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Um urso e uma marmota "hibernam" de forma diferente.

Mas, ursos são acostumados ou aptados aos jejum.

Mesmo assim, não sei até que ponto pode-se comparar os dois metabolismos(humano e urso).

2 horas atrás, JJ IIFYM disse:

Cara, vc tá viajando, a única pessoa que tá comentando absurdos aqui é vc....

Falando de teorias derrubadas a décadas, limite de absorção de albumina, sem saber nem o que é atp e etc...

O jejum é top, com toda certeza...


O básico funciona, claro que funciona, mas querendo ou não, tem uns detalhes que fazem toda a diferença.


Exato, mas 95% não conseguem entender que precisa do básico..


Mimimi aumento de GH do jejum não faz diferença 

Vcs  tão a anos repetindo isso

Se bem que, duvido um pouco que vcs entendam isso... kkkkk


Dose-response studies on the metabolic effects of a growth hormone pulse in humans.

Møller N1, Schmitz O, Pørksen N, Møller J, Jørgensen JO.

Author information


Whereas the lipolytic and diabetogenic consequences of sustained growth hormone (GH) exposure are well described, the metabolic effects of a short-lived physiological GH pulse have only recently been reported. To assess the possible dose-response of such short-term bolus administration of GH, six healthy, male subjects were each studied thrice for 4 1/2 hours after an intravenous (IV) bolus of either 70, 140, or 350 micrograms GH, resulting in peak GH concentrations of 10, 15, and 34 micrograms/L. Observed results include: (1) Time- (but not dose-) dependent changes (P less than .05) in plasma glucose and an acute (from 10 minutes onward), persistent, 40% decrease in forearm glucose uptake. Total glucose turnover decreased steadily with time on all occasions. (2) Time- and dose-dependent increases (P less than .05) in the concentrations of circulating lipid intermediates, with an increase of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3-OHB) from a basal of 35 mumol/L to peak values of 108 +/- 34 (70 micrograms), 176 +/- 46 (140 micrograms), and 232 +/- 51 mumol/L (350 micrograms), forearm uptake of 3-OHB changed in parallel. (3) Respiratory exchange ratio decreased (P less than .05) with increasing GH doses (indicating increased lipid and decreased glucose oxidation), and energy expenditure remained unaffected. (4) Concentrations of insulin, C-peptide, and glucagon were unchanged throughout all studies. We conclude that the stimulating effects of a modest GH bolus on circulating lipid intermediates and lipid oxidation are dose-dependent. This finding underlines the potential role of GH as a principal physiological regulator of fuel consumption in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis.

PMID: 1736039

Postado (editado)



Quem tiver coragem de mudar de opinião, compare os valores pico do texto acima com os valores do gráfico abaixo...


Os que preferem se enganar são livres pra isso


Dose-response studies on the metabolic effects of a growth hormone pulse in humans.

Møller N1, Schmitz O, Pørksen N, Møller J, Jørgensen JO.

Author information


Whereas the lipolytic and diabetogenic consequences of sustained growth hormone (GH) exposure are well described, the metabolic effects of a short-lived physiological GH pulse have only recently been reported. To assess the possible dose-response of such short-term bolus administration of GH, six healthy, male subjects were each studied thrice for 4 1/2 hours after an intravenous (IV) bolus of either 70, 140, or 350 micrograms GH, resulting in peak GH concentrations of 10, 15, and 34 micrograms/L. Observed results include: (1) Time- (but not dose-) dependent changes (P less than .05) in plasma glucose and an acute (from 10 minutes onward), persistent, 40% decrease in forearm glucose uptake. Total glucose turnover decreased steadily with time on all occasions. (2) Time- and dose-dependent increases (P less than .05) in the concentrations of circulating lipid intermediates, with an increase of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3-OHB) from a basal of 35 mumol/L to peak values of 108 +/- 34 (70 micrograms), 176 +/- 46 (140 micrograms), and 232 +/- 51 mumol/L (350 micrograms), forearm uptake of 3-OHB changed in parallel. (3) Respiratory exchange ratio decreased (P less than .05) with increasing GH doses (indicating increased lipid and decreased glucose oxidation), and energy expenditure remained unaffected. (4) Concentrations of insulin, C-peptide, and glucagon were unchanged throughout all studies. We conclude that the stimulating effects of a modest GH bolus on circulating lipid intermediates and lipid oxidation are dose-dependent. This finding underlines the potential role of GH as a principal physiological regulator of fuel consumption in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis.

PMID: 1736039




Editado por planeta
9 horas atrás, {..mAthEUs..} disse:






Brincadeiras a parte, depois eu leio e respondo porque não leio apenas o que me convém, e não sou conhecedor de tudo, é sempre bom estar aprendendo.

Cara, se vc realmente entender oq a combinação desses estudos diz


e achar que existe uma resposta negando-os


eu definitivamente não preciso ler





Não é arrogância, é matemática, 1+1=2 ... vc lê gente falando que 1+1=8 ? Espero que não


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância




Dizem que bdnf deixa as pessoas mais inteligentes... mas atenção, isso é só uma curiosidade, postei esse artigo por outro motivo


3-Hydroxybutyrate regulates energy metabolism and induces BDNF expression in cerebral cortical neurons.


During fasting and vigorous exercise, a shift of brain cell energy substrate utilization from glucose to the ketone 3-hydroxybutyrate (3OHB) occurs. Studies have shown that 3OHB can protect neurons against excitotoxicity and oxidative stress, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Neurons maintained in the presence of 3OHB exhibited increased oxygen consumption and ATP production, and an elevated NAD+ /NADH ratio. We found that 3OHB metabolism increases mitochondrial respiration which drives changes in expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in cultured cerebral cortical neurons. The mechanism by which 3OHB induces Bdnf gene expression involves generation of reactive oxygen species, activation of the transcription factor NF-κB, and activity of the histone acetyltransferase p300/EP300. Because BDNF plays important roles in synaptic plasticity and neuronal stress resistance, our findings suggest cellular signaling mechanisms by which 3OHB may mediate adaptive responses of neurons to fasting, exercise, and ketogenic diets.

Published 2016. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.


bdnf ; ketone; mitochondria; nf-kb; p300


2 minutos atrás, MBD disse:

Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância


Não é arrogância





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