LACQUA Postado Maio 30, 2008 às 14:44 Postado Maio 30, 2008 às 14:44 "Da American Cellular Labs..TREN-Xtreme oferece os mais extremos resultados para força e hipertrofia muscular. Apenas 2 moléculas de hidrogênio a menos que o potente anabolizante Trenbolona." O composto ativo em TREN-Xtreme é 19-Norandrosta-4,9 diene-3,17 diona. Esta estrutura é uma progestina semelhante a trenbolona, nandrolona, metiltrienolona e Metil-Dien que também são progestinas. TREN-Xtreme não é convertido para estrógeno nem dihidrotestosterona (DHT), não oferecendo nenhum tipo de efeito colateral como retenção hídrica, ginecomastia ou espinhas. Alguém já usou esse suplemento? Estou pensando em usar.. obs.: malho a 1ano e 4 meses! histórico: suplementei com alguns whey's importados, creatina, noxplode e cell mass BSN..atualmente estou tomando apenas whey e albumina.. nunca bolei. gostaria de saber do pessoal aí que já tomou..dizem relatos, que ganham de 3~6 kg secos.. se eu resolver tomar, faco um relato completo aqui, de medidas e etc. abraço
funkstatic Postado Maio 30, 2008 às 18:04 Postado Maio 30, 2008 às 18:04 é um pré hormonal. E presta? Onde tem?
LACQUA Postado Maio 30, 2008 às 18:22 Autor Postado Maio 30, 2008 às 18:22 sim é um PH... e muitos dizem ser mto bom, inclusive em foruns gringos...
Bents Postado Maio 31, 2008 às 05:23 Postado Maio 31, 2008 às 05:23 realmente eh um pre hormonal.. vc pode achar mais informacoes de ciclos e resultados em : porem, os PHs mais conhecidos e usados sao havoc, halodrol, epistane (basicamente os mesmos compostos), superdrol e alguns outros. Usualmente ciclo de 4 semanas, tomando junto alguns suplementos pra proteção do figado, e um pos ciclo bem feito pra reter. Da mais uma pesquisada por ai...pq so o PH sozinho nao dá. Ja vi alguns relatos de gente q fez o primeiro ciclo, depois dele sem o PCT, perdeu quase tudo. No segundo ciclo, com PCT, conseguiram manter uns 70 a 80% da massa. abs boa sorte
Bents Postado Maio 31, 2008 às 05:29 Postado Maio 31, 2008 às 05:29 so uma pergunta, pq tb tenho interesse tb: Alguem traz la de fora pra vc ? Pq se importar pelo correio vai parar na anvisa e nem com vela preta vc consegue liberar. Mas c consegue facil....da uns toqs (manda msg PV) pq to kerendo trazer um " kit ciclo" la de fora, so nao arrumei o caminho ainda....
LACQUA Postado Junho 2, 2008 às 14:08 Autor Postado Junho 2, 2008 às 14:08 TB NAO TENHO QUEM TRAGA DE FORA.. MAS CONSIGO NA MINHA CIDADE(PORTO ALEGRE) O MAIOR PROBLEMA É QUE EM JULHO, ESTAO FECHANDO A AMERICAN LABS PARECE...ASSIM TBM, MTOS PHS VAO CAIR NO BANIMENTO TEM QUE APROVEITAR ESSE MES PRA ESTOCAR SE TIVER GRANA, NO MEU CASO TA DIFICIL HEHEHE MEUS INTERESSES SÃO: Rage RV5 MD1T mistura de Tren Xtreme + Phera Plex em quantidades consideraveis... além de AAKG, Uva Ursi (diurético) e hepato-protetor pra v c diminui o estrago. Mas os outros como TREN XTREME, Halo-Tren, Hadrol e bold200 sao bem fortes tbm
Bents Postado Junho 2, 2008 às 22:32 Postado Junho 2, 2008 às 22:32 cara, faz uns bons anos q nao ciclo com nada... d uns tempos pra k venho vendo muita gente falar bem d alguns PH´s. Perdi todos os contatos q eu sei q traziam os venenos d fora e tava ate procurando como conseguir uns PH´s. T mando msg no PV. To colocando abaixo algumas informacoes q andei pegando em sites por ai, nao cheguei a formatar nada... mas tem muita informacao e varios produtos (nomes) para mesmos compostos. Acho que deve ter outras marcas pro Tren Xtreme...nao xeguei a ver direito, mas axo q o trenaplex eh =....da uma analisada no composto dos 