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creio que elas nem iriam ver pq pau pequeno nem iria fazer volume
o que não é o meu caso kkkk

creio que elas nem iriam ver pq pau pequeno nem iria fazer volume

o que não é o meu caso kkkk

Olha o kid bengala, ressuscitou. Kkkkk

6 horas atrás, manoarroz disse:

Se fosse um pau pequeno as mulheres iriam olhar ou nao, doutores?


Elas iriam rir, mesmo.


Fiquei sabendo por cima da zoeira que deu por causa das fotos do Lucas Lucco, que o mano tirou foto de sunga e não tinha volume nenhum ahuahauhahuahua. Melhor saber chupar.





"[...] Sou mui infeliz, e não fica decente

em casa alheia me pôr a chorar e contar muitas dores,

pois causa enfado viver sempre a gente a falar em desgraças."


Odeisseia, canto XIX, versos 118 ao 120. HOMERO.

Postado (editado)

Sou novo na área, vi esse tópico e quis deixar minha contribuição para meus companheiros.


Primeiramente qual seu objetivo em querer ser uma Alpha, iludir mulheres? Ser mais respeitado? Influenciar positivamente a vida de outros?

Antes de tudo gostaria de destacar aqui a importância que tem o respeito a os outros indivíduos, nada que você tente fazer para se elevar deve ser feito usando os outros como degraus, se destaque por seus méritos.

Não diminua os outros para parecer maior, só cresça que você se destacará.

Confiança é tudo, mas é preciso saber construir essa confiança. Você primeiramente precisa saber que você possui suas qualidades, e saber que as pessoas ao seu redor deveriam não possuem as mesmas qualidades que você, você é único. Por si só isso já torna você especial(sem viadagem), explore seus potenciais, desenvolva aquilo de bom que você tem, não para os outros, mas para você mesmo. Quando você começar a enxergar isso você vai ver que não é você que tem que ficar indo atrás dos outros e sim os outros que deveriam vir atrás de você. Você se tornou alguém melhor, defeitos todos têm, não se diminua perante os outros e principalmente as outras, não seja um derrotado. Depois que você obtiver essa confiança, vem a prática.

Linguagem corporal é o tipo de comunicação mais importante socialmente, estudos mostram que pouco mais de 90% do sucesso da nossa comunicação não se nas palavras que você fala, mas como você se expressa, já vi videos de cara chegando em mina falando 'Banana', exatamente essa palavra, ele chega e fala: "Banana, banana, banana", e consegue atrair a atenção da mulher . A confiança interfere até na forma que você começa a se comportar em público de forma natural, mas existem algumas técnicas que fazem você parecer uma pessoa que é confiante e que pessoas gostariam de estar perto. Por exemplo a posição que você se coloca em pé não pode ser derrotada, ombros caídos, coluna curva, pernas juntas... Sua postura tem que ser de  de Titan, Heroica, peito estufado, ombros jogados pra trás, pernas levemente abertas na mesma linha dos ombros, claro que nada muito exagerado. Na hora de falar você não deve se preocupar muito com as palavras exatas, mas de falar simplesmente, mantenha os olhos mais caídos, não com a sobrancelha arqueada como se tivesse assustado ou impressionado, mas estilo James Bond, nada te surpreende, mantenha a voz o mais suave e grave possível, sem forçar. Tente também não desviar muito o olhar dos olhos da pessoa, isso pode demonstrar insegurança, as vezes apenas desvie o olhar sutilmente, de preferencia para cima, pois olhar pra baixo geralmente demonstra falta de confiança também. Manter sempre o tórax ereto e as pernas abertas se sentado. Sorrisos sempre leves e sutis de canto de boca. Um tapa no visual também ajuda muito, não precisa ser um cara bonito pra andar com o cabelo bem cortado e penteado, um perfume maneiro, uma roupa adequada e bem arrumada, etc.

Acredite que só isso te fará sobressair sobre os homens Beta, pode ter certeza. 

Outra dica importante, é não se importar muito. Faça a sua parte e tenha ciência que você não irá agradar a todos, mas não se importe, muito, isso não implica em desrespeitar os outros, mas de que sua confiança em si mesmo supera a confiança que os outros têm em você.  


Bom, vou para por aqui até pq boa parte da galera nem vai ler, kkkk, mas que ler e quiser que eu escreva mais coisas do tipo, como interpretar a linguagem das mulheres, e etc pode falar que eu escrevo mais depois. Provavelmente vai ter erros no texto mas não to com saco para revisar, Abraços.



