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Stanozolol keeps the skin young

The anabolic steroid stanozolol [see structural formula below] stimulates the manufacture of procollagen I and III in skin cells. Procollagen is exactly what wears down as the skin loses its elasticity and ages under the influence of light: a process that is called photoaging. Photoaging is the most important kind of aging that affects the skin.

The effect of stanozolol on skin cells is described in a study published in 1998, in which researchers at the University of Miami did experiments on human skin cells or fibroblasts. When the researchers exposed the fibroblasts to stanozolol in test tubes, the manufacture of collagen – a protein structure that makes connective tissue strong and supple – increased by 35 percent.

The figure above shows the uptake of markered proline by the cells. Proline is an amino acid that is found in large quantities in collagen. The increased measured was not so big, but the researchers emphasise that they used no other growth factures in the trial. Then 35 percent is a fair amount.

In the skin cells it was the production of procollagen I and III that increased the most, as the figure below shows.

The researchers repeated their experiment with testosterone, but the testosterone had no rejuvenating effect. An earlier British study, which had a similar set up to the Miami experiment, showed that the steroids oxymetholone and nandrolone did not increase the production of collagen either. [Agents Actions. 1992 Mar;35(3-4):232-7.] It seems fairly likely therefore that, of all androgens, stanozolol is the only one that has any effect.

Collagen is also found in joints. It is unlikely, however, that stanozolol has a stimulatory effect on the joints, even though steroids gurus have suggested that this might be the case. [] In the late 1980s British researchers discovered that skin cells do make more collagen when given stanozolol, but that cells from the joints do not. [Agents Actions. 1989 Nov;28(3-4):279-82.] The researchers are not sure why this is so. What they did discover in their experiment was that stanozolol (at least in the skin cells) does something with or to the progesterone receptor. But the cells from joints that the researchers also did experiments on have progesterone receptors too. The only thing the researchers can say is that stanozolol probably works via an unknown receptor. [Agents Actions. 1994 Mar;41(1-2):37-43.]


J Invest Dermatol. 1998 Dec;111(6):1193-7.

Obs: Que ele ajuda na sintese de colageno nao eh novidade, agora rejuvenescer a pele, pelo menos pra mim eh.. Achei que apenas o GH tinha esse efeito ele tem neh? ( ou estou enganado ? )



Tanto o Stan como a Deca ajudam a sintetizar mais colageno, por conseqüência a pele fica mais tonificada o que da um aspecto mais firme mais "esticada".


Só por curiosidade, eu estou emagreci e aumentei mass agora, mas minha barriga no abdomem infra está mais mole que em outras vezes, ela é empézinha, mas deve ser pele em excesso? E se vcs acharem q é, acreditam q poderia ser interessante eu procurar um especialista (já conheço um), para fazer um ciclo com STAN? Desculpem se não puder fazer essas perguntas por aki, mas fikei mto curioso depois de ler isso. Grande abraço e bons treinos.

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