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36 minutos atrás, Henrique88 disse:


esquece essas porra de pua


só fala com a mina, se pensar demais só vai sair merda

In this book Simon Sinek provides a very unique prospective to leadership. Simon points out how in US marines the junior most ranking officer always eats first. He very creatively relates the role of a leader to historical tribes where leaders gets the perks, but provides security, protection and help develops trust – all of which requires sacrifice on leaders' part.

He very adeptly describes how leadership is unrelated to a rank. You are a leader when you step up over and beyond your own defined role and provide a solution that helps a tribe, develop trust and security where people in the tribe start looking up to you – basically you can lead without a tittle. A concept that is described very nicely in Robin Sharma’s book “ A leader without a tittle”

His illustration of Endorphin, Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and Cortisol and their relation to leadership is most interesting aspect of the book. Simon explains the role these hormones played in our evolution and how they affect us in modern world. By doing so Simon talks about human behavior and role of a leader.


The selfish chemicals:

Simon describes how two chemicals played an important role in our survival. It is commonly known that we should not go to Supermarket when we’re hungry, but have you ever thought why we go to supermarket when we’re not hungry. We do because we’re smart species – yes but our body has a mechanism to release chemicals that give incentives to go out and do so even when we are not hungry – these are selfish chemicals that help us achieve our goals.


Endorphin - The runners high

Endorphin has one and only one purpose – to mask pain when we do important task. Endorphin is what body releases when we get hooked to exercise. It is the chemical that help runner gets the high.

Endorphin is often released at time of stress or fear to mask pain. Body needed it for the hunters to chase an animal and make it back home. We would not have survived the exhaustion without endorphin rush.

We can get hooked up to endorphin – that is what makes runners go back and run.

Hunters felt good to go out and hunt, as some still literally do.

Endorphin gives us the edge to keep going. Without endorphin we won’t push ourselves to achieve when we’re tired.

Because of endorphin you keep going and stay late at work when you are working on an interesting project. Try doing that when you have nothing interesting going- you will feel sleepy in mid day


Dopamine: an incentive for progress

Dopamine gives us the good feeling we get when we finish a task, reach a goal or a marker on a way to a bigger goal. Dopamine makes us feel good when we uncheck something from a to do list.

Dopamine helped our ancestors focus on task at hand and made them feel good when they achieved something. Marathon runner gets it when he passes each marker.

Because of Dopamine it feels good to put a lot of effort, solve a complex problem and get it done. A simple task might not release enough Dopamine to get that satisfaction. There is no biological incentive to do nothing.

Dopamine is understood well and management style is geared to take advantage of that. Tangible goal creations, recognition etc all revolve around that concept. Hit the goal and get the rewards are all Dopamine driven.

Drugs and alcohol all release Dopamine and the feeling can be intoxicating. Most of the addictions are eventually Dopamine addictions.

Social media , texting, that next email, number of likes we get on Face Book post - all of these give us a shot of Dopamine. Dopamine is addictive because it reinforces a behavior that is linked to something that was so important to our biological growth.

Dopamine is exactly what we need to find things, build things and get things done.


The selfless chemicals:

Simon describes that although Endorphin and Dopamine were essential for our survival, we thrived as a species because we had other incentives to work in a group in front of a danger or complex task. It is the selfless chemicals that give us the feeling of belonging, trust to work as a team that helped us thrive as a species

Without social chemicals, we’d be cold blooded. Simon gives a great example of reptilian brain that does not reward cooperative behavior. So if two crocs go after the same food they would target it alone. One will win and most interestingly the other would forget and would not harbor any ill feeling. There is no reward or lack of there after for them – Crocs by design are cold hearted loners - nothing personal all instinct.

Humans as it turn out does not have that hard skin or sharp teeth to survive alone. Without a reward system in our body to work as a group we’d have not survived.  We are social animals because of these two chemicals. Our brain continued to grow beyond our reptilian roots. Our body made an incentive system for us to develop trust, rely on each other, and work to achieve goals that we can’t accomplish alone.

In an environment where these chemicals are not released, there is less trust, lack of team spirit, stress increases, we work alone and leadership falters. In such an environment there is less desire to help colleagues.


Serotonin: the leadership chemical

Serotonin gives us the feeling of pride, the feeling when we know others like us. We crave for approval from the tribe because it makes us feel good and is needed for our well-being.

Serotonin is what one gets at reward and graduation ceremonies.

People who get a lot of boost of Serotonin from their tribe and people around them would have less desire for shot of Dopamine, which they get when they check how many likes they got to their post on FB, or how many friends they have.

That is why we don’t feel the same after an excellent webinar compare to a performance with live audience.

Serotonin helps us work for those we are directly responsible – as a boss, as a coach , or as a parent.It helps us as an employee, or one being looked after to work hard and make our senior proud.