Editado por Celebror
submitted 3 days ago * by Senior ContributorRedPope
TL;DR: Some people can never get enough.
I spent a wonderful three day weekend with my girlfriend of five months. We've been monogamous since March. I'm in my early 40s, divorced dad. She is a 33 year old career girl, no kids, never married. We're both attractive, physically fit, and have very high sex drives.
We spent most the weekend at my place. We had sex three times on Friday, four on Saturday, and twice more on Sunday. She orgasms quickly and repeatedly. She comes so often that one orgasm will blur into the next. Impossible to count how many times I got her off.
The weather was perfect. In between lovemaking, we ate great meals, watched some Netflix, spent our afternoons laying by the pool, and nights soaking in the hot tub. It was an amazingly relaxing weekend that we both needed. She had a great time. Sunday evening, she snuggled up close. "This weekend has been so perfect, I don't want it to end!" But we both had to work in the morning, so eventually she had to head home.
All day Monday, she sent me text after text. Sweet and sexual. Very flirtatious. "When will I see you again?" I replied that I had to get caught up on stuff, but I might be able to stop by for a short visit tomorrow after work. "Perfect! I need more of you!"
I spent Monday night doing housework and other chores. I had an empty fridge, dirty dishes and laundry from the weekend. She texted me steadily throughout the night. Same all day Tuesday. "I can't wait to see you!"
I left the office and arrived at her house right as she was pulling in the drive. She walked over and greeted me with a passionate kiss on the sidewalk. We went inside.
We talked for a few minutes and I fixed us a couple drinks. She excused herself to use the restroom. I needed to pee too. Rather than wait for her, I chose to use the toilet in the master bath upstairs. I carried the drinks to her bedroom. I had limited time, and we'd be heading there soon anyway. I walk by her bed and immediately notice a dried cum stain in the center of the sheets.
What the fuck?
I haven't been here in a week.
Holy shit.
I go take a piss. Thoughts are racing through my head. What should I do? Should I call her out? Demand an explanation? Or just quietly leave? One thing is certain: I'm done with her. She cheated. It is over.
When I come out, she's pulling the sheets off the bed. Very nonchalantly, she says, "The cat was on the bed, let me change the sheets. She's shedding like crazy."
Equally emotionless, I comment that with the warmer weather, she needs to brush the cat more often. I help her put on the new sheets, and we immediately start having sex. Afterwards she snuggles up to me.
She purrs in my ear. "You've been fucking me so much, I've been raw for days." She claims she has been unable to focus at work, thinking of me so often.
I give her a squeeze, then remind her I need to take off. We dress and she walks me out. One last kiss in the door and I drive away.
She texts me later that night. I do not reply.
The next day, she texts me: "Good morning, sexy!" A few more texts follow, roughly one per hour. I don't answer any of them. Around lunchtime she asks, "Is everything OK?" I tell her we'll talk after work.
I call her up. She asks if I'm upset. I calmly respond, "Of course. You slept with some other guy." She denies it. I tell her I saw the sheet. She goes quiet, then tries to claim it was me, from the previous week. I tell her to stop lying.
I maintained an emotionless and calm tone throughout the entire conversation. I'll spare you the drawn out trickle truth. It took 10 minutes to get the full story. There wasn't much to it:
After our long weekend of sex, while texting me all day and night Monday, she had also messaged a friend to buy $20 worth of weed. They smoked a bowl and had sex. The end.
I've met this guy. Hell, I've bought weed from him too. He's the stereotypical loser pothead. Nice enough guy, but he's pudgy, and has no ambition. An out of shape nobody with a dead-end job. But she was horny and he was there. Her pussy was raw and swollen. She wanted dick. He had dick.
"I don't even like him!" she protested. "It didn't mean anything. I wanted you, but you weren't there!"
I told her we were done. She was a free woman and could do what she liked, but I wasn't going to see her again. She cried and begged forgiveness. I calmly said good night and hung up.
She called me back, I didn't answer. She texted me, begging to talk. I blocked her number. Removed her from Facebook. Deleted her from my phone. Two days later, a mutual friend (more hers than mine) asked what happened. I simply told her we parted amicably. We had moved on.
It's been two weeks now with no further contact. There's very little overlap in our social circles. We're both career-minded professionals. I don't expect any stupidity.
Some of you may be wondering why I chose to fuck her that final time. Mere minutes after removing the cum stained sheet from a bed where she had fucked some other guy maybe 20 hours prior. Why didn't I lose my shit and call her a whore? Don't I have any masculine pride? Sure. But I just didn't care. In the time it took me to take a piss, I had already written her off. This was one final bang with an ex. She just didn't know she was my "ex" yet.
Lessons learned: Nothing I didn't already know. Pure TRP fundamentals.
Good sex is not enough to make a woman faithful. They have free and unlimited access to dick. If she wants it, she can get it. She was horny for me, but I wasn't there.
I gave her commitment and emotional validation as well. It still wasn't enough. She's an older woman (33) with many past sexual partners. While she may have loved the way I made her feel, sexually and emotionally, both have far less value with experienced woman. The more partners a woman has had, the weaker the pair bonding. Even my best was not enough to maintain her loyalty.
Did you notice the unspoken implication? It was my fault she cheated. She wanted me, but I wasn't there. Clearly, I screwed up by not being available to bang her a fourth day in a row... ;) It is never their fault.
When you break up with a girl, do it calmly and without emotion. Don't make a scene. Don't give her drama as a parting gift. They crave that emotional climax. A big finale. Don't sacrifice your frame/dignity just so she can have her closure.
Know what you want. I was not in love. I was never looking for a LTR. I don't have time to spin plates, so I prefer short-term relationships. All I ever wanted was 6 months of companionship and good sex. I'm not going to cry because I only got 5. She was my spring fling, nothing more. Spring is over and she is gone. Time to find her replacement.
Some women hit the Wall softly. Even at 33, she's still fit and attractive. She'll find another guy. Probably quicker than I'll find the next girl. Doesn't matter, it isn't a competition. Maybe she'll land a BB husband. Or maybe she'll end up alone with her cat. I don't care either way. This is the way of the world. No point getting upset. It is what it is.
top 200 commentsshow all 404
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[–]Dzuari 202 points 3 days ago 
It's interesting to watch the correlation between the tone of a post and the OP's age. It seems the older a poster is, the less vitriol he will have when things like this happened and it just becomes, "seen it once, seen it a thousand times. Oh well."
Sets a good example on how to strive for a perfect and unbreakable frame.
[–]SexistFlyingPig 54 points 3 days ago 
It's not anger, but it's disappointment. That's a lot better than anger.
[–]krakosia 1 point 6 hours ago 
I think there has to be a stage past disappointment since this is really expected behavior, an inevitability.
[–]Ronin11A 29 points 3 days ago 
Agreed. It's refreshing. The bitter-phase "ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES" vitriol grows tiresome.
[–]Red-Zen 13 points 3 days ago 
All women are whores. But that's just how it is. "seen it once, seen it a thousand times. Oh well."


