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Desculpa ai galera, sem preconceito, mas eu curto ppks.

Propostas homossexuais pra cima de mim não...



The no fap challenge is a 90 day period during which the individual abstains from masturbating and watching porn. It may also refer to the “hard mode challenge”, in which, besides abstaining from porn and masturbating, the subject gives up having any type of orgasms for those 90 days. In this guide I will discuss everything you need to know to get started, and hopefully completing, the No Fap Challenge. From what you should expect to stories from others who have already completed the Challenge, you will find here, and in the links provided. So lets get started!

A Brief History of the NoFap Challenge

So how did the no fap challenge start? Who was this visionary that first decided to undertake the challenge, willingly and purposely, and complete it? The earliest evidence of people taking on the no fap challenge appear circa the year 2011 at the forums of . The “No fap Month” threads were submitted by user supersaiyan-dre. This challenge only lasted 30 days, but some users, upon learning the benefits of this challenge, would take the challenge in back-to-back months. One such user, by the handle of ohropax on Reddit, began to promote the challenge on the Reddit website after being masturbation free for four months. Upon learning about the no fap challenge and its benefits, Redditor and movie extra Alexander Rhodes created a reddit forum dedicated to this challenge, the nofap subreddit. He also went on to create his own Ever since, the nofap subreddit subscribers (or “fapstronauts” as they call themselves) stand at almost 100,000, and growing, and the no fap challenge has been a growing topic of discussion all over men’s interests’ forums and websites.

Graph: The demographics of Fapstronauts


Why do people set out to take such a useless and difficult challenge?

By now, there are thousands of accounts all over the internet from those who have taken the No Fap Challenge. A common theme among them for taking tis challenge is self-improvement. They are unhappy with some personal aspect of their lives. For example unhappy marriage, laziness, lack of social skills, lack of confidence, or just wanting to become an overall better man. This challenge takes a lot of will power, so its no wonder that those who have completed it claim that it has helped them develop a strong sense of will power. I will take this time to note that many of the claims made in this guide are only anecdotal and based on the accounts of fapstronauts, unless otherwise noted, they are not based on scientific proof.

The main benefits that individuals have witnessed upon undertaking this challenge fall into five categories:

  1. Character: Increased ability to control human urges, Increased motivation and confidence.
  2. Social: Increased motivation to socialize, more attracted to women and more comfortable around them.
  3. Sexual: Improvement and even elimination of certain sexual dysfunctions.
  4. Health: Higher energy, healthier skin, and other benefits.
  5. Mental: Increased ability to stay focused and be more creative.

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that you will notice all these effects, and the benefits vary from person to person.

Big disclaimer: No fap is not the cure all for all your problems. As will be discussed later, some people are barely benefited from it, if at all. However, from my personal experience, most people notice at least a few of these benefits.

So lets get right into each of the benefits and see what you can expect.

Benefit of No Fap #1: Character Increased ability to control urges

The ability in a man to harness his most powerful desire, sexual desire, is an ability that has many other implications on that man’s life. Once one is able to control this desire, any other desire will be a piece of cake to master, and lets face it, we often desire things that are bad for us in the long run. The desire for down time, the desire for stimulation, for violence, and even the desire to think useless thoughts, are all bad for us in the long run. There are many testimonials out there of fapstronauts quitting wasteful internet use, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, dysfunctional relationships, and becoming more productive. They attribute this to their new ability to control their desires, an ability which they found through the no fap challenge. Self-control also means the ability to delay gratification, an ability that keeps us out of trouble, it is also the biggest contributor to success, and more importantly, the ability to delay gratificiation is an important factor of long term happiness. Psychology Today

Increased motivation and confidence:

“Super powers” is a word in the no fapping world for the feelings confidence and motivation that the challenge brings. Although the timeline varies from person to person, within days people have witnessed higher energy, stronger motivation to finish tasks, a higher level of trust in themselves, and an overall feeling of happiness. The best way to describe it? Super powers. Here’s a list superpowerscondensed by user burninside from users in the reddit forum. More Info: Rochna Hazra