My 12 years daughter told me couples of day’s back that Dad as a kid I only wanted to do things to make you guys happy – that was Serotonin that was driving that behavior. She might be doing it bit less now as she becomes a teenager, but Serotonin would continue to drive her behavior going forward.

Those who work hardest to help others succeed would be looked by the group as a leader – the alpha of the group. This is prerequisite for leadership

With only Endorphin and Dopamine we’d never work so hard for our children, or even partner with a spouse Simon explains. We’d be a cold-hearted loner.

Grease the social machine:

Simon explains that when leaders of an organization fail to create a culture of trust, it results in sabotage.

When there is culture of trust and security people work together and pull through difficult tasks .


Oxytocin:  The chemical of love.

It is the feeling of friendship, love or deep trust.

It is the feeling we get when we’re with our trusted friends. When we do nice for someone or somebody does something nice to us.

Oxytocin, like other chemicals, was essential for our survival. Without it there would be no act of generosity and no empathy. No strong bond of trust or friendship to rely on others to watch our back. Without it we would not have a family.

Oxytocin makes us social.

Unlike dopamine, which gives us, instant but short-term gratification, Oxytocin is long lasting.

What is love you ask ?
“Give the power to someone to destroy you and trust him or her that they would never use it”

Oxytocin makes us crave to be in a circle of safety within a group because that was essential for our survival. Oxytocin also makes us feel good, reduces stress and helps us accomplish more as a team when there is such an environment.


Cortisol: A chemical that gives us anxiety and stress

Just like other chemicals, Cortisol was essential for our survival. It helped us respond to impeding danger. The feeling that something is wrong is design to alert us. Without Cortisol, we’d only know of danger when it is too late.

Ideally Cortisol is supposed to go away from our system when the danger is no more there.  It helps us relax again once it is gone.

Cortisol is also behind the feeling of anxiety, discomfort or stress we've at work. Simon explains that unlike other animals, we’ve neocortex due to which we try to understand why we fear, or have anxiety.

Unlike our mind, our body reacts to all of these chemicals like it was supposed to for thousands of years. The body does not know that when Cortisol is released due to anxiety or stress at work- it is not life threatening.

It is because of that Cortisol is actually literally killing us. Cortisol induced state in our body shuts down some not essential tasks such as immune system- we didn't need it and had to focus on saving our lives in the past. Unfortunately today it means that high stress often lead to deadly diseases like high blood pressure. Lack of glucose metabolism can lead to diabetes.

It is cortisol that doesn't let so many people sleep. You are not able to unwind because Cortisol hasn't left your system when you go to bed. Simon explains that in modern organizations leaders usually don’t discuss the impeding dangers. Employee’s are mostly on their own to protect themselves. This creates a lack of trust , if there is one at all. There is less security, less Oxytocin and Serotonin and more Cortisol in our body. Cortisol inhibits release of Oxytocin. It makes us less likely to help others 
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Eu vou morrer sem entender por que as pessoas não compreendem o óbvio ( ou talvez não queiram compreender )


Mulheres Bonitas irão se sentirem atraídas por Caras Bonitos - Com raríssimas exceções.


Se a Garota olhar pra você e não sentir nada, o máximo que um cara consegue tendo atitude, sendo legal, se vestindo bem, sendo prestativo, romântico etc, é se tornar o miguxo dela.



Se um Homem não tem beleza ele precisa buscar mulheres dentro do mundo dele. Não adianta ser feio e ir nas tops.



Não há necessidade de ler livros ou qualquer outra coisa. A vida é simples, bem simples. Tudo ocorre de forma natural, um Cara boa pinta vai naturalmente atrair mulheres bacanas sem nenhum problema. O Cara que não é vai se limitar as Mulheres que também não tem beleza.




2 horas atrás, macaxeira disse:

Eu vou morrer sem entender por que as pessoas não compreendem o óbvio ( ou talvez não queiram compreender )


Mulheres Bonitas irão se sentirem atraídas por Caras Bonitos - Com raríssimas exceções.


Se a Garota olhar pra você e não sentir nada, o máximo que um cara consegue tendo atitude, sendo legal, se vestindo bem, sendo prestativo, romântico etc, é se tornar o miguxo dela.



Se um Homem não tem beleza ele precisa buscar mulheres dentro do mundo dele. Não adianta ser feio e ir nas tops.



Não há necessidade de ler livros ou qualquer outra coisa. A vida é simples, bem simples. Tudo ocorre de forma natural, um Cara boa pinta vai naturalmente atrair mulheres bacanas sem nenhum problema. O Cara que não é vai se limitar as Mulheres que também não tem beleza.






Miguxo? nem é tanto assim.. a maioria dos caras que tem baixa confiança não chegam nessas mulheres bonitas. Mulheres bonitas gostam sim de se sentir desejadas mas o cara não precisa ser bonitão, só um papo bacana. Elas reconhecem o tipo de mulher que elas são, a beleza em si e sabem que os caras em geral tem medo de chegar..


