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57 minutos atrás, FrangoEctomorfo disse:

Você tá errado. A época que se tem mais amigos é na faculdade. E é a época que você conhece os amigos que vão ser amigos para sempre (de profissão), diferente dos amigos de ensino médio, que você nunca mais vai ver. Se você tá na faculdade e tem poucos amigos, tá perdendo a melhor fase da vida para o networking. Lamento.

Por isso depois de formado vc ve vários nerds patinando para conseguir o primeiro emprego, e mesmo depois de um bom tempo, não tem um bom cargo, enquanto os que saem de casa, conversam, festam e são o mínimo responsável com os objetivos da faculdade se dao bem muito mais rápido. O mínimo responsável eu digo aprender e fazer o que tem de ser feito, vagabundo dificilmente se da bem, só tendo QI.


A não ser os concursados, ai a nerdice ajuda.

Editado por HEAVY DUCCI

Aos 20 anos a definição de sucesso e ter uma carreira bem sucedida ou ser um empreendedor que faz fortuna.

Perto dos 40, sucesso para mim é ter mais tempo livre com a família.

Talvez aos 60 seja ter saúde e fazer caridade.

1 hora atrás, FrangoEctomorfo disse:



Você tá errado. A época que se tem mais amigos é na faculdade. E é a época que você conhece os amigos que vão ser amigos para sempre (de profissão), diferente dos amigos de ensino médio, que você nunca mais vai ver. Se você tá na faculdade e tem poucos amigos, tá perdendo a melhor fase da vida para o networking. Lamento.




Foi o contrário comigo, só fiz colegas na faculdade, nem faço questão de encontrar novamente ou conversar. Já meus amigos do ensino médio e fundamental são realmente amigos, sempre fazendo churrascos, encontros. Na faculdade é muito difícil a turma que iniciou se manter unida, muita gente reprova em algumas matérias, outros cursam matérias em horários diferentes do seu, no fim formam poucos da turma inicial, é difícil criar um laço. Já no ensino fundamental você fica junto com sua turma por 4 anos, depois alguns amigos do fundamental também cursam ensino médio na mesma escola, só fortalece ainda mais a amizade. Curiosamente no ensino médio foi a fase que eu mais curti, festas,micaretas, shows etc, muito mais do que na faculdade, talvez isso explique alguma coisa.

Confidence does not come to you by knowing that you're big stuff and that you're a huge valuable part of society. If it did, hardly anyone would be confident because hardly anyone actually matters that much.
Confidence comes with knowing that you don't matter that much and that other people really don't either, women included. So if it's not that big of a deal, what do you have to lose?




submitted 4 months ago by [deleted]
Recently someone here posted about how women define "average" in astronomical terms, based on some bullshit a girl said while shit testing him. Most of the responses didn't understand that he was being tested because most of the commenters aren't ok with themselves at all.

Quick Method
Know all those dating apps and sites you use? Know how you like to finely craft introductions designed to make the woman see you in a favorable light?
Don't do that.
Send any one of these messages that say, "I love me and I don't care if you do."
1 - "Boners."
2 - "Super boners."
3 - "I'm going to be playing video games all week but you can come over this weekend and do my laundry."
4 - "Do you ever get those crusties in your asshole and pick them out in the shower?"
5 - "Want to help me practice for my driver's exam? The police said I can finally get my license."

These messages are not meant to get you a woman. The responses you receive (you will get responses) will show you how much better this type of "who really fucking cares right?" attitude matches up against, "Oh god oh god oh god I'd better say the right thing."
And that leads us to today's lesson:
You don't matter that much.
Sorry, but if the fate of the world rested on your shoulders we'd all be fucked. You're reading how-to guides about becoming ok with yourself. So really you don't matter that fucking much.
And that's fine! That's preferable. It takes pressure off your shoulders. You can walk into a bar and tell a girl that you're a martian whose pants will explode at midnight unless an earth girl removes them with her teeth. Guess what? No one will care! Tomorrow CNN will run a headline about ISIS feeding babies to elephants and your pickup line will become just another blip in the endless history of the universe.
  • Corollary - Women will try to make you think that you should matter a whole lot. They'll tease you and ask you why you're not a buff macho kingpin or why you don't own 10 businesses and a thousand dogs. The important thing to notice here is:
That's what they say, not what they think.
Most women wouldn't give ten shits about your income or dog breeding knowledge if you are ok enough with yourself to show them a good time. Confidence does not come to you by knowing that you're big stuff and that you're a huge valuable part of society. If it did, hardly anyone would be confident because hardly anyone actually matters that much.
Confidence comes with knowing that you don't matter that much and that other people really don't either, women included. So if it's not that big of a deal, what do you have to lose?

