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Dominance automatically gets a response from others and the world around you. A man who displays dominance or who is dominant stands out to others and the world like a diamond in a sea of coal. A man who knows what he wants and goes after it. A man who imposes his will on reality changing reality to fit it. This man makes use of his mind and his masculinity and the world responds to that.

Men respect him even when they envy him. Women cannot resist him. And the universe becomes plastic the the molding powers of his thoughts and actions. Things do not happen to him he happens to things essentially. He is an action as well as a risk taker and so much more. I could spend all day listing the different traits that make up a dominant man but that is no the point of this article.

Dominance Over Himself

The first thing that a man must dominate is his own mind. Once he has his mind firmly under his own control and is directing it as he wishes, he can achieve just about anything that he wishes. Self-mastery is truly the greatest mastery of them all. When self-mastery is the fundamental basis from which you work you will be successful in your ventures. Men who have mastered themselves have a much easier time mastering others and shaping reality to their ideals.

The first step in dominance is to take control of your mind and adapt the correct mindset. When this is done everything else begins to fall in place. Take control of your thoughts and harness the great power of your mind to get it working for you instead of against you. This is not a step that can be skipped or glossed over. It is the foundation, it is what everything else rests upon. Without this you will be like the builder who built his house upon the sand and when the rains came…well you know the rest.

Master your mind and be the man who built his house upon the rock and when the rains came he didn’t give a damn because he built his house upon rock.

Dominance Over Others

Once a man has mastered himself he can then work on domination in relation to others. When most people think about being dominant in relation to others. They think of a domineering loudmouthed asshole which is not at all what I am getting at here. Domineering loudmouth assholes are little boys who are overcompensating for something. No, a dominant man can be quiet and often nice (unless you cross him). He may walk around not drawing attention to himself but there is something there that is undeniable and powerful. A primal energy that people just know. Dominance is to being domineering what confidence is to arrogance. One is healthy, essential, and attractive the other stems from insecurities and is seen through.

There is no force on this earth that women respond stronger to than dominance. Dominance is like catnip for women. Again remember this isn’t being domineering. Men who always are fighting and yelling at their woman are insecure little boys not the dominant man we are talking about. A man who is dominant in control of both himself and his reality will be irresistible to women. It’s not something that they can choose to be attracted to or not, they simply are. Like a woman with a nice round ass and a skinny waist as a man you have no choice whether you are attracted to her or not, you simply are. While looks are what men look for in women, dominance is what women look for in men as far as mating goes.

Dominance Over Reality

Reality can be molded. The world is shaped by men who decided that they wanted to shape it. Life is not a passive journey where fates decide where you end up. If you are a man you have the power to shape the world around you into what you wish. Not necessarily the entire world (though that is possible) but your own world, the one that actually matters to you. You can create the life that you want and impose your will on reality. Like how God called matter out of nothing you can also call the life you want out of the life you have. As men were given the power to be co-creators (obviously on a much smaller scale but nevertheless).

Remember this all stems from dominance over your own mind. Once that is accomplished having dominance over others and over your world often naturally falls into place and even if not, it takes a little work to get it there. Men are called to be dominant. Over themselves, in their lives, in relation to women, and in relation to others. Men were created to be dominant. The world needs dominant men who will make a place worth living. It is men who shape the world but first taking control of themselves.


The Root Of Sexual Attraction

The Root Of Sexual Attraction by Charles Sledge

You’ve probably heard the phrase “attraction isn’t a choice” it rings true but have you ever stopped to think about why this is? Why isn’t attraction a choice? Why can a man be a giant asshole who all women are “supposed” to hate get laid left and right and yet the politically correct male that does everything society tells him to ends up with his hand night after night? This is because attraction is based in biology, not ideology. And as we all know biology always, always, always trumps ideology.

Hence it makes sense that the roots of sexual attraction are going to be based on human biology. The same biology humans were created with and that the last man will have when it all ends. This biology can be resisted but it cannot be overriden and males have a much higher capacity to resist their biology then women who are all essentially slaves to it. Then again most males are as well.

