivo to the steroid Bolasterone. Bolasterone was invented in 1959 [2], and in 1962 was described as "the most potent oral anabolic agent which had yet been examined" [3].

Structure and Function:

Boladrol is a "diol" prohormone, and should convert well to the active hormone via the same mechanism as all 3b,17b-diols: the enzyme 3-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, or 3b-HSD.

Structurally, Boladrol is a testosterone derivative, having the C3-C4 double bond common to this class of hormone. It resembles methyl testosterone in that it has a 17a-methyl group, though differs from it in that it has an additional methyl group at position 7a, and a hydroxyl at position 3b, whereas methyl test has a 3-ketone function. The addition of the methyl group at 7a greatly increases both the androgen receptor affinity and the anabolic properties of the compound [4].

Structurally it would appear likely to aromatise to a potent dimethylated estrogen, though the 7a-methyl may provide steric hindrance to the reaction. In fact there's evidence that some 7a-alkylated testosterone derivatives have aromatase inhibiting properties, with smaller 7a substitutions making stronger inhibitors than bulkier substitutions. [5]

This 7a-methyl group will also prevent the steroid from being 5a-reduced, but does not prevent it from being 5b-reduced, so all metabolites lacking the delta-4 double bond will be (inactive) 5b-reduced metabolites, as you can see from the image below. [6]


The metabolites 2, 4, and 5 above are described further here [7]:



Effects should be similar to the oral anabolic steroid Bolasterone. It's a strongly anabolic, moderately androgenic compound which should elicit significant strength gains and increased accumulation of muscle mass at an appropriate dosage.

Since it's a powerful compound, and aromatisation a likelihood, weight gain is likely to be quick with the user's gains resulting from a mix of acquired muscle mass and a mild increase in water retention on cycle. A SERM PCT protocol should be followed upon cessation.

Side Effects:

The androgenic potential of the compound may have been exaggerated, at least at appropriate dosages, since the anabolic:androgenic ratio of about 4:1 vs. methyl test is not particularly low (especially since test has an A:A of 1:1). Also, low-dosed human testing reported no androgenic side-effects in any users [8].

Side-effects may include (but are not limited to): loss of or heightened libido, elevated liver enzymes and potential temporary liver function impairment, HPTA disruption, adverse shifts in lipoprotein subfractions (lowered HDL, increased LDL cholesterol), acne, hair growth or loss, and an increase in blood pressure. This product should not be used by women or teens.

Recommended Dosages and Cycle Durations:

The clinical evaluation of Bolasterone in the 1960s found it to be effective at promoting weight gain at doses of just 1-2mg. They also found it to be around twice as potent as dianabol by nitrogen retention studies [8]. Bodybuilders typically use dosages several times higher than those administered clinically.

As with any new compound, sensible users will keep dosages low and cycle-lengths short, until those with less caution have established some guidelines of how not to do it (by finding the dosages at which unacceptable side effects are encountered). Early Boladrol adopters have been dosing between 4 and 8mg per day for two to four weeks, and reporting great results.


[1] Structure and effects of anabolic steroids. Pharmacol Ther B 1975;1:233–75.

[2] J Am Chem Soc 1959;81:4069-74.

[3] International Congress on Hormonal Steroids, Milan, Italy, 1962, Excerpta Med., Internat. Congr. Series No. 51.

[4] Steroids. 2009 Feb;74(2):172-97.

[5] Steroids Volume 40, Issue 6, December 1982, Pages 603-614

[6] Clinical Chemistry 42:7 1001-1020 (1996)

[7] J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2009 May;115(1-2):44-61.

[8] Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1963 Nov-Dec;4:734-9.




5a-androst-2-ene-17-one or 2-androsten-17-one

Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio:

Unknown. The active version of this prohormone, 2-androstenol, was found to have no activity by oral administration according to the researchers at Searle, [1] though this may be because 2-androstenol is not water soluble and so cannot be absorbed by the small intestine - unlike 2-androstenone. [2]

Suffice to say that it is relatively weakly active (meaning that it needs to be dosed fairly high), much like many other non-17a-alkylated prohormones (such as 11-oxo, 4-AD, and boldione).


