Power_tr00 9.380 Postado Janeiro 3, 2022 às 00:17 Autor Postado Janeiro 3, 2022 às 00:17 O @Vecchio meteu o loco e botou desafio EU botei meta até o final do ano pq quero algo consistente Mas recomendo que quem quiser ir lá e botar o nome na lista do "não vou me foder sozinho" a ir therealjoca reagiu a isso 1
Power_tr00 9.380 Postado Janeiro 3, 2022 às 10:38 Autor Postado Janeiro 3, 2022 às 10:38 Fala, meu povo, bom dia, Feliz ano novo! (após o carnaval eu repito os votos de feliz ano novo) espero que estejam bem. Primeiro treino do ano: Como começar o ano passando a mensagem certa? Como começar o ano falando pra ele "I'm gonna make you my little bitch!"? claro que é metendo terra logo de cara! Treino de 26 minutos, as 3 séries de trabalho dei quase um minuto de descanso, mas no aquecimento e em todo resto , aqueles descansos curtos da massa primeiro bloco KB swing com anilha/Terra/Sidebends segurando uma anilha no lado oposto 3 rounds aquecendo, 3 séries de trabalho cada uma com um triple pesado Segundo bloco tirei 40 kg da barra e fiz um cluster set até fechar 12 reps - iria fazer mais, mas senti a lombar querendo discutir a relação e fui para movimentos que não taxassem tanto ela nem o SNC terceiro bloco hiperextensão 45º 2xfalha alongamento em suspensão. retomei o hábito dos banhos escoceses (toma banho quente rápido, se limpando e depois liga a água fria e fica uns minutos debaixo dela, faz bem pra alma - e é melhor ainda quando você percebe que não voltou o chuveiro pra posição quente e , enquanto troca de roupa, vê maluco entrando no chuveiro, ligando a água e gritando palavrão pela água fria kkk) segue jogo, segue plano, segue jejum, que hoje testarei segurar mais tempo do que o que ando segurando ultimamente e agora vão fazer algo fantástico com suas vidas therealjoca, RenanTrz, lorenzo_EP e 1 outro reagiu a isso 4
lorenzo_EP 11.345 Postado Janeiro 3, 2022 às 11:03 Postado Janeiro 3, 2022 às 11:03 Em 03/01/2022 em 07:38, Power_tr00 disse: Treino de 26 minutos Já começou o ano nessa fofura? Power_tr00, rbtm, SweetB e 1 outro reagiu a isso 4
Power_tr00 9.380 Postado Janeiro 3, 2022 às 11:04 Autor Postado Janeiro 3, 2022 às 11:04 Em 03/01/2022 em 08:03, Alex_83 disse: Já começou o ano nessa fofura? Fofolete mode on
rbtm 45 Postado Janeiro 3, 2022 às 11:05 Postado Janeiro 3, 2022 às 11:05 Em 03/01/2022 em 07:38, Power_tr00 disse: segue jogo, segue plano, segue jejum, que hoje testarei segurar mais tempo do que o que ando segurando ultimamente Como tá sendo teu jejum? 16/8?
