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9 hours ago, planeta said:

An Esoteric Explanation of "Superpowers" (self.NoFap)

submitted 6 hours ago * by offtheairlive

Hey everyone,

This is my second bout doing nofap. I gave up porn for 40 days last year and this time I'm coming into day 9 and am so glad I decided to do it again because I'm already seeing major benefits in my life.

Now that I've reclaimed my mental clarity, I've been able to draw some important conclusions about what these so called superpowers are. I feel as though the western science explanation has already been explained rather well. You're re balancing your hormones, rewiring your brain as to what gives you releases of dopamine, etc.

What I want to talk about is what all this means from a more spiritual and esoteric perspective:

FIRST: You are what you focus your attention on. Your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between reality and what is happening on a screen. There's also no "you when you're watching porn" and "you when you're doing everything else". Just you. What becomes ingrained in your mind is your emotional state. How do you feel when you're watching porn? Powerless? That's how you'll begin to feel your whole day eventually.

SECOND: Orgasm is a powerful, potentially transcendent spiritual experience. We seek it for the same reason some of us enjoy psychedelics. The feeling of ego loss. Letting go. Connection. When you're focusing this massive energetic release on the union of yourself and a sexual partner you feel love for, it can be the most incredible experience. Now, when you use this for selfish reasons like masturbating to porn, your consciousness begins to believe that selfishness brings the ultimate pleasure.

THIRD: to combine the first two factors at play is this. Cumming to porn means this: Your emotional state at the time of orgasm may as well be your concept of God, because it is what's bringing you this ultimate pleasure. So if you feel powerless during orgasm. Your consciousness solidifies the idea that powerlessness IS pleasure. You will become this person because it's the only thing that makes you feel good.

FOURTH: This is where we go deeper. Having a basic understanding of chi might help your understanding of where I'm headed. If you are ejaculating frequently, you will experience fatigue and brain fog because a LOT of energy goes into seminal production. If you are wasting this energy freely, you're going to start borrowing this energy from other chakra centers to keep going. Before you know it you'll be so drained that you'll lose a sense of vibrancy in your heart and mind. Eventually you'll go completely numb and you'll be left exhausted, depressed, and possibly even devoid of spirit altogether.

FIFTH: Now let's talk about what happens when we quit porn and start utilizing our potent sexual energy. The day we decide to stop fapping to porn we start from square one. The only energy we're retaining is in the Root chakra, that of mere survival. Anxiety flourishes when we're stuck in this center because the fight or flight response is a basic tool of survival. But there's more to life than that, right? Practicing seminal retention will also mean recharging our Sacral chakra, the energy center for sex and pleasure. If you build up this energy enough, it is possible to use meditation to move the spillover up through the higher centers and essentially raise your consciousness to more mature emotional states that you may have lost sight of. Self esteem, love, expression, wisdom, and then finally, spirituality.

SIXTH: spiritual teachers tell us that one cannot hold two vibrational states at the same time. When we build our sexual energy, you'll begin to notice a constant feeling of pleasure emanating from you, particularly in the second chakra. Can you feel pleasure and hopelessness at the same time? The answer is no. You see your anxiety drop because the feeling of pleasure is overpowering and changing the negative vibrations in your aura.

SEVENTH: As you return your consciousness to a more balanced state, you will begin to relearn this fact: Happiness comes from connection with other human beings. You won't get this from fapping to a glowing rectangle. As you heal, you'll notice yourself having an easier time making eye contact with other people. Why is this? Eye contact is how we psychically connect with others and experience their vibrational state. If we're living in a world of shame, we'll be afraid to connect with people for fear that they'll feel your hopelessness and want nothing to do with you. Here's where the law of attraction comes to play. If you have an internal feeling of positivity exuding from your aura, these are the vibrations you will sense in the external world, and bring out in other people when you connect with them.

EIGHTH: So why are you all of a sudden having this increased luck with the ladies? Everybody essentially wants two things in their existence. To feel good and to connect with others. If you have nothing good to offer on an energetic level, why would any woman be interested in you? It's not a fair exchange. Her interest in you would be a charity case. If you are both exchanging an even amount of good energy, there will be an attraction because you're making each other feel good, and that's what we all want.

BONUS: Let's talking about "edging" for a moment. From what we've already covered, edging to porn isn't helpful because we are still equating pleasure with powerlessness. Seminal retention may mean more energy, but it will be unbalanced. This could lead to stronger negative emotions like anger and aggression. Now, I don't see a problem with stimulating yourself as a tool for manifestation as long as you don't ejaculate and waste your vital energy. Use it as a sexual meditation. Picture the things that you want in life and make yourself feel good. This could be described as sex magick. Feeling a flatline? Try using this method to reactivate your potent sexual energy without cumming. I will add that there is an ancient Egyptian practice known as Ankhing where one is able to attain orgasm without ejaculation. I personally don't know how to do it at this time, but it's worth looking into.

CONCLUSION: With all that said, where can you go from there? I say the possibilities are endless. This isn't about superpowers. It's about self-actualization and raising your consciousness. After returning to a balanced energetic state, you'll start finding other spiritual practices more attainable. Practice meditation and yoga. If it's up your alley, experiment with entering into psychedelic states. Once you lose this horrible habit of masturbating to porn, you'll find yourself becoming passionate about your own spiritual growth. Eventually you may attain direct experiences of the most important truths in this reality: We are all one, and God is love. You will conquer your fear of death, embrace living life in the present moment. You will become a glowing role model to those around you living in this spiritually sick society we live in.

Imagine how good it will feel to have an important part in the healing of our world, and all you have to do is stop jacking to whatever weird shit you think you like on the Internet?

It's easier than you may think!

Keep up the good fight and stay positive, everyone. Namaste.

Achei bem viajado, mto blablabla espiritual...Sei que a energia sexual é a mais poderosa que temos, mas haueae esse cara viajou, e ainda fechou com 'Namaste', tá explicado.



ah ok, não lí que o título era 'an esoteric...' a idéia era essa msmo.

Editado por Brachio
49 minutes ago, Tanin said:

Não sei como as pessoas ainda insistem em assistir a vídeos pornográficos.

As pessoas eu n sei, mas pra mim a fórmula é libido alta + mto tempo sem sexo + sábado 22h sozinho em casa + internet + um monte de trabalho pra fazer = Preciso de dopamina = xvideos = depressão = libido alta + mto tempo sem sexo + sába...(infinito)

2 minutos atrás, Brachio disse:

As pessoas eu n sei, mas pra mim a fórmula é libido alta + mto tempo sem sexo + sábado 22h sozinho em casa + internet + um monte de trabalho pra fazer = Preciso de dopamina = xvideos = depressão = libido alta + mto tempo sem sexo + sába...(infinito)

Também fico sozinho, libido alta o tempo todo. Não vou mentir que não tenho vontade de entrar em algum site pornográfico para descarregar, mas quando lembro dos efeitos pós-fap com porn, consigo me controlar, porque sei que ficarei "depressivo" e sem energia caso não resista à tentação. Mas eu levo isso a sério, não estou simplesmente tentando ficar o máximo de dias que conseguir só para depois "cair" , para mim quem está nessa onda, melhor nem ficar em no fap.

Juntando o conteúdo de tópicos como o "Como ser Alpha" , "Melhorar desenvolvimento mental" e o "no fap" dá para mudar completamente sua maneira de agir, só continua na mesma quem quer. Eu mudei muito, não foi fácil.


Dia 59.


Quando haver oportunidade de sexo, vou em nofap mesmo ou devo cair antes do ato sexual pra não queimar a largada durante o ato sexual ?

2 minutos atrás, GuilhermeFacção disse:

Dia 59.


Quando haver oportunidade de sexo, vou em nofap mesmo ou devo cair antes do ato sexual pra não queimar a largada durante o ato sexual ?

Das duas uma:

Vai em nofap mesmo, goza uma vez e depois dá um tempinho, espera recuperar as energias (dando uns beijos e amassos, para não esfriar a guria) e depois recomeça de novo.

Ou cai antes pra não gozar muito rápido, se você tem costume de gozar só uma vez quando transa. 

Tem mulheres que quando vê o cara gozar já acha que acabou, isso pode ser por costume de transar sempre assim. Isso acaba atrapalhando um pouco pois tu pode gozar muito rápido e a mina achar que acabou e ir embora sem nem ter curtido a transa.

Uma boa é gozar num ball cat (se a mina fizer, normalmente faz no início), aí depois partir pra transa que vai ser mais demorada por ter gozado já.


Cai em frenzy, desde a war,mas resolvi dar alguns tapas na cara e voltar ao nofap...


Mas por enquanto é dia : 0 (recomeço amanhã)


(Deixando aq esse post como compromisso ao nofap,e pra n me esquecer tbm )





Cair em frenzy foi a pior coisa q eu já fiz,a sensação de depressão dps é muito ruim,realmente nofap melhora muito a disposição,to me sentindo tão fraco q n quero fazer mais nada,isso é muito tenso...

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