Delta-2, 2-androstenone


While 2-androstenol was previously released as one of the two compounds in Anabolc Xtreme's 3-AD (the other being androsterone), 2-androstenone was new to the market in 2011.

In fact, two unaffiliated companies brought out the compound roughly simultaneously: AndrogenetX in the US and Fusion Supplements in the UK.

Structure and Function:

This non-methylated compound possesses the Δ2 double bond as found in the designer steroid desoxymethyltestosterone (a.k.a madol, pheraplex), therefore it lacks the 3-keto function common to most anabolic steroids.

The easiest way to think about this compound is as a prohormone to unmethylated pheraplex (desoxymethyltestosterone). Like DHEA or 4-androstenedione it has a 17-keto function, which will be reduced by interaction with the 17bHSD enzyme in vivo to the active hormone 2-androstenol (unmethylated phera). This 17b-hydroxylated metabolite will be the one responsible for the anabolic and androgenic effects seen with this drug.


Like all anabolic steroids, the user can expect a marked increase in protein synthesis leading to a much faster rate of muscle accumulation, along with a significant boost in strength. Aromatisation should be impossible (due to the lack of a 3-keto and 4-ene), though as with all non-aromatising androgens that does not mean that estrogen-related side-effects are impossible (just much less likely).

Side Effects:

There's some supposition that pheraplex is an inhibitor of 11b-hydroxylase, which would account for the apparent water retention ("bloat") and high blood pressure some users experienced, despite the fact that phera doesn't aromatise to estrogen. Inhibition of 11b-hydroxylase can lead to increased renin secretion which results in higher levels of aldosterone, a mineralocorticoid that causes high blood pressure and water retention through sodium retention and the excretion of potassium. [3]

One study on bodybuilders found far higher levels of aldosterone in the steroid-taking group than in the non-steroid taking group - and these changes remained far past the end of their cycles. [4]

Whether or not this is the case for 2-androstenone - or phera for that matter - remains to be proven, but it is food for thought, particularly as a previous study pointed the finger at aldosterone as a cause of left ventricular hypertrophy, and suggested that it's heart remodelling effects may be unrelated to it's blood-pressure increasing effects. [5]

On balance though, this is likely to be one of the safer compounds on the market, due to the lack of liver-damaging 17a-methylation, lack of aromatisation, and possible "feel good" qualities if it shares that quality with it's big brother pheraplex.

The side effects common to all oral steroids, as discussed in the other writeups in this series, will also apply here.

Recommended Dosages and Cycle Durations:

There's a lack of solid feedback from users at the point of writing, though I would suggest doses in the range of 300mg upwards, with most users seeing best results around 600mg/day for a period of four to six weeks, followed by an appropriate PCT protocol and period of discontinuation.


[1] J. Med. Chem., 1966, 9 (5), pp 693–697

[2] New prohormone: Delta-2

[3] Cardiovascular Toxicity of Anabolic Steroids, Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Vol. 33: 497-520

[4] Aldosterone Concentrations in the Blood Plasma and in the Urine Samples as the Biological Marker of Anabolic Adrogenic Steroids (AAS) Abuse, Recent advances in doping analysis (12). Sport und Buch Strauß, Köln (2004) 395-401

[5] New perspectives on the role of aldosterone excess in cardiovascular disease. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2001 Oct;28(10):783-91.




2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol or 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-etioallocholan-17b-ol

Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio:

1100:91 vs. methyl test by oral administration [1]


Epistane, Havoc, Epi, E-Stane, Epi-Strong, Methylepithiostanol


Methylepithiostanol: Methyl indicates the 17a-methyl group, epi means above, indicating the bridge, thio indicating sulphur, stan is short for the androstane skeleton, and ol points out the hydroxyl at 17b.


One of a number of steroidal compounds researched in the 60s by Searle Laboratories, while it was never used clinically in the West, the unmethylated analog epitiostanol has been used to treat breast cancer and gynecomastia in Japan. [2][3]

The two first "prohormone" products containing this compound, IBE's Epistane and RPN's Havoc, are still the two best-selling "epi" products on the market.

