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Mephentermine: rediscovering its biology and use, misuse and their implications Mefentermina: redescobrindo sua biologia, uso, abuso e suas implicações Dear Editor, Mephentermine is an amphetamine-derived phenethylamine which shares a strong chemical similarity with both methamphetamine and the resulting stimulant actions of the alpha and beta adrenoceptors. It has been proposed that phentermine, which is a main metabolite of mephentermine, acts by inhibiting monoaminoxidases A and B.1 Mephentermine is less powerful compared to methamphetamine, and was traditionally used as a vasoconstrictor to maintain blood pressure in cases of hypotension during spinal anesthesia in patients undergoing elective Caesarean section procedures and pregnancy.2 It has also been used as a nasal decongestant.3 Nowadays, it is mainly used as a stimulant administered to disease-recovering competition animals. Its misuse by humans to achieve better physical performance has been described, however little data is available on the dependence and misuse of mephentermine.4 Both mephentermine and phentermine are stimulants whose use is prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).1 Only five case reports on the misuse and or dependence of mephentermine were found in the literature. The first two cases involved the misuse of mephentermine without dependence secondary to the use of inhalers. This misuse induced acute paranoid-hallucinatory symptoms that were identical to those seen in amphetamine-caused psychosis or acute paranoid schizophrenia. The third case involved a patient who became dependent although this patient had already presented psychotic symptoms on prior occasions. The fourth case involved an associated dependence of mephentermine, buprenorphine and promethazine.3,4 In Brazil, the use of mephentermine is restricted to veterinary use. It is used for fatigue, anemia, malnutrition and recovery from infectious and parasitic diseases. Its commercial names are Potenay® and Potemax®, which are administered orally or injected intramuscularly. The recommended dose for horses, cattle, swine, goats, dogs and cats is 6 to 12mg for each 5kg twice or three times a day. Our group has recently described the sixth case of misuse and the second case of mephentermine dependence without the presence of psychotic symptoms in a 22-year-old Brazilian man. The same case is the first described in Brazil. Although our initial experience with this patient revealed that this substance is widely available for sale in the black market, the medical literature has not yet fully investigated enough cases on the misuse of mephentermine and its derivates.4 Our aim is to highlight the relevance of a theme that is certainly more frequent than what is shown by the data currently available and is associated with social issues. The misuse of mephentermine can bring about major clinical implications, which may include secondary hypertension and a myriad of cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmias and sudden death syndrome.

Aqui uma literatura em inglês pra quem se interessa, dizendo algumas coisas básicas sobre a mefentermina <principio ativo do Potenay>.


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Meia hora antes, até que o efeito é rapido pra uma absorçao intramuscular, pelo menos cmg. nao sei se é psicologico ou se é efeito mesmo, mas quando vou shotar e o embolo ja ta quse no finalzinho dos ml's, antes de eu terminar a aplicaçao completa ja começa a suadeira na testa, acho q é o efeito mesmo pq pscicologicamente sou muito tranquilo pra essas coisas de aplicar, é um rotina 100% normal pra mim, acho q é pq eu aplico muito devagar por conta da dor q causa, ai o efeito ja vai pegando enquantp eu nao empurro todo o embolo, quando vou shotar roids normal nao fico suando.

quanto tempo antes de treinar tu mandou?

Editado por RASTA_

No carnaval eu assisti uma fila pra injetar potenay no peito e biceps 50 100 reais tavam dando

Imagino a negada mijando preto no dia seguinte achando que ia morrer

Sangue sangue e muito sangue!! Meus olhos estão sangrando

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