Um dia um amigo meu me chamou para dar uma volta com duas minas, ele chamou porque queria pegar a loira, a qual tinha ficado recente solteira e sempre ficava de papinho. De inicio, ela pediu pra chamar um amigo para a amiga dela  ( uma morena sensacional ) e ai fui onde entrei. No bar, ficamos conversando e o meu camarada beijou a mina logo no inicio do role e ai ficou na minha mão e tal. Certo momento, eles foram fumar no ambiente externo e ai fiquei conversando com a morena, altos papos, gente boa,simplona, e curtia quase de tudo sem frescuras...pela beleza em si da mina é raro de se achar assim. Então, papo vai papo vem perguntei uma hora: como você está solteira? tipo elogiando ela e tal ai ela sorriu e respondeu: nenhum cara chega em mim direito, acho que é medo. Fiquei pensando carai pode cre e tal, dai dei risada e nessa brecha consegui lascar um beijão.


Resumindo, ficamos os 4 lá conversando de boas e ela foi umas das minas mais gostosas que ja peguei...autoestima nas alturas kkkkk

41 minutos atrás, Henrique88 disse:



Miguxo? nem é tanto assim.. a maioria dos caras que tem baixa confiança não chegam nessas mulheres bonitas. Mulheres bonitas gostam sim de se sentir desejadas mas o cara não precisa ser bonitão, só um papo bacana. Elas reconhecem o tipo de mulher que elas são, a beleza em si e sabem que os caras em geral tem medo de chegar..


Um dia um amigo meu me chamou para dar uma volta com duas minas, ele chamou porque queria pegar a loira, a qual tinha ficado recente solteira e sempre ficava de papinho. De inicio, ela pediu pra chamar um amigo para a amiga dela  ( uma morena sensacional ) e ai fui onde entrei. No bar, ficamos conversando e o meu camarada beijou a mina logo no inicio do role e ai ficou na minha mão e tal. Certo momento, eles foram fumar no ambiente externo e ai fiquei conversando com a morena, altos papos, gente boa,simplona, e curtia quase de tudo sem frescuras...pela beleza em si da mina é raro de se achar assim. Então, papo vai papo vem perguntei uma hora: como você está solteira? tipo elogiando ela e tal ai ela sorriu e respondeu: nenhum cara chega em mim direito, acho que é medo. Fiquei pensando carai pode cre e tal, dai dei risada e nessa brecha consegui lascar um beijão.


Resumindo, ficamos os 4 lá conversando de boas e ela foi umas das minas mais gostosas que ja peguei...autoestima nas alturas kkkkk


E aí, comeu?

3 horas atrás, macaxeira disse:

Mulheres Bonitas irão se sentirem atraídas por Caras Bonitos

Näo só as bonitas como as feias também. A diferenca é que a feia se contenta com menos, mas qualquer mulher vai se sentir atraída por homens bonitos (excepto, claro, lésbicas e similares).


56 minutos atrás, Henrique88 disse:

Resumindo, ficamos os 4 lá conversando de boas e ela foi umas das minas mais gostosas que ja peguei

Gozou dentro ou fora?

39 minutos atrás, Chrys disse:


E aí, comeu?


Sim man... mas psicológico estava meio foda e tive que mandar um Sildenafilazin 25mg pra ficar sussa...


26 minutos atrás, Torf disse:

Näo só as bonitas como as feias também. A diferenca é que a feia se contenta com menos, mas qualquer mulher vai se sentir atraída por homens bonitos (excepto, claro, lésbicas e similares).


Gozou dentro ou fora?


auehauheuahe na cara

3 horas atrás, macaxeira disse:

Eu vou morrer sem entender por que as pessoas não compreendem o óbvio ( ou talvez não queiram compreender )


Mulheres Bonitas irão se sentirem atraídas por Caras Bonitos - Com raríssimas exceções.


Se a Garota olhar pra você e não sentir nada, o máximo que um cara consegue tendo atitude, sendo legal, se vestindo bem, sendo prestativo, romântico etc, é se tornar o miguxo dela.



Se um Homem não tem beleza ele precisa buscar mulheres dentro do mundo dele. Não adianta ser feio e ir nas tops.



Não há necessidade de ler livros ou qualquer outra coisa. A vida é simples, bem simples. Tudo ocorre de forma natural, um Cara boa pinta vai naturalmente atrair mulheres bacanas sem nenhum problema. O Cara que não é vai se limitar as Mulheres que também não tem beleza.




Vc sai de casa? Ja foi em uma balada? Parece q n.


Na boa, não consigo entender. O cara sai com uma morena gata, chega com atitude dando beijão, come a mina com direito a gozada na cara, e depois  fica querendo saber a opinião de como agir com uma gatinha de 25 anos. Mano ta errado isso, você que tem que ensinar os segredo das paradas!!

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