Power_tr00 9.380 Postado Janeiro 3, 2022 às 11:07 Autor Postado Janeiro 3, 2022 às 11:07 Em 03/01/2022 em 08:05, rbtm disse: Como tá sendo teu jejum? 16/8? voltando a uma janela similar a essa estava , nos últimos meses, treinando em jejum e depois comendo lá pelas 9h, dando umas 13 horas de jejum, e isso tava me deixando preguiçoso estou voltando ao set point
Azyzz Br Remastered 2.510 Postado Janeiro 3, 2022 às 12:07 Postado Janeiro 3, 2022 às 12:07 Em 03/01/2022 em 07:38, Power_tr00 disse: Fala, meu povo, bom dia, Feliz ano novo! (após o carnaval eu repito os votos de feliz ano novo) espero que estejam bem. Primeiro treino do ano: Como começar o ano passando a mensagem certa? Como começar o ano falando pra ele "I'm gonna make you my little bitch!"? claro que é metendo terra logo de cara! Treino de 26 minutos, as 3 séries de trabalho dei quase um minuto de descanso, mas no aquecimento e em todo resto , aqueles descansos curtos da massa primeiro bloco KB swing com anilha/Terra/Sidebends segurando uma anilha no lado oposto 3 rounds aquecendo, 3 séries de trabalho cada uma com um triple pesado Segundo bloco tirei 40 kg da barra e fiz um cluster set até fechar 12 reps - iria fazer mais, mas senti a lombar querendo discutir a relação e fui para movimentos que não taxassem tanto ela nem o SNC terceiro bloco hiperextensão 45º 2xfalha alongamento em suspensão. retomei o hábito dos banhos escoceses (toma banho quente rápido, se limpando e depois liga a água fria e fica uns minutos debaixo dela, faz bem pra alma - e é melhor ainda quando você percebe que não voltou o chuveiro pra posição quente e , enquanto troca de roupa, vê maluco entrando no chuveiro, ligando a água e gritando palavrão pela água fria kkk) segue jogo, segue plano, segue jejum, que hoje testarei segurar mais tempo do que o que ando segurando ultimamente e agora vão fazer algo fantástico com suas vidas Começou daquele jeitão em power , sinal doq estar por vir Power_tr00 e therealjoca reagiu a isso 2
Power_tr00 9.380 Postado Janeiro 4, 2022 às 10:36 Autor Postado Janeiro 4, 2022 às 10:36 Fala,meu povo,bom dia. Hoje foi peitolas. Treino de 30 minutos com descansos curtos de no máximo 30 segundos. Dormi meio tarde ontem e tava meio zureta no treino. Primeiro bloco Supino reto. 12@60kg 8@100kg 3@140kg (tava tão zoado que botei 140 ao invés dos 120 que havia planejado) 2@140kg - aqui fui ver a merda que tinha feito e baixei pra 120kg 3x5@120kg 4@120kg 2x8@100kg 15@60kg Isso tudo dando rolê pela academia pq a turma da noite deve ter enfiado as anilhas de 20 no rabo. Fui achar anilhas até no meio dos colchonetes. Segundo bloco Fly halteres inclinado 30º/supino halteres inclinado Faz fly até falhar e muda pro supino que ainda tem muita coisa pra expremer 3x falha Terceiro bloco Widowmaker-dropao Peck deck Só que ao invés de usar os pegadores abertos fui nas almofadas pra empurrar com cotovelos Fica bem mais pesado Banho escocês Segue plano segue jejum E agora vão fazer algo fantástico com suas vidas E tenho de lembrar de marcar férias Estou precisando therealjoca, Azyzz Br Remastered, projetohuck2 e 1 outro reagiu a isso 4
Power_tr00 9.380 Postado Janeiro 4, 2022 às 10:41 Autor Postado Janeiro 4, 2022 às 10:41 (editado) Tinha posto um link do instaram aqui, mas vi que era restrito Colocando outra bobagem do mesmo nível aqui 53 Signs You Might Be a Powerlifter 1) You have to sit down and rest after changing plates on the bar. Nothing screams GPP like adding and removing plates from the bar. 2) You consider the walking to and from your car to the gym as cardio and adjust your diet to fit this exerting form of exercise. Going catabolic from doing too much cardio is dangerous and could result in a lower total; don't do it. 3) You know what day it is by what lift you are training. When people ask you what day it is and you reply with squat day, don't be surprised if they are not amused. Being able to recall what day it is from what you are training is handy because you never have the ?Mondays?. 4) You practice perfect squat form when sitting down or standing up. I have tight hips along with the flexibility of a 2x4. If this sounds like you, don't risk it all on a bad descent onto the toilet. This is a bad way to go. 5) When you consider sex as ?deadlift lockout practice.? Kill two birds with one stone here; multitasking is great since you only have a few seconds before you have to move onto something else. 6) You need to lean against the wall to apply deodorant. If you have to utilize structures to do daily activities such as applying deodorant or scratching your back, you are on the right track. 7) You have a butcher on-call. If knowing you have access to all of the protein you need on speed dial helps you rest at night, you may be a powerlifter. Remember, rest and recovery is the most important factor of training. You know you're a powerlifter if...you actually compete. 