Benefit of No Fap #2: Social

Increased motivation to socialize

No fappers find themselves going out and seeking friendships soon upon taking on the challenge. Some attribute it to an unconscious motivation for contact with other people, others do it to fill the time gaps that used to be filled by porn and masturbation and to not become tempted by boredom. You can compare it to breaking up with your girlfriend. You start to seek old friends and go out more often. Individuals also noticed an increase in their ability to connect with others and to become comfortable around strangers, starting conversations with strangers becomes a common pattern also. (Story 1) (Story 2)

more attracted to women and more comfortable around them

Which take us to another benefit of no fap: An improvement in subject’s love lives. Countless tales of lost virginity, more dates, and even getting noticed by women more often, are told by no fappers. These benefits have often been witnessed within days of taking on the challenge. Many attribute this to an increased “masculine energy” brought on by the testosterone that accumulates from not releasing semen. In fact, a scientific study found out that testosterone levels increase by 45% within 7 days of not ejaculating. But don’t get too excited about this, days after this heightened level of masculine energy, subjects usually encounter a “flatline”, a diminished desire for sex and among other withdrawal symptoms. More about this will be discussed in the “What to expect” chapter.

Benefit of No Fap #3: Sexual

improvement of sex life. and even elimination of certain sexual dysfunctions

The sexual benefits of not masturbating and not watching porn are the most astounding. Some of those benefits include:

  • Higher stamina. As explained before, levels of testosterone increase noticeably soon after the subjects stop masturbating. This increase in testosterone leads to higher desire for sex, and ability to last longer if you don’t have any problems staying hard.
  • Improvements with Erectile dysfunctions: Problems such as premature ejaculation, soft erections, and difficulty of erection, have seen improvements for nofappers. These improvements are often referred to by research as being related to the cessation of porn, and not so much to the cessation of masturbation.
  • Ability to become aroused by pure sexual contact. Studies on the side effects of porn claim that heavy porn users become desensitized and can become incapable of arousal by pure human contact. Fapstronauts who used to suffer from low sensitivity to human sexual contact who participated in the challenge have restored the ability to become aroused without porn.

(Story 1) (Story 2)

It must be noted that some individuals have instead noticed a detriment to their sexual performance after starting the challenge. It is not uncommon to come across testimonies of individuals who have been affected by premature ejaculation after starting the challenge, or not being able to get an erection. However, this is mainly due to the “flatline” stage. A flatline is similar to a withdrawal symptom, during which subjects go through a chemical and mental rebalancing. We will go into the deeper details of flatlinning in the next chapters.

Benefit of No Fap #4: Health

higher energy, healthier skin, and other benefits

The health effects from the nofap challenge vary from the believable, such as higher energy, to the almost miraculous such as acne clear up, and hair that stops falling . One explanation many have come up for these improvements is related to stress and anxiety. Its well documented that addiction and anxiety go hand in hand [1]. So for those who had serious problems with porn, the nofap challenge has brought them relief from their porn induced anxiety and its health effects. (Story 1)(Story 2)(Story 3)

Benefit of No Fap #5: Mental Increased ability to stay focused, to feel emotions

The mental benefits stem more from the no porn part of the no fap challenge. It is already a scientific fact that porn has many negative effects on the brain, and the publications on this subject are countless. For example, its proven that porn affects your working memory. Working memory, according to Your Brain on Porn refers to the part of your memory that “helps you hold your goal in mind, resist distractions and inhibit impulsive choices, so it’s critical to learning and planning.” This is why many who take on the no porn challenge claim to be more goal oriented, less distracted, and more focused. There is also a general consensus that there’s much less “mental fog”, and a lot more clarity of mind. Many people claim to feel a greater sensitivity to emotions. Happiness, sadness, joy, they are all felt more genuinely by many fapstronauts. (Story 1)

There are many stories on the different benefits of nofap. If you would like to read some here’s a whole compendium of them.

