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Cara, entao, as 3x que eu cai foram em flatline para ver se o bicho ta vivo. NAO CAIA, porque ele ta morto nesse estado, teu mindset fica pior ainda e pra perder o controle e dar merda na hora H vai ser mais facil porque aquilo vai te martelar a cabeca. Serio, mesmo, nao caia, eu lembro do seu relato la e do desespero que foi.

Não vou cair não, quero ficar o máximo, tá fácil porque nem sinto vontade mesmo.

Mas no carnaval algo tem que rolar, e se não der "naturalmente", vai com o azulzinho


Não vou cair não, quero ficar o máximo, tá fácil porque nem sinto vontade mesmo.

Mas no carnaval algo tem que rolar, e se não der "naturalmente", vai com o azulzinho

Ah sim, se tu for pro carnaval nervosao e ficar na necessidade, e melhor mandar um viagra mesmo, e minha ultima ratio tambem nessas ocasioes de libido zoada.



Iceman dia 0 rumo aos 360 dias.

O desafio do banho frio estou desde que o planeta criou o tópico.

Não comecei com o chuveiro desligado, mas comecei a reduzir gradativamente a temperatura do chuveiro.

Meu chuveiro é daqueles de regulagem, comecei na temperatura 6 e agora estou na temperatura 2.

Confesso que está bem foda reduzir da 2 para 1 e depois desligar o chuveiro, especialmente aqui na minha cidade, pois faz bastante frio. E no inverno faz muito frio.

Mas vou seguir firme. Hoje mesmo assumo o compromisso de reduzir para 1 e ficar mais um tempo até consolidar.

Está bem tranquilo tomar banho, só me fodo quando perco a hora do banho por algum motivo e vou tomar banho tarde da noite ou de madrugada, aí o bicho pega, mas mesmo assim não tomei banho quente uma única vez que fosse depois que me desafiei.

Mas confesso que não senti nenhum benefício palpável. É legal pela autoestima, por me sentir mais senhor de mim mesmo, mais forte, mais disciplinado. Sinto que tenho controle sobre mim mesmo, que não é qualquer desconfortozinho que me faz desistir.

Agora estou em outro desafio, que é adotar uma dieta low carb, vamos fazer 1 mês de experiência para ver.

Gosto desses desafios.

muito bom

quando tá frio eu uso chuveiro no 1

quando tá calor eu uso no zero

antes era,

no frio usar o n.3

no calor usar 1 ou 2


Eu moro em Recife, e não tomar banho frio, é suicídio.

No caso, eu teria que tomar banhos quentes?? :blink:



war: since the beginning

nofap: 27 dias

Eu moro em Recife, e não tomar banho frio, é suicídio.

No caso, eu teria que tomar banhos quentes?? :blink:

coloca gelo num balde e joga na cabeça

A "Hell Yeah" kind of benefit (self.NoFap)


just now

by abhanda27 days

Hey Guys,

I am on a HardMode NoFap plan approaching 4 weeks. The last two weeks or so, I feel a nice buzzing sensation inside my testicles, and when I sit, my package is quite visible in a bulge. Previously, when I was fapping my life away, the bulge used to be non-existent. Now, when I sit, I have to keep my legs apart, cuz otherwise I feel like I am squezzing mah balls you know whatiamsayin...

I just feel so much macho with my package all out and about. I guess, the package finally got the nutrition reserve it needed to grow, instead of having all the nutrition fapped away dry day after day. Also, Mr. Johnson is standing alert and tall on lookout every morning. Man...what a good feeling... It's all worth it guys.

Stay strong and let your package heal, coz it might serve you well, when you are with an actual woman.


war: since the beginning

nofap: 27 dias

coloca gelo num balde e joga na cabeça

A "Hell Yeah" kind of benefit (self.NoFap)


just now

by abhanda27 days

Hey Guys,

I am on a HardMode NoFap plan approaching 4 weeks. The last two weeks or so, I feel a nice buzzing sensation inside my testicles, and when I sit, my package is quite visible in a bulge. Previously, when I was fapping my life away, the bulge used to be non-existent. Now, when I sit, I have to keep my legs apart, cuz otherwise I feel like I am squezzing mah balls you know whatiamsayin...

I just feel so much macho with my package all out and about. I guess, the package finally got the nutrition reserve it needed to grow, instead of having all the nutrition fapped away dry day after day. Also, Mr. Johnson is standing alert and tall on lookout every morning. Man...what a good feeling... It's all worth it guys.

Stay strong and let your package heal, coz it might serve you well, when you are with an actual woman.

Essa sensacao ai que ele ta falando e pessima, saco inchar, pqp, pelo menos eu acho terrivelmente ruim, incomoda demais, kkkkkkkk.



Isso é do reddit, Planeton?

Postado (editado)

Essa sensacao ai que ele ta falando e pessima, saco inchar, pqp, pelo menos eu acho terrivelmente ruim, incomoda demais, kkkkkkkk.

eu acho cool, bolas de baseball igual a grande coragem hahahah

I can't stop crying... (self.NoFap)


4 hours ago by Exceedingly28 days

27 days is my longest Nofap of my adult life.

I've been depressed for as long as I can remember. Before doing this Nofap I was numb to everything, my soul felt like a void, I never knew what I wanted and I barely had any desires at all. I slept all day, I fapped all night, I was a zombie at work just getting through the day.

27 days. I don't feel like I have any super powers; sure I'm getting up earlier some days and doing more at the gym. But the biggest change is that I feel emotions again.

It's as if a flood gate was opened and everything I've bottled up inside is just rushing out. I'm no longer just telling myself that I am depressed, I actually feel depressed. All the disgust I've felt for myself is coming to the surface, all my regrets and mistakes are swimming in my head. I realise I have very little in my life and that I haven't achieved anything. And I can feel all of this like a knife in my heart. The numbness has gone.

And I can't stop fucking crying. It feels like my soul is detoxing, trying to cleanse itself. It doesn't feel good, but I feel human again.

exibir primeiro:

[–]imasuccess9 days 63 pontos

4 hours ago

Please just don't give up.

What I have started to think is that NoFap is a double-edged sword in the way that if you aren't happy with your life, you'll feel more down because your emotions are much stronger now when they're not suppressed through PMO.

You need to figure out what you want in life and then go after it and get it! Imagine your depression completely reversed -- the greatest feeling of joy! That's what will happen with NoFap because it allows you to feel your emotions exponentially, in every way.

As you mentioned you felt like a zombie when you used to PMO all day. That's because you chose to be a zombie. Please don't fall into that pit again and remember you kept telling yourself you're depressed even then. You can become strong and enjoy life to the fullest, but you just have to come to terms with your ambitions and goals in life and then go after them. It's the only way. If you don't know your ambitions or goals, then you need to do some self exploration and try different things. Travel if you can.

I also used to have depression and social anxiety for what it's worth.

Just stay strong and don't cave in. You can do this and find your way in this life.

imagina qto vai doer cada martelada dessa



Editado por planeta

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