2 [url=""][/url] [url=""][/url] 1) Não metilados IMO, propadrol (EST), Revolt, X-Mass, Ergomax-LMG 2) Melhor comentado halovar superdrol = methyldrol trem 3) Liver protection Milk Thistle perfect cycle liver DX 4) Protecao Prostata palmetto 5) PCT Post Cycle Support (by: Anabolic Innovations) 6-weeks 6-OxO Novadex Inhibit E by S.N.S Zma Tamoxifen I strongly recomend taking the following supplements whenever you are cycling one or a combination of ph's. a) Saw palmetto, it is vital in prostate support and will protect you from any long term damage. Daily vitamin, ph's will speed the body processes up, so you will rebuild muscle faster and also burn through more nutrients than without a ph. Therefore, i know how alot of you guys eat, so please...take a good daily one every day to help protect yourself. c) Liver protector, milk thistle, hawthorne berries, or a combination. Take every day. == 6) Methoxy-TST Nomenclature: 17b-methoxytrienosterone Pill size: 2mg Dosages: The label recommends 2-6mg daily, but many users report only noticing effects when dosed at 8-12mg. Side effects: Low liver toxicity. Some users say this is a libido killer, yet others say the exact opposite. Other users report sides of thinning hair/hair loss. Reputation: Seemingly underdosed, methoxy-TST could be considered an underrated designer, as many users have reported some substantial gains with higher dosages. Epistane/Havoc/Hemaguno/Methyl E/Epi-Max Nomenclature: 2a-3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol Pill Size: 10mg or 12.5mg depending on what brand you use Dosages: 20-30mg Side Effects: Milder on liver and lipid levels than other methyls. Known to cause lower back and calf pumps. Reputation: There has had some spectroscopy and compound identification issues with these products, but from personal experience with it, is still a solid product. It is also a popular compound for use with the 'pulse method' of taking orals. Users can expect to see significant gains in both strength and mass. * SEE EPISTANE, METHYL E !! 7) Pheraplex/Phera Vol Nomenclature: 17a-Methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol Pill Size: 10mg Dosages: 10-30mg Side Effects: liver toxicity, bad lipid profile, lower back and calf pumps, some users report aggrevation of gynecomastia with this compound. Reputation: Solid product for bulking. Wet gains. It is a sometimes used to jumpstart an injectable cycle. This is the less androgenic isomer in the Ergomax LMG matrix. 8) Ergomax LMG Nomenclature: 17-methyl-delta-2-etioallocholane isomers Pill Size: 10mg Dosages: 10-40mg Side effects: liver toxicity, bad lipid profiles, lower back and calf pumps, may aggrevate gynecomastia. Reputation: Again pretty solid for bulking. Users can expect similar gains as with pheraplex. 9) Superdrol, superdrol Clones Nomenclature: 2a, 17a-dimethyl-17?-hydroxy-5a-etiocholan -3-one 2?, 17?-dimethyl-5?-androstane-3-one-17?-ol 2a,17a-Dimethyl-17?-hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-one (real deal) Pill size: 10mg Dosages: 10-30mg Side Effects: liver toxicity, bad lipid profiles, hypoglycemia, some users report agrivation of gynecomastia with this compound. Reputation: Side effects vary from mild to extremely harsh, so use caution if planning your first run. Excellent dry gains. Great for bulking or cutting. Explosive strength gains. This is a methylated form of Drostanolone (Masteron) ** SEE S-DROL, SUPERVOL, OR TESTADROL !! 