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Visitante usuario_excluido2333

Não sei não ein, ele já ta com 50 anos, se voltar vai ser essa rixa pessoal com o cutler mesmo pq eu acho q ele n entra mais no top 5 não ein...

Acho que já passou a época dele, deveria ficar de boa, corre o risco de ficar igual o Ronaldo que não soube a hora de encerrar a carreira...

Postado (editado)

Post do mestre no instagram chamando o jay pra "briga"


3 meses atrás

Trying my best to get these 17.34567 inch arms bigger. Of course it's a never ending battle because I know it's possible. If I stay focused I know I can get them back to 22 like they use to be. No excuses I am on a mission to possibly get back on that Olympia stage and give Jay a run for his money. I can't beat Phil but I think I can beat washed up Jay because I'm washed up too but not as washed up as Jay. Ok Jay the challenge is on, I'm giving you 2 years to meet me on that Olympia stage. It's gonna be one on one, me against you. See you there in 2016, Oh yeah it ain't over MF, once again it's on.#yeahbuddy #lightweightbaby#aintnothingbutapeanut #aintnothingtoitbuttodoit. I'm getting my title back

Editado por Night

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