Structure and Function:

Resembling methyl DHT, but with a sulphur atom spanning C2 and C3, methylepitiostanol is an orally active compound that lacks the 3-ketone common to most anabolic steroids. Some of it's activity will be due to metabolism in vivo to other active compounds - including desoxymethyltestosterone (pheraplex). [4]

It will undergo dethionylation (loss of the sulphur atom) both in vivo or via pyrolysis (administration of high temperatures) to produce phera, as illustrated in this diagram. [5]



Greatly increased protein synthesis and accrual of lean muscle mass with attendant strength gains. Some fat loss may be experienced, though this is dependent on diet and training.

Side Effects:

Side-effects may include (but are not limited to): loss of or heightened libido, elevated liver enzymes and potential temporary liver function impairment, HPTA disruption, adverse shifts in lipoprotein subfractions (lowered HDL, increased LDL cholesterol), acne, hair growth or loss, and an increase in blood pressure. This product should not be used by women or teens.

Gains are very lean and dry with many users complaining of sore joints (so a joint supp like Joint Force would be recommended to those experiencing pain or discomfort).

Recommended Dosages and Cycle Durations:

Cycles are typically 30 - 40mg daily for four to six weeks, followed by a SERM PCT protocol to avoid "rebound gyno".


[1] Anabolic agents. 2,3-Epithioandrostane derivatives. J. Med. Chem., 1966, 9 (5), pp 693–697

[2] Gan To Kagaku Ryoho. 1988 Jul;15(7):2163-7.

[3] Jpn. J. Clin. Oncol. (1973) 3 (2): 99-104.

[4] Xenobiotica. 1991 Jul;21(7):865-72.

[5] Drug Test Anal. 2009 Nov;1(11-12):518-25.




17a-methyl-1-testosterone, or 17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-1-androsten-3-one, or 17a-methyl-5a-androst-1-ene-3-one-17b-ol

Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio:

910-1600:100-220 vs. methyl test by oral administration. [1][2]


Methyl-1-testosterone, 17aa-M1T, M1T, Methyl Dread, M-One-T, 17a-methyl-dihydroboldenone


It was originally synthesized as early as 1962 at Searle Laboratories though, like most compounds researched in the 1960s, never made it as far as human testing. Although it was extremely anabolic, it also possessed fairly strong androgenic qualities and was consigned to the annals of history, until it was unearthed decades later to take the bodybuilding supplement industry by storm.

M1T was the culmination of an arms race in the industry during the late 90s and early 2000s that started when Patrick Arnold released the prohormone to testosterone 4-androstenedione. He then followed it up with the hugely popular 1-androstenediol, a 1-testosterone precursor. Other firms took this one step further by producing the already-active 1-testosterone, and finally Legal Gear (now LG Sciences) upped the ante by bringing to market Methyl 1-Testosterone (M1T), which unlike the previous compounds was an entirely synthetic (non-naturally occurring) fully active oral steroid. [3]

The popularity of this and other synthetic hormones (along with a couple of sports doping scandals) attracted a lot of unwanted attention to the industry, resulting in the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 which saw M1T, 1-AD, 4-AD, and every prohormone and steroid the US govt. could think of added to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act, making them illegal to sell or possess, [4] though no legislative action has been taken against it in the UK at the time of writing.

Structure and Function:

This is a 17a-methylated compound, making it highly orally available. It lacks the delta-4 double bond of testosterone, having a 1,2 double bond instead. This means that it will not aromatise, and it will not 5a-reduce in androgen-sensitive tissues like testosterone can (since it's 5a-reduced already). Metabolism is limited, to a large extent, to reduction of the double bond and hydroxylation of the 3-ketone. [5]


Fig 1. Metabolism of 1-androstenes [6] (image simplified for illustrative purposes).


Users can expect significant and rapid weight gain accompanied by extreme gains in strength. This is not a compound to be underestimated and would be well-suited to those looking for immediate results. Some of the weight gained will be in the form of fluid retention that will be lost upon cessation, though long-lasting physique improvements can be made by taking full advantage of the short highly anabolic window of the cycle.

Side Effects:

Many have assumed that M1T aromatises, however that is structurally impossible. What is possible - and much more likely in my opinion - is that it is an inhibitor of 11b-hydroxylase, which would account for both the apparent water retention ("bloat") and high blood pressure some users experience.