😎 You travel out of town to hit a buffet. All of the local buffets have banned you because their profit margins have dropped by 8% and you are close to putting them out of business. 9) You spend more time taking care of your beard than you do your hair. Maintaining a luxurious beard like Clint Darden requires much care and patience; don't waste your time trying to brush your hair. 10) You wear shoes you don't have to tie. Sure, shoes you do not have to tie are comfortable, but do you really want to tell people it's because you can't reach your shoes to tie them? 11) You hook grip your groceries. If you've never used a hook grip while carrying groceries, then you can thank me for the tip. One trip to the house or you don't even lift. 12) You go to the grocery store and buy meat and toilet paper only. This doesn't need much of an explanation here? 13) You ?ve pooped yourself while squatting. It may not be the best day ever, but it will happen. 14) You can only eat chicken breasts that are covered in mayo or bacon. Mmm, bacon. 15) You have a container of white powder that you need to label as chalk just in case you get pulled over. When you are jacked up on your pre-workout and get pulled over speeding, you don't have time for the K9 to come out to your car to check what this white substance you have is. Take it from me, label your chalk. 16) When bloodshot eyes means a great workout and not a night of drinking and debauchery. Just play along when someone asks if you had a fun night out?they won't understand. 17) You train abs but are still fat. Having functional strength and a bigger total is more important than having a 6 pack. Looking to get stronger? Check out powerlifter Brian Carroll's best selling book 10/20/Life. Maximize your strength for life. 18) You attribute a failed lift to the excessive walking you did in the grocery store. When you've been unable to sleep at night from a missed lift, you've looked at your programming and diet but you have concluded that walking to get that pack of bacon was just too much for you to handle. 19) You put bacon on everything. Fats are anabolic, kids. 20) You have a hard time adding up the change in your pocket, but you can instantly calculate what is on a bar. Who needs math when you can count in multiples of plates? 21) You consider walking, yard work and house cleaning as GPP. don't lose your gains because you had to take out the trash. 22) You get fast food on the way to a family dinner to make sure you get full. No one has time to be hungry after eating at a restaurant, get yourself a couple McDoubles so you can keep those McGains. 23) You go inside to order at a fast food joint because it's easier to hand them your list instead of reading it out loud to them. don't miss out on calories because you forgot the last thing on your list. 24) You realize that in the event of a fire you can carry your whole family, gym bag, and meat in your freezer without coming close to your one rep squat max. Being prepared for the worst is important. [caption id="attachment_11571" align="alignright" width="280"] Got chalk? CLICK HERE to purchase Titan pure grade natural gym chalk.[/caption] 25) It is mentally painful to use high reps. Your heart rate and blood pressure starts to raise thinking about doing a set over 5. 26) You are fuscular. Fuscular is a term of endearment. Being one big walking ball of muscle wrapped in fat is as glorious as a bacon wrapped doughnut. 27) You have huge arms and small biceps. Not having enough time (or energy) to do arm work is a blessing in disguise; just think how big they would be if you did as many curls as the bros. 28) You get a headache and bloody nose from tying your shoes. Powerbelly or not, you have a hard time tying your shoes. Might I suggest shoes that do not tie? 29) You plan business trips around your training and known powerlifting gyms. it's worth the hour drive one-way to the meeting you just flew out to so you can be close to a powerlifting gym. 30) Popped blood vessels and bloody shins are normal. If you keep an extra pair of socks in your gym bag or car because you can't leave your scabs on your shins alone, you are my hero. 31) You consider the 220 weight class and below the little guys. let's face it, who cares about the Wilks formula when you can deadlift 700 pounds? 32) You have to carry two gym bags to fit all of your equipment. Keeping a few pairs of underwear and socks takes up a lot of room in your bag; along with the straps, chalk, protein, ammonia caps, bands, extra collars, super glue, hair spray, deodorant, squat shoes, deadlift shoes, bench shoes, grocery bags, wrist wraps, belt, knee wraps and knee sleeves. 