10) Methoxy-TRN Nomenclature: 17b-Methoxy-Trienbolone Pill size: 3mg (trenadrol is 30mg on bottle, however same deal) Dosages: 1.5-6mg (trenadrol dosed 30mg - 90mg as high as 120mg) Side effects: Affects libido (some positively some negatively), can aggrevate gynecomastia. May cause thinning hair/ hair loss, elevated blood pressure, aggression. Also another progestin. Reputation: This guy is a real hit or miss. Some users loved the stuff, while others did not notice anything from it. Noticed increases in strength as well as decreases in bodyfat. ** SEE HALO TREN, TRENADROL, 11) Halodrol-50, and Clones Nomenclature: 4-chloro-17a-methyl-4-ene-3,17 diol 4-chloro-17-methyl-17-hydroxy-androst-4-ene-3-ol /PH 4-chloro-17a-methyl-androsta-1, 4-diene-3, 17b-diol /DS Pro-Turinabol: 4-chloro-17-methyl-17-hydroxy-androst-4-ene-3-ol Pill Size: 50mg Dosages: 25-50mg Side effects: Heptatoxicity, lower back/calf pumps Reputation: Milder than superdrol or pheraplex. Modest gains in mass and strength. Most users take this as part of a cutting cycle. This is a prosteroid of Turinabol. ** SEE HEMOGEN 50, HEMADROL, HALO TREN, 12) Prostanozol/ Orasan-E/Winztrol Nomenclature: [3,2-c]pyrazole-5alpha-etioallocholane-17beta-tetrahydropyranol Pill size: 25mg Dosages: 50-150mg Side effects: very few sides. Some users report thinning hair/hair loss. Reputation: Possibly the most mild of the designers, this compound is rarely run standalone. It is often stacked with a methyl compound for a lean bulk or cut. Very mild, yet easily maintained gains. This is a de-alkylated derivative of Stanozol (winstrol). ** SEE WINADROL, HEMOGUNO !! 13) Finigenix Magnum/Trenaplex/Testraflex Nomenclature: Estra-4, 9-diene-3, 17-dione Dosages: 50-75mg Side effects: aggrevation of gynecomastia. This is a progestin (it can convert to trenbolone). Expect tren-like sides. Reputation: Though there hasn't been much logged on this bad boy, those who've used it have liked it. This is a prohormone to Tren. 14) Propadrol Nomenclures: 12-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-diene / 6-17 dihydroxyetiocholone-3-ol proponate Dosages: 1-2 caps daily Side effects: low side effects Reputation: User's who've taken it have reported great decreases in bodyfat, while increasing musclemass and strength. Non methyl status means that this product stacks well. NOTE: this is does not contain the same compound as Max LMG. They are close, but no cigar. 15) Max LMG / Revolt Nomenclature: 13-ethyl-3methoxygona-2, 5(10)-dien-17-one Pill size: 25mg Dosages: 25-135mg daily Side effects: Can easily aggrevate gynecomastia. May be a libido killer. This is another progestin. Reputation: A bulking compound through and through. Users can expect great recovery, and wet gains. 16) M-1,4ADD/AF Methyl-Stak Nomenclature: 17a-methyl-1,4-Androstadiene-3,17diol Dosages: 30-90mg daily Side effects: heptatoxicity, slight possibility to aggrevate gyno Reputation: Great for a bulk. Wet gains, and decent strength gains. This is a prohormone of Dianabol. (D-Bol) 17) 1,4 AD/Bold Dosages: 300-600mg Side effects: Mild, acne, oily skin, MASSIVELY INCREASED APPETITE. Reputation: Very weak and not very cost-efficient at the moment. This compound is often stacked with a methyl to potentiate and accelerate gains. Cycles are usually run at a MINIMUM of 4 weeks as this one takes a few weeks to 'kick in'. Slow, steady, and easily maintainable gains. This is a prohormone of Boldenone. 