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ontem hahahahah deus do céu, matei a vontade, caí 3x, vi muito lixo, to muito fraco...  semana toda só não fapei uns 2 dias...



dia 1 hoje, recomeçando

21 minutos atrás, planeta disse:

ontem hahahahah deus do céu, matei a vontade, caí 3x, vi muito lixo, to muito fraco...  semana toda só não fapei uns 2 dias...



dia 1 hoje, recomeçando

para com essa porra mano




Seus bosta. Quem ficar caindo direto não pode participar do tópico "Como ser Alpha".


Dia 03.


Journal Check-InDay 144. Can't believe the constant energy that I have now. (self.NoFap)

submitted 2 hours ago by jacob321098143 days

Before, I was waking up at noon or later, and I was always sluggish and lazy. Every day was a constant drain that always got worse each year into my porn addiction. I always just assumed that this was normal and everybody experienced this as they got older which is true, but with PMO, I had nowhere near as much energy/motivation that I should have had. I didn't value socializing or self-improvement at all, and now that I look back, I have wasted my energy on porn instead of countless opportunities to experiance life.

Now, Everyday is new way to better myself, meet new people, and experiance new things. Never again will I waste my energy on some bullshit pixels, when there is an entire world waiting just outside my front door. Whenever I get an urge now, I look back at all the experiences that I missed out on, and I remind myself that if I watch porn I will be throwing away whatever opportunities that tomorrow holds. The way that I experiance life has changed in ways that I never thought would be possible. Stay Strong!!!!!

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