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Ô rapaziada, como é que vocês saem indicando IA como obrigatório sem nem saber como o cara aromatiza? Rs...

Eu, se fosse você, mandava o tamox de imediato. Manda 20 tsd se não resolver a sensibilidade aumenta para 40 =]

Eu só entraria com IA ou se o tamox não segurasse a gino ou se sentisse algum colateral de aromatização fora a gino ou se fizesse exames =D

Pq a maiorianesse fórum é metido a treinador de powerlifter e endocrinologista... impressionante rs


Valeu a todos os fellas que ajudaram ai, já inciei o tamox até a sensibilidade acabar, e dai entrarei com o uso de IA.

Cara low dose de tamox + clomid é BEM mais eficiente do q tomar apenas 1 sozinho, e ambos são baratinhos :D


Cara low dose de tamox + clomid é BEM mais eficiente do q tomar apenas 1 sozinho, e ambos são baratinhos :D

nunca vi algo parecido, tem como discorrer melhor sobre o assunto ? Já testou das duas formulas ? mesmo ciclo ?

Postado (editado)

nunca vi algo parecido, tem como discorrer melhor sobre o assunto ? Já testou das duas formulas ? mesmo ciclo ?

Claro brother, segue o texto:

What's the point of using two different SERMs during PCT?

There are 2 major components involved in recovery. Testosterone production and Spermatogenesis.

LH and FSH are both required for the equation. LH is produced by the pituitary and stimulates the Leydig cells to produce testosterone. Once testosterone is in production it works alongside FSH and stimulates sertoli cells to produce sperm. Sperm production is hindered if either of these are unhealthy. They both work in synergy. You need BOTH to be at healthy levels. Nolvadex is dominant in LH promotion and Clomid is dominant in promoting FSH.

clomid has multiple effects. It's an anti-estrogen, so it obviously decreases the estrogenic effects in your body by stimulating the Hypothalamus back to life and sending gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) to your pituitary, so that LH/FSH can be secreted.

Nolva boosts the effects of clomid because it put clomid into "competition" mode where they both fight for a receptors to bind to. This competitiveness will only occur with the presence of BOTH nolva/clomid, and will inevitably resolve the issue of excess estrogen in the Hypothalamus. This will trigger both LH and FSH to crank UP, as the high estrogen in this cluster is suppressive. This entire scenario is not as effective with only one drug.

Furthermore varying the compounds; Since we know both stimulate LH, what most don't know is that the act is different. clomid boosts the amplitude of LH serum, but has no effect on the frequency. Nolvadex is the complete opposite in that area, where it boosts the actual frequency of LH and has no effect on its amplitude.

You're probably assuming they're identical and overpowering... clomid is a mixed agonist/antagonist for the estradiol receptor. Nolva is also mixed, however.... it is a pure antagonist in the E receptor in breast tissue. There is a reason that clomid is not recommended for gynecomastia reversal, but Nolva is.

Can you recover with just Nolvadex, or just clomid? Well, anything is possible. But why would you take that risk if the combination gives you a much better chance? To save a few bucks and risk your health? clomid when coupled with Nolvadex is clearly the safer choice over using either compound individually.

*You can substitute clomid with toremifine as well.


Clomid aumenta a amplitude dos picos de LH, mas não a frequência

tamox aumenta a frequência dos picos de LH, mas não a amplitude..

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