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Depois de 6 dias, fui ver um video dessa Jessie Rogers pqp, essa mulher é tão boa que nao bato punheta, bato é palma! auheuaheauha

E o pior que a net tava lenta então nem cai pra Jessie Rogers, cai pra um filme feiao no sexy hot kkk e provavelmente vou querer ver a Jessie Rogers hj kkkk


There is no such thing as "superpowers"! (self.NoFap)


2 horas



by Tsoliades90

A lot of guys here seem to always talk about getting these abnormal, "superpowers" when abstaining from PMO and I am here to tell you there is No. Such. Thing. As. SUPERPOWERS!!

For what is a "superpower"? it is something that is abnormal, extraordinary! out of the ordinary.

And these effects that we feel when abstaining like; increase focus, no brain fog, clearer memory, sharper eyes, healthier face, way more energy/productivity, better body definition, less acne, glowing skin, massive confidence etc. Is not due to gaining superpowers, it is not out of the ordinary, They are just YOU becoming NORMAL. That is who YOU are, that is what YOU are meant to be! That awesome great, confident man that we are when we are on high NoFap streaks, that's YOU naturally! yes, YOU are meant for greatness. And that is the man we have kept enchained in a self-made prison with the shackles of PMO and it's time to unleash him, to stop keeping our true self captive.

And that's why we are not gaining superpowers, for they do not exist, what we are gaining is our life, the one we were meant to live, our true self, our manhood that has been deaminized, assaulted and enslaved to PMO and that is what we must strive to take back. God bless.

PS: That is also why some people who never had a problem with PMO, who fapped maybe once or twice a week claim they see no "superpowers" because they are already who they are meant to be, they have not numbed themselves with PMO. Though they will still benefit from cutting out PMO entirely, the subtle difference will be, to some people, almost unrecognizable and therefore not sought after!


O texto q o planeta colocou falou q quem fapa 1 ou 2 vezes na semana o nofap nao faz diferença?????

Pode não fazer nada ou se fizer os efeitos podem ser tão insignificantes que a pessoa nem consegue ver a diferença, pois a mudança não seria tão considerável.

Visitante usuario_deletado1423

Vey, além de mim, quem ta levando à sério?

Esse pessoal querendo começar o campeonato no dia 01, vai dar merda!


Dia 01 hoje.

Vou viajar daqui a pouco, provavelmente só irei voltar ao fórum dia 13 e se tudo der certo com algum relato. Me adicionem no campeonato de Janeiro!!! Flw galera!

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