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The War of Emperium has begun!


Dia 08 (01/10/16)

Imagens motivacionais pra vc continuar firme:









Desculpa, não resisti a uma tentativa de sabotagem. Segue a mensagem motivacional:

Se você conseguir


Não fapar mais


Vai comer muito disso



Soldados confirmados:



- Paulinzorr
- Shapudo
- Planeta
- Thelastboss 
- Zanfran
- lukao1993
- Gabriel2000
- hjr_10
- Chez
- SauberC31
- Botcheta
- Soifix
- Guilherme651

- ya.augusto

- vitorbernardo

- Thomas Bayes

- LouvaDeus

- Rodkaa

- Stan Marsh

- Zanick


I got Awarded as The most Improved Student in My class. From position 27 to position 5. This is Insane.(self.NoFap)

submitted 17 hours ago by Troublesome200051 days

After I relapsed from a 10 months streak for I had lost every bit of willpower in my Life, I stood up again. I have not been reading hard but my results are Unexplainable.From position 27 to position 17. From position 17 to position 12 & now from position 12 to position 5. I am on day 52 of the Holy war of Nofap. My brain is sizzling fast.

Today was a prize giving day. For this reason, the Dean of Studies called my name out as the most improved student. I was so happy & when I went for my Award, I remembered about Nofap. Also, I received a letter from my ex-girlfriend who I broke up with for Some reasons.

She wrote & said that she wanted us to be together again as we used to. She Confessed that she loves me. We study in the same school & class. This is the Nofap force. Let us keep fighting "For it is not over Untill we have won."

With Compliments to the Nofap Fraternity.of


Dia 20

Guerra 1, então hoje é o dia kkk, ainda bem que isso começou pra motivar, porque ontem tava foda, passei o dia todo pensando em putaria, e na hora de dormir adivinha, sonhei com putaria kkkk, mas e isso ai, bora chega a 150dias espartanos kkk.

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