Dangers of PornRj8p5.jpg

Can you expect your life to turn around as soon as you get on the no fap bandwagon? It depends on you are. Some people have found no use in no fap, others are immensely thankful for it.

Find a lion that hasn’t had some food for a while, and you’ve got a dangerous cat. So there won’t be a drip from me.”

Boxer David Hayes with respect to not having orgasms for 6 weeks before any fight.

Low motivation, low sex drive, low energy. Sound familiar? Then there’s a chance that taking the no fap challenge will help you. A batter way to determine this is by knowing whether you have an addiction to porn. If the following sounds like you then the answer is yes:

In other words, if you ever feel a craving to watch porn and to masturbate to it, then there’s the likelihood of addiction.

Subjective arousal while watching porn is the main predictor of degree of problems from Internet sex (as opposed to time spent watching and various other factors). The scientists noted parallels with substance addicts, for whom addiction-related cues lead to stronger attention capturing, high craving and an increased probability of relapse. They propose that a strong need to masturbate in response to porn might signal the presence of addiction. Story, Research Paper.

“Ok, so maybe I’m addicted then, but so what? Porn is accepted as a distraction for males in this society, nothing wrong with watching porn”. While many men watch porn, not all of them are addicted, but many are unaware of their addiction. Ignorance is never an excuse.

The Effects of Regular Porn Use:

Psychological: From lack of motivation to depression, porn, like any other stimulant causes certain brain chemicals to drop to abnormally low levels after one has been exposed to it. Why? Because the way our brain works the more pleasures you indulge in, the more you build up a resistance to that pleasure. This is a process called “desensitization”, the effects of desensitization are huge, it is basically what keeps all addictions going. It drives you to seek an ever increasing dosage of that substance just to be able to feel any pleasure, resulting in the spiral of addiction. If you like to learn more about this subject please click here.

Problems socializing: Masturbation and porn are very antisocial activities. You have to be alone to do them. When you start to crave porn, you are forced to leave your social life to take care of this need. It is usual to come across instances of fapstronauts regretting all the times they missed out on catching up with loved ones because they preferred to masturbate or watch porn. Its clear that the intense excitement that one can get from a simple click to a porn video will make them prefer watching porn over socializing. Porn addiction also affects how you treat others. Philip J. Flores, author of “Addiction as an Attachment Disorder” makes the point that while one is attached to an addiction, they can’t form a normal relationship.

Sexual problems: Porn causes premature ejaculation among other erectile dysfunctions. For some, masturbating to porn causes them to associate a state of anxiety with sex, due to the fact most of the time they have to be watching over their shoulder just in case somebody comes, making sure they are being quiet, etc. This also pressures them into having to rush to orgasm, causing them to “death grip” their penis. Death grip is word use by fapstronauts in reference to the habit of having a tight grip on their penis and using quick motions to masturbate. In the long term, these habits translate into premature ejaculation and the inability to become erect during real sex. (Report 1) (Report 2)


Comprehensive No Fap Survey. This survey was completed by individuals attempting the No Fap Challenge.

Some important facts found in the survey: The average fapstronaut masturbated every day, and many did it more than once a day. They also watched on average an hour of porn daily. The majority started masturbating and watching porn before the age of 13.

So you want to be a fapstronaut

Disclaimer: Keep in mind. Some people get no benefits and are even negatively affected by abstaining from masturbation. It may very well be that this challenge has no effect on you and you don’t need to do it. From my experience, people who are already happy with their lives seem to be the least benefited from this challenge.

Masturbation is a sin you stop right now fool!!! God is watching you” “Step to stop masturbating: 1. To avoid the urge to masturbate stop going to porn sites, 2. Make a conscious decision not to turn your head after people walk to you, 3. Do not go to strip clubs, 4. Do not look at lust filled magazines.”

