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já que muitos de vcs querem serem alfas, eis que eu os ajudo.


olha esse site aqui  queropegartodas .com

14 horas atrás, OBS_cenous disse:

Alguem pode me passar uns livros bons pra iniciantes?? amanhã vo começa a ler o MM será q eh bom?

submitted 11 months ago * by AsianAway
I'm sure most if not all of you know the importance of reading. It's been drilled into our heads since the first day of kindergarten that reading is a cornerstone of our education.
Reading increases your value, not just as a man but as a human being. Whole books filled with knowledge and years of experience compiled for you can be bought or borrowed (yes, for free!). People live, learn, and experience and put pen to paper to document their findings for the world to see. Yet most don't tap into this vast fountain of knowledge.
I can keep going on and on but I'm sure you get the point.
Here's my list of recommended RedPill reading material. Read and digest the sidebar, and when you're ready, come back for more to continue your journey. Enjoy the ride, Alice.
Beginner (Core)
No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover: This is the book that helped me realize all my years of beta behaviors and identify the root cause of why I was the way I was and where my behaviors (validation seeking, manipulating, emotionally impacted, frustrated pushover, etc) stemmed from (my childhood and teenage years). It helped me understand why certain behaviors are truly unhealthy and why the correct behaviors can right your ship as a man and instill a deep sense of confidence. If you've just recently swallowed the pill and still can't understand or are frustrated by the state of your current behaviors, this book is fantastic. Your basic core of TRP behaviors start here.
Models by Mark Manson: I started my self improvement journey really deep into PUA material. I wanted to prove to myself that I could indeed pull any girl I wanted. This culminated in little success due to the lines, concepts, and routines I learned in an attempt to seduce women. They saw right through it to my inner most deepest insecurities and confidence issues, and most importantly my sheer frustration, desperation, and anger towards them. There were nuggets of great information over in r/seduction and it definitely paved my way to discovering and swallowing TRP. This book cuts straight through the crap and goes to the nuts and bolts behind seduction and social dynamics. Manson focuses the first half of the book on bettering one's self and cultivating behaviors that create an attractive man whilst the second half is all about the actions you must take in order to present the attractive side that you've cultivated out to your subjects. Definitely read after No More Mr. Nice Guy.
How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie: You will learn how to do what this title of the book states and much, much more. A classic staple, Carnegie goes behind the psychology of how human beings interact and feel in a social dynamic. Lots of great examples and techniques on training yourself to be the guy that nobody can seem to get enough of.
The Book Of Pook by Pook: Free PDF. One of the most RedPill compilations you will see. Pook writes in a hilarious story telling style that conveys every TRP message clearly. Must read.
The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi: An avid poster on this TRP subreddit, Tomassi compiled all of his knowledge into a book that every man should read. Endorsed time and time again in this subreddit. He draws tons of RP knowledge and lessons into this book. One of the books that most users begin their RP journey with.
The Charisma Myth by Olivia Cabane: Leading on from How To Win Friends & Influence People, this book also goes into the psychology behind charm. Cabane states that charm is a skillset that can be learned by anybody. No one is cut from a different cloth. Very interesting to be able to figure out why and how certain people can learn and tap into charm and become quite powerful and influential from it. You can learn to build your skillset of charm through this book.
Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe: The essential beginning training guide to lifting. Rippetoe guides you through the why's, how's, do's, and don'ts of his acclaimed workout routine. Many many men have used this as their introduction to lifting. You will learn how to properly squat, deadlift, benchpress, powerclean, and overhead press your way into the body of the real man you are destined to be. Read and lift heavy.
The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle: Learn to leave your ego behind and live in the present moment. Tolle teaches you why so many are caught up in their lives and ego that it negatively affects how they live. He presents why and how to live in a state of presence: living in the now, as he calls it. This book truly helps you understand some of the factors holding you back from becoming the best person you can be right now. A little bit of a religious side in there but you can power through it.
Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco: No this isn't some get rich quick scheme or ideas on how to make quick money. Demarco presents the idea in his book that there are different ways of thinking about money amongst people. The "Slowlane" way of thinking which is plagued by the ones who work paycheck to paycheck to survive, and the "Fastlane" way of thinking that breaks away from the norm of the typical "Go to school, get a job, save your money, retire at 65." mindset. Very interesting read on how to achieve wealth through changing your way of thinking.
The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People by Stephen Covey: Learn about and pick up the habits that have made people successful. Covey pinpoints and gives clear examples of habits that a person inhibits that helps them achieve success in any goal they're setting. Incredibly useful for ones who seem to have no motivation or start out strong in a goal and soon sputter out.
The Way of The Superior Man by David Deida: This book dives deep into man's deepest inhibitions and desires. Deida tells you how to take control of yourself as a man and learn to master work, women, and yourself. A lot of straight forward red pill advice on how to live your life as a fully satisfied man.
The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene: Models was the sneak preview of psychology of social dynamics between men and women. He lays everything out on the table with fantastic examples and stories. He helps you dive deep into your inner conscious and realize and recognize the behaviors that you exhibit and the ones you hope to obtain. The Art of Seduction will push you into the deep end of the pool. Greene dives straight into the psychology of sexuality, desire, and interaction between men and women and fully explains why a lot of RedPill concepts work as they should.
48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene: Be careful with this book. It will go deep into the many different dynamics of power and how it is obtained, used, and manipulated. This will teach you and make you aware of all the things going on around you and make you read between the lines of people. You will arm yourself with the knowledge to be able to read people who are trying to manipulate you or others, gain power, or cause cause. Or you can be the one doing those things with the techniques presented in the book.
Mastery by Robert Greene: The book to help you tie all the concepts together. Like most of his works; a lot of examples and concepts on how to bring everything together in your life and master anything you set your mind out to. It will take everything you have learned and will learn and presents it in a bigger picture in helping you find your most ultimate purpose and mastering it.
That's all for now.