Inhibition of 11b-hydroxylase can lead to increased renin secretion which results in higher levels of aldosterone, a mineralocorticoid that causes high blood pressure and water retention through sodium retention and the excretion of potassium. [7]

One study on bodybuilders found far higher levels of aldosterone in the steroid-taking group than in the non-steroid taking group - and these changes remained far past the end of their cycles. [8]

This may or may not be the case for M1T (and many other steroids), but it is food for thought, particularly as a previous study pointed the finger at aldosterone as a cause of left ventricular hypertrophy, and suggested that it's heart remodelling effects may be unrelated to it's blood-pressure increasing effects. [9]

Liver toxicity is also a concern with this compound. While there are many 17a-methylated compounds on the market, they are not all equally hepatotoxic at like-for-like dosages. Protodrol for example is likely to impart minimal hepatic impact at doses of 100mg for six weeks, while 20mg of M1T for a couple of weeks will significantly adversely affect liver function markers. Abuse of this drug with high doses for long periods of time can result in intrahepatic cholestasis (jaundice), and for this reason cycles should be kept short, low-dosed, and alcohol-free.

Recommended Dosages and Cycle Durations:

Most trainees should see dramatic results at 10mg/day for two to three weeks, the cautious may do well on 5mg, while the more reckless will use higher doses and durations. Although cycles are short, it's a strong suppressive compound, so a full SERM PCT protocol is advised.


[1] Acta Endocrinol December 1, 1966 53 635-643 [link]

[2] J. Med. Chem., 1965, 8 (1), pp 48–52 [link]

[3] The History Of Pro-Hormones on Super Human Radio

[4] Senate Bill 2195

[5] Recent Advances in Doping Analysis (14), Sport und Buch Strauss, Cologne, Germany, 2006, pp. 249–258.

[6] J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2009 May;115(1-2):44-61.

[7] Cardiovascular Toxicity of Anabolic Steroids, Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Vol. 33: 497-520

[8] Recent advances in doping analysis (12). Sport und Buch Strauß, Köln (2004) 395-401

[9] Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2001 Oct;28(10):783-91.




4-hydroxy-17a-methyl-19-nortestosterone or 4-hydroxy-17a-methyl-17b-hydroxyestr-4-en-3-one or 17a-methyl-3-oxo-19-norandrostene-4,17-diol

Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio:

1304:281 vs. methyl testosterone by oral administration, and 1304:1024 vs. methylnortestosterone by oral administration. [1]


M4OHN, methyl hydroxy nandrolone, MOHN, oxavar


This compound is first described in the literature in 1964, when researchers from Milan, Italy, explored the effects of adding a hydroxyl group at C-4 to a variety of steroids. [2]

It was launched on the prohormone market in 2004 as a bulk powder by Designer Supplements and 1fast400. The first capped product was Oxavar by Gaspari Nutrition.

It was shortlived, however, since the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 [3] saw it added to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act, making M4OHN illegal to sell or possess in the USA. It resurfaced in the UK in late 2010; no legislative action has been taken against it in the UK at the time of writing.

Structure and Function:

This is a oral nandrolone-derived steroid. It differs from nandrolone in that it has a 17a-methyl group to improve oral bioavailability, and a 4-hydroxyl group that increases the dissociation of anabolic and androgenic effects. It is essentially a 19-nor version of the steroid oxymesterone.

G. Sala, in his paper on the biological properties of 4-hydroxy-3-keto-Δ4-steroids [2], observed that "4-hydroxy-17a-methyl-19-nortestosterone presents a strong increase of the myotrophic and of the androgenic effect, with a moderate increment of the therapeutic index, as compared with 17a-methyl-19-nortestosterone".

This increase in effect was only seen with oral administration, not with subcutaneous injection of the compound, so he goes on to say that he believes this is due to the hydroxylation at C4 increasing "intestinal absorption of 17a-methyltestosterone derivatives", in addition to "favoring dissociation between myotrophic and androgenic activity".

The 4-hydroxyl group also abolished the progestational effects of all of the testosterone and nortestosterone derivatives studied. The results of his observations of the compound are summarized below:


The addition of the 4-hydroxyl function is likely to hinder (though not prevent) the reduction of the C-4,5 double bond. This is particularly true of 17a-methylated steroids such as this one. [4]

Whereas testosterone derivatives typically 5a-reduce to stronger androgens, 19-nortestosterone derivatives typically 5a-reduce to weaker androgens. This goes some way to explaining why M4OHT (methyl hydroxy testosterone) is more anabolic and less androgenic than methyl test, while M4OHN (methyl hydroxy nandrolone) is more anabolic and much more androgenic than methyl nandrolone.