[–]Endorsed ContributorVarrian 178 points 3 days ago 
This is how it should be done: ice fucking cold.
What most men don't realize is that the more you throw your toys out the box the more value you lose in her eyes. This makes it easier for her to rationalize that you were shitty all along and that she deserves better.
Well played, bro, well played.
[–]1IVIaskerade 140 points 3 days ago 
Playing it icy is also more likely to make her flip her shit, discrediting her in the eyes of your friendship groups and undermining her attempts to sabotage your relationships with them.
Like a climber facing a smooth, sheer, face, a woman seeks to make her own handholds by chipping into the hard exterior. If she can't do this, she can't climb.
Women know emotion. Women can deal with emotion. They can't deal with a complete lack of it.
[–]Endorsed ContributorScholarInRed 49 points 3 days ago 
Like a climber facing a smooth, sheer, face, a woman seeks to make her own handholds by chipping into the hard exterior. If she can't do this, she can't climb.
I'm stealing this analogy. Please accept an upvote as payment.
[–]Endorsed Contributordr_warlock 3 points 2 days ago 
Like a climber facing a smooth, sheer, face, a woman seeks to make her own handholds by chipping into the hard exterior. If she can't do this, she can't climb.
We often have analogies for frame, but not on how people attack it. People, especially women will try to sabotage your frame enough so they can get their claws in and switch it back on to themselves. You must be solid as a rock at all times so people cant get a grip on it.


Postado (editado)
	The Scorpion and the Frog

  A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the 
scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The 
frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion 
says, "Because if I do, I will die too."

  The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of 
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp "Why?" 

		Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."
submitted 17 days ago * by Endorsed Contributordr_warlock

While in the trenches of askTRP, I noticed multiple common misconceptions regarding hypergamy. I was even challenged by an anti-TRPer to demonstrate its existence with scientific studies, here, along with the typical neckbeard incel slurs.
"As for understanding women, I find it interesting how redpillers never reference, you know, science or psychology when trying to defend ridiculous claims. Like that WOMEN are hypergamous? [...] How can you understand the nature of anything without science?"
I want to make the phenomenon more clear.