Note: Experience will always be king. Reading should always be used as a supplementary guide.
tldr: Don't be a lazy fuck, read.
4 horas atrás, planeta disse:
submitted 11 months ago * by AsianAway
I'm sure most if not all of you know the importance of reading. It's been drilled into our heads since the first day of kindergarten that reading is a cornerstone of our education.
Reading increases your value, not just as a man but as a human being. Whole books filled with knowledge and years of experience compiled for you can be bought or borrowed (yes, for free!). People live, learn, and experience and put pen to paper to document their findings for the world to see. Yet most don't tap into this vast fountain of knowledge.
I can keep going on and on but I'm sure you get the point.
Here's my list of recommended RedPill reading material. Read and digest the sidebar, and when you're ready, come back for more to continue your journey. Enjoy the ride, Alice.
Beginner (Core)
No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover: This is the book that helped me realize all my years of beta behaviors and identify the root cause of why I was the way I was and where my behaviors (validation seeking, manipulating, emotionally impacted, frustrated pushover, etc) stemmed from (my childhood and teenage years). It helped me understand why certain behaviors are truly unhealthy and why the correct behaviors can right your ship as a man and instill a deep sense of confidence. If you've just recently swallowed the pill and still can't understand or are frustrated by the state of your current behaviors, this book is fantastic. Your basic core of TRP behaviors start here.
Models by Mark Manson: I started my self improvement journey really deep into PUA material. I wanted to prove to myself that I could indeed pull any girl I wanted. This culminated in little success due to the lines, concepts, and routines I learned in an attempt to seduce women. They saw right through it to my inner most deepest insecurities and confidence issues, and most importantly my sheer frustration, desperation, and anger towards them. There were nuggets of great information over in r/seduction and it definitely paved my way to discovering and swallowing TRP. This book cuts straight through the crap and goes to the nuts and bolts behind seduction and social dynamics. Manson focuses the first half of the book on bettering one's self and cultivating behaviors that create an attractive man whilst the second half is all about the actions you must take in order to present the attractive side that you've cultivated out to your subjects. Definitely read after No More Mr. Nice Guy.
How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie: You will learn how to do what this title of the book states and much, much more. A classic staple, Carnegie goes behind the psychology of how human beings interact and feel in a social dynamic. Lots of great examples and techniques on training yourself to be the guy that nobody can seem to get enough of.
The Book Of Pook by Pook: Free PDF. One of the most RedPill compilations you will see. Pook writes in a hilarious story telling style that conveys every TRP message clearly. Must read.
The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi: An avid poster on this TRP subreddit, Tomassi compiled all of his knowledge into a book that every man should read. Endorsed time and time again in this subreddit. He draws tons of RP knowledge and lessons into this book. One of the books that most users begin their RP journey with.
The Charisma Myth by Olivia Cabane: Leading on from How To Win Friends & Influence People, this book also goes into the psychology behind charm. Cabane states that charm is a skillset that can be learned by anybody. No one is cut from a different cloth. Very interesting to be able to figure out why and how certain people can learn and tap into charm and become quite powerful and influential from it. You can learn to build your skillset of charm through this book.
Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe: The essential beginning training guide to lifting. Rippetoe guides you through the why's, how's, do's, and don'ts of his acclaimed workout routine. Many many men have used this as their introduction to lifting. You will learn how to properly squat, deadlift, benchpress, powerclean, and overhead press your way into the body of the real man you are destined to be. Read and lift heavy.
The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle: Learn to leave your ego behind and live in the present moment. Tolle teaches you why so many are caught up in their lives and ego that it negatively affects how they live. He presents why and how to live in a state of presence: living in the now, as he calls it. This book truly helps you understand some of the factors holding you back from becoming the best person you can be right now. A little bit of a religious side in there but you can power through it.
Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco: No this isn't some get rich quick scheme or ideas on how to make quick money. Demarco presents the idea in his book that there are different ways of thinking about money amongst people. The "Slowlane" way of thinking which is plagued by the ones who work paycheck to paycheck to survive, and the "Fastlane" way of thinking that breaks away from the norm of the typical "Go to school, get a job, save your money, retire at 65." mindset. Very interesting read on how to achieve wealth through changing your way of thinking.
The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People by Stephen Covey: Learn about and pick up the habits that have made people successful. Covey pinpoints and gives clear examples of habits that a person inhibits that helps them achieve success in any goal they're setting. Incredibly useful for ones who seem to have no motivation or start out strong in a goal and soon sputter out.
The Way of The Superior Man by David Deida: This book dives deep into man's deepest inhibitions and desires. Deida tells you how to take control of yourself as a man and learn to master work, women, and yourself. A lot of straight forward red pill advice on how to live your life as a fully satisfied man.
The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene: Models was the sneak preview of psychology of social dynamics between men and women. He lays everything out on the table with fantastic examples and stories. He helps you dive deep into your inner conscious and realize and recognize the behaviors that you exhibit and the ones you hope to obtain. The Art of Seduction will push you into the deep end of the pool. Greene dives straight into the psychology of sexuality, desire, and interaction between men and women and fully explains why a lot of RedPill concepts work as they should.
48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene: Be careful with this book. It will go deep into the many different dynamics of power and how it is obtained, used, and manipulated. This will teach you and make you aware of all the things going on around you and make you read between the lines of people. You will arm yourself with the knowledge to be able to read people who are trying to manipulate you or others, gain power, or cause cause. Or you can be the one doing those things with the techniques presented in the book.
Mastery by Robert Greene: The book to help you tie all the concepts together. Like most of his works; a lot of examples and concepts on how to bring everything together in your life and master anything you set your mind out to. It will take everything you have learned and will learn and presents it in a bigger picture in helping you find your most ultimate purpose and mastering it.
That's all for now.
Note: Experience will always be king. Reading should always be used as a supplementary guide.
tldr: Don't be a lazy fuck, read.