50 Cent, Rapper

So, you’ve decided to take on the challenge. Well then, lets start by getting you acquainted with some concepts and terminology that you will see throughout your journey:

Rebooting – Resetting your brain back to normal. It’s not just about quitting your addiction, it’s about getting your brain back to functioning normally. It is believed that the process of recovering from porn addiction and getting your brain’s chemical balance back to normal takes at least 90 days. See this article on unwiring and rewiring your brain.

Superpowers – The overall good feeling that comes while doing the challenge. The vast majority of fapstronauts notice a significant increase in energy within days of starting the challenge. Some attribute it to a placebo effect, others believe that the fact they’re doing something to improve their lives makes them feel better about themselves, while others attribute it to more testosterone. Whatever it is, feeling like you’ve gained “superpowers” is a common occurrence for fapstronauts. (Story 1)

Relapse – The act of giving in to the urges of watching porn and/ or masturbating, or having sex if hard mode. Most fapstronauts relapse several times before completing the 90 days, so don’t take it too seriously.

Flatline - Periods during which your libido feels at its lowest. Low motivation, depression, “dead” penis, and low energy, are some of the effects of flatlin

ing. They are the withdrawal symptoms of porn addiction. Flatlines can come only once during the 90 days, or can come many times. When they come they can last from less than a week to a month. They are unpredictable and tough to get through, subjects are more likely to relapse during flatline periods. (Story 1) (Story 2) (Story 3)

Edge – The act of masturbating without actually reaching orgasm. Probably the biggest contributor to relapsing, edging is a popular subject in the nofap community. Some permit it and some consider it a relapse. One thing that is clear is that even if you do not orgasm, you are continuing the habit of masturbating. Its very common for people who just wanted edge to end up having an orgasm.

Trigger – Anything that can lead you to relapse or to edge. From browsing through facebook for pictures of girls to fantasizing with your eyes closed,

triggers are anything that bring you some type of sexual arousal, such as sex itself. It is often necessary in order to quit porn to not seek sex or masturbation because masturbation and sex are triggers. Here’s an official trigger list compiled by Reddit user filmorepain: List of Triggers

Chaser effect – The urge to masturbate and/ or watch porn that comes hours after having sex. It’s such a big trigger that it has its own name. The chaser effect is the reason why many subjects decide to quit having sex for the duration of the No Fap Challenge.

The Winning MindsetZbV7G1-300x300.jpg

For many, the nofap challenge is one of the most difficult things they’ve ever undertaken. Some describe it being as difficult as quitting smoking or drinking, or any type of drug. This is why, in order to successfully complete the 90 days, one must be prepared for he is about to encounter. This is the reason why this guide was written, to help you complete it the challenge without going too many relapses at first. Here are some of the most popular tips to get you started the right way:

Margaret Thatcher on a cold day! – Austin Powers

Be proud of every hour you’re fap free. Most people find long streaks of not masturbating as a motivator to continue, they are proud of their accomplishment so far and don’t want to break it. When starting the challenge, most think you have nothing under your belt to be proud of. In fact you do. If you have 6 hours of avoiding temptation, that’s something to be proud of, so start there. Count every hour as an accomplishment and celebrate the accomplishment, feel pride on it. Make it a goal to reach 48 hours, then 100 hours. If you can accomplish that then you will have 4 days under you belt, and it will make it easier to shoot for a week, and then 10 days, etc.

Celebrate your milestones, but don’t pressure yourself. Same as above, but don’t put too much pressure to accomplish big milestones. Its easier and to accomplish smaller goals than big goals. So set your milestones small and don’t shoot for 90 days. Many fapstronauts claim to have found success when they stopped focusing on completing 90 days and instead focused on completing this day. Take it day by day.

Recognize your weaknesses. Most fapstronauts have to relapse many times before they can recognize their weaknesses. However, one can are argue that the more educated you are about what triggers are most likely to affect you, the likelier you are to avoid their consequences. If you become stressed, and you know that stress causes you to watch porn and masturbate, then you want to focus on avoiding internet browsing until your stress has diminished. Awareness is power.

