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Age 37/m/365 Days Hard Mode. Reporting in. (self.NoFap)

submitted 15 hours ago by drunklegion364 days

365 days of No PMO. It's only been one year, feels like 3 years.

I am not a handy person,a fitness guy, social, nor wealthy. The following ventures are over a period of months and months, and not all at once.

It all started with energy, the first thing that increased in my life, physically and mentally.

Never worked out in my life, but I do now. Several months ago, found myself at /r/homegym, looking to build a home gym, and some how I started, and completed the project. The extra mental energy helped me look up what rack to get, what barbell to get, what weight set to get. I still don't know what I'm doing but, I sure as fuck am learning, constantly, even more strangely, consistently. Plywood? Drill? Drill bits? Nuts/Bolts,washers all new to me, oh yeah and the wood finish. I have a tool set now. Seriously, wtf. Never worked out in my life. Found 5x5 as a good starting program from /r/fitness. Squats, Bench Press, Overhead press, Rows, Dead lifts, and nutrition. Didn't know what they were, but I'm learning while doing.

I started noticing the differences in my workout performance, depending on what I ate. So I figured it was time to learn how to eat. Turns out eating properly not only enhances physical performance, but mental too. Then... after a few months...more energy! So I tried heavier weights and earned some body pain. Googled and read in /r/fitness, learned about stretching,learned to love the sore feeling of accomplishment. Must learn proper form to prevent future injuries, dangit. Didn't know how important that is. Practice. My base body temperature is higher now than before. I used to get cold so easily, now, I sweat like its nothing, and drink water, and love it. I need to learn to track macros.Fitness and nutrition, this is a new aspect in my life, which I hope to endure and always improve on, forever.

Meanwhile, my day job as a graphic designer is no more. As I became much more focused and efficient. There were days I had nothing to do, and asked for more work. I needed more. My brain wanted more, and could no longer endure the same shit different day grind outs. Fuck it, Resigned. I was unemployed for 3 months and loved it. I read books, kindle. I hate reading, but I do it, because my brain wants to think and imagine things, you know what I mean. My mind wants to be occupied now like it's empty, like the way my body hungers if I don't eat a couple meals. Learning about Solar panels, LED lights,soldering, building websites, video editing, making an effort to increase vocabulary, increase meditation time duration, how do watches work? Repaired a monitor, soldered capacitors,seeing how my brain learns and explores. I have a new job now, and it's better, I'm outside more, and learning. However, I think, I need to build my own company in a few years, something fun, with something new every day, I can see the thoughts slowly creeping in.

Socially, I go outside now. By myself, mostly-sometimes. Movies, restaurants, hiking. Oh yeah, I hike on some weekends now. I realized how many toxic friends I had, burned them all off. Changed my phone number. Gave the new number to only a few people I liked, including relatives. Huge weight lifted.

Overall, I feel clean, like I was cleansed, but I'm still on the path to getting clearer. I found and faced a lot of my inner fears. My insecurities & anxiety are no where near where they used to be. Confidence needs to be built by doing. You don't need confidence to do things, it friggin grows as you're doing the thing, and get better at it. I either read this somewhere, or saw a youtube video, don't remember, but it's true for me. I still have low self esteem, and confindence, but the moment I think I suck at something, I do it. The moment my curiosity pops about something, I look into it.That initial umph, the initial drive, the will to learn, explore, and be curious sprouted through nofap, the extra energy. My brain and mind, personality, its different. I'm willing to learn, change,learned how to learn, mostly by doing, which required initiative reinforced by active mind, body, and will. I never would have left my job, built a power rack and lifting platform, asked the lady at home depot a hundred questions about tools and plywood, oh yeah, I talk to people at stores, anytime I have a question. No Fear of talking to strangers. I Got lost in a mountain, and didn't shit my pants. I Learned to enjoy exploring new trails now, as if they were neural pathways exploring my mind. Clearing it. Observing it. Enjoying it.

This is life now. I still get depressed, lonely, insecure, have negative thoughts, go on ego trips, all internally. It's just easier to overcome with this boost of mental energy, instead of being ensnared into idleness and PMO'ing. Sorry if my thoughts are jumbled here and there.

Postado (editado)
3 horas atrás, lukao1993 disse:

Bem, vamos começar novamente:


Dia 2


Estou marcando em um calendário os dias que eu caio. Baixei uma planilha pronta no excel, ai eu só vou lá e marco os dias. Percebi que meu maior problema está entre os dias 17 e 21 de nofap, mas não sei o motivo. 

nesses dias passo mal, tenho depre, até desespero hahaha, o emocional fica muto instavel, montanha russa, momentos de felicidade extrema e outros de muita tristeza...  normalmente depois desse periodo,  passo a ficar levemente feliz e muito carismatico, quase sempre acontece isso....  aí lá pro dia 30 não aguento essa vida feliz e me auto-saboto hahahahahahhah...  sério


to no dia 21, 


 to com sorte no poker, desde quarta passada, em um torneio de 70 pessoas cheguei em 4 e em outro de 40 pessoas cheguei em terceiro... sorte que sequencias mais longas sempre me trazem, e to precisando de dinheiro, então vou aguentar quaisquer momentos ruins e não cairei hahah

Editado por planeta

Ninguém pra dar opinião se o no-fap é interrompido pelo fap pra finalizar o sexo? 


O nofap é interrompido quando você faz sexo fora do casamento e sem respeitar a sua mulher.

8 minutos atrás, Shapudo disse:

O nofap é interrompido quando você faz sexo fora do casamento e sem respeitar a sua mulher.

Na verdade queria saber se o fato de eu tocar no meu PENES para esporrar no fim do coito sob alguma superfície da dama, é um ato que interrompe o período classificado como abstinência punhetária.

Espero ter sido mais claro. 

41 minutos atrás, planeta disse:

nesses dias passo mal, tenho depre, até desespero hahaha, o emocional fica muto instavel, montanha russa, momentos de felicidade extrema e outros de muita tristeza...  normalmente depois desse periodo,  passo a ficar levemente feliz e muito carismatico, quase sempre acontece isso....  aí lá pro dia 30 não aguento essa vida feliz e me auto-saboto hahahahahahhah...  sério


to no dia 21, 


 to com sorte no poker, desde quarta passada, em um torneio de 70 pessoas cheguei em 4 e em outro de 40 pessoas cheguei em terceiro... sorte que sequencias mais longas sempre me trazem, e to precisando de dinheiro, então vou aguentar quaisquer momentos ruins e não cairei hahah

Eu fico meio mal nesses dias também, com dor de cabeça e tudo mais. Estava curioso pra ver o que ia acontecer depois do dia 20 mas infelizmente não consegui...



Postado (editado)
16 minutos atrás, Thelastboss disse:

Na verdade queria saber se o fato de eu tocar no meu PENES para esporrar no fim do coito sob alguma superfície da dama, é um ato que interrompe o período classificado como abstinência punhetária.

Espero ter sido mais claro. 

Sim. Como diz a tradição de todas as boas religiões, gozo apenas intravaginal. 

Editado por Visitante
27 minutos atrás, Shapudo disse:

Sim. Como diz a tradição de todas as boas religiões, gozo apenas intravaginal. 

Obrigado. Bença 



hoje um mulher uns 32 anos veio falar comigo, vi q ela tava me olhando mt, depois sentou do meu lado e começou puxar papo, mas era feinha

energia tá boa, essa sequência tá me fazendo mt bem, n me sentia assim a muito tempo

Ah, libido parece tar aumentando, tava num consultório, fiquei esperando um bom tempo, tinha uma minazinha bem meia boca sentada, eu já tinha visto ela e sempre achei feiosa, fiquei observando bem, paldureceu, tive q me controlar.

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