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35 minutos atrás, FrangoEctomorfo disse:

É fácil ficar rico. É fácil ser um gênio. É fácil casar com uma top model.


Se é fácil, pq poucos conseguem? Ou não é fácil, ou as pessoas não querem. Eu acho que as pessoas não querem.


De cada 10 homens que estão lendo esta frase, aposto que 9 não pensaram hoje, ao acordar, que o objetivo é ficar rico, casar com uma top model ou ser um gênio.


Daí vem a importância da ambição. A estratégia que eu uso é mirar no 10 para acertar no 8. Eu chamo isso de "vencer perdendo". Estipule uma meta mais alta do que você consegue, pois o fracasso se tornará vitória. Se você almeja o 8, mire o 10, pois se errar por 2 ainda assim acertará. 


Se seu plano é ser bilionário e você falhar, pode ser que você fique milionário.

Essa é a minha estratégia na faculdade. Eu estudo pra tirar 10 pq eu sei que assim eu tiro uns 7~8. 


Se eu estudar pra tirar a nota mínima eu tiro 0 hahah

6 minutos atrás, duh_prada disse:

Concordo em partes.


Acredito que 10 dos 10 acordam querendo sim mulheres gostosas, lamborghini e shape foda. Problema que apenas 1 dos 10 trabalha e tem a força de vontade para isso. Ambiçao acredito que quase 100% das pessoas tenha, falta é a vontade pra realizar o que deseja. Famosa zona de conforto


Sim, sim. Mas veja: "querer" é uma coisa. Todo mundo quer ser rico. E "Querer", com Q maiúsculo, é outra. Poucos acordam e pensam: "que belo dia para eu me aproximar do meu primeiro bilhão".


Por isso eu disse: "De cada 10 homens que estão lendo esta frase, aposto que 9 não pensaram hoje, ao acordar, que o objetivo é ficar rico, casar com uma top model ou ser um gênio."




7 minutos atrás, lukao1993 disse:

Essa é a minha estratégia na faculdade. Eu estudo pra tirar 10 pq eu sei que assim eu tiro uns 7~8. 


Se eu estudar pra tirar a nota mínima eu tiro 0 hahah



Funciona, inclusive, na academia. Estimule uma meta para o supino maior que seu progresso natural.


9 deles acordaram pensando em qual tênis comprar com o dinheiro que sobrou do salário depois de comprar outras porcarias em vez de investir/guardar o dinheiro


Aí é que tá, é óbvio que apenas ambição não vai fazer o cara vencer na vida. Ela é como se fosse o combustível para o cara "ralar" e ir a luta pelos seus objetivos.

Acho engraçado porque grande maioria tem a ambição de ser rico, mas poucos tem objetivos e/ou metas para isso. Pode reparar que a maioria que fala que queria ficar rico diz: "nossa, poderia ganhar na mega-sena". E é essa mesma turma que está "contente" em ir trabalhar a semana inteira de empregado, reclamar do salário o dia todo, comprar uma casa parcelada em 30 anos, enfim.

Sou totalmente a favor da estratégia do Frango, e aproveito para parafrasear Flávio Augusto: "Nem todos que tentam vão ser milionários. Mas uma coisa eu digo, qualquer um, sem exceção, que arregaçar as mangas e por a mão na massa, pode ter uma qualidade de vida melhor".


3 horas atrás, FrangoEctomorfo disse:

Se seu plano é ser bilionário e você falhar, pode ser que você fique milionário.

Caralho mano, você leu minha mente. Hoje quando saí da academia tava pensando justamente nisso. Isso faz todo o sentido. Se você está mais preocupado em ganhar um bilhão, então ganhar um milhãozinho vai parecer fácil fácil... Ao mesmo tempo que tudo irá parecer mais difícil para aqueles que estão mais preocupados em arrumar um mero emprego.















June 20, 2010 by artamaze

contrappostogapredlines.jpg?w=86&h=150contrappostocomcast.jpg?w=85&h=150We referred to it back on April 19 when we talked about the ellipse.  Contrapposto. Big word, simple concept.  It means that when drawing the figure, make the shoulder line and the pelvis line go in opposite directions; one up, one down.  It’s an invention of the ancient Greeks, was de rigueur from the Renaissance kritios-boy1.jpg?w=65&h=150to the 19th century and is still with us to the max. You can’t pass a shop window, skim a fashion magazine or glance at your junk mail without getting an eyeful of contrapposto.   So, thank the Greeks.  Around 480 BCE this venusmilo1.jpg?w=74&h=150happened in Greek culture, the Kritios Boy.  Notice how his pelvis is higher on the right than the left.  The shoulders are straight, that’s true. Later the shoulders would also slope, in the opposite direction.  It seems so natural, so graceful, so at ease, that egyptiancouple2.jpg?w=92&h=150we’re tempted to take the contrapposto stance for granted.  But before the Kritios  Boy, the Greeks imitated Egyptian sculpture, which was stiff and square, even when making an attempt at expressing conviviality, like this Egyptian couple, ~2500 BCE.   Even though one foot is in front of the other, the legs are stiff and there’s no shift of the weight to one leg, which would cause the pelvis to tilt up on the side of the load bearing leg.

