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On Body Language & Extroverted Behavior(self.TheRedPill)

submitted 15 dias ago * by BlackSamKnight

Body language is important. But ya'll already know that shit. The reason I write this is twofold. Firstly body language and openers are my strengths. I have the ability to open with any girl about anything. Having good body language is one of the tools at your disposal for catching IOIs. The second reason I'm writing this, is to codify—more to myself than to others—how it's done so I can internalize it better. If it helps other TRPers along the way, then that's me giving back for the community that helped me understand the game. If it starts a discussion, even better.

I should preface this by saying that I've recently swallowed the red pill myself. And so far it has been working great. One month and already 2 Fcloses and many more irons in the fire. I recognize that this guide might be incomplete or inexperienced, there are most definitely more definitive guides on this, but this is how I do things and how it has worked out for me. The simplest form of success is getting random pedestrian girls to smile at you on the street.

Posture, Posture, Posture
Pretty obvious. Hit the fucking gym, work on getting your back straight. This automatically increases how attractive you are by 20-30%. You look taller, you look more confident. You get validation from your social circle from looking great, which works to boost your confidence. I firmly believe that posture is something excluded from the “fake it till you make it” doctrine. Your muscles simply don't have the energy or structure needed to keep your back straight 24/7. In the short term you might be able to force yourself to hold your posture for 30-60 minutes. But it will feel awkward, uncomfortable and sore. And you don't want those feelings when you're in the club and trying to bring your A-Game. Preparation is key, and in this case preparation means hitting the gym at least two times a week. I won't go into details about specific exercises for that, you can find those easily enough with a quick google search.

Just as posture is important, it won't do you any good if your mind is riddled with anxiety and fear. Realize that no one gives a fuck about you and that you're not the center of the universe and you'll automatically gain the courage to do whatever the hell you want. And no one will have the balls to tell you off. Literally the worst that could happen is someone calling you annoying or gossiping about you behind your back. In the first case it shows how insecure they are with themselves (unless you're generally being annoying and handing out wedgies like an immature schoolyard bully) or in the second: there's no such thing as bad publicity. People talking about you gives you reputation you can capitalize on later.
Practically speaking, this manifests itself through body language. You're not afraid to walk in there like you own the goddamn place. Similar to how wrestlers of WWE make their entrance. Talk to people you don't know, men and women. Chat up the bartender, shout a request to the DJ, dance like a maniac, even if you're the only one on the dancefloor. I was at a party last week where everyone was either at the bar or hanging in the garden outdoors. I started dancing, dragged a girl I just met to the dance floor so that it was just us, and slowly people started joining until it was full.

Know your opponent & know yourself
This is some Sun Tzu shit right here. If this is a battle, your opponent in this case would be whoever you are trying to sleep with. It's a different kind of battle, but a battle nontheless. You want to choose the battle ground and have all factors working to your advantage. Recognize your weaknesses and you will never be put at a disadvantage. For me this applies in the following way. I'm a great dancer, and I'm at my best when I'm dancing freely to hip hop or rock. I completely fail at salsa dancing which is popular where I live. I avoid the salsa parties because a) I don't like it and B) I don't know how to dance it. If I were to go I would be at a complete disadvantage, fumbling and stepping on feet. Awkwardness is not sexy. So instead I have two options, learn salsa or pick a battlefield that works in my favor. My most successful nights are those where I go to the club where they play the hip hop. Frequenting the place also makes you familiar with lots of people there. Social Proof. Another example is that if there is a language barrier, force them to keep the conversation in the language you're best at. I don't live in my native country, but I'm fluent in the local language. Whenever I'm playing the game, I always keep the conversation in English, unless they completely suck at it. This puts them at another advantage. Have to explain to them what words mean or help them find the right words? All the better, you're establishing yourself as an authority on a language they can't. Play on your strengths as a person and avoid your weaknesses. For each person it's different. Find your scene and stick to it. If you wanna move into another scene, then go monk for a couple of months to learn salsa or tango or whatever so you can go in there and be excellent right away.

Eye Contact
“The eyes are windows to the soul”, whoever said that hit the nail on the head. Don't flinch, don't be the first to break it. Getting eye contact from across the room? Maintain that shit. If it happens a second time throw in a wink or a smile. Then you can make an approach and literally talk about anything. It's important to make eye contact during conversation as well. It shows them that you're a good listener and that you actually care about what they have to say. It also has the subconscious effect that lats them know “this guy wants to fuck” and gets a whole subconscious clockwork of psychological and chemical chaos working for your benefit. Plus points if you're actually interested in what they have to say, it's hard to pretend to be interested when you're bored out of your mind but not impossible.