Little people often have big pride.
It helps them not feel little. It's a defense mechanism. Being defensive is itself a small and impotent thing to do.
Pride weighs a lot. It's one of the biggest forms of baggage and some of you have been feeling it in your chest for years without realizing it. It comes in the form of thoughts like, "What am I going to be doing a year from now? Two years from now? If all my dreams aren't coming true, I'm a worthless piece of shit."
Or, "I need the perfect body, most money, and biggest adventures or I'll be a drain on humanity, just another turd in the bucket."
Or, "If I don't bang every hot chick and turn into a fuck stud of epic proportions, I'm just another waste of space."
Guess what?
People who don't care if they get ass...get more ass than you.
People with shitty bodies who don't give a fuck...get more ass than you.
People who have zero ambition and are ok with that...get more ass than you.
If it is truly your ambition in life to become something great, then you will follow that ambition no matter what. You won't dither about it. You won't get confused and wonder if you're doing the right thing. You definitely won't beat yourself up about not doing it.

So if you're an ambitionless ham planet and you absolutely love your life, there's no reason to qualify yourself to women ever.
If you're a healthy cut millionaire and you hate your life, well I can't help you with that. .0001% problems.
So make a list of the shit you love about yourself that women would call "immature" or "irresponsible" and then realize that shit is all in your head. Almost anything you do (short of rape and murder) can be awesome and praiseworthy if you love doing it and you're solid about that to the core.
Women will prod at you all day and shit test, saying, "Well a mature real man is like this," or, "I can only be with a man who blah blah blah." If you aren't ok with yourself, you'll cave to this type of bullshit instantly. If you're fully ok with yourself, you'll laugh it off and continue on being you.

Remember this:
There are no rules for life other than eat, sleep, breathe, and survive. The rest is completely made up. Clothes? Optional. Words? Optional. Bathing? Optional. Dating? Made up. Relationship standards? Fiction. Breeding? Unnecessary.
You could wake up tomorrow and pretend you're an African prince who has to drive backwards to work or else the mafia will come and steal your asshole. And that would make only marginally less sense than people driving to the same workplace every day to get money to pay for a piece of the planet they were born on which can be taken away by a group of people in a big building with giant metal rooms full of green paper.
So you don't matter that much and life is ridiculous. You couldn't possibly make life any more ridiculous than it already is. So don't go around acting like every little action matters.
Accept yourself.
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[–]JovianTrainWreck 107 points 4 months ago 
Pride weighs a lot. It's one of the biggest forms of baggage and some of you have been feeling it in your chest for years without realizing it. It comes in the form of thoughts like, "What am I going to be doing a year from now? Two years from now? If all my dreams aren't coming true, I'm a worthless piece of shit."
Pride often comes with a side order of a gallon-sized bottle of hard liquor and angst. This is one of my favorite posts of all time. The bit about little people and pride was a nice touch, it's easy to say that the people who shat on you in the past were just little people, but you articulated it in a way that really resonates. This isn't the first time the subject of pride-addled petty assholes was addressed recently, but you really drove it home.
I don't matter and I'm cool with that.
[–]Cryocasm 22 points 4 months ago 
I don't matter and I'm cool with that.
The frame you construct out of this is so fucking rock solid that you begin mattering without affecting or realizing it.
The weeks after I decided to quit the nice guy act in lieu of MGTOW and general idgaf attitude I quickly saw myself mattering more than I did before. The concept, alien at the time, is now fully understood.
I still think I'm just a regular buck ass nigga. It's this frame and attitude that's actually gotten me way further than any other frame or attitude.
1 hora atrás, SenhorDaEscuridao disse:


Quanto maior a tecnologia, maior será o grau de conhecimento. E quanto maior grau de conhecimento, mais o aluno vai ter que estudar. A vida só vai ficar fácil se você usufruir as técnicas sem que seja uma peça funcional da própria. Por exemplo,  você disse que é mais fácil achar as coisas por causa da Internet, mas você não é uma peça funcional da técnica de produção da Internet. Aquele que aprende realmente sobre a Internet vai ter que estudar muito mais coisas que foram desenvolvidos pelo progresso temporal.


Complementando com uma das previsões de Steve Jobs:


"Jobs comentou que as pessoas iam sofrer com uma sobrecarga de informações. Dessa maneira, elas seriam incapazes de lidar com todos os dados. Contudo, sabemos que, apesar disso, a internet pode ir além: nos bombardeia de informações, mas também pode ser uma ferramenta para armazenar dados"

This hits home. Hard.
All my life, I've wanted to become some sort of new epitome of mankind. Boatloads of money, the hottest women, kick-ass career, you name it. I wanted it all.
There is nothing wrong with that, but there certainly is something wrong with the incentive I've been waking up for: I didn't want to reach those goals to become a better version of myself, to grow as a person, but, and you've absolutely hit the nail on the head, to receive validation from others. I've been having dreams in which I win the lottery and all the social acceptance that ships with it. I now realize how sick that is.
Your post has shown me that I really have a long way to go. Not because my ego is too small, but because it's too damn big. Thank you.
[–]Casanova-Quinn 114 points 4 months ago 
Not because my ego is too small, but because its too damn big.
This reminds me of the perspective change I had about "shy" people.
The common perception is shy people have small egos, but it's really the opposite. Shy people are so concerned with their "image" they present to others, that they act "shy" because of a fear of judgement. It's sad really, because shy people are literally policing themselves on what they can or can't do, based on a made up perception of what others are thinking.

