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Só fico na dúvida se o cara realmente comia alguém ou se era só mais um frustrado de internet...

Tu nunca notou que os gênios geralmente contam histórias de superação?

Quem nasce jacaré não vira dragão. Só quem nasce lagartixa e vira jacaré sabe como virar dragão.

No mais, num mundo cheio de gente angustiada, carente e fracassada, é sempre bom ler histórias de superação.

Postado (editado)

Só fico na dúvida se o cara realmente comia alguém ou se era só mais um frustrado de internet...

Teve um post dele, q ele mostrou o q a ex achava do relacionamento e o pq de ter acabado, a ex zuou ele bastante mas ainda sim ele tinha sua vida e seus relacionamentos. Não leve tão a sério a maneira q ele escreve, é um tom sarcástico e de ironia, apenas para ter aquele "impacto" na pessoa q lê e ver q as coisas não são fáceis assim.

Editado por 1234

What AFCs think is romantic: drama

Love songs, Disney, and Hollywood all glorify the AFC living a pained existence and eventually getting the girl.

The AFC is mopy, sensitive, dramatic, and emo. He thinks she is the one. He needs her for validation, and will sacrifice everything for her.

Maybe the AFC is a soldier, like in Dear John. Maybe the AFC is an awkward nerd, like in Superbad.

It involves: 1) intense and very genuine need; 2) need not being met.

This sells. Why? It creates tension and release. It's a form of story-telling. It is clear that the hero has good qualities that haven't surfaced, and the girl just doesn't see it yet. It offers a hope of winning the lottery without "selling out". This false hope is embraced by the majority of the movie-watching population, which happens to contain mostly AFCs. It's the story of the underdog, and losers in life identify with it.

The problem

This isn't how the real world works. Imagine a job interview. Is the underdog the guy who gets hired? No, it's the guy who blows everyone away with his amazing resourcefulness, and his abundant ability to add survival value to the firm.

The football team captain gets the girl. The douchebag gets the girl. The fun guy who's having a hilarious and jolly time gets the girl. The guy who's adding value and getting shit done (because he's in a good mood and not moping) gets the girl.

The upstanding "emo" self-victimized guy gets dumped. "Sorry, you're a sweet guy, but I don't like you like that, because you're weak and lame."

When it's done in the movies, the guy is sweet and genuine. But in the real world, the guy is weak. The movies are advocating the epitome of what women find repulsive. Having a guy fall in love with you is disgusting, if he's just a loser.

Truth: Women don't think romantically

Imagine yourself in the wild, in cavemen times, when resources were scarce, and a man had to be decisive, or be killed.

Women don't have time for emo neediness. They avoid needy guys; they've experienced needy guys hitting on them, and they try to avoid those guys, because they're an indistinguishable blur of failures. Women try to prevent themselves from feeling needy as well, because they know it's unattractive. Women are practical-minded and abundance-seeking; rarely do they wallow and mope. They are highly emotionally resilient. Sorry, they DO NOT share your feelings of intense longing and sadness.

Unfortunately, a lot of AFCs don't have much experience with needy women. So they aren't aware of the repulsiveness of neediness. So they think it's OK if they feel it. They think it's romantic, and idealize their needy behaviors as being genuine and devoted. They're living in a sheltered false reality.

They don't understand that a woman's biggest turn-on is strength, not weakness.

The Opposite

Relaxed, dominant, decisive, commanding, abundant, laughing, self-amusing, engaged, open.

Your state is good, and your strong frame keeps your state from getting fucked by negative thinking, setbacks, blow-outs, amogs, and shit-tests.

In every happy marriage I've seen in real life, the husband was rock solid strong and happy.

A Good Hack

Act like a big happy baby, instead of a crybaby. Having fun, being childishly irreverent and carefree. This will break you out of the neediness state.

Remember when your mom was away when you were a kid, and you missed her, and wanted her attention? Don't be that.

Remember when your mom was right there and you were happily busy playing? Be that.

Why spend your time being sad and dramatic and emo, when you can just enjoy the moment and feel good? You put the needy guy and abundant guy side-by-side in your mind, and you see immediately which version of you is more appealing to women.

Assume things are going to be OK, and do your thing. If you feel a lot of freedom, you will naturally be creative and assertive, and she will naturally be attracted to who you are.


Vocês já leram o livro "Princípios da interação social" ? Essa semana li alguns textos do antigo blog do Silvio, alguns livros do Nessahan Alita e esse "princípios da interação social"... Acabei achando esse último o mais interessante e o mais completo.

Quem manja de inglês procura por "The Flinch" (acho que tem traduzido no puabase, acho) também é legalzinho, principalmente porque te motiva a mudar. É uma boa leitura pra quem tá inércia, desestimulado, querendo mudar mas não dá o primeiro passo...

Aliás, to com um pack de uns 200 livros, baixados ao longo do tempo, desde o básico do pua, linguagem corporal, micro-expressões, manhood e real até livros sobre comportamento humano, comportamento de líderes e oratória..

Ler no PC é uma merda, a vontade é de comprar um Kindle, alguém tem? sabe se vale a pena?


Baixei o blog do Silvio pra ler. 600 páginas, o PDF. Mas são posts engraçados.

Pdc. MrCrowley me enviou por e-mail e eu vou terminar de ler também, acho que o tempo investido na leitura dos posts serão de grande-valia.

Espero que tenha bastante textos semelhante ao que o Enebt postou.


Pdc. MrCrowley me enviou por e-mail e eu vou terminar de ler também, acho que o tempo investido na leitura dos posts serão de grande-valia.

Espero que tenha bastante textos semelhante ao que o Enebt postou.

Também estou lendo.

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