While the anabolic:androgenic profile would suggest that this was a strong mass-builder, user feedback would suggest it is instead an effective cutter and best used by those looking to shed excess fat.

Side Effects:

One of the issues surrounding nandrolone derivatives, particularly 17a-methylated nandrolone derivatives, is their potential for progestational activity. Fortunately this compound is an exception to the rule, having no progestational effects. Any nipple sensitivity on-cycle will therefore be estrogen related and should be dealt with by a SERM or aromatase inhibitor.

The standard list of steroidal side-effects listed in the other profiles will also apply to this compound.

Recommended Dosages and Cycle Durations:

Due to it's strong profile this compound was originally released in 2mg caps, with other manufacturers dosing them similarly at 2-4mg. Users often ran it much higher, with 12mg being common though some reported the best effects at 40mg or even higher.

The clone currently available on the UK market is dosed at 10mg per cap, which will make it much easier and more cost-effective to experiment with higher dosing. Since it's a methylated compound cycles are generally 6 weeks or less to minimise the risk of hepatic injury.


[1] Vida J.: Androgens and Anabolic Agents. Academic Press, New York (1969) p. 280.

[2] Hormonal Steroids Vol 1, p.67. Academic Press, New York, 1964.

[3] Senate Bill 2195

[4] J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2009 May;115(1-2):44-61.

Methyl Sten



2,17α-dimethyl-5α-androsta-1-en-17β-ol-3-one, or 2,17a-Dimethyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-3-one

Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio:

660:90-170 vs. methyltestosterone by oral administration. [1]


Methyl stenbolone, methyl sten, 17a-methyl-stenbolone, m-sten, ultradrol


In 1966, researchers at Searle Laboratories set about methodically testing the myotrophic (anabolic) and androgenic effects of a series of A-ring modified androstane derivatives [2]. The compounds they explored reads like a who's who of designer steroids.

Methyl-1-testosterone (M1T), desoxymethyltestosterone (phera), 17a-methyl-1-androstenediol (Alpha One), and a variety of other 1- and 2-dehydro compounds were explored for activity.

The researchers proudly announced that "Even the least active compound in Table 6 possessed a higher relative myotrophic potency than previously has been obtained with several clinically interesting compounds which have been studied under identical conditions, i.e. oxymetholone, oxandrolone, stanozolol, and methandrostenolone." (anadrol, anavar, winstrol, and dianabol).




IIe = methyltestosterone

IIa = methyl-1-testosterone

IVd = methyl stenbolone

IIf = alpha one (17a-methyl-1-androstenediol)

IIIa = phera (desoxymethyltestosterone)

As you can see from the table above, methyl sten has somewhere between 2/3 and 3/4 the anabolic activity of methyl-1-testosterone, and a similar A:A ratio (by oral administration to castrated rats).

It can also be found in an earlier paper by two of the same authors [3], however at the time it was only studied for activity by intramuscular injection, so the figures it quotes are irrelevant for our purposes. It does, however, give a recipe for producing the compound from superdrol.


Methylsten™ is listed as one of the ingredients in a proprietary blend in a now-discontinued product called Mass Tabs by IDS, though testing has shown that this product (at least the later, bottled batches) in fact contained superdrol [4][5].

Structure and Function:

Structurally resembling the bastard child of M1T and superdrol, methyl sten is a DHT-derivative that is dimethylated at C-2 and C-17 (like superdrol) and has a 1-ene (like methyl-1-test).

It's important to note that while methyl stenbolone is dimethylated at C-2 and C-17 like superdrol, the spatial configuration is different due to the presence of a delta-1 double bond (the C-2 methyl group is therefore planar). This means that methyl sten is a 2,17a-dimethyl rather than a 2a,17a-dimethyl compound.

A more recent (2009) paper on the effects of structural modifications to steroids concluded that the addition of a 2-methyl function to a 1-ene steroid had little effect on the relative potency of the compound [6].



