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Estou fazendo AEJ tem 2 semanas e sempre toml café com adoçante 30 minutos antes. Vi um vídeo de um cara dizente que corta o glucagon entao corta o jejum. Vocês sabem algo sobre?



Aqui o estudo de onde saiu essa ideia:


E aqui o estudo que desmente essa ideia:


These observations differ from those of Brown et al. (2), although the doses of sucralose and AceK and the load and timing of the subsequent glucose drink were identical in our study. It is unclear whether other components of diet soda that were not controlled for by Brown et al. may have had the capacity to stimulate GLP-1 secretion. Our findings are, however, consistent with previous reports that sucralose or AceK alone has no effect on GLP-1 secretion, insulin, or blood glucose concentrations (3,4) and our observations that sucralose had no effect on GLP-1 secretion or the glycemic response to intraduodenal glucose in healthy humans (5). That the STR antagonist, lactisole, attenuates glucose-stimulated GLP-1 secretion suggests that activation of STRs is necessary, but not sufficient, to stimulate L-cell secretion (1). In conclusion, sucralose and AceK, either alone or in combination, have no acute effect on gastric emptying, GLP-1, or glycemic responses after oral glucose in healthy humans.

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