"Women don't want to win, they want a winner" - Patrice O'neil (RIP). They don't want to be superior or have equality, they want a man that is smarter, faster, stronger, taller, better looking, 'richer', more 'popular' -- better than themselves. This, dear reader, is what hypergamy is, the desire for someone above them, the entitlement to a higher class male. The nurse wants a doctor, the stewardess wants a pilot, the secretary wants her boss. How often do you see this happen with the genders reversed?


Who Qualifies?
In addition, as given by the Pareto Principle, the men that meet this criteria must be in the top 20% (optimally and in their context, discussed later). This is the observance that 80% of the effects are typically caused by 20% of the causes.80%_of_the_sex_is_had_by_20%_of_the_males.jpg. This even applies to the principle itself, as stated by, here. Hypergamy applies to all women. AWALT. This is not debatable; this is law. All women from all demographics want a man better than themselves. Whether or not they're capable of acquiring such a man is a completely different matter.
edit: Promiscuity_doesn't_trickle_down.img (Inspiration: here), it stays at the top, then the leftovers of the once ripe fruit fall to the floor for the scavengers. More depth provided, here (Mod awarded point for it).


Hypergamy is Subjective, Not Objective
This process is not logical, you can't negotiate desire. Just like how a woman determines consent (also, here), which man she deems 'better' or more 'alpha' is solely contingent on how she feels in that moment, who she perceives to be the best. Women are not like men who have an absolute threshold: 1,0 -- bang, no bang. Their judgment is relative and consequently, who they perceive to be the 'better' man constantly fluctuates because...


Hypergamy is Contextual
/u/BurgundyCarpet and I had a three comment discussion that resulted in a revelation, here. Civilization (agricultural society) has only existed for the past 10,000 years, only a fragment of human existence. The majority of our time was spent in nomadic hunter-gatherer societies of maximum of ~150 individuals (Dunbar's Number). Why Dunbar's Number? Here.This is the environment our instincts evolved, in this case, women. Before civilization, the 'alpha' was based on this small group of people, who's members rarely changed. But as faster means of travel, advanced technology, and relaxed social norms regarding intergender relations were developed, her 'contexts' multiplied and began to blend, not just her 'tribe' anymore. Who is 'alpha' is no longer certain. Example: The 'alpha' in her math class is not the 'alpha' in her english class. The 'alpha' at work, is not the 'alpha' at home. The 'alpha' at the bar is not the 'alpha' at the coffee shop.


Unlike any other time before the industrial revolution, women are being exposed to men outside her immediate vicinity from around the world whether it's from social media, television (celebrities), and any people she encounters in everyday life. She is being overloaded with indicators of status, she is confused. The needle on her tingles compass is spinning all over the place. You are competing with men you can't see. When you are with her, your perceived status fluctuates every time you venture from one context and enter another. It is completely relative.


She is not yours, it's just your turn. This is why you hear to never obsess over a girl, because if she wants to cheat, she will. Even an average american woman (5'3.8"/162cm, 166.6lbs/75.3kg) can have sex every night if she wanted to. So stop worrying about it. All you can do to keep her interest is be the best you can be, hold frame, and enjoy the time you have while it lasts. If it doesn't work out, oh well. You were fine before her, you'll be fine after. A great example of this mentality is the post, Dirty Sheets by /u/RedPope.


Hypergamy Standards Shift Depending on Relationship Status
When she is 'single', you're competing with every man in her physical and virtual contexts. When she is 'taken', you're only competing with 'her man'.


What Satifies Hypergamy the Most?
The traits most sought after by women are not facial aesthetics, not muscularity, and not fortune, but social status and pre-selection by women(Can coexist, but not mutually exclusive). Note: this reality is not an excuse to give up on life or with girls just because you're not famous. Keep learning, keep lifting, keep improving.


  • Test: What do you do when a girl asks if you have a girlfriend? Answer: Say yes (read: preselection).
    • Translation: By 'girlfriend', she means, "Is there a girl in your life willing to have sex with you on a consistent basis?"

Final Note
I would like to remind the newer guys here that female nature is not right, it's not wrong, it just is. The very things we sometimes complain about women: being irrational, emotionally unstable, fickle, and in this case,ruthlessly hypergamous, is what makes them a woman. These are not bugs, they are features. AWALT. To eradicate these features would mