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Experimentei dormir sem cueca nessa noite e aconteceu o que imaginava: fiquei de pau duro o tempo todo, acordei da mesma forma. Sem fap.

Ficar sem cueca e "normal" não rola comigo... :weird:

mas deixa o trem livre, faz bem...

Editado por LeoP

To faz umas 3 semanas sem porn, mas nofap voltei pra 0

O nofap ta me ajudando no autocontrole, conseguir me controlar mais em varios aspectos da vida.


Enviado do meu iPhone usando Tapatalk

Postado (editado)

On 270th day I was no longer a Virgin (self.NoFap)


11 hours ago

by ukaoel76 days

Hello my friends, fapstronauts. It felt like I should share this story with all of you. The community helped me a lot and I hope i can help someone out to. So this is the story:

It was the girl i liked at the first sight, I knew that I must win her interest and love. I knew that it would be hard (no pun intended), because I had no advanced experience, I didn't even had a kiss in all my 23 years and that probably was because of my confidence. I have an eye disorder called nystagmus, where my eyes always rapidly moving horizontally. I was unable to hold eye contact, without fear of people being scared of my eyes. But with her it was different, maybe she is that kind of special for me, maybe that is confidence that nofap gave me. This was the feeling that i wanted to get before starting nofap. I used all my arsenal that i learned. I knew stuff from hypnosis, NLP, pick up techniques that I obtained during my journey.

"With great power comes great responsibility" with all that knowledge that i got I promised to myself to use it only on a person I like.

I was like a ninja, creating attraction from the distance. It was the morning after party that we went with friends. We had problem with place to sleep, so me and her spent the night in the car. In the morning we went to more romantic place. We were laying on the high place, just chilling. In my head was the idea "I must kiss her somehow". I was thinking strategy and gathering strength to do that, and then the ants happened. They would sting us like hell, but that would not ruin our joy. One of the ants somehow got on my lips and stung me in front of her eyes. And then evil genius inside me, made a plan. I asked her to kiss where the bite was so the pain would go away. She made a small kiss and i was too late to catch her. I asked her to repeat it so it could work, we locked our eyes, i was dead serious and confident, you probably could see a testosterone aura from the distance and it happened spontaneously and auto guided. So here i was, with my heart pumping like hell, tasting sweet lips and tongue. That was perfect feeling worth of years of masturbation, so much more. One kiss if split for a year could keep me fap free. After eternity and a short time pass at the same time, we stopped, she took my hand, and laid on it puting her head on my chest. "Finally it happened" she said. I missed so much chances, but I made it on the last bus. We spent time hugging each other. That was the best feeling. No alcohol or drug can compare to that, moment worth thousands of years.

Next night we spent cuddling, kissing and enjoying each other. At that point I did not want sex, I was happy were I was. Next day it was escalating so quickly, we lost ourselves to passion and had sex. It kind of ruined the strong connection that we had, not that big of a deal, but was great. I was glad that i made it with someone i have interest and respect. The hugging after, was much more pleasurable than act itself.

So was it worth it? Yes it was! But at this point I was pretty happy who I was, sex didn't concern me. Then you find your happiness, things you want will come by themselves.

Editado por planeta
Postado (editado)

dia 25

sorte que to transando regularmente porque minhas bolas estão enormees .. e as femeas adoram isso rs

Editado por frankx

mano , vejo como o pessoal tem decaido o autocontrole ultimamente, o cara passa 8 dias e da uma recaida ,pqp se for assim desite mano, eu mesmo nao me adepto ao nofap mais , passei um ano 365 dias contados em no fap dos 14 aos 15 anos e so me trouxe prejuizos cansaço exessivo e desmotivaçao e o pior puberdade atrasada porém, com idade ossea compativel a idade atual (15) o que significa que perdi de 5 a 6 cm de estatura final , antes a media de estatura provavel era 188.5 a 194.5 agr 182 a 188.5 com sorte

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