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Me coloca aí, hoje alcanço 15 dias, to com muita bad e variando o humor por causa de umas coisas então posso cair hoje, ou durar uns 50 dias.


1 hora atrás, GhostGainer disse:

Me coloca aí, hoje alcanço 15 dias, to com muita bad e variando o humor por causa de umas coisas então posso cair hoje, ou durar uns 50 dias.


Beleza. Estão na disputa:

alex ander
Freud F.

Vamos ver quem aguenta mais.


12 Irresistible Bad Boy Traits Women Crave (self.TheRedPill)

submitted 3 months ago by Endorsed ContributorRedPillDad

Raising the quality of your life and developing the swagger of a Bad Boy persona can do wonders for game... As a married dude, I was surprised to find how effective this shit can still be.

With her dual sexual strategy, she's either looking for Alpha Lover or Provider Guy. What sets these categories distinctly apart are the way you make her feel. What do you portray and offer - thrills or security?

Alpha Lover offers the Desire Path by giving her a sense of danger, excitement and adventure. Provider Guy offers the Love Path by giving her comfort and protection.

You can trigger her Desire Path by displaying Bad Boy traits. That's what she looks for when shit testing... to see if you're a badass or a wuss. She also wants to see if you value your freedom, and consider your SMV higher than hers.

12 Irresistible Bad Boy Traits Women Crave:

1. Confidence - cocky to the point of brazen (versus meek uncertainty and insecurity).

2. Directness and Decisiveness - say what's on your mind and clarity about what you want (versus waffling and meekly tiptoeing around).

3. Dominance - command respect with social, intellectual, emotional and physical power (versus putting her on a pedestal and acting subservient).

4. Indifference - remain aloof, less reactive and not concerned about what others say and think (versus being an overly-attentive "try-hard").

5. Entitlement - feel unconstrained to take/demand what you want (versus feeling unworthy).

6. Exciting - take risks, seek adventure and lead a more interesting life (versus seeking comfort and security).

7. Freedom and Selfishness - rebel's attitude, say and do what you want, uninhibited and self-focused (versus conforming and attending to others)

8. Leadership - lead yourself/others to reach goals (versus passiveness and uninspired).

9. Masculine - exude a rugged, controlled mannerism (versus a soft, caring feminine energy).

10. Menacing - disagreeable, dangerous vibe (versus friendly and harmless)

11. Mysterious and Unpredictable - contrasting qualities that stimulate curiosity (versus boring and predictable).

12. Teasing - playfully disrespect her, intentionally ruffling her feathers (provoking her instead of trying to put her at ease).

Bad Boy behavior indicates power and higher status. Acting in an uninhibited, entitled, powerful and dominant manner persuades her to categorize you as a Lover rather than a Provider.

If you smile too much, lavish her with attention and act like a perfect gentlemen, you'll kill the seduction. Why? She craves drama and excitement, not comfort alone. And acting eager and polite is indicative of Beta status. She knows an HV Guy would act far more aloof and indifferent.

In her eyes, that cowboy wearing black is much sexier than the one in white. That bad boy lifestyle is a roller-coaster of excitement, while the steady positive force of the Good Guy is comforting, but dull.

4 horas atrás, CassioGolden disse:

É só ejacular, só que com mulher, os efeitos negativos do vicio em masturbação/porn dos estudos do your brain on porn  não compensam.

Dia 8!

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