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Artigo legal do Brad Dieter, desmistificando algumas coisas sobre dietas high fat:


O resumo é isso aqui:

  1. Eating fat makes you burn fat: True
  2. High fat diets make you burn more calories: False
  3. A ketogenic state makes you burn the most fat and offers a metabolic advantage: False
  4. Eating more fat makes your lose more fat since you are using fat for fuel: False
  5. Carbohydrates are stored more easily than fat: False
  6. You eat less when you eat high fat meals: False
  7. Fat is more satiating than carbohydrates: False
  8. Eating fat before a meal makes you eat less: False


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Quase toda gordura que eu perdi de 2019 até hoje se deram principalmente por dieta cetogênica, feitas em diversos períodos. Dieta cetogênica me ensinou a lidar melhor com dietas como um todo, porque tinha que contar todos os alimentos e nutrientes com muito cuidado.

Única coisa que achei difícil foi conciliar atividades físicas, o que acabava me deixando muito dependente de estimulantes como cafeína para poder ter "energia" extra durante atividades e as atividades não ficavam tão intensas. Algum dia tentarei fazer essa dieta de novo agora que já estou com menos peso e BF, dessa vez unindo com treino pesado.

Em 23/08/2022 em 11:22, Beliko disse:

Quase toda gordura que eu perdi de 2019 até hoje se deram principalmente por dieta cetogênica, feitas em diversos períodos. Dieta cetogênica me ensinou a lidar melhor com dietas como um todo, porque tinha que contar todos os alimentos e nutrientes com muito cuidado.

Única coisa que achei difícil foi conciliar atividades físicas, o que acabava me deixando muito dependente de estimulantes como cafeína para poder ter "energia" extra durante atividades e as atividades não ficavam tão intensas. Algum dia tentarei fazer essa dieta de novo agora que já estou com menos peso e BF, dessa vez unindo com treino pesado.

Contraproducente. Melhor ter carbo pq vc vai conseguir treinar mais pesado, aumentando o estímulo e gerando adaptações positivas para hipertrofia.

Única vantagem que vejo de muita gordura é para quem não gosta de sentir fome


Confesso que não li muita coisa do tópico, mas se vale minha experiência aqui, com alguém um pouco fora da curva devido ao abuso de hormonios, creio que pode ser útil pra alguém um pouco "perdido": 

Acho cetose um pouco extremo, mas eu curto manter carbo baixo em todo o periodo, até num bulking sujo estilo lee priest, prefiro manter proteina e gorduras altas (gordura vem de brinde no caso, se eu bulkasse limpo, manteria ela baixo também, por questão hormonal) 
Acredito que alguns corpos não respondam bem a carbos alto, acho que no geral poucas pessoas respondem. proteina alta principalmente em bulking costuma ser uma delicinha. Fisico responde bem, fica cheio com qualquer 100g/dia de carbo que tu coloca nele e tu não fica todo letargico ameba se arrastando por ai.
Lógico, academicamente, fisiologicamente falando, carbo é muito útil, mas não acho que seja coincidência que no passado se usava muita proteína, pouco carbo e tínhamos físicos sensacionais com "pouco" hormonio. e principalmente: secos o ano todo. 

Numa visão mais extremista eu gosto de dizer: Sem GH insulina e tireoidianos, carbo baixo e "pouca" comida. Ponto.
Você não é nenhum ronnie colleman amigão, só vai ficar pançudo comendo 1kg de arroz por dia. 

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Ketogenic Diets for Body Weight Loss: A Comparison with Other Diets




In summary, the ketogenic diet may be superior to other diets in terms of weight loss while maintaining or even improving other health parameters. Some key points are as follows:


•    A ketogenic diet offers an improved regulation of hunger and satiety. It is known that hunger and appetite increase on low-calorie diets, making the weight loss process much more difficult. Conversely, the ketogenic diet increases the feeling of satiety and mitigates the feeling of hunger, even despite a negative energy balance and weight loss, unlike in carbohydrate-based diets.

•    Weight loss is greater during the initial phase of the ketogenic diet, as it reduces water retention and lowers glycogen levels in the body. In addition to the effect on total body weight, this may be important from the psychological perspective, as individuals who experience rapid weight loss will be more motivated to adhere to the diet.

•    The spikes and diurnal fluctuations in glucose and insulin concentrations are smaller because KD meals do not raise glucose levels or insulin levels as much as carbohydrate-based meals (even in those with a low glycaemic index). In the absence of pronounced glucose fluctuations, bouts of hunger and overeating during the day are less likely, and overall daily glycaemia (as demonstrated by HbA1c levels) is improved. Lower glucose levels support lower insulin levels, the sensitisation of body cells to this hormone, and reduced insulin resistance, which often accompanies obesity and overweight and hinders weight loss.