Here are some Renaissance icons…botticellivenus1.jpg?w=78&h=150michangdavid1.jpg?w=109&h=150michangdawn.jpg?w=141&h=150


The use of the contrapposto design became so dogmatic that even a ingresnude.jpg?w=80&h=150reclining figure like Michelangelo’sDawn at the Medici tomb has that at-ease-soldier twist.  What are we to make of a dying body on a cross  gracefully complying with this aesthetic fashion?  Is Michelangelo perhaps sacrificing expressiveness on the altar of aesthetic dogma?  By the 19th century contrapposto was used in an obviously formulaic, even insip, manner.  I give you Ingres, right.


Still, it’s a useful tool.  And, clearly, we’re still standing around with one shoulder up and the hip on the other side pushed up by the load bearing leg.  When drawing the figure, look for the contrapposto lines, put them in with a bold stroke of your pencil and leave them there.  There’s no doubt that contrapposto animates the figure.  At left, a drawing by L.D., a student in my Thursday drawing class, working from the ad shown at the top of this page. He eventually took the contrapposto lines out, but without their guidance this drawing would miss its grace. Despite the drapery, you can see that the model’s right hip is higher the the left. Btw, you will not find the contrapposto stance in any ballet positions or in any martial arts.  More on that another time.


pior que já fiz várias vezes isso, xaveco as minas do tinder,  faço elas  acharem que precisam me convencer a sair com elas, mandam nudes, depois nem converso mais exceto se elas me chamarem hahaha


It Builds Character To Reject Women

November 3, 2008 by CH

If you are a man who has never rejected a woman for sex or dating, you are doing something wrong. You are, in fact, depriving yourself of one of life’s greatest pleasures and privileges, and avoiding a true test of your masculine mettle.

As we all know by now from the science, from common sense, and from reading my powerful words of genius, the default barter mechanism in the sexual market is female choice, male display. This is a natural consequence of the disparity between the scarcity of eggs and the surplus of sperm. But men are not entirely helpless to actively influence market prices; they choose as well. If men did not choose at all, women would not have evolved an instinct for improving their looks through fashion, makeup, and exercise. If I had to put a number on it, I’d say on average women do 70% of the choosing and men do 30% of the choosing. At the tails, the alpha-iest men do all the choosing and have to beat off their female suitors while the fattest, ugliest women must settle for whatever man will take them. The general trend, though, is upward dating for most women and a few men.

The fact of this mating dynamic explains why turning the tables and exercising male choice is such a powerful psychological game technique for seducing the minds of women. By behaving as if you are actively choosing women, and even occasionally rejecting them, you mimic the natural actions of the top 10% of men whose default mating strategy is choosing from an illimitable source of pussy and wielding the merciless power of sexual rejection.

Maxim #18: The two fundamental propositions upon which all game theory rests are male choosiness and female abundance. All alpha males have these two mindsets in common.

Corollary to the above: Male choosiness and female abundance do not necessarily have to be true for the strategy of behaving as if they are true to be effective at seducing women.

Try to put yourself in women’s shoes. When you are on a date, imagine you are a woman. Think like she would think. Feel like she would feel. Is this girl right for me? Are we compatible? What are her values? I’m just not sure if she’s the one; let’s see what else she has going for her. I need to keep my options open. I’m not ready to make a decision. I really need to be wowed, I wonder if she can do that for me. She seems kind of nervous. Is she dull? Am I out of her league? Damn, she just said something stupid. Maybe she’s not the one.

Keep thinking like this and soon your outward behavior will reflect your inward feelings. Suspend your disbeliefs long enough until they have become unshakeable beliefs. Once you have mastered the mindset of women, you will have mastered women themselves.

Maxim #19: The alpha male thinks and acts more like a woman than a man in matters of seduction. He understands his adversary’s psychology, and uses it to shatter her defenses.

The next time a woman who does not meet your attractiveness standards hits on you, humor her for a bit, lead her on, then politely reject her.

“What are you doing this Friday?”
“Oh, I should tell you I’m seeing someone.”

Do this even if you are hard up. Commanding the power of female/alpha male choosiness will enrich your soul and fortify your ego. You’ll feel bad for the girl for maybe 30 seconds, but the value-boosting afterglow will last for weeks. This is all about long-term thinking. Capture the female essence of sexual choice and make it a part of you.

Girls hitting on you is a rare event for most men, so you’ll need to be more active in your policy of preferential sexual consumerism. As long as you are dating two or more women simultaneously, you should have no qualms rejecting at least one of them for not being up to snuff. Choose one for dismissal and stop calling her for dates. It doesn’t have to be the least attractive chick; in fact, it’s more character-building and alpha-boosting to reject an attractive girl for an odd facial tic or bland personality. If she doesn’t get the hint, be candid and tell her she just isn’t right for you. Women, especially 7s and up, rarely hear this, so it will tear at her soul like the claws and teeth of an army of demons. If you can withstand the brief flicker of guilt and loss of sexual opportunity, her pain of rejection will actually feed your incipient alpha animal spirit, stengthening you, making you tougher, more appropriately detached, and able to clearly see and pursue your self-interest. Through the action of choosiness, your self-worth will skyrocket. And others’ evaluation of your worth will similarly follow.

If you believe there are “better” or more “moral” paths to alphaness, know this: Every alpha male is intimately familiar with the ego-stroking power of sexual choosiness. They have all, good and bad, enlightened and crass, rejected women in one way or another and crushed their souls, often on the flimsiest pretexts. Some are kind enough to dress it up in polite fictions; others are id monsters who flaunt their sexual despotism without regard for social convention or righteous preening. But all have lowered the boom. It goes with the territory.

The more women you reject, the more women will sense your radiating power to inflict pain and loss and subsequently want you. Buttress your inner game by being choosy, and rejecting freely.

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