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12 horas atrás, MrCrowley disse:


Esse cara pra mim é alpha p/ caralho. O poder de persuasão dele é incrível, o cara se comunica como ninguém. 


  Mostrar conteúdo oculto

Não me refiro ao conteúdo de suas falas, apenas o modo como as expõe. Dr lair ribeiro é foda na retórica.



Por isso ele consegue "vender" as charlatanices dele, e tantos adoradores.


PS: Sem mimimi, ele fala muita coisa boa sim, mas fala muita besteira (como todos, devemos filtra-lo), como a água alcalina por exemplo 

PS2: Sim, ele fala bem pra caraleo 



13 horas atrás, planeta disse:






assistam e façam conforme ensinado


Me passa o link direto do youtube? pq aqui no trampo nao consigo ver os videos, mas posso fazer download com o link do video, vlw

Postado (editado)
Em 19/05/2016 at 20:42, planeta disse:


by laidnyc

Love is a choice.  There is a moment, or rather a series of moments, where you choose to love.  You can choose to spend an extra night with her this week.  You can choose to share your vulnerabilities and listen to her do the same.  You choose to cancel other dates.  You choose to trust.  You make these choices enough times and gradually love builds.  Love didn’t just happen.  You chose it.

You may be able to get sex every night of the week from a different girl but you can’t find love every night of the week.  Love is not like sex, it is far rarer, it takes far more time.  It is scarce.  Sure, there may be a girl with a nice ass in every bar in your city but finding one worthy of your time and emotions?  Not quite so easy.  Impossible, the jaded might say.

So love is living in scarcity.  The girl who falls in mutual love with you is not easily replaceable.  It would take time to build that with another girl.

That, the relationship experts will tell you, is bad.  The one who has the most power is the one who needs the other one least. This is true.  But the goal of making all relationships replaceable denies the human experience.  You’ll have all the power over relationships that don’t matter at all.  An autistic feels no love, is he then the most powerful man there is?

Alright, so girls don’t love the way you were told they love.  They’re more opportunistic than Hollywood taught you.  Their love for you is conditional.  There are a ton of bad apples to sift through.  The sum total of cautionary tales of men who have been burned by ill-fated trust can make you write the whole thing off as a sucker’s game.

But it is only a man who has seen the sausage being made and witnessed the horror stories that dispel any notion of idealistic death-do-you-parts who can have any true appreciation for love.  It is only after a man realizes love is actually highly conditional and opportunistic for both parties that he can free it from its unrealistic expectations.  Only after you know it as something fleeting and elusive can you see the conditions that click it into place as a beautiful anomaly amidst a harsh unforgiving world.

So your brain is just tricking you because evo-biologically speaking love is two people of similar sexual market value chemically pairbonding to ensure sufficient parental investment.


Knowing that hunger is just a way for your body to get sufficient nutrients and energy does not make filet mignon any less succulent.

And yet it is the hedonist who often spurns love to instead embrace the free pursuit of new conquest.  But any hedonist who willingly deprives himself of the deep, passionate pleasure of love is no hedonist at all.  Sex on weed can make you feel tingly, but sex on love is something to which no drug, natural or synthesized, can compare.

Love is not marriage nor is marriage love.  Love is not an endgame, it is not a contract, it is a beautiful thing to be experienced and enjoyed while it lasts, much like a sunset.  It is not yours to capture and keep in a cage and the harder you try to do so the faster it fades.

So maybe today you leave your computer and make a human connection.

Maybe you meet a girl and take a leap.

Maybe love doesn’t last forever.

But maybe that doesn’t matter.


Que texto escroto, meu amigo planeta, qual o sentido?

Tava razoável até a parte em que disse pra aproveitar enquanto dura, porque é igual a um pôr-do-sol. Como assim amor é algo fadado a não durar pra sempre? Evidente que foi escrito por algum revoltadinho mal amado de bunda doendo.


Em 19/05/2016 at 20:58, planeta disse:






assistam e façam conforme ensinado



Aí sim. Napoleon Hill é excelente e esse vídeo é uma boa síntese da sua filosofia. Recomendo muito o livro Outwitting the devil, em resumo uma explicação de como desde crianças esse poder não nos é apresentado e através da lei do hábito (ou como ele chama no livro, lei do "ritmo hipnótico", que torna ad infinitum todo padrão de atitudes que se repete por algumas vezes) nos tornamos o que ele chama de drifter, que nada mais é do que aquela pessoa que se recusa a pensar por si própria e portanto vaga sem propósito, à mercê de circunstâncias.