12 Irresistible Bad Boy Traits Women Crave (self.TheRedPill)

submitted 3 months ago by Endorsed ContributorRedPillDad

Raising the quality of your life and developing the swagger of a Bad Boy persona can do wonders for game... As a married dude, I was surprised to find how effective this shit can still be.

With her dual sexual strategy, she's either looking for Alpha Lover or Provider Guy. What sets these categories distinctly apart are the way you make her feel. What do you portray and offer - thrills or security?

Alpha Lover offers the Desire Path by giving her a sense of danger, excitement and adventure. Provider Guy offers the Love Path by giving her comfort and protection.

You can trigger her Desire Path by displaying Bad Boy traits. That's what she looks for when shit testing... to see if you're a badass or a wuss. She also wants to see if you value your freedom, and consider your SMV higher than hers.

12 Irresistible Bad Boy Traits Women Crave:

1. Confidence - cocky to the point of brazen (versus meek uncertainty and insecurity).

2. Directness and Decisiveness - say what's on your mind and clarity about what you want (versus waffling and meekly tiptoeing around).

3. Dominance - command respect with social, intellectual, emotional and physical power (versus putting her on a pedestal and acting subservient).

4. Indifference - remain aloof, less reactive and not concerned about what others say and think (versus being an overly-attentive "try-hard").

5. Entitlement - feel unconstrained to take/demand what you want (versus feeling unworthy).

6. Exciting - take risks, seek adventure and lead a more interesting life (versus seeking comfort and security).

7. Freedom and Selfishness - rebel's attitude, say and do what you want, uninhibited and self-focused (versus conforming and attending to others)

8. Leadership - lead yourself/others to reach goals (versus passiveness and uninspired).

9. Masculine - exude a rugged, controlled mannerism (versus a soft, caring feminine energy).

10. Menacing - disagreeable, dangerous vibe (versus friendly and harmless)

11. Mysterious and Unpredictable - contrasting qualities that stimulate curiosity (versus boring and predictable).

12. Teasing - playfully disrespect her, intentionally ruffling her feathers (provoking her instead of trying to put her at ease).

Bad Boy behavior indicates power and higher status. Acting in an uninhibited, entitled, powerful and dominant manner persuades her to categorize you as a Lover rather than a Provider.

If you smile too much, lavish her with attention and act like a perfect gentlemen, you'll kill the seduction. Why? She craves drama and excitement, not comfort alone. And acting eager and polite is indicative of Beta status. She knows an HV Guy would act far more aloof and indifferent.

In her eyes, that cowboy wearing black is much sexier than the one in white. That bad boy lifestyle is a roller-coaster of excitement, while the steady positive force of the Good Guy is comforting, but dull.

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[–]MattBoBat 146 points 3 months ago 

I like this list, short and to the point. I'd say that traits 1-5 are definitely the essential foundation which open the door for the others to exist.

What's funny is these traits are associated with a "bad-boy" persona, when in reality they are the indicators of a self-actualized man. When you start respecting yourself, your needs, your desires, and take control of your life these traits will become a pronounced part of who you are naturally.


[–]1independentmale 60 points 3 months ago 

in reality they are the indicators of a self-actualized man

Much like being called an "asshole", often used to describe men who don't worship the very ground a woman walks upon. When you give in to societal pressure to put women on pedestals and serve their every whim, you become a beta chump, little more than a tool for them to exploit. When you live for yourself, draw clear boundaries and treat women the same as you would any random man, suddenly you're a "bad boy" or "asshole" - and they love it.

Growing up, I remember being very upset over the fact that women wanted assholes instead of nice guys like me. It didn't make any sense at the time and it frustrated me. Now I see it the "asshole" for who he really is: A man with the self respect to take what he wants out of life without getting caught up in women's nonsense. He doesn't play her games and he sure as hell isn't trying to be whatever he imagines she wants him to be. He's got his own life, he does his own thing and she can either follow him or get the fuck out of the way.

I've been called a "bad boy", "asshole", "misogynist", etc, numerous times over the past few years. I take that as a sign I'm doing something right. "Yeah, I'm a fucking dick, baby. You should stay away from me." Suddenly they want me even more. Funny, that.

1 hora atrás, enebt disse:


Mas é pensamento de mulherzinha mesmo, rs. Eu disse isso como exemplo de pensamento feminino (algumas mulheres obvio, nao sao todas), minha visão não é essa.


Até parece que tu nunca viu histórias de que o cara se fudeu, perdeu dinheiro, ficou em depressão, a mulher se cansou e largou ele. Eu falei me baseando nessas histórias.


Poucas mulheres vão até o final com você. Poucas irão aguentar a pressão de fases ruins. Coloca aí um cara que se casou com um corpo bom, vida estável e após algum tempo de casado, algo acontece e ele perde quase tudo. Será que a mulher vai ficar ao lado dele até ele melhorar?


É a velha história, a lealdade do homem é provada quando ele tem tudo, e a da mulher quando o homem não tem nada.

red pill é isso


qdo seu valor cai a mulher te troca, fim


quanto choro

muita gente na matrix por aqui hahah

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