•    Ketogenic diets may help reduce inflammation associated with overweight and obesity to a greater extent than weight loss alone; thus, further research is needed in this area.

•    The effect of the ketogenic diet (unlike carbohydrate-based diets) offers similar potential benefits to those of obesity medications but without the side effects. Thus, there is less need for these medications in subjects adhering to this diet. Obesity drugs reduce energy intake by increasing a sense of satiety, reducing appetite (by acting centrally or reducing glucose fluctuations), and/or inhibiting the digestion of fats. The ketogenic diet reduces the feeling of hunger (e.g., by affecting the hunger and satiety hormones), improves glycaemic control, and also lowers energy intake, even without intentional calorie restriction (which is more difficult to achieve with other dietary approaches).

•    Weight loss on the KD can be more enjoyable (relative to low-fat diets), as it can simultaneously improve mood and cognitive function. The KD may even reduce symptoms of food addiction and binge eating. Many studies show that the beneficial (even therapeutic) psychological effects of ketogenic diets are superior to those of carbohydrate-based diets, exceeding those expected from weight loss alone (although there is a synergy between the two, as described in previous paragraphs).

•    The best results are achieved by using a low-calorie ketogenic diet (and the calorie deficit itself can often be achieved intuitively).




Rapid initial weight loss is a major advantage of the ketogenic diet over carbohydrate-based diets. Ketogenic diet users can expect to lose up to 4.5 kg of body weight in the first 2 weeks or even sooner. For the most part, this is due to reduced water retention in the body, which in turn is mainly attributable to low carbohydrate supply, which is intrinsic to this particular diet. Therefore, in its initial stages, the KD has a diuretic effect [104,105,106] similar to that of starvation [107]. It is known that carbohydrate restriction (especially on KD) reduces insulin concentrations [108] (insulin production is mainly stimulated by carbohydrate-rich meals) and depletes glycogen stores [109].


Glycogen is a polymer of glucose that acts as a reserve sugar in animals (corresponding to starch in plants). The main role of glycogen is to ensure glucose homeostasis in the body. To that end, glycogen is regulated by two main hormones—insulin (which promotes its synthesis) and glucagon (which promotes its breakdown) [110]. It is mainly found in the liver (100 g in an average adult) and skeletal muscle (400 g in an average adult), with smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, and brain.


When dietary carbohydrate supply is restricted, glycogen stores in the liver are depleted in just 24 h, and those in the muscles are consumed over the next few days, with a consequent loss of water (bound to glycogen) [109,111,112]. It is generally assumed that 1 g of glycogen is associated with at least 3 g of water (2.7 to 4 g) [113,114,115].


Assuming a 1:3 ratio, a loss of 500 g of glycogen will be accompanied by a loss of approximately 1500 g of water. Thus, the combined effect will be 2 kg of lost body weight. In addition, insulin is known to affect sodium retention in the kidneys, so a reduction in insulin concentration (as observed with the KD) will reduce sodium retention, which in turn leads to increased water excretion by the kidneys [116,117]. The loss of both water and sodium can reduce blood pressure quite rapidly, sometimes resulting in postural hypotension that may necessitate increasing salt in the diet or deprescribing antihypertensive medication [118]. On top of this, the satiating effect of the ketogenic diet described in Section 5.1 makes the initial weight loss significantly greater than in carbohydrate-rich diets. Rapid initial weight loss on the ketogenic diet is illustrated in Figure 2.




The effect of a ketogenic diet on inflammation-related markers: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials



Quick Summary

In this meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, adherence to a ketogenic diet reduced the levels of some inflammatory biomarkers to a very small degree.


What was studied?

The effect of a ketogenic diet on the levels of the following inflammatory biomarkers: C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 8 (IL-8), and interleukin 10 (IL-10).


Who was studied?

A total of 1,838 men and women (average ages of 21–74; average baseline BMI of 18.5–40.4), including adults without known health conditions and adults with overweight/obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and mild cognitive impairment.


How was it studied?

A meta-analysis of 44 randomized controlled trials was performed. The trials were conducted in North America (17 trials), Europe (13 trials), Oceania (9 trials), and Asia (5 trials).


A ketogenic diet was defined as a diet that provided greater than 45% of total caloric intake from fats and less than 10% of total caloric intake from carbohydrates. The comparators included a balanced diet, high-carbohydrate and/or low-fat diets, low-carbohydrate nonketogenic diets, habitual diet, a Western diet, standard dietary advice, the Mediterranean diet, and the Zone diet. The intervention duration ranged from 1 to 54 weeks.


What were the results?

Adherence to a ketogenic diet reduced (improved) TNF-α and IL-6 to a very small degree.


The risk of bias was high in 25 trials and unclear in 19 trials.


Anything else I need to know?

The poor methodological quality of most of the trials included in the meta-analysis reduces our confidence in the findings.

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