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Nofap/porn - day 40

War - day 4 (ou 3???)

Carbonera, hoje é o dia 3 ou 4 da war? Me perdi.

A propósito, tem gente que tá vendo os porn aí pelo que notei. Isso não zera a contagem? O porn é pior que o fap em si, deveria zerar a contagem.

Postado (editado)

dia 3 tranquilo até agora

fiquei do natal ate o dia 10 de janeiro no fap, e depois fiquei mais uma semana sem e depois parei de contar. acho que ja perdi o habito, aquele impulso, que as vezes era muito mais pra descarregar as energias, por tédio, do que por vontade mesmo.

depois que o k9 parou de funcionar aqui sozinho, consegui desisntalar ele e não reinstalei ainda, e acho que nem vou mais(sei que posso me arrepender depois kkk)

unica coisa mais tenttadora que vi foi a maldita da paola oliveira kkk

mas consegui me controlar

Editado por Wm_Noix
Postado (editado)

I will give up fapping when I get a girlfriend. (self.NoFap)


just now

by Pentlowe501 days

Yeah right! I remember telling myself this in the late 70's. Then I discovered underwear catalogues, later VHS, then DVD, then Internet. Maybe I'll stop when I get married. Nope, I didn't do that either. I came to realise that I was going to masturbate until the day I died and then I discovered nofap. So many good things have happened since I started nofap, even at my age. This is my 500 day post, and what I am trying to say is give up wanking now, and don't let it run your life until the day you die. The world needs more nofappers, doers, and optimism. Power in numbers! Peace and love to you all.

Editado por planeta
Postado (editado)

I will give up fapping when I get a girlfriend. (self.NoFap)


just now

by Pentlowe501 days

Yeah right! I remember telling myself this in the late 70's. Then I discovered underwear catalogues, later VHS, then DVD, then Internet. Maybe I'll stop when I get married. Nope, I didn't do that either. I came to realise that I was going to masturbate until the day I died and then I discovered nofap. So many good things have happened since I started nofap, even at my age. This is my 500 day post, and what I am trying to say is give up wanking now, and don't let it run your life until the day you die. The world needs more nofappers, doers, and optimism. Power in numbers! Peace and love to you all.

Isso ai e um cara de uns 50-60 anos que ate hoje não arranjou uma namorada ou e um reply num post? Editado por 2sasi

Porra, maneiro, ta funcionando pra voce igual funciona pra mim. Acho que e porque somos chegados em desidratar na bronha, kkkkkk. Essa parada de ate o cheiro da mulher ficar diferente e bizarro mesmo, parece que os sentidos se agucam, ontem me senti o homem aranha com seu ''sentido aranha'', kkkk, viajando passando a mao na guria la, viajando olhando ela falar, nao prestando atencao em nada que ela falava, so vivendo a intensidade do momento mas dayana eh dayane e birdy eh birdy, largarei nunca, hue

dayana yes kkkkkkkkkkkkkk


I will give up fapping when I get a girlfriend. (self.NoFap)


just now

by Pentlowe501 days

Yeah right! I remember telling myself this in the late 70's. Then I discovered underwear catalogues, later VHS, then DVD, then Internet. Maybe I'll stop when I get married. Nope, I didn't do that either. I came to realise that I was going to masturbate until the day I died and then I discovered nofap. So many good things have happened since I started nofap, even at my age. This is my 500 day post, and what I am trying to say is give up wanking now, and don't let it run your life until the day you die. The world needs more nofappers, doers, and optimism. Power in numbers! Peace and love to you all.

caralho! quantos anos esse cara tem?

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