Acho muito importante o que ele diz sobre a segunda folha nesse vídeo por causa da lei da compensação, conforme enunciada pelo Emerson.

Querer por si só não é o bastante. É preciso acreditar, para que então a mente possa conceber um plano concreto. E mesmo querer e acreditar também não são o bastante, pois é preciso ação, ou, como dito no vídeo, dar algo em troca.


Eu tenho feito muito isso nos últimos dias que se passaram e realmente faz uma absurda diferença, realmente gera força interior, lembrar constantemente aquilo que quero, meu conceito de sucesso para minha vida e o que pretendo, estou disposto a e darei em troca. Basicamente, da forma com que eu vejo, para que haja de um lado da moeda progresso (ou sucesso), do outro precisa haver renuncia. Renunciamos certas coisas em prol de outras, e aqui está a chave para grandes conquistas: priorizar de modo persistente o longo prazo e objetivos à preguiça e conforto (gratificações sensoriais instantâneas).


Francis Quarles: “As there is no worldly gain without some loss, so there is no worldly loss without some gain."


Emerson: “For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; and for everything you gain, you lose something else." ; “The whole of what we know is a system of compensations. Every defect in one manner is made up in another. Every suffering is rewarded; every sacrifice is made up; every debt is paid.”



E são por essas razões também que eu sou tão devoto à filosofia Randiana. É tudo sobre propósitos e o uso direcionado e racional da mente.