Procrastinate watching porn. If you feel a strong urge to watch porn or masturbate, tell yourself that you won’t look for at least 10 minutes, and immediately distract yourself with some offline activity. At first turning to the alternative activity will require a mighty exercise of will. However, when you consciously direct your attention to something, it grows easier to turn your attention to it again in the future.

Resist the urge to test yourself by “just looking” to gauge how you’re doing. It is too common for fapstronauts to become overconfident and start looking at sexual but “safe” videos to get the same excitement they did when watching porn. For example, they might start browsing sexual Youtube videos or facebook pictures. These things are triggers, and as innocent as they might seem, they almost always snowball into porn. The false confidence that individuals get after some weeks being porn free makes them believe the snowball effect will not happen to them. This usually ends up in a relapse. Having sexual fantasies and thoughts can have snowballing effects also, if you engage in them on a regular basis.

Get Active. Go to the gym. You will find it necessary to take up physical activities to get rid of the increased energy that the challenge will give you. Take up activities that fully engage you. Play sports, fix your car, clean, read books, study subjects you’re curious about, learn how to become a better man. Engaging your brain in anything will allow you to more easily forget about the Challenge so that you can complete it with little effort.

Cold showers. Taking cold showers instead of warm ones is one the most effective methods out there to control your urges in the long term. A Reddit user notes how taking a cold shower is the inverse of masturbating.

What do you get when you fap? A few seconds of a pleasure rush, followed by a day of regret and wishing you could take it back. What was the cold shower like? A few seconds of misery and questioning why the hell I did this in the first place, followed by a very pleasant acclimation to the shower temperature, and then exiting the shower feeling warm and strong. Lasts for quite a while.”

Cold showers are beneficial for your health also. They open your pores, improve your skin, improve blood circulation, clear your mind, and improve fertility, among other benefits. The Benefits of Cold Showers

Set up your computer. Erase everything on your phone and computer that may be considered a trigger. Install programs that disable porn websites such as K9, which is one of the most popular free programs. Also, placing your computer in a more high traffic area of your home will definitely stop you from watching porn when people are around. As much as possible minimize your internet time.

Expect to be tempted. Temptation comes in many ways. If you’re going to be home alone, if you’re feeling anxious, stressed, horny, expect to be tempted to watch porn. Take the necessary measures to avoid the temptation from controlling you before the temptation arrives. Have activities prepared to do before you are alone, before you are stressed, etc. Do not wait until the temptation comes to start fighting it, when those situations that bring temptation arrive it will be too late. Expect to be tempted and have a plan of preparation. Helpful

Do not edge, do not touch yourself. Again, a snowballing effect kills most streaks. It does not matter how many weeks or months you’ve been fap free, the snowballing effect can always come. Touching yourself in a sexual manner almost always results in relapse. Inspirational post.

Learn from your relapses. Statistically speaking, there’s a high likelihood that you will relapse more than once before you can accomplish the challenge. It is important to know that relapsing is a normal step in the process. It is equally important to learn from your relapses. What caused you to relapse? What were your thought patterns? How did you feel after relapsing?

Get support. Go to any men’s forums and start a journal there. Reddit’s Nofap community is probably the most popular one. Get advice from others. It is also useful to read other fapstronauts’ accounts of their own journey, many times you’re going though the same things they are going through, it also provides you with a third person perspective of your own issues.

Keep in mind, the majority of fapstonauts relapse dozens of times before succeeding, but most of them end up succeeding eventually. A small portion of them never succeed because they give up completely. No fap is one of the few challenges in life that take no skill, only a strong will.

Into the future

No man knows how bad he is till he has tried very hard to be good. A silly idea is current that good people do not know what temptation means. This is an obvious lie. Only those who try to resist temptation know how strong it is. After all, you find out the strength of the German army by fighting against it, not by giving in. You find out the strength of a wind by trying to walk against it, not by lying down. A man who gives in to temptation after five minutes simply does not know what it would have been like an hour later.”

