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6 horas atrás, Buldoguii disse:

0, maldita internet.

"Quando vc se masturba, está fazendo um homem gozar e está gozando pelas mãos de um homem."

contra fatos não há argumentos rsrs


pros solteiros



I look unapproachable. What can I do to counter this? (self.seduction)

submitted 5 hours ago * by wakaflockanerd

I had this realization at the gym. I have an average face but—humble brag—a great body. I have caught a ton of stares from girls (even from afar, when they have to consciously turn their heads to see me). It even feels like they would approach me if it weren't for something, you know?

I just don't know what to do to look more approachable. I've stopped wearing headphones so that there's one less barrier from people wanting to talk to me. I think I may have a serious face or something, and yet smiling all the time is unnatural for me.

By the way, taking the initiative myself is something that I'm also working on, but for now I just want to focus on my "approachability." Tips and tricks, if you will.

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[–]supermeatslayer 4 pontos 5 hours ago 

Girls won't approach you. They may put themselves in positions for you to approach them though.



[–]theoriginalmcswagger 3 pontos 3 hours ago* 

-head nods are better than smiles, they portray confidence and approval of one's presence. Only done through eye contact

-share weights or machines with the other person. But don't just choose the cute girl in the tight pants, she'll know you're trying. Make it look as if you'd share your weights with anyone in the room. Best used when gym is crowded.

-compliment on form or heavy weight usage. You'll capture her attention for sure. Let's face it, no one approaches girls because of the unspoken rule of not hitting on girls at the gym. Thus, no one actually talks to her and no one had probably ever complimented her on her hard work. (well unless she's showing off her shit on Instagram). If you give a compliment with that unapproachable face of yours, you'll definitely be remembered. Also, ice breaker. (spoken from experience, aight)

-subtle gentlemen movements such as letting her drink from the water fountain first, moving out of her way, opening the door for her makes you more approachable.

-don't smile too much or make too many eye contacts. It gets awkward after a while.

-if you sense that there is some kind of initial connection with the girl, please do approach her. Start with Small talk between sets, ask basic gym questions, Crack a joke, don't hang around for too long. Again, don't just go for the cute girl. It's discriminatory towards the rest of the female population. Plus, if your dream babe sees you talking with others at the gym, she'll be more open to talk to you, for multiple reasons.

Anyways, good luck

Edit: lel, I forgot to add this: wear perfume (not an stinky axe spray, but actual perfume). Trust me, a fresh scent of perfume is far more attractive than the regular ball sweat aroma that usually lurks in the gym.


[–]wakaflockanerd[S] 2 pontos 3 hours ago 

This is fucking golden my man. Thanks a lot, exactly what I was looking for.


Exatamente o quê acontece comigo, e que deve acontecer com muitos outros por aí.


Teve uma menina que pediu meu número semana passada, tava falando com ela no whats e ela disse que eu tinha cara de ser bravo. :lol:



Postado (editado)

Devo ta Nofap a uma semana já, quero ficar até depois da virada do ano assim. 

Editado por NewbieTrack

Vei passar muito tempo eh dificil. Msm com mulher as vezes vc ta sem fzer nda ai vem uns videos no whats e ai fode td kkkkkkk.

Mas aceitar o desafio... Vamos la jah passei 4 meses pq n consigo novamente kkkkk

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