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Apesar de parecer (e ser) completamente estranho, eles tem uma explicação para o movimento:



#Chinese weightlifters use a variety of movements and methods to strengthen the posterior chain. The rounded-back #snatch #deadliftis a special assistance movement to work the lats, rhomboids, posterior deltoids, lower back through a greater range of motion not covered by traditional #deadlifts and pulls. While some lumbar rounding will occur it should not reach end-range flexion and does not change until near the lockout. Additionally, most of the rounding should occur in the upper and mid back as shown in this video during the summer #mastrengthcamp.

Start with a light weight or empty barbell, then flex down with your abs toward the floor which will cause protraction in the back. To ascend, pull the bar while contracting the deltoids, rhomboids, lats, and glutes. Keep the bar close through the entire movement to prevent excessive rounding of the lower back. Usually lifters will use around their snatch weight for this exercise for repetition but start light and focus on the muscle activation.

When performed properly, this movement balances out extension demands from #weightlifting and can protect the back during heavy attempts where there is increased risk of rounding. If you want to learn about #Chineseweightlifting techniques, join us around the world for a #mastrength seminar or camp!


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E a turma entra em histeria se vc arcar levemente as costas no deadlift. Isso só prova que uma progressão adequada e lenta não vai te dar uma hérnia por 1 execução mal feita. Também não estou dizendo que é pra pegar 100kg com as costas curvadas, sóque eles começaram com pouca carga e foram aos poucos se adequando ao exercício.

E só um adedo os chinas estão voando nas categorias mais leves de lpo.

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