33) You eat during your workout. don't let hunger get in the way of your training; always have prepared meals on hand. 34) You get a bicep cramp from holding your cell phone for more than a minute. It feels like you've popped a bicep, doesn't it? 35) When you install a taller and stronger toilet to accommodate your squat day and your bulk. If your toilet makes you squat with a bigger ROM than you do in the gym, it has to go. If your toilet makes you squat with a bigger ROM than you do in the gym, it has to go. 36) You can't spell the word cat but you know how to spell all of the chemical compounds in your favorite supplements. Who has time to write complete sentences? 37) You have to check out where you are walking to make sure you can fit. No one has time to get stuck between a table and a wall. 38) When someone asks how much you squat and you respond with ?I don't know? because they won't believe the truth. Adding ?back in high school? makes it much more believable. 39) When you drop something on the ground and debate in your head whether it's worth the risk to pick it up. If you have to think longer than 30 seconds about whether it's worth picking up, you don't need it anyways. 40) You skip cardio because you?re hungry. Just kidding, what's cardio? 41) You actually compete?I mean competing in powerlifting is only part of the challenge. 42) When people ask if you are ?a bodybuilder or something? and you reply with ?or something.? it's easier to shrug off the conversation than it is to explain it. 43) You struggled in basic math classes but you understand programming structures and percentages with any number. What good is being able to figure out how many apples I have left after Timmy took one if I don't even eat apples? 44) You squat more than most people leg press. It only counts if you leave all of the plates on the bar when you are done. 45) You justify any food you eat as carbing up for the next workout. Why else would you eat a whole pizza and an order of family breadsticks? 46) When 3 whites means you had more in you. Yeah. 47) You can't max out because there is not enough room on the bar for weights. Start finding women and small men (they are the same) to hang from the bar next. 48) The smell of ammonia makes you want to deadlift the closest car you see. If you have to use a hit of nose tork or a cap before sex, you receive bonus points. 49) The answer to a popped callus is super glue and some chalk. It stings for a few seconds but will work. 50) When people quit joking about how much you lift. This is pretty much self-explanatory. 51) When you have to use bands, duct tape, or multiple collar locks to keep the weights from sliding off. Bars bend and no one wants to lose a couple of wheels in the middle of a deadlift. 52) You keep plastic bags on hand. RAW people won't get this at all. 53) You type RAW. what's the difference between RAW and raw anyways? Editado Janeiro 4, 2022 às 11:08 por Power_tr00
Power_tr00 9.380 Postado Janeiro 4, 2022 às 11:10 Autor Postado Janeiro 4, 2022 às 11:10 e agora bobagem do mestre dave tate 27 REASONS TO BE BIG I like having to think, "Is this really worth getting up for?" before doing anything. I like having to roll off the bench press instead of sitting up. I like the feeling of having my head filling with pressure, turning bright red and not being able to breathe. And this is just from tying my shoes. I find it best to take a big breath of air, drop as fast as I can and speed tie. I can usually get the job done in four to five reps. I like the feeling of my belly on my upper thighs when I take a dump. Sometimes I even try to sit back further, fill my belly with air and blast away like I would a big squat. I like feeling hot and sweaty when sitting in an air conditioned room with my shirt off and a fan blowing on me. This is how I spend most days at work! II like taking an extra few minutes in my car to catch my breath from walking across the parking lot. I like having to put my belt through my belt loopsbeforeI put on my pants. I remember how mad my friend Jim was one time at the airport when he was asked to remove his belt before going through the metal detector. He knew he had two choices. He could either go the rest of the day without his belt, or head to the restroom to take his pants back off and re-loop the belt. He waited until the next time he had to take a dump as it would just be too much of a pain to remove his pants for no reason. I like waking up in the middle of the night with my hands numb. Gives me a chance to eat more food. I like being asked things like: "Do you lift weights?" No, I look this way for no other reason. "Are you a wrestler?" Yeah, like I have the mobility to jump off the top rope! II like the time I have to spend in business meetings trying to overcome the meathead image all the fat, out-of-shape business executives have of me. I like