Editado por Aroma

Models by Mark Manson

  • Don't be needy
  • Be vulnerable (be willing to put yourself out there and get burned)
  • “I really don’t care if you laugh or run away horrified, but here’s who I am, take it or leave it," this sub-communicates a rock-bottom low level of neediness, and an incredibly high level of vulnerability.”
  • “it didn’t matter what I said or didn’t say; if I said it in a way that demonstrated I cared too much about how they responded to me, it would never work.”
  • Be less invested
  • Set boundaries for what you will and won't tolerate
  • Dig deep and find the truth as to why your looking to validation from women (probably because I've never pushed myself very hard and I'm looking for validation in another way)
  • “Incompatibility is a fact of life. No matter how you behave or what you’re into, the majority of women out there are simply not going to be interested.”
  • “most of the women in the world at any given time are not going to be compatible with you, no matter what you do.”
  • “Again, it’s guys with a lot of neediness who are willing to completely alter their personalities in order to seduce ANY woman.”
  • “You might as well invite the rejection as a means to weed through the women who are not good for you and get to the ones who you will enjoy that much quicker.”
  • “You CANNOT be an attractive and lifechanging presence to some women without being a joke or an embarrassment to others
  • “the more forthright you are about who you are, how you feel, and what you think, the more this is going to weed out Unreceptive Women from the Receptive women, as well as push Neutral women to get off the fence and decide how they feel about you.”
  • “Being hated by nobody usually means you’re not loved my anybody either”
  • “As soon as you realize that 90% of this "picking up" women stuff has nothing to do with you, is the moment you’re free to pursue what you want without hesitation or fear.”
  • “But as we’ve learned, there are an infinite number of extraneous circumstances that we can’t control, and we already KNOW that the vast majority of women aren’t compatible with us in any significant way anyway. So we must remove ourselves from the equation”
  • Maybe you look like her ex, maybe she just wants to be alone, maybe she just went through a break up
  • “My contention is that these men are severely disassociated from their true identity. They’ve got massive amounts of emotional baggage that they’re oblivious to, yet it permeates all of their interactions. They have a horrible lack of self awareness of the emotional needs that are motivating them.” On men who only experience rejection
  • “In my experience, 90% of men fall into one of two categories: anxious or socially disconnected.”
  • “Anxious guys tend to have the third fundamental down very well. They’re good at expressing themselves and are very aware of social norms and what others are thinking/feeling. In fact, in a lot of cases Anxious guys are TOO aware of what other people are thinking and feeling and therefore have a lot of social anxiety.”
  • “If you love dancing or different types of music, then chances are the women you’re going to meet at various dance events and concerts are going to be more compatible with you and you’re going to have much more success with them.”
  • “What I recommend to every guy before he even begins talking to women is to sit down for a while and ask himself some questions:
  • What do you value you in a woman? Honesty? Affection? Intelligence? Curiosity? Similar interests? Education?
  • Women with the traits that you value, where do they frequent? Where are you most likely to find them?
  • What do you enjoy doing most? Do you love to read/write? Do you play music? Do you enjoy sports and competitions? What are events or organizations that you can become involved in that explore your hobbies?
  • If you don’t know what your passions and interests are, take a minute and write down things that you’ve always wanted to do but have never had the time or never worked up the nerve to do. Make a promise to yourself to get involved in that activity or event in some way.”
  • “A nice job you like, a nice place you like, nice friends you like, cool hobbies you like, good health and good shape, and generally a welladjusted and confident person”- What you need to be to pull off the top 1% girls
  • “Top 1% women are treated differently their entire lives by men. These men project their fears and fantasies onto these women, and when they approach them, they’re doing it for their own self esteem and validation, not because they actually care what the girl is like or interested in.”
  • “This is also why the best way to net a Top 1% girl is to connect with her genuinely and emotionally as soon as possible”
  • “your life and everything that it encompasses, is a reflection of your emotional investment in yourself. And the more invested you are in yourself, the less needy you are with others.”
  • “Here’s a cool exercise that you can do. Read the following sentence aloud:
    “Why don’t you come to the party with me?”
    Now, hold your nose and read it again. How different is your tonality? If it’s not very different, you already speak largely from your chest and probably have good tonality. If you suddenly sound very nasally when you hold your nose and say it, you need to work on speaking with a deeper voice”
  • “the more developed of a person you’ll become, the more mature your perspective on life and people will become, the easier you’ll relate to women and the more culture, worldliness and value you’ll seem to add to their lives.”
  • “Simply having an opinion on everything makes you cooler than half the guys out there”
  • “If you don’t have any strong opinions on anything, then you’ll never ruffle anyone’s feathers, never step on anyone’s toes, never polarize and attract, because you’d rather not be disliked than risk being liked”
  • Take 5 minutes to write out everything that makes you unique(experiences, hobbies, etc). If there's not more than 10, you definitely need to do more. Take another 5 min to write out all the things you want to do that would make you unique. Pursue 3 in the next year
  • “Poor lifestyle choices reflect a lack of investment in yourself, which in turn causes you to be more needy around others for validation.”
  • “If you’re constantly stressed by work, upset by your friends, and in poor health, then no amount of work on your anxieties and communication is going to help much.”
  • “Get your life taken care of. Get healthy. Find a happy group of friends. Find a few hobbies that you love. Develop opinions. Start caring about what you spend your time doing. This increases your self-investment and will make you less needy around others.”
  • “Here’s a story to try out: maybe you’re already amazing.”
  • “3. Intellectualizing – A popular one when it comes to men and dating advice. In fact, I guarantee that this is part of the reason you’re here: you have some sort of fear, anxiety or pain related to women, and instead of actually DOING something about it, you got online and decided to look up an answer that you could study.”
  • “you can’t always control what happens to you; but you can always control how you respond to it.”
  • “I can tell you that is absolutely true: porn kills your motivation to pursue women in real life.”
  • “And as we all know, as men, the more we masturbate, the more interested we become in food and television, and the less we become in women and accomplishing something.”
  • End all porn immediately
  • Masturbate only once a week (schedule a day). Go once every two weeks if you want to be a straight up savage horny beast
  • Only masturbate to real women you haven't had sex with
  • Take 10 minutes to do it
  • “She wants YOU to be that guy. She’s secretly rooting for you. She doesn’t want to reject you. Every time a new guy walks up to her, she’s secretly saying to herself, “Please, please, please be the guy. Be the attractive guy that I can’t say no to.”
  • “The proper way to approach your fear and your anxiety is to accept it, recognize that it’s normal and a part of who you are, and to not even try to hide it from the girl”
  • “The fear never goes away. What changes is my neediness and vulnerability. The difference between now and 2005, is that back in 2005, I was incredibly needy and highly invested in how women perceived me and incredibly unconfident in my own ability to interact with women. These combined to amplify my anxiety in ways that were unbearable.”
  • “This is why if you’re ever going to do something that is unusual -- approach a woman in a strange location, try to kiss her in a strange location, invite her out with you after just meeting her, etc. -- it’s important that you communicate that you realize what you’re doing is abnormal.”“Excuse me, this is kind of random, but I thought you were cute and wanted to meet you.”
  • “The point is, greater boldness leads to greater polarization”
  • Teasing is possibly the quickest way to generate attraction, because it demonstrates a willingness to be rejected, and women love it.
  • “And the most important rule of emotional connection is to relate to feelings, not facts.”
  • “And the most important rule of emotional connection is to relate to feelings, not facts.”

