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Daqui a pouco ele aparece aqui, tipo, ''voltei''

Senha aleatoria nada, ta fazendo tipo zyzz, do nada aparece ai kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


43 no fap

38 no cigar

Hoje marquei de ir no motel com uma coroa de 36 anos, cavala, la da academia.. Faz tempo que ja estavamos nuns papos eroticos, ela contou que tem uma filha de 17 anos kkkkk eu so tenho 21 mas da nada.

Era pra ela vir aqui em casa, mas nao acho minha residencia digna de receber uma mulher daquelas, tanto porque uns tios meus tao morando comigo.. Mas vo aproveitar que to com o toyota da minha coroa, e levar numa casa bacana, ate com piscina se marcar kkkkk, aproveitar que to numa sequencia massa.

4 minutos atrás, planeta disse:

Quanto mais vc se preocupar pior

Ela quer seu corpo, não quer seu carro

Eu sei, ela ja me disse isso

Que o que importava era a gente estar junto, bla bla

Mas quero fazer um negocio de qualidade, nao e sempre que transo com uma dessas, hahaha


5 hours ago, planeta said:


Vc q eh o cara que tá nesse tópico dsd o ínicio dos tempos...

Alguém aqui já falou alguma coisa sobre um estudo que mostra um aumento de uns 30% na testosterona algum tempo depois de ver porno? Se alguém falou... oq falaram?




3 minutes ago, planeta said:

50% de aumento no dia 7 após orgasmo



Desse de porn nunca vi

Tem uns artigos.. 

Psychosexual stimulation and plasma testosterone in man.


Plasma testosterone was measured every 15 min for 3 1/2 hr in eight male subjects before, during, and after the showing of a sexually explicit movie. There was an average increase of 35% in testosterone. The maximum concentration was observed 60–90 min after the end of the film. No increase was found in eight control subjects who saw a sexually neutral film.


Changes in salivary testosterone concentrations and subsequent voluntary squat performance following the presentation of short video clips.


Previous studies have shown that visual images can produce rapid changes in testosterone concentrations. We explored the acute effects of video clips on salivary testosterone and cortisol concentrations and subsequent voluntary squat performance in highly trained male athletes (n=12). Saliva samples were collected on 6 occasions immediately before and 15 min after watching a brief video clip (approximately 4 min in duration) on a computer screen. The watching of a sad, erotic, aggressive, training motivational, humorous or a neutral control clip was randomised. Subjects then performed a squat workout aimed at producing a 3 repetition maximum (3RM) lift. Significant (P<0.001) relative (%) increases in testosterone concentrations were noted with watching the erotic, humorous, aggressive and training videos (versus control and sad), with testosterone decreasing significantly (versus control) after the sad clip. The aggressive video also produced an elevated cortisol response (% change) and more so than the control and humorous videos (P<0.001). A significant (P<0.003) improvement in 3RM performance was noted after the erotic, aggressive and training clips (versus control). A strong within-individual correlation (mean r=0.85) was also noted between the relative changes in testosterone and the 3RM squats across all video sessions (P<0.001). In conclusion, different video clips were associated with different changes in salivary free hormone concentrations and the relative changes in testosterone closely mapped 3RM squat performance in a group of highly trained males. Thus, speculatively, using short video presentations in the pre-workout environment offers an opportunity for understanding the outcomes of hormonal change, athlete behaviour and subsequent voluntary performance


Imagino que aumente pelo msm motivo do aumento qnd vc fala com uma mina gostosa... 





E por último.. vc q adora uma linguagem corporal... (esse tem o estudo completo) press, carney, cuddy, & yap, psych science.pdf


Humans and other animals express power through open, expansive postures, and they express powerlessness through closed, contractive postures. But can these postures actually cause power? The results of this study confirmed our prediction that posing in high-power nonverbal displays (as opposed to low-power nonverbal displays) would cause neuroendocrine and behavioral changes for both male and female participants: High-power posers experienced elevations in testosterone, decreases in cortisol, and increased feelings of power and tolerance for risk; low-power posers exhibited the opposite pattern. In short, posing in displays of power caused advantaged and adaptive psychological, physiological, and behavioral changes, and these findings suggest that embodiment extends beyond mere thinking and feeling, to physiology and subsequent behavioral choices. That a person can, by assuming two simple 1-min poses, embody power and instantly become more powerful has real-world, actionable implications.





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