the feeling I have of needing to take a shit all day long. I like the lower back workout I get from walking across the room. Cell phones are also a treat when you're big. You're sure to cut all conversations very short because you know your arm will get tired within the first two minutes. This is where the headsets are great, but these Shrek-like fingers make it hard to get the damn plug in the phone. On that same note, I like having to retype just about every third word because my damn fingers keep hitting the wrong keys. I like buying a new recliner every year because they all break down. I like the feeling of jeans either smashing my nuts or falling off my ass. I like coming up with excuses to avoid places like the zoo, amusement parks, fairs or any other place that involves a shitload of walking in hot weather. Yeah, let's all go to Disney World! I love speed squat workouts where the only thing that's moving fast is my heart rate. I love leaving work and finding that when I get to my car I forgot something and realize it isn't worth the 20 yards to walk back and get it. The only exception to this rule is when I forget my car keys and then have to stand there pissed at myself for a half hour before I walk back in and get them. I usually try using my cell phone to call in and have someone bring them out to me. I love swimming and finding myself in the deep end where I can't touch. I always like it when I'm the passenger in a compact car. First you have a hell of a time getting into the car as it feels like you're doing a one-leg squat down to a shoe box. Then when you reach your destination you find you're curbside parked. You go to open the door and you hear the oh-so-familiar scratch of the car door on the curb. This sound runs down your spine like fingernails on a chalkboard. You then look out the door and see that you're required to do the deepest one-leg squat in history to get out. The only way you'll be able to do this is to arch your back and press your feet into the floor as hard as you can to begin to lift yourself up in the seat as you would on a hack squat machine. If done correctly, you can gain up to six inches before you take the side lunge from hell to get out. Once you're in the proper position you should be able to take the leap of faith to get out. If this wasn't bad enough, you always know that it's not over after the first step. You know there's a very good chance you'll end up losing your balance as you get out and end up taking a few awkward backward steps once you clear the door. The worst thing of all is knowing once you get out you'll have to find a way to get back in. I love feeling like I'm getting more jacked and ripped at the same time, yet every picture I see of myself shows a fat bloated pig. I guess it's true that a picture can add two rolls and twenty pounds of fat. Okay, thirty. I like knowing that when I go to take a dump I have a very good chance of getting a lat cramp when I go to wipe. This will always lead to the "quick" wipe and a dirty ass. Jim has always suggested the use of baby wipes to finish the job, but let's face it, do you really want to risk the lat cramp again? I'd much rather hit the shower to finish the job. Hint: You'll need to get one of those detachable showerheads so you can get the direct line of fire. If all else fails, you can ask your sweetheart to help finish the job. To do this you need to lie on your back and lift your legs up and back as far as you can. This will give her a perfect view to get the job done. Okay, I know I crossed the line with that one, but I do know of at least three lifters who take care of hygiene this way. They call this "assuming the position." I love having to have someone else button my top shirt button and put my tie on because I can't reach it. I also like going out to eat and finding I'm in a restaurant that has two choices: 1) the booth you have to squeeze your ass into, knowing that your belly will be smashed the entire meal and 2) those tall tables with the extra high barstools. Not able to lean back and set your feet on the floor is counterproductive to one of the most important activities of getting big–eating. I suggest leaving and finding somewhere else to eat. I like all the crazy sexual positions I can conform to. Going to the airport provides several great reasons why you should all strive to get big. First up, you have to get all your crap out of the car and to the check-in. In my case I'm usually looking at a duffle bag of clothes for the weekend trip. You also need a bigger bag because all your crap is size XXX, plus you need a few extra shirts as you're bound to sweat through most of them and will need to change often. I also have my briefcase with laptop, planner and all the other crap I need while away. In the case of a seminar, I