tem como eu axar esses livros na internet com tradução??


sabem  qdo o cara perde emprego, ou engorda, ou se machuca, fica doente, e amulher o abandona...




aparentemente, o mais importante que provoca a mulher ir emboa, é porque o cara perde o frame... o eonctrole emocional, e passa se achar um derrotado...


dai a mulher vai embora mesmo e nção é culpa dela,  mulherres são emocionais e descontroladas e precisam um macho emocionalmente sólido pra se apoiar....



se foi isso, a força de controle emocional, a confiança inabalável o tempo todo,  o que mais contribuiu pra ela querer reacionamento de longo prazo com esse cara que ela sentiu atração e teve quimica.....


qdo o cara perde o frame, perde a mulher, e é culpa do cara, alfas nao se perdem emocionalmene, são estoicos

Um assunto pouco debatido é como investir melhor nosso dinheiro


Alguma dica de livro, curso? Recebi um dinheiro e não sei como investi-lo

Invista na minha conta bancária, será seu melhor investimento, pois fará alguém feliz.

21 horas atrás, OBS_cenous disse:

Alguem pode me passar uns livros bons pra iniciantes?? amanhã vo começa a ler o MM será q eh bom?


google ou pesquisa no topico champz


varias vezes ja foi discutido livros aqui

Mas como to bonzinho vou passar um: Os principios que regem a interação social

Em 11/04/2016 at 20:52, duh_prada disse:

Senhores, viram as últimas notícias sobre a banda larga no Brasil? Que agora vai ter limitação no pacote de dados, igual para celulares.. Isso vai fuder PRA CARALHO quem vive de internet..


Tu que vive disso Frango, que que tu acha que vai rolar dessa situação?


Vai foder muita gente. No meu caso, posso até ganhar com isso.

90% do conteúdo que minha agência produz é em texto. O conteúdo de vídeo (pesado) vai ter uma boa queda de tráfego com as mudanças de regras, ao tempo que os conteúdos mais leves (texto, imagem, infográfico, etc.) vão sobressair.

De certo modo, a internet dá um passo atrás. Pode ser a morte do chamado "streaming": , fodendo sites como YouTube, NetFlix e congêneres. 

A parte boa é que a internet de todo mundo vai melhorar muito.

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