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30 Days HardMode Report (self.NoFap)

submitted 4 hours ago by shivalife22 days

It’s been 30 days and here’s is a list of things I’m gradually noticing;

To start with, I was on soft mode for 212 days before I decided to go hardmode. But that was it. Enough was enough. I needed a break. My body demanded complete cleanse. So, before I started there were a few things troubling me. I had no self-discipline. I couldn’t focus. I had severe anxiety issues. I couldn’t talk to anyone or make eye contact. I loved to be in bed, sleep as much as I could and fap when I was awake. I did it night and day. My career was in chaos. I couldn’t study. Failed in exams year after year. I had lost my analytical skills, even general awareness. I spoke things that made people go mad at me. Relationships suffered. Never had a girl. Even friends and parents never paid much respect to what I said or did. Life was a disaster. A part of it still is.

So, After 10 years of fapping, I gradually (thank God!) began to realise that fapping must be the culprit. I even noticed how my energy depleted and I had huge moodswings. My family would have fights the very night I fapped.

I started taking noFap seriously. Then I found this subreddit. Read a few books on Bramhacharya and learned about how semen is not just in the balls but in every cell of our body. It is even transformed to subtle energy state and when we fap, all the semen from every cell of our body is pulled in the form of energy and flushed away! (Some of you might be noticing bad moods, skin troubles, hair getting rough and edgy and less shiny right after you fap, which clearly indicates the outflow of semen energy from your body).

It’s been 30 days today and life feels much better.

  1. I feel energy throughout the day. I used to sleep a lot after fapping which is clearly not an issue anymore. If I have something to do, I will do it will full energy. Before I had to stay idle because I had lost all my energy but now being idle means completely different. I have enough active energy to get started on something. Procrastination is dead to me. I just decide what I want to do and it gets done.

  2. Relationships have improved tremendously. I speak less, but things I speak have enough weight to make people listen and give attention. Previously I had anxiety issues so talking to people felt like a lost cause. I just couldn’t keep the conversation going. Now, I can keep talking if I want to. I say hello and good morning to people. I smile at people. They smile back. Eye contacts are better and confident. Handshakes feel electrical.

  3. I speak less. This is the biggest thing I’ve noticed. I don’t laugh out at every funny thing people say or do. I give a smile maybe. It’s a redpill concept, but noFap helps you hold the frame like crazy. You are in complete control of your mind and body. Things you speak make sense. You no longer give in to what people have to say. You care less about people’s opinion. You have good decision power and you kind of enjoy punching your attitude in the face of people.

Let’s just say, you are confident enough to be yourself around people. Failures make you feel depressed, but it’s a depression you can feel. Emotions are watchable.

  1. Sleep is waaay better. Man, I just love to sleep and get up completely refreshed. I just love the feeling of energy in the morning and ability to meditate. Meditation for me works only if I’m completely relaxed and stress free. Else, I just go off to sleep. Meditation requires you to channel your energy to the mind. NoFap saves you energy so you can reap the benefits of better sleep and meditation.

  2. Mindfulness is a rare gift. I dunno how this one came around and how long it will stay but this has been my secret weapon to fight the urge to fap. Every time I have the urge to fap, I find myself stopping from whatever I’m doing and observing the urge and letting it pass. I enjoy it. It’s like I’m consciously ignoring the urge and putting it away.

My urges have decreased because of the MonkMode. You see, soft mode is good for starters, but sometimes you just need a break. And I’m sure one day you all will feel that too. Once you are on the path of noFap and you see the benefits, your mind just wishes it could ignore it. You just wish you stop doing it. Then you subconsciously stop enjoying half naked pictures of women in magazines and media altogether. It’s fun. You feel powerful. You are powerful.

So yeah, I’m no expert but these are some quick observations. If you guys have any questions, ask away. I will be glad to help my bros become pros at noFap.

And yeah, I am gradually doing pranayama and meditation more. I’m sure thing will get even better. I will have better eyesight, clearer brain and less graying of hair. I will have much better relationships and my career will be on track. I will keep myself and my loved ones happy and cared by being responsible and hardworking.





Just an example what a man is capable of while being on NoFap (self.NoFap)

submitted 9 hours ago by Morgwhat

First a bit about my person: Since I was 12 years old when I got into fapping, I PMO'd several times every day. Seldom there was a day without the Ms and Os, and since I found P in the age of around 15 I drown into this new side of "internet experience". Short: 9 years of wasted time and energy, 6 years of learning false expectations towards woman and causing my inner self. P changed my life so much it was one of the biggest causes leading to bad marks,non interest in school and pure loneliness at home. I had no close persons outside of my family, and contact with girls was like a big fantasy. My performance in school went from being a very good pupil to average, crushing my dreams of participating on med school. It continues in my apprenticeship as perioperative care assistant. Average marks and still no close contacts to other people, even hate towards me being an outsider was daily routine. I got very introvert and quiet, till I got to learn reddit and nofap mid 2015. I said to myself give it a try, those are people suffering the same problems like you. My first streak reached 42 days and oh man, it was the longest time in my ever faster getting life. I began to be active to my environment, talking towards teachers and pupils, could even hold eye contact and got one or two laughs in my conversations. It was simply great. The following streaks were all mediocre for me, lasting between 12 and 30 days. Simply I reached more in the last 4 months than the last 6 years. Confidence was rising again over time as I healed from PMO.

My apprenticeship will get to an end next June and I had to find a job. Thanks to my new found energy inside me I began to run 5k every few days, leaning programming and eating healthier. I was the first out of my class writing applications towards hospitals where I could work and got one invitation from an university hospital one hour driving away from me. And here did nofap show its true power (FYI I was just on a 16 day streak).

My task that day was to learn the hospital and "maybe include myself in the daily work routine here and there". Like I said I became active, hold alot of conversations towards other workers in their operation rooms, long story short: I was like a new person. Like the introvert thing in me crumbled into the forest and darkest point in my body. And I loved it. In the end of that day the op - administration told me she wanted to give me the working contract here and now because my "sympathetic character and communication was way ahead of other applicants". I got that job!

Thanks to nofap I am on the way of finding back to my real self. For me it is the key to self improvement and confidence. Pick yourself small goals and work towards them every day in your life. Thanks to this wonderful community motivating me every day to evolve to a better person.



Peguei uma frenzy, viciado em xvideos e contos eróticos. Tô tentando largar isso, ta f@da.

Hoje, até agora não fapei.

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