The Roots Of Sexual Attraction

So what is the root of sexual attraction between men and women. We know that things like dominance, taking charge, and passing shit tests all turn a woman on yet why exactly is this? What is the underlying factor at play here? Is it strength? In a sense yes yet it isn’t strength in and of itself. Alright what about dominance, we’re getting closer but even dominance in and of itself isn’t the root. We can look at a bunch of different factors but still come up short. Only by looking at the root can we truly grasp what attraction is and what causes it.

The root cause of attraction for women is masculinity and the root cause of attraction for men is feminimity. Not what society says is masculine and feminine which can be completely misconstrued and is usually done for propaganda and social engineering purposes more than anything. But rather what our biology says is masculine and feminine, which never has changed and never will change. What made Bo the caveman attracted to Sally the cavegirl will make Don the advertising exec attracted to Kelly his secretary and vice versa.


The reason that dominance, taking charge, and passing shit tests all hit a woman’s button is because they are all expressions of masculinity. It’s the same with teasing or giving a woman a backhanded compliment it expresses confidence and other traits that all are expressions of masculinity. Likewise when a woman is smiling, bubbly, submissive, kind, loving, and has 36-24-36 figure (with that being the most important factor) she is going to be incredibly attractive to men because of how highly she expresses her feminimity.

The higher you express your masculinity the more attractive you are to women and the higher a woman expresses her feminimity the more attractive she will be to men. However some misintrepret this polarity and fall into some errors. One is that men and women both have a feminine and masculine nature in them. This is not true. Males can “ape” feminine behavior and females can “ape” masculine behavior but just like the ape “apeing” a human doesn’t make him one a male or female aping the behavior of the other sex doesn’t give him or her that energy.


Some think that “Well masculine women will be attracted to feminine men and vice versa” but they are wrong and their thinking patterns have been polluted by society (just like the “apeing” example above). “Masculine” females are masculine because their is not masculinity around them that they can submit to. Feminine males are just broken and need to be fixed by the men around them. Masculine females are broken to but simply need to interact with a masculine man to quickly resume their natural role.

For example I’ve seen bitchy “masculine” women turn into submissive (and often horny) lambs around me and other men like me much to the shock of their beta boyfriends. Every man wants a feminine woman and every woman wants a masculine man. Even lesbians want men. This basic truths are taboo in our society. But it doesn’t matter. There is no need to fight the useless fight against society. Rather accept these truths and learn from them. Build the life you want and let society crumble in its lies.


The truth will set you free. The root of sexual attraction is the polarity between the masculine and the feminine that is rooted in our biology not what society says. There is no such thing as femininity in males or masculinity in females they can only “ape” one another and when they do it makes them repulsive in every way. “Masculine” females are simply females who haven’t been exposed to real masculinity and “feminine” males suffer from corrupted ways of thinking and need to be set straight if they are to not suffer through life. Always remember biology trumps ideology

5 horas atrás, planeta disse:

There is no such thing as femininity in males or masculinity in females they can only “ape” one another and when they do it makes them repulsive in every way.


Aquele Eliot Hulse prega o contrário. Hoje em dia sempre tem um comentario no canal dele a respeito de como ele tá mais feminino. Ele fala que nem uma mulher, se movimenta e gesticula como mulher, até a voz ta mais fina. Ele andou dando umas viajadas pesadas dentro de sí mesmo e tá gritante a diferença dos videos dele de 3 4 anos atrás qnd ele ensinava a ter voz mais grave, como "breath trough your balls" e como fazer levantamento terra pra hoje onde ele aborda questoes mais espirituais.


  • Elliot macho:



  • Elliot fêmea:




5 horas atrás, Aroma disse:






Verdade, se homem oferece namoro  antes de ela estar desesperada pra isso, deserto do Saara


Vc que fez a frase em inglês ou tem um artigo disso??


O tempo todo tem informações erradas nos bombardeando em filmes, séries, novelas e até desenhos... matrix


É sempre bom estar lendo bons artigos pra balancear

Postado (editado)
38 minutos atrás, planeta disse:


Verdade, se homem oferece namoro  antes de ela estar desesperada pra isso, deserto do Saara


Vc que fez a frase em inglês ou tem um artigo disso??


O tempo todo tem informações erradas nos bombardeando em filmes, séries, novelas e até desenhos... matrix


É sempre bom estar lendo bons artigos pra balancear

Editado por Brachio
Postado (editado)

The choice is yours.  She can only choose from the guys who approach her.  If nobody approaches her, she can choose NOTHING.  If only weak beta guys approach her, she will turn them away and end up with NOTHING.  You have all the power my friend, you are choosing who you are going to approach and who you will be with.  You are the one who will decide whether you will see her again or not. You are the one who is going to say she is the chosen one.  Their job is to look beautiful and expose themselves to the market.


I make options for myself, so that you are not my only choice and I can go out with someone else if I choose. For now, even if you don’t have other options, make it look like you do. Behave like you do.  I am going to do everything for my girls. I love them and will treat them like a queen…but only as long as I think they deserve it.  It is funny to see how, when women don’t get what they want, they call me a jerk but always stick around... They may not like your rules, but they will respect you if you stick to them.


They simply feel attraction towards those guys because they are more confident, they go for what they want, and women unconsciously like to be controlled by more powerful men. He conveys, often accidentally, all of the alpha qualities she is wired to seek out because of her evolutionary programming and at the same time elicits lots of emotions in her.  Nice guys convey nothing alpha and just give her one emotion and that is love.  Love is great, but after a while it becomes boring and monotonous.  And if it is given too early without the girl having to earn it, its value is insignificant.


So don’t be afraid to be more selfish and genuinely ask yourself what a particular girl can bring to your life to make you happy besides tits and ass.  When you operate from this mindset, you will get results (This is the mindset of men who have plenty of women in their lives and women instinctively pick up on it and find it attractive).


 If you have ever gone out with me, you will notice something really unusual: as soon as I go into a set, I am not sucked into their frame. I do not live in their world. You will see that they live in my world. How do you see this? When I approach a set or any group of people, I don’t position myself so the whole group can hear me. I don’t try to yell so the whole group can hear me. First, I position myself in the most comfortable position, where I feel the most relaxed. Then I reorganize the other people around me in a way I like. For example, I approach them, have them open up to me, sit down, and use the space around me to make myself comfortable.  Then, I might position the extra people to talk to each other, while the target is left to talk to me. This behavior is not something I modeled or learned.  It’s been a part of my personality for a long time.

You will always see me in the most comfortable position you can imagine while I am in a set or anywhere in life. Why?  Because I operate from the frame that I am the leader, I am the prize.  I have the right to make myself comfortable.  I have no reason to ask permission or make excuses for anything I do.  When you TRULY begin to live in this frame, people will automatically follow you because the powerful reality that you exude is irresistibly attractive.  This reality can only come from developing strong Inner Game.


 We take for granted that how we feel or view the world is true, but it is always subjective.  Begin to consciously frame your thoughts towards the reality that you are the prize, that you are an attractive person and that you can take what you want out of the world, and you will begin to feel and act differently, leading to better results.  It takes some work, but it is the difference between the winners and losers in life.



When you subcommunicate dominant qualities and are non-reactive to her shit tests while being charming and fun, you project the frame, “I am an Alpha male.  You would be lucky to be with me.”  All of this occurs subconsciously on a macro level, controlling the meaning of the interaction.  The sum total of both people’s words, actions and mannerisms sets the frame.


Confidence is the KEY brother. Of course, you also don't want to make her feel uncomfortable by behaving awkwardly, nervous, or uncharming by appearing horny or so. Just be relaxed and tell her that without any feelings or signs of weirdness. Tell her as if it is the most common thing in the world. You'll stun them and they'll love you.




Melhor canal sobre conquista que existe, não julgue pelas aparências e pela quantidade de acessos baixa, não tem nada de pua nem manginismo e apesar do carinha parecer meio nerdinho branquinho o que ele diz vale por mil livrinhos e experiencias com mulher que vc possa ter:



Editado por Brachio

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