also have a roller case with my LCD projector. Lastly, if I need to train while away I'll need my training bag with all the gear I'll need. (I don't even want to get into the bags needed for a powerlifting meet.) So I'm faced with how to get four bags to the check-in terminal. Yes, you can get a roller cart, but this will require walking to the terminal to get the thing, then walking back, loading up and walking to the terminal again. This is way too many trips for a big guy to take. If you're lucky, you'll make it to the terminal with only four or five drops. If you're following me here you know what happens when one bag falls off your shoulder. You try to recover and the next thing you know all your bags are on the floor. It takes several attempts to get all the bags back up and on your way. Let me tell you this before I go on: don't try and kick a few bags as you go. This may seem like good idea but a travel bag doesn't kick as smoothly as you think it would, and it'll take much more energy kicking the bags than it would hiking them back on your shoulders. Okay, so you make it to the check-in terminal. You take your place in line and set your crap down. This is when the "bag kick" comes in handy. You don't want to have to pick up your bags every five minutes when the line moves up. At this point you'll be starving from all the work you had to do to get here and you can see the fast food places around the corner. As each person moves up you get more and more hungry to the point that your hunger turns into "stupid people aggression." Most of you will know what I mean with this. You're in line and what should take a max of five to ten seconds to do, takes some of these morons ten minutes. All you can think of doing is kicking the asshole in front of you in the back as he fumbles for his ID that he should've had out ten minutes ago. Hell, I've been holding mine in my mouth for the last half hour to the point that the ends are now all chewed up. You finally make it to the metal detector. We already discussed the belt issue, but it's important to point out that you should never wear laced shoes as you'll have to take them off, and we all know how hard they are to get back on. Since you're big and jacked you don't have to worry about taking anything out of your pockets because if you had something in there, there's no way you'd ever get it out anyhow. This is also why big guys will always tip all the change they receive into the tip jar, because let's face it, where are you going to put it? In your front pocket? Yeah right! And how will you get it out? The only way you'd ever see the change again is when you take your pants off later that day. At this point it'll fall on the floor and you'll have to call in your kids to have them pick it up for you. So you kick your shoes off and think you'll fly past the metal detector archway. This is true as long as you don't bump the sides. Since you're huge, your shoulders are bound to hit, plus you have a shaved head and goatee and are automatically targeted as a threat. So you find yourself being directed to the two big footprints on the floor and told to stand here. Then they ask you to raise your arms and will always ask you if you work out. This is no time for small talk as your shoulders are messed up from your last squat session and it's killing you to hold your arms up. Finally, you get a chance to drop a few hundred bucks on a handful of eats that should hold you over for the trip. Now is your time to take a seat and recover from the demanding trip so far. This is a great time to checkout all the normal folks to remind yourself how great it is to be huge. You realize very fast that you're ten times bigger than you thought you were as it seems everyone in this country is fat and out of shape. On any given day you'll be lucky to see one or two people who look like they've set foot in a weight room. The goal here is to not get too close to anyone as you don't want to catch the Geek Virus. Soon you'll be boarding the plane. It's best to wait until last to get on. Why rush to just go sit again and have to get up if someone else comes? If you've planned your trip well you know you should have an isle seat so it doesn't matter when you get on. So relax and enjoy watching everyone else rush to the plane. Now, you know the seat will be a tight fit and you'll have your balls crushed for the next hour or so. Find your seat but keep on the lookout for any seats that may be open with an empty seat next to them. Since you should be the last one on the plane, dive into whatever looks like the best place to be. This is your right because you are huge. As you can see, being big is a great thing. If I can't convince you in 3000 words then there's just no hope for you.
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