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Physical Culture - A Era De Antes Dos Suplementos E Das Drogas

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Bruce Lee podia até não ser um cara grande em termos de medidas, mais densidade era algo que ele tinha de sobra e suficiente para fazer gente maior do que ele parecer pequeno ou de igual tamanho perto dele.

a escola ta crescendo mesmo.


Bruce lee foi um mito em várias areas, mas citar exercicios pra "construir" um corpo igual o dele é sacanagem né? é só passar fome.

Errou feio, errou rude. Se você, com seu shape magnífico, passar fome igual Bruce Lee e ainda mandar flexões usando apenas o dedão e mais 100kg nas costas, tendo metade da agilidade, explosão, flexibilidade e disciplina que o Bruce Lee, eu chupo seu pau. E se falhar é só dentada no pepino.


Jesse Glover - "When he could do push ups on his thumbs and push ups with 250lbs on his back, he moved on to other exercises".

Herb Jackson - "The biggest problem in designing equipment for Bruce was that he'd go through it so damn fast. I had to reinforce his wooden dummy with automobile parts so he could train on it without breaking it. I had started to build him a mobile dummy that could actually attack and retreat to better simulate "Live" combat, sadly Bruce died before the machine was built. It would have been strung up by big high-tension cables that I was going to connect between two posts, one on either side of his backyard. The reason for the machine was simply because no one could stand up to his full force punches and kicks, Bruce's strength and skill had evolved to point where he had to fight machines. Bruce was very interested in strength training, you could say that he was obsessed with it".

Chuck Norris - "Lee, pound for pound, might well have been one of the strongest men in the world, and certainly one of the quickest".

Joe Lewis - "Bruce was incredibly strong for his size. He could take a 75lb barbell and from a standing position with the barbell held flush against his chest, he could slowly stick his arms out, lock them and hold the barbell there for 20 seconds, that's pretty damn tough for a guy who at the time only weighed 138lbs. I know 200lb weight lifters who can't do that."



Errou feio, errou rude. Se você, com seu shape magnífico, passar fome igual Bruce Lee e ainda mandar flexões usando apenas o dedão e mais 100kg nas costas, tendo metade da agilidade, explosão, flexibilidade e disciplina que o Bruce Lee, eu chupo seu pau. E se falhar é só dentada no pepino.


Jesse Glover - "When he could do push ups on his thumbs and push ups with 250lbs on his back, he moved on to other exercises".

Herb Jackson - "The biggest problem in designing equipment for Bruce was that he'd go through it so damn fast. I had to reinforce his wooden dummy with automobile parts so he could train on it without breaking it. I had started to build him a mobile dummy that could actually attack and retreat to better simulate "Live" combat, sadly Bruce died before the machine was built. It would have been strung up by big high-tension cables that I was going to connect between two posts, one on either side of his backyard. The reason for the machine was simply because no one could stand up to his full force punches and kicks, Bruce's strength and skill had evolved to point where he had to fight machines. Bruce was very interested in strength training, you could say that he was obsessed with it".

Chuck Norris - "Lee, pound for pound, might well have been one of the strongest men in the world, and certainly one of the quickest".

Joe Lewis - "Bruce was incredibly strong for his size. He could take a 75lb barbell and from a standing position with the barbell held flush against his chest, he could slowly stick his arms out, lock them and hold the barbell there for 20 seconds, that's pretty damn tough for a guy who at the time only weighed 138lbs. I know 200lb weight lifters who can't do that."


Meu amigo eu fui bem claro, ele é mito em várias areas, quem incluem todas essas que você citou e muito mais. E de fato, o objetivo dele não era um shape grande, mas falar que o shape dele é algo incrivel, vcs só podem estar de sacanagem né?

Deem os méritos as coisas certas ué.


Eu concordo com o MrFera,

mas os caras entram duro porque aqui é um tópico sadio, sem discussões chatas, por isso os caras repudiaram a crítica ao Bruce,
que realmente foi um mito.


Meu amigo eu fui bem claro, ele é mito em várias areas, quem incluem todas essas que você citou e muito mais. E de fato, o objetivo dele não era um shape grande, mas falar que o shape dele é algo incrivel, vcs só podem estar de sacanagem né?

Deem os méritos as coisas certas ué.

Para um homem que não usou juice, não treinava para hipertrofia e, além disso era um asiático, digo que ele tinha um bom shape.


só pra ilustrar


Mano, olha essas dorsais, pqp.

Ele pode pular dessa sacada que sai planando.

No geral, asiáticos de peso leve conseguem ótimos shapes se treinarem. Só ver os malucos do LPO...


Bruce Lee nao tinha mais volume porque ele nao queria , o objetivo dele era ficar assim mais seco , mais agil e leve pras artes marciais , ele mantinha uma dieta restrita na hora que ele quisesse era so aumentar os carbos que ficaria monstro , mas esse nao era seu objetivo . Mesmo assim tinha uma shape bom , percetual de gordura la em baixo e uma massa magra considerável.

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