You'll note however that this is view is taken virtually word for word from the 1961 study that only examined the activity of the compounds by IM injection and is therefore questionable when discussing their oral activity.




Since it's DHT-derived, aromatisation is impossible. 5a-reduction is also impossible, since it's already 5a-reduced. The 17a-methyl group greatly increases the bioavailability of the compound by oral administration.

The combination of delta 1-dehydrogenation and 2-methylation is likely to make the A-ring very resistant to metabolism. 3z-,16z-, and 18-hydroxylated metabolites are likely to be the only ones detectable after administration, other than the unchanged compound [7][8].


It is a strong oral steroid in the vein of pheraplex, superdrol, and M1T. It should be an excellent bulking compound at an appropriate dosage.

Side Effects:

It is inevitable that the compound will display some degree of hepatotoxicity. This is discussed in some detail on the manufacturer's blog, which I would recommend reading [9].

The standard list of steroidal side-effects listed in the other profiles will also apply to this compound.

Recommended Dosages and Cycle Durations:

These will be formed by the weight of public opinion after enough logs have been recorded. The only confirmed product on the market to contain this compound comes in 4mg caps and recommends dosing at two caps per day, and not to exceed three caps per day. It is likely in my opinion that the "standard dosing" will end up significantly higher (20mg+).

Given that the level of liver toxicity is at this stage unknown, cycles should be kept to four weeks or less, as is usual with a strong methyl such as superdrol or M1T.


[1] Vida J.: Androgens and Anabolic Agents. Academic Press, New York (1969) p. 212.

[2] Acta Endocrinol 1966 53 627-634 & 635-643

[3] J. Org. Chem., 1962, 27 (1), pp 248–253

[4] test results IDS mass tabs - ThermoLife International Forums

[5] Affidavit for raid: image 1, image 2, image 3

[6] Steroids 74 (2009) 172–197

[7] J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. 115 (2009) 44-61.

[8] J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. 101 (2006) 161–178.

[9] Antaeus Labs: A few words on the hepatotoxicity of 17a-methylated androgens/anabolics

Images simplified for illustrative purposes

With thanks to j3ff_beck.


Fala galera,

andei pesquisando bastante nesse e em outros tópicos/fórums, a fim de encontrar mais detalhes a respeito de outros phs. No caso, gostaria de saber mais a fundo sobre Stano-Drol e Epistane (pois ví poucos relatos, principalmente em relaçao ao Epistane). Meu maior receio de colateral é a libido, ainda mais pq sou casado e tenho que representar diariamente hahaha.

Pelo que ví, o Epistane promove ganhos razoáveis e secos, poucos colaterais (um dos phs mais brandos) com pouca ou nenhuma alteração na libido.

E o Stano-drol tem ganhos razoáveis e secos também, porém com maiores colaterais um pouco. Ví que tem efeitos positivos sob a libido! O que seria "Efeitos Positivos" sob a libido? Aumentar e depois apenas normalizar, não baixar? Não Alterar?

Abraços, vlw


"Efeitos Positivos" would suggest an increase in libido. It isn't guaranteed, but it is quite likely.

Hi Henryv,

Ok, but libido my fall next (using Stano-Drol)? I mean, virtually all phs cause of libido drop at the end of the cycle or pct.


virtually all phs cause of libido drop at the end of the cycle or pct.

That maybe more due to low test and/or low estrogen and/or the effects of the PCT (PTC?) medications than the direct effects of the compound. I wouldn't expect much of a problem with stanodrol. Nolva (tamoxifen) oftens lowers libido though.


That maybe more due to low test and/or low estrogen and/or the effects of the PCT (PTC?) medications than the direct effects of the compound. I wouldn't expect much of a problem with stanodrol. Nolva (tamoxifen) oftens lowers libido though.

Got it.

What could u say about Epistane or E-stane? Due to its anti-estrogenic composition, could be a good option to prevent falling libido during and after the cycle?

Thanks man,


Got it.

What could u say about Epistane or E-stane? Due to its anti-estrogenic composition, could be a good option to prevent falling libido during and after the cycle?

Thanks man,

Loss of libido is common on epi. Particularly towards the end of the cycle.

M udou a língua dp fórum agora e eu não to sabendo?!?!

My Portuguese is not very good. Desculpe.

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