18) Promagnon-25 Dosages: 25-75mg Nomenclature:4-chloro-17a-methyl-andro-4-ene-3,17b-diol Side effects: The usual sides associated with methylated compounds. Reputation: Very similar to that of Halodrol-50, although people who've tried both seem to prefer Halodrol. For a while a lot of people were conviced that these two products were one in the same. Rest assured, they are not. This is a methyl derivative of clostebol. 19) Oxyguno Nomenclature: 4-chloro-17 -methyl- etioallochol-4-ene- 17 -ol-3,11-dione Pill Size: 7.5mg Dosages: 7.5-22.5mg daily Side effects: Heptatoxicity from 17a-methylation. Very low androgenic sides. Reputation: Despite popular belief, this is not the most myotrophic designer out there: it has the highest Q factor. It is actually only about 77% as myotrophic as the active present in Havoc/Epistane/Hemaguno. Users taking Oxyguno can expect mass gains as well as excellent fatloss. Due to it's incredibly low androgenic ratio, strength gains are not as pronounced. 20) Furaguno/ Ortasan-A Pill Size: 33mg Nomenclature: 5a-androstano[2,3-c] furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol Orastan-A 5a-androstano[2,3-c] furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol ether 50mg Dosages: 33-99mg daily Side Effects: very mild Reputation: Supposedly lowers cholesterol, increases androgenic receptor activity, and does not induce any heptatoxicity. This product is too young on the market to have developed a reputation yet. Get some, log it, and let us know so I can update this compound's profile. This is a prosteroid to furazabol. REVISAO ENCONTRADA NO ANABOLICMINDS.COM 1) Superdrol Clones=Converts to masteron. 2a, 17a DI Methyl Etiocholan 3-One, 17b-Ol -Oxodrol 12 by IDS - CEL M-Drol, 60 caps 10mg/cap $21.99... $.047/mg/ - EST Methyl-VOL, 80 caps 10mg/cap $27.95 ... $.035/mg - Fast Action Pharma S-Drol, 60 caps 12mg/cap $31.95 ... $.044/mg - GAT Methyl Depot, 90 caps 10.5mg/cap $34.95 ... $.037/mg - iForce MethaDROL, 90 caps 10mg/cap $36.95 ... $.041/mg - Black China Labs Straight-DROL, 60 caps 10mg/cap $35.95 ... $.060/mg -MethylDX3 by Physical Enhancing Industries Oxevol (same as Dianevol) by Evolution Labs -Testadrol= 15mg per tab Other Information Best Cycle Length: 3 Weeks Risk of Sides: There is a high risk factor for side effects with superdrol clones. The Superdrol compound is rated the strongest of the other compound I've listed. Dosage: I would say that 10mg can give excellent results with little sides,You never should go more than 30mg/day. Use: The Superdrol compound is a very good lean mass builder. It is suitable to use for either a bulk or a cut. Strength gains come fast and hard, but that also means your strength will drop significantly after the cycle is over. 2) PheraPlex Clones=its not a prohormone so it doesnt need to convert, it is already active. It is DMT, or desoxymethyltestosterone. A lil knowledge for your noob ass! 17a-Methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol - CEL P-Plex, 90 caps 15mg/cap $19.99 ... $.014/mg - EST Phera-VOL, 75 caps 15mg/cap $19.95 ... $.018/mg, This is a mixture of phera, and ergo max. - Fast Action Pharma D-Stianozol, 60 caps 10mg/cap $32.99 ... $.055/mg - Growth Labs P-Max, 84 caps 15mg/cap $19.95 ... $.016/mg - Juggernaut Nutrition Phera-BOL, 90 caps 10mg/cap $19.95 ... $.022/mg - Kilo Sports Phera-Mass, 60 caps 10mg/cap $46.95 ... $.078/mg - Black China Labs Straight Phlexed, 60 caps 10mg/cap $35.95 ... $.060/ Other Information Best Cycle Length: 3 Weeks Risk of Sides: With this compound there is a very high risk for side effects, more vissible side effects than with the superdrol clones, such as hairloss and water retention, but doesnt seem to be as harsh on the liver. The PheraPlex compound is right behind Superdrol in potency. Dosage: this can be dosed very similar to a Superdrol clone. 