  • “The trick is to identify the good/bad habits you want to build or break and the focus on them consciously until they’re second nature. This actually doesn’t take a long time. For simple things such as eye contact or posture, it may only take a few weeks. For things such as touching, or making statements instead of questions, it may be even shorter.”
  • “Creating threads of conversation through statement is far more powerful than questions. This is because it assumes rapport.
    Friends speak to each other in statements, not questions”
  • “Instead of asking her a question about herself, you guess the answer to your question and then state it. Here are some examples:“Where are you from?” translates to: “You look like a California girl.”“What do you do for work?” translates to: “You seem to be a creative person. I bet your job is interesting.”
    “How do you guys know each other?” translates to: “You guys look like you’ve been friends for a long time.”
  • “There’s no failing with cold-reading. With every cold-read, one of three things will happen:You’ll be wrong, and she’ll correct you.You’ll be wrong, and she’ll ask you what made you think that.
    You’ll be right, and she’ll freak out at how perceptive you are.”
  • “Using statements can prevent this a great deal. Instead of fishing for a new conversation based on a generic question, you can simply comment about something or observe something. Never underestimate the power of non sequiturs.”
  • “It’s better to be random and interesting than predictable and boring. Don’t be afraid to just blurt something out.”
  • “if you simply state a fact about yourself and then talk about it, you are now sharing yourself AND giving her a chance to chime in with her input as well.”
  • “The amazing thing about speaking in statements is if you do it correctly, she will start asking YOU questions. This may not seem like a big deal, but it actually reorients the entire interaction. As I mentioned earlier, whoever is asking the questions is sub- communicating a desire to learn more about the other, i.e., interest, i.e., they’re attracted to them.”
  • “Combining this skill with the ability to cold-read and create conversational threads out of thin air by making statements, and you will literally develop to skill to begin and control any conversation with anybody for any length of time.”
  • “Making a connection requires three steps: being open about yourself; getting her to be open about herself; relating to her experience.”
  • “Write down 3 things of each category: Your dreams, ambitions, life goals.
    The best/worst things that have happened to you.
    Your childhood, family life, and upbringing. Try to talk for at least a minute about each thing”
  • “Most men feel a bit vulnerable when talking about these topics, especially to women. That’s the point.”
  • “You want to get her to talk about her passions, her ambitions, her best experiences and her most vulnerable experiences”
  • “Humor is an integral part of being an attractive man. In polls all over the world, when women are asked to rate the most attractive quality in a man, a strong sense of humor almost always wins out.”
  • “A man who can laugh easily at the world and who isn’t afraid to laugh at the world conveys a low levels of neediness”
  • Focus on what you find funny to you and don't be afraid to share it with the women you meet
  • “Sometimes your jokes will fall flat, particularly when you’re starting out. That’s OK. Don’t laugh at yourself. Don’t make fun of yourself. Don’t try to explain the joke. The worst thing you can do when you make a joke that nobody laughs at is to draw more attention to yourself. Just act like nothing happened and move on.”
  • “Typically, the more creative and extreme you are in describing your exaggeration, the funnier it will be. “She was as ugly as a dog.”
    VS “I’ve seen more attractive things in the bottom of an airport urinal.”
  • “Only ask a woman for her phone number if she seems genuinely attracted and interested in you. Only ask for her number if you can see yourself wanting to hang out with her again or having time to hang out with her again”
  • “Flakes happen to everybody. Get used to it.”
  • “When you ask her for her phone number, don’t come up with a fancy line or make up a reason.“You’re better off just letting it go and moving on.”
  • “I always text within 24 hours of getting her number. I send a simple text: “Hey Sara, it was nice meeting you.” That’s it. Most girls who are interested in you will respond somewhat quickly”
  • “When in doubt, be plain and to-the-point.”
  • “Save dates for the night time. It builds a greater sense of expectation. There’s more flexibility to spend more time together. It’s more of a commitment. And it leaves the option open for you or her sleeping over.” Lunch is let's be friends material
  • “Avoid dinner dates if at all possible. They’re cliche. They’re impersonal. Once again, it’s almost impossible to touch sexually”
  • “Being physical on women is a necessary habit that most guys who are poor with women never do”
1 hora atrás, planeta disse:

Models by Mark Manson

  • Don't be needy
  • Be vulnerable (be willing to put yourself out there and get burned)
  • “I really don’t care if you laugh or run away horrified, but here’s who I am, take it or leave it," this sub-communicates a rock-bottom low level of neediness, and an incredibly high level of vulnerability.”
  • “it didn’t matter what I said or didn’t say; if I said it in a way that demonstrated I cared too much about how they responded to me, it would never work.”
  • Be less invested
  • Set boundaries for what you will and won't tolerate
  • Dig deep and find the truth as to why your looking to validation from women (probably because I've never pushed myself very hard and I'm looking for validation in another way)
  • “Incompatibility is a fact of life. No matter how you behave or what you’re into, the majority of women out there are simply not going to be interested.”
  • “most of the women in the world at any given time are not going to be compatible with you, no matter what you do.”
  • “Again, it’s guys with a lot of neediness who are willing to completely alter their personalities in order to seduce ANY woman.”
  • “You might as well invite the rejection as a means to weed through the women who are not good for you and get to the ones who you will enjoy that much quicker.”
  • “You CANNOT be an attractive and lifechanging presence to some women without being a joke or an embarrassment to others
  • “the more forthright you are about who you are, how you feel, and what you think, the more this is going to weed out Unreceptive Women from the Receptive women, as well as push Neutral women to get off the fence and decide how they feel about you.”
  • “Being hated by nobody usually means you’re not loved my anybody either”
  • “As soon as you realize that 90% of this "picking up" women stuff has nothing to do with you, is the moment you’re free to pursue what you want without hesitation or fear.”
  • “But as we’ve learned, there are an infinite number of extraneous circumstances that we can’t control, and we already KNOW that the vast majority of women aren’t compatible with us in any significant way anyway. So we must remove ourselves from the equation”
  • Maybe you look like her ex, maybe she just wants to be alone, maybe she just went through a break up
  • “My contention is that these men are severely disassociated from their true identity. They’ve got massive amounts of emotional baggage that they’re oblivious to, yet it permeates all of their interactions. They have a horrible lack of self awareness of the emotional needs that are motivating them.” On men who only experience rejection
  • “In my experience, 90% of men fall into one of two categories: anxious or socially disconnected.”
  • “Anxious guys tend to have the third fundamental down very well. They’re good at expressing themselves and are very aware of social norms and what others are thinking/feeling. In fact, in a lot of cases Anxious guys are TOO aware of what other people are thinking and feeling and therefore have a lot of social anxiety.”
  • “If you love dancing or different types of music, then chances are the women you’re going to meet at various dance events and concerts are going to be more compatible with you and you’re going to have much more success with them.”
  • “What I recommend to every guy before he even begins talking to women is to sit down for a while and ask himself some questions:
  • What do you value you in a woman? Honesty? Affection? Intelligence? Curiosity? Similar interests? Education?
  • Women with the traits that you value, where do they frequent? Where are you most likely to find them?
  • What do you enjoy doing most? Do you love to read/write? Do you play music? Do you enjoy sports and competitions? What are events or organizations that you can become involved in that explore your hobbies?
  • If you don’t know what your passions and interests are, take a minute and write down things that you’ve always wanted to do but have never had the time or never worked up the nerve to do. Make a promise to yourself to get involved in that activity or event in some way.”
  • “A nice job you like, a nice place you like, nice friends you like, cool hobbies you like, good health and good shape, and generally a welladjusted and confident person”- What you need to be to pull off the top 1% girls
  • “Top 1% women are treated differently their entire lives by men. These men project their fears and fantasies onto these women, and when they approach them, they’re doing it for their own self esteem and validation, not because they actually care what the girl is like or interested in.”
  • “This is also why the best way to net a Top 1% girl is to connect with her genuinely and emotionally as soon as possible”
  • “your life and everything that it encompasses, is a reflection of your emotional investment in yourself. And the more invested you are in yourself, the less needy you are with others.”
  • “Here’s a cool exercise that you can do. Read the following sentence aloud:
    “Why don’t you come to the party with me?”
    Now, hold your nose and read it again. How different is your tonality? If it’s not very different, you already speak largely from your chest and probably have good tonality. If you suddenly sound very nasally when you hold your nose and say it, you need to work on speaking with a deeper voice”
  • “the more developed of a person you’ll become, the more mature your perspective on life and people will become, the easier you’ll relate to women and the more culture, worldliness and value you’ll seem to add to their lives.”
  • “Simply having an opinion on everything makes you cooler than half the guys out there”
  • “If you don’t have any strong opinions on anything, then you’ll never ruffle anyone’s feathers, never step on anyone’s toes, never polarize and attract, because you’d rather not be disliked than risk being liked”
  • Take 5 minutes to write out everything that makes you unique(experiences, hobbies, etc). If there's not more than 10, you definitely need to do more. Take another 5 min to write out all the things you want to do that would make you unique. Pursue 3 in the next year
  • “Poor lifestyle choices reflect a lack of investment in yourself, which in turn causes you to be more needy around others for validation.”
  • “If you’re constantly stressed by work, upset by your friends, and in poor health, then no amount of work on your anxieties and communication is going to help much.”
  • “Get your life taken care of. Get healthy. Find a happy group of friends. Find a few hobbies that you love. Develop opinions. Start caring about what you spend your time doing. This increases your self-investment and will make you less needy around others.”
  • “Here’s a story to try out: maybe you’re already amazing.”
  • “3. Intellectualizing – A popular one when it comes to men and dating advice. In fact, I guarantee that this is part of the reason you’re here: you have some sort of fear, anxiety or pain related to women, and instead of actually DOING something about it, you got online and decided to look up an answer that you could study.”
  • “you can’t always control what happens to you; but you can always control how you respond to it.”
  • “I can tell you that is absolutely true: porn kills your motivation to pursue women in real life.”
  • “And as we all know, as men, the more we masturbate, the more interested we become in food and television, and the less we become in women and accomplishing something.”
  • End all porn immediately
  • Masturbate only once a week (schedule a day). Go once every two weeks if you want to be a straight up savage horny beast
  • Only masturbate to real women you haven't had sex with
  • Take 10 minutes to do it
  • “She wants YOU to be that guy. She’s secretly rooting for you. She doesn’t want to reject you. Every time a new guy walks up to her, she’s secretly saying to herself, “Please, please, please be the guy. Be the attractive guy that I can’t say no to.”
  • “The proper way to approach your fear and your anxiety is to accept it, recognize that it’s normal and a part of who you are, and to not even try to hide it from the girl”
  • “The fear never goes away. What changes is my neediness and vulnerability. The difference between now and 2005, is that back in 2005, I was incredibly needy and highly invested in how women perceived me and incredibly unconfident in my own ability to interact with women. These combined to amplify my anxiety in ways that were unbearable.”
  • “This is why if you’re ever going to do something that is unusual -- approach a woman in a strange location, try to kiss her in a strange location, invite her out with you after just meeting her, etc. -- it’s important that you communicate that you realize what you’re doing is abnormal.”“Excuse me, this is kind of random, but I thought you were cute and wanted to meet you.”
  • “The point is, greater boldness leads to greater polarization”
  • Teasing is possibly the quickest way to generate attraction, because it demonstrates a willingness to be rejected, and women love it.
  • “And the most important rule of emotional connection is to relate to feelings, not facts.”
  • “And the most important rule of emotional connection is to relate to feelings, not facts.”