You're not talking to them, you're talking to their brain
One thing I've realized from TRP but haven't read it outright spelled out is this: When approaching and gaming a girl, you're not trying to impress the rational side of her brain, on the surface sure. But your main objective is to get her subconscious to see you as an alpha-male and viable mating candidate. Which is stronger in persuading her hamster to accept you than any rational argument you could possible form with your own words. That's why eye contact, confidence, kino, etc. are important. You're talking to her primitive reptile horny brain, and inciting the tingles. Never forget that.

Don't dress like a fucking hobo
This one is important. Stop buying in quantities and start buying quality. Instead of five 5$ shirts, get yourself two 25$ ones. They will fit you better, look great and actually last longer. One of the most common compliments I get is how well I dress, because I place an importance on it. It's however important to note that you should dress context appropriate. Don't wear a suit to a college house party. Etc. Invest 50$ on some decent looking shades, get yourself a stainless steel watch, a good haircut, decent shoes, etc. Don't be afraid to experiment with some hair products. Something I found out through doing my hair every morning instead of having the “messy/I don't care” look, even though I look well enough in it is agency. It tells the subconscious brain of all you meet “I have agency, my hair looks like this because I want it to look like this.” No more bad hair days.

Enjoy the awkward silence
One thing I recently learned is to use the awkward silence to my advantage at every possible time. The easiest way is to maintain eye contact and a smile, they'll feel a burning urge to keep yammering and impress you (yep, impress YOU) and will break after a few seconds. It also shows that you're completely comfortable in all situations, you don't need mindless conversation to be entertained. Other ways to deal with it is to wait until they stutter or use a filler word like “umm” to interrupt them and lead the conversation somewhere else. There are countless possibilities to deal with awkward silences. Find out what works best for you. Being present helps, because you get to pick any of the countless stimuli in the environment and comment on it. The music sucks? Mention it. Someone is wearing something funny? Point it out. Meditation helps in that regard. Being present means you can excel at being in the moment and always find something new and interesting to do/talk about without resorting to small talk about the weather. A personal example: I went to a house party/jam session. I was standing there bored and the whole room was awkwardly silent with mellow music in the background before the band started playing. I noticed people looking at me since I just walked in and I was the best dressed in the room. I noticed an unlit candle next to me, I took out my lighter and lit it, then used the candle to light my wingman's cigarette a few minutes later when he asked for a light. A move which got us both lots of IOIs and attention. We're actively changing our environment, and not awkwardly looking around for approval from other people to do what we want.

A grain of salt
Take this tips with a grain of salt. I know a guy who gets a lot of girls despite dressing like a hobo. This is because it fits his context. He's an artist, and works a specific “humble/non-materialistic/hippy” angle. But he still looks good and generally attractive in his torn up clothes and shoes. It fits him. The same goes with any advice someone gives you. Take the essence, the effect you want to achieve and recreate it not by copying it to the letter, but like wrapping it around yourself like a cloak, and using it to best fit your context and situation.


  • Fix your damn posture.

  • Strut around as if you own the damn place, no one will have the balls to say shit.

  • Capitalize on your strengths and talents, avoid your weaknesses.

  • Pick your battlefields, use all factors to your advantage, put them at a disadvantage. The more they stutter, struggle, stumble when they dance or generally feel awkward the more they'll want to impress you.

  • Eye contact is key. Practice it on your commutes, learn it, use it, love it.

  • Don't convince them with arguments and rationality, talk to their subconscious, and it will argue on your behalf.

  • Dress well. Here's a good place to get started.

  • Use the awkward silence to your advantage. Meditate and be present.

Em 31/05/2016 at 20:09, planeta disse:














June 20, 2010 by artamaze

contrappostogapredlines.jpg?w=86&h=150contrappostocomcast.jpg?w=85&h=150We referred to it back on April 19 when we talked about the ellipse.  Contrapposto. Big word, simple concept.  It means that when drawing the figure, make the shoulder line and the pelvis line go in opposite directions; one up, one down.  It’s an invention of the ancient Greeks, was de rigueur from the Renaissance kritios-boy1.jpg?w=65&h=150to the 19th century and is still with us to the max. You can’t pass a shop window, skim a fashion magazine or glance at your junk mail without getting an eyeful of contrapposto.   So, thank the Greeks.  Around 480 BCE this venusmilo1.jpg?w=74&h=150happened in Greek culture, the Kritios Boy.  Notice how his pelvis is higher on the right than the left.  The shoulders are straight, that’s true. Later the shoulders would also slope, in the opposite direction.  It seems so natural, so graceful, so at ease, that egyptiancouple2.jpg?w=92&h=150we’re tempted to take the contrapposto stance for granted.  But before the Kritios  Boy, the Greeks imitated Egyptian sculpture, which was stiff and square, even when making an attempt at expressing conviviality, like this Egyptian couple, ~2500 BCE.   Even though one foot is in front of the other, the legs are stiff and there’s no shift of the weight to one leg, which would cause the pelvis to tilt up on the side of the load bearing leg.