10/20/20 for beginers -or- 10/20/30 for the novice user, but again definetely do not go over 30mg/day. Use: The PheraPlex compound is best suited for a bulk. It is more of a 'wet' builder. This is not much of a lean mass builder, but again great for a bulk, It can be used though as the ptimary androgen in a cutting cycle, stacked with a non methyl/ 3) Halodrol-50 Clones= Supposedly converts to turinabol. 4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3-17b-diol - Anabolic Formulations Halo-MASS, 60 caps 25mg/cap $24.95 ... $.017/mg - CEL H-Drol, 60 caps 25mg/cap $24.95 ... $.023/mg - EST Hemadrol, 30 caps 50mg/cap $38.95 ... $.026/mg -*(Comparable) Juggernaut Nutrition Oral Turinadrol, 60 caps 25mg/cap $31.95 ... $.021/mg - Black China Labs Super Halo, 60 caps 25mg/cap $37.89 ... $.025/mg -rockhard formulations-halocore. halo clone Other Information Best Cycle Length: 4 Weeks Risk of Sides: The risk for side effects using a Haladrol-50 clone is moderate. This compound isn't near the potency of either superdrol or pheraplex. Dose: 50/50/50/50 for beginers -or- 50/50/75/75 for a novice user. Use: This compound is best suited for cutting, it is a dry builder, it is more in between the two. 4) Epistane & Clones=Originaly a drug prescribed in japan for breat cancer, now its methylated but has retained anti estrogenic properties. 2,3a-Epithio-17a-methyletioallo cholan-17b-ol - Anabolic Formulations Epi-MAX, 90 caps 10mg/cap $36.95 ... $.041/mg - EST Methyl-E, 75 caps 10mg/cap $49.95 ... $.067/mg -Juggernaut Nutrition E-Max, 90 caps 10mg/cap $34.95 ... $.039/mg - IBE Epistane, 90 caps 10mg/cap $42.95 ... $.048/mg -*(Comparable) Spectra Force Research Hemaguno, 60 caps 12.5mg/cap $48.95 ... $.065/mg - RPN Havoc, 90 caps 10mg/cap $42.99 ... $.048/mg - Starmark Labs Hemapolin, 90 caps 10mg/cap $43.99 ... $.049/mg - Armour Nutrition Epi-Mass, 90 caps 10mg/cap $34.95 ... $.039/mg -GENERA labs Epidrol- This is my favourite/ -rockhard formulations-methyl freak. epi clone Other Information Best Cycle Length: 4-6 Weeks Risk of Sides: The risk of side effects with this compound are more than moderate. Epistane and its clones are a very potent steroid. Dose: 10/20/30/30(/30/30) as a beginer -or- 10/20/30/40(/40/40) for a more novice user. I have read of some people dosing as high as 50mg/day, i wouldnt reccomend it, higher dosing means higher risk of sides. Keep your dose as low as you can with maximum benifit. Use: Epistane and its clones are best used for cutting. This compound is very dry and is said to have gyno fighting properties. Great for lean mass building, but not a huge size builder. 5) There is a new one too but with no clones as of yet.. 3-AD= Converts to stanolone. Innovator: Anabolic Xtreme Pill Size: Prop Blend Dosages: 4-6 caps of Prop Blend Nomenclature: 2-androstenol acetate and androsterone (3-hydroxy-17-oxo-5a-androstane) Side effects: Mild Reputation: As per the testing logs, this compound is been shown to cause great gains in mass, mild strength, can be kinda wet (although it is non-aromatizable). I would prefer to compare this to something like 4-AD, from back in the day. Very mild side effects. 