  • “The trick is to identify the good/bad habits you want to build or break and the focus on them consciously until they’re second nature. This actually doesn’t take a long time. For simple things such as eye contact or posture, it may only take a few weeks. For things such as touching, or making statements instead of questions, it may be even shorter.”
  • “Creating threads of conversation through statement is far more powerful than questions. This is because it assumes rapport.
    Friends speak to each other in statements, not questions”
  • “Instead of asking her a question about herself, you guess the answer to your question and then state it. Here are some examples:“Where are you from?” translates to: “You look like a California girl.”“What do you do for work?” translates to: “You seem to be a creative person. I bet your job is interesting.”
    “How do you guys know each other?” translates to: “You guys look like you’ve been friends for a long time.”
  • “There’s no failing with cold-reading. With every cold-read, one of three things will happen:You’ll be wrong, and she’ll correct you.You’ll be wrong, and she’ll ask you what made you think that.
    You’ll be right, and she’ll freak out at how perceptive you are.”
  • “Using statements can prevent this a great deal. Instead of fishing for a new conversation based on a generic question, you can simply comment about something or observe something. Never underestimate the power of non sequiturs.”
  • “It’s better to be random and interesting than predictable and boring. Don’t be afraid to just blurt something out.”
  • “if you simply state a fact about yourself and then talk about it, you are now sharing yourself AND giving her a chance to chime in with her input as well.”
  • “The amazing thing about speaking in statements is if you do it correctly, she will start asking YOU questions. This may not seem like a big deal, but it actually reorients the entire interaction. As I mentioned earlier, whoever is asking the questions is sub- communicating a desire to learn more about the other, i.e., interest, i.e., they’re attracted to them.”
  • “Combining this skill with the ability to cold-read and create conversational threads out of thin air by making statements, and you will literally develop to skill to begin and control any conversation with anybody for any length of time.”
  • “Making a connection requires three steps: being open about yourself; getting her to be open about herself; relating to her experience.”
  • “Write down 3 things of each category: Your dreams, ambitions, life goals.
    The best/worst things that have happened to you.
    Your childhood, family life, and upbringing. Try to talk for at least a minute about each thing”
  • “Most men feel a bit vulnerable when talking about these topics, especially to women. That’s the point.”
  • “You want to get her to talk about her passions, her ambitions, her best experiences and her most vulnerable experiences”
  • “Humor is an integral part of being an attractive man. In polls all over the world, when women are asked to rate the most attractive quality in a man, a strong sense of humor almost always wins out.”
  • “A man who can laugh easily at the world and who isn’t afraid to laugh at the world conveys a low levels of neediness”
  • Focus on what you find funny to you and don't be afraid to share it with the women you meet
  • “Sometimes your jokes will fall flat, particularly when you’re starting out. That’s OK. Don’t laugh at yourself. Don’t make fun of yourself. Don’t try to explain the joke. The worst thing you can do when you make a joke that nobody laughs at is to draw more attention to yourself. Just act like nothing happened and move on.”
  • “Typically, the more creative and extreme you are in describing your exaggeration, the funnier it will be. “She was as ugly as a dog.”
    VS “I’ve seen more attractive things in the bottom of an airport urinal.”
  • “Only ask a woman for her phone number if she seems genuinely attracted and interested in you. Only ask for her number if you can see yourself wanting to hang out with her again or having time to hang out with her again”
  • “Flakes happen to everybody. Get used to it.”
  • “When you ask her for her phone number, don’t come up with a fancy line or make up a reason.“You’re better off just letting it go and moving on.”
  • “I always text within 24 hours of getting her number. I send a simple text: “Hey Sara, it was nice meeting you.” That’s it. Most girls who are interested in you will respond somewhat quickly”
  • “When in doubt, be plain and to-the-point.”
  • “Save dates for the night time. It builds a greater sense of expectation. There’s more flexibility to spend more time together. It’s more of a commitment. And it leaves the option open for you or her sleeping over.” Lunch is let's be friends material
  • “Avoid dinner dates if at all possible. They’re cliche. They’re impersonal. Once again, it’s almost impossible to touch sexually”
  • “Being physical on women is a necessary habit that most guys who are poor with women never do”