CS Lewis

What to expect after the 90 days

No fap is not about recovery, its about abstinence. The goal of the no fap challenge is not to stop from masturbating or having sex. Its to help you quit porn forever. Quitting porn requires you to go through this 90 day cleansing period. If you did not go through this period, then you will not be properly trained to resist temptation. It’s the discipline gained through this challenge that allows to control your urges and makes you quit porn or any other type of addiction, this discipline cannot be built over night. As of this writing, I have been porn free for 130 days. I know that if I were to give in to temptation and watched porn again, I would probably masturbate to it and go back to where I once was.

Can you masturbate after the 90 days? You can, but keep in mind that when masturbation becomes a regular habit it leads to porn. The way our brains work, we always want increased pleasure, and after a while masturbation starts to become boring so the need for porn comes back. The best alternative is to release this sexual energy how God intended it, by having sex.


quais são esses exames ??

será que endrocrino ou urologista pede pra eu fazer grátis / convênio

eu aguento uns 20 dias sem orgarmo ... mais que isso as coisas ficam estranhas

Cara, tomara que o plano possa me cobrir esses exames, nao entendo nada de hormonios, tenho que ler muito ainda mas, essa lista que tem nesse topico aqui de AEs me parece um bom ponto de referencia, so imagino a facada que deve ser se o plano nao cobrir tudo dai kkkkkkk. Sem falar que eu ainda quero ver como estão as vitaminas/micronutrientes no meu corpo, principalmente a vitamina D3 e Zinco,

Ctrl v nervoso lá do tópico de EAS

1 - Hemograma

2 - Triglicérides

3 - Colesterol Total

4 - Colesterol HDL Soro

5 - Colesterol LDL

6 - Colesterol VLDL Soro

7 - Insulina

8 - Prolactina (PRL)

9 - Hormônio Fóliculo Estimulante (FSH)

10 - Hormônio Luteinizante (LH)

11 - Hormônio do Crescimento (HgH)

12 - Hormônio Tireoestimulante Ultra Sensível (TSH)

13 - Somatomedina (IGF-1)

14 - Cortisol

15 - Testosterona Total

16 - Testosterona Livre

17 - Dihidrotestosterona

18 - Globulina Carregadora dos Esteróides Sexuais (SHBG)

19 - Antígeno Prostático Específico (PSA Livre e Total)

20 - Estradiol

21 - Aspartato Aminotransferase (AST)

22 - Alanina Aminotransferase (ALT)

23 - Desidrogenase Lática (DHL)

24 - Transaminase Glutâmica Oxalacética (TGO)

25 - Transaminase Glutâmica (TGP)

26 - Fosfatase Alcalina

27 - Gama Glutamil Trasnferase (Gama GT)

28 - Homocisteína

29 - Creatinina

30 - Uréia

31 - Tiroxina (T4)

32 - Triiodotironina (T3)

Caso fique muito caro e/ou o plano não queira fornecer isso tudo, penso em fazer algo menor estilo que o Cassio colocou nesse tópico aqui:

Testo livre e total






Tsh, t4 e t3

Em ultimo caso se ficar muito caro tudo, dai azar kkkkkkkk não pretendo usar venenos mesmo. :ph34r_anim:

Pelo menos até agora huehuehekkkkkkkkkkkkk.


Se ferrar Dan... fiquei com dor no saco depois de ver a sequencia ai... o bixo se contorceu tudo embaixo das calças.

Foi um pouco de dopamina pro beleleu...


kkk delícia de magrinha


Não estou cansado, estou entendiado, não quero treinar e não estou com aquela vontade imensa de fapar.

Eu estou com um vídeo que vi há muito tempo, na minha cabeça. Quero fapar exclusivamente para ele, porque isso? :(

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