6) Products With 2 or More Compounds -Superplexx by Pharma Resources (superdrol and halodrol 50 - Anabolic Formulations Halo-T 400, 60 caps 4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3-17b-diol 25mg/cap & Estra-4, 9-diene-3, 17-dione 20mg/cap Trenbolone Precurser + Haladrol-50 $35.95 ... $.013/mg - Anabolic Formulations Methyl-STAK, 60 caps 17a-methyl-1,4-Androstadiene-3,17diol 30mg/cap & Estra-4, 9-diene-3, 17-dione 25mg/cap Trenbolone Precurser + M1,4ADD $39.95 ... $.012/mg - Fast Action Pharma MD1T, 90 caps 19-Norandrosta 4, 9 Diene 3, 17 Dione 50mg/cap & 17a-Methyl-Etioallocholan-2-Ene-17b-Ol 20mg/cap PheraPlex + Finiplex $59.99 ... $.010/mg - GXL Original HD, 30 caps 4 cholro-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3-17b-diol 25mg/cap & 17-methyl-delta-2-etioallocholane 25mg/cap Haladrol-50 + DMT $41.95 ... $.028/mg - Black China Labs Super Flex, 60 caps 17a-Methyl-Etioallocholan-2-Ene-17b-Ol 10mg/cap & 2a, 17a Dimethyl Etiocholan 3-One, 17b-Ol 10mg/cap PheraPlex + Superdrol $54.95 ... $.046/mg -Omnevol (same as Sustevol) by Evolution Labs (pheraplex, superdrol, halodrol 50) Anevol by Evolution Labs (pheraplex and superdrol) Super Mass Caps by Amerceuticals (superdrol and halodrol 50) Sostenol 250 by IDS (pheraplex, superdrol, halodrol 50) Sostenol 250 by Webber (pheraplex, superdrol, halodrol 50) 7) Here are some more, I wasnt sure where to put these so now they are all together!!! - Anabolic Formulations TrenaPLEX, 90 caps Estra-4, 9-diene-3, 17-dione 25mg/cap Trenbolone Precurser $27.95 ... $.012/mg - Axis Labs Furazadrol, 60 caps 5a-etioallocholan[2,3-c]furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol ether 50mg/cap Orastan-A $49.95 ... $.017/mg - EST Methyl XT, 75 caps Methyl-1-Etiocholenolol-Epietiocholanolone 20mg/cap M1,AD Comparable $37.99 ... $.025/mg - iForce BOLD 200, 60 caps 1, 4 Androstadiene-3, 17- Dione 200mg/cap Boldenone/Equipse Precurser $37.95 ... $.003/mg - Juggernaut Nutrition Win-Ztrol, 90 caps [3,2-c]pyrazole-5alpha-etioallocholane-17beta-tetrahydropyranol 50mg/cap Orastan-E/Prostanozol $29.95 ... $.007/mg - Spectra Force Research Furaguno, 90 caps 5a- androstano[2,3-c]furazan-17"-tetrahydropyranol 33mg/cap Orastan-A $48.95 ... $.016/mg - Spectra Force Research Oxyguno, 100 tabs 4 chloro 17a etioallochol 4 ene 17b ol 3,11 dione 7.5 mg/tab $50.95 ... $.068/mg - Black China Labs SuperTren Mg, 60 caps 13-Ethyl-3-Methoxy-Gona-2, 5(10)-Diene-17-One 25mg/cap Max LMG $44.95 ... $.030/mg - ALRI Jungle Warfare, 90 caps Conjugated (-) 3.4-Divanillyl Tetrahydrofuran, 17-Alkyl-4-Delta-5a-Dehydro-Etiocholan-1,6-Dien-3-One $39.99 - ErgoPharm 11-OXO, 60 caps Adrenosterone 225mg $35.95 ... $.003/mg - Kilo Sports Revolt, 90 caps 13-Ethyl-3-Methoxy-Gona-2, 5(10)-Diene-17-One 25mg Max LMG clone $28.99 ... $.013/mg I really hope this helps you all out, From RUSSIA with love. POKA DRUZIA!!!! Any mistakes or missing profiles let me know please!!!!!! Remember this is too help us all out, information originated from another source, its been edited and improved!!!
Tio Trinca Postado Setembro 5, 2012 às 11:23 Postado Setembro 5, 2012 às 11:23 O melhor PH que tomei. Ganhos excelentes de massa magra de "extrema" qualidade. Contudo, perto do final do ciclo, tive uma infecção intestinal, tive que parar de tomar. Isso causou um desastre em termo de manutenção dos ganhos. Naquele tempo, a fiscalização bateu e havia saido das prateleiras, já a um bom tempo, como acontece com alguns. Se voltaram a produzir, para mim é uma novidade que me leva a esperança de curtir o Tren Extrem novamente. Digo catergoricamente que, além do volume de massa magra, nenhum outro composto, seja NO2, Jack3D, Blade, ou qualquer pré-treino, tenha levado-me a tamanha vascularização, até no trapézio tinha. Aquele abraço
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