Esse livro é foda


Postado (editado)

Aproveitando o assunto sobre investimentos...


Vocês acham que vale apena tirar uma boa quantia para investir no shape?

Isso é, para quem não tem vontade de competir e sim só ter auto satisfação e aceitação.


Já pensei em investir no tesouro, mas então pensei no shape também, fico balanceado.


Pq querendo ou não, receber elogios, olhares e muitas outras coisas que um bom corpo pode trazer, isso deixa a autoestima de qualquer um "lá em cima"

PS: Um shape também trás oportunidades até mesmo para uma carreira melhor, ainda mais nessa sociedade de hoje em dia.

Editado por Mac.Love
19 horas atrás, planeta disse:




a nascente ou a revolta de atlas ?

qual devo ler?

Ambos são excelentes. 

Comece pela "A Nascente" .

20 horas atrás, Mac.Love disse:

Aproveitando o assunto sobre investimentos...


Vocês acham que vale apena tirar uma boa quantia para investir no shape?

Isso é, para quem não tem vontade de competir e sim só ter auto satisfação e aceitação.


Já pensei em investir no tesouro, mas então pensei no shape também, fico balanceado.


Pq querendo ou não, receber elogios, olhares e muitas outras coisas que um bom corpo pode trazer, isso deixa a autoestima de qualquer um "lá em cima"

PS: Um shape também trás oportunidades até mesmo para uma carreira melhor, ainda mais nessa sociedade de hoje em dia.


suplementos não



anabols, talvez

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