Here are some Renaissance icons…botticellivenus1.jpg?w=78&h=150michangdavid1.jpg?w=109&h=150michangdawn.jpg?w=141&h=150


The use of the contrapposto design became so dogmatic that even a ingresnude.jpg?w=80&h=150reclining figure like Michelangelo’sDawn at the Medici tomb has that at-ease-soldier twist.  What are we to make of a dying body on a cross  gracefully complying with this aesthetic fashion?  Is Michelangelo perhaps sacrificing expressiveness on the altar of aesthetic dogma?  By the 19th century contrapposto was used in an obviously formulaic, even insip, manner.  I give you Ingres, right.


Still, it’s a useful tool.  And, clearly, we’re still standing around with one shoulder up and the hip on the other side pushed up by the load bearing leg.  When drawing the figure, look for the contrapposto lines, put them in with a bold stroke of your pencil and leave them there.  There’s no doubt that contrapposto animates the figure.  At left, a drawing by L.D., a student in my Thursday drawing class, working from the ad shown at the top of this page. He eventually took the contrapposto lines out, but without their guidance this drawing would miss its grace. Despite the drapery, you can see that the model’s right hip is higher the the left. Btw, you will not find the contrapposto stance in any ballet positions or in any martial arts.  More on that another time.






as vezes troco fotos e uns contatos fmininos antigos mandam oi..


tava querendo fazer uns teste  com essas poses, dizem que são mais atraentes


quem quer testar também ??

quem nao entendeu, o angulgo do quadril e ombros devem ser invertidos



tete essas poses, modelos fotograficos usam muito, nao deve ser a toa

Em 07/06/2016 at 19:31, Bright13 disse:

Cara, ultimamente tava pensando nisso, fazer o q quero, sem ter q informar ou pedir permissão pra alguém, fazer as minhas coisas, e apenas valorizar o bom comportamento. 

Seja como um estranho para ela:



Isso sim é post seu falso Troll.


Galera, o que vcs acham a respeito de usar antidepressivos?

Passei por uma crise muito séria recentemente e tentem lidar com os problemas de maneira natural (sem recorrer a medicamentos), porém acho que perdi minha motivação e estou tendo prejuízos sérios na rotina (rendo menos no trabalho, nos estudos, na academia,etc).

O uso de antidepressivos poderia ser de algum modo atitude de "betas", ou será que até mesmo alphas podem precisar de remédio pra motivação?

Postado (editado)
32 minutos atrás, vizerdrix disse:

Galera, o que vcs acham a respeito de usar antidepressivos?

Passei por uma crise muito séria recentemente e tentem lidar com os problemas de maneira natural (sem recorrer a medicamentos), porém acho que perdi minha motivação e estou tendo prejuízos sérios na rotina (rendo menos no trabalho, nos estudos, na academia,etc).

O uso de antidepressivos poderia ser de algum modo atitude de "betas", ou será que até mesmo alphas podem precisar de remédio pra motivação?


Atitude beta é de quem condenar você por usar um remédio.


Manda bala irmão. O mundo tá tão louco que se fizessem um diagnóstico geral, todo mundo seria medicado.

Editado por FrangoEctomorfo
8 minutos atrás, vizerdrix disse:

Galera, o que vcs acham a respeito de usar antidepressivos?

Passei por uma crise muito séria recentemente e tentem lidar com os problemas de maneira natural (sem recorrer a medicamentos), porém acho que perdi minha motivação e estou tendo prejuízos sérios na rotina (rendo menos no trabalho, nos estudos, na academia,etc).

O uso de antidepressivos poderia ser de algum modo atitude de "betas", ou será que até mesmo alphas podem precisar de remédio pra motivação?

Depende se o problema é crônico ou pontual. Todo mundo tem altos e baixos.


Iniciei um tratamento com antidepressivos recentemente que tem dado bons resultados. A qualidade de vida melhora exponencialmente.


Muita gente fala merda e acha que depressão é um caso apenas de falta de motivação ou frescura. O corpo humano não é uma máquina, quem vive um dia-dia estressante e corrido sabe que na maioria das vezes não tem pra onde correr. Uma hora ou outra a bomba acaba estourando.


Se quiser mais detalhes do tratamento, medicação e etc chama inbox.

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17 minutos atrás, Bruuninho disse:

Galera, mudando um pouco, como vocês lidam com mulheres que só querem sua companhia se você for pagar algo ?

Perguntei pra um mina se ela iria para parada, ela disse que sim, então eu disse que ia junto e ela me perguntou se eu iria pagar a passagem dela, nisso eu disse que não e então ela disse pra eu ficar por la mesmo. Como vocês lidariam com uma mulher assim? (isso ai foi só um dos casos)


Não sei sua idade, mas se for novo vai descobrir em breve que todas as mulheres são assim, em menor ou maior medida.


Infelizmente não é minha opinião, é ciência:

Postado (editado)
Em 09/06/2016 at 20:22, FrangoEctomorfo disse:




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