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Dia 67

     Estou ótimo, isso resume tudo não vou relatar porque vai ficar repetitivo, a partir de agora vou relatar apenas aquilo que eu realmente achar importante, e tem uma frase que esta em minha cabeça desde o dia 0 e tem me ajudado em toda a jornada:

       "Algo só é impossível até que alguém duvide e resolva provar ao contrário.” – Albert Einstein


Postado (editado)

Dia 13


Fui numa festinha e fiquei com uma guria, pegação frenética mesmo rolou mão em tudo que é lugar, mas o garoto não subia  :D, estranhei pra caramba até por que eu sou tarado no dia a dia, pensei que iria ficar loucão. 

Foi engraçado também por que eu nem precisei fazer muita coisa, eu só fiquei na minha, relaxado, com uma boa linguagem corporal, me divertindo, e ela vindo pra cima hahaha, eu só retribuía e dava validação pra ela. Foquei muito no toque físico também durante a conversa, e deu resultado 


De resto to me sentindo bem, meu rosto esta com aparência mais saudável e viva, minha voz e dicção parece que melhoraram, estou com mais energia (parei de dormir de tarde), e também o principal, voltei a achar graça nas pequenas coisas da vida. Vi agora pouco que o Curry fez 12 cestas de 3 pontos sendo uma delas uma buzzer beater e eu pulei de alegria, fiquei emocionado mesmo :D, isso não acontecia antigamente. Meu amor pelas coisas que eu gostava (família, basquete, música, academia, amigos, comida e etc) aumentaram muito.


É isso, abração fellas 

Editado por Frango Teen

Dia 8, transei ontem, nunca tinha comido uma mina tão sem sal como essa, cheia de frescurinha e tal, morta na cama, se tivesse me masturbado tinha tido mais prazer, mas é uma xoxotinha a mais

Enviado do meu iPhone usando Tapatalk

2 horas atrás, Botcheta disse:

Dia 8, transei ontem, nunca tinha comido uma mina tão sem sal como essa, cheia de frescurinha e tal, morta na cama, se tivesse me masturbado tinha tido mais prazer, mas é uma xoxotinha a mais

Enviado do meu iPhone usando Tapatalk

 Haha n fale isso tem cara que n tem nem uma mulher pra aliviar o desejo :(.


quem não tem mulher aí entende o seguinte



se vc não tentar,  vc já tem o não, já está sozinho

se vc tentar, tem 90% de chance de não, e 10% de chance de sim...


sabe quanto aumenta suas chances de 0% pra 10%


infinito! (não é 10%)




pensa como video game, é um jogo novo, a primeira fase é difícil, mas depois que passa da primeira fase e aprende o básico, as proximas fases não são tão mais difíceis... cada fase só tem que aprender uma coisinha nova... e ir pasando uma por uma


conversa com todas mulheres atraentes que ver... comenta sobre a roupa, sobre acessorios, sobre o tempo, sobre a musica... sobre caractristicas do local


qualquer coisa...  vai falando...  enquanto estiver muito nervoso a reação não será boa, sua energia e estado emocional influencia o dela...

mas insiste que quanto mais mulheres falar, mais tranquilo vai ficar


20 horas atrás, »Neo disse:

 Haha n fale isso tem cara que n tem nem uma mulher pra aliviar o desejo :(.


16 horas atrás, netflat10 disse:



1º dia

tá foda :unsure:


n sei se já postaram, mas tá ai alguns benefícios:



dia 35


relato legal de uma vida destruida pelo excesso de pmo





20 years an addict...What porn will do to you subconsciously. Learn from my mistakes PEOPLE!!! (self.NoFap)

submitted 2 hours ago * by sup3r_saiyan144 days

I was a happy kid, best childhood ever. I loved everything any young boy loved from G.I. Joes to bikes to soccer. I had a nickname growing up "warrior" lol I wouldn't fight a lot because i liked it but defending other kids, if i saw something wrong, i loved playing the hero.

As you can tell this will be long so read on there's 20 years worth of 'what not to do' in this story. I learned about masturbation at 14 so that's what i did, i thought it was normal so this went on and on and on. Right away i felt my anxiety around people and feeling 'less then' as soon as i entered high school, which was a feeling that was very unfamiliar to me. I always had a HUGE pride and a very big positive personality, it was unlike me to suddenly lower my gaze as i passed by people. I also began to lust over women in a way i never felt before, to sexualizing females and as they say be 'creepy' which didn't help at all when it came to being invited anywhere. School marks went down the drain, this is from a kid that maintained straight A+ in every subject before my masturbation addiction started. So, high-school wasn't a very productive time for me to say the least.

I met porn at 21 yrs of age, a virgin still due to excessive masturbation and very low self esteem (more about this later on). I couldn't believe what i was watching, i couldn't believe what i had just discovered. Endless novelty.

I immediately stopped hanging out with my friends, when i went to clubs (after they would show up uninvited to my house) i would dance but really i had no interest whatsoever in girls or real sex, i just wanted to go back to my place so i can see more 'unattainable' porn actresses.

Slowly but surely i began to notice my aura was gone, people called me less often. Women stopped noticing me, people started taking jabs at me, this was evident one day i remember while playing soccer when a guy out of nowhere said 'dude you're fucking weird'. For no reason i may add, usually i would be quick witted and say something back but i just couldn't think of anything to say. So, the insults added up, the isolation grew and so in 2005 the depression set in. I remember it as clear as a summer day, just feeling this cloud over my head and i thought i was sick but little did i know i was entering a new era in my life like other before.

I moved to a new city thinking i would fare off better there, more people, more exciting and more opportunities to party/work/school etc etc but i just crawled deeper into the abyss. My grades were slipping and slipping, finally the university sent me a letter saying 'hey get your grades up or you're toast' not in those words but you get the gist. I couldn't, i mean i didn't know how and so i continued with my ways, more porn, avoiding people and such. Even when i did meet a woman that looked like a porn star i would get her number, make her like me then play games until she would stop caring or think i was strange.

It wasn't until i got fired that day where it ALL hit me like a ton of bricks. Something broke that day, whether it was what my manager said or just finally my psyche couldn't take anymore but i broke down, i finally knew, finally had clarity. I understood what my problem was all these years, how masturbation coupled with 2 or 3 hours of porn watching a day was destroying my life. So i got home that day, browsed to look for support and this is how i found this community.

Now, close to 5 months clean, no relapse i hate porn, i see it for it is and what it will do to you. Porn will ruin you, it will destroy you by shaming you and placing guilt in your heart. So you will begin to slowly but surely hate yourself, you will think less of yourself and this boys/girls is the beginning of your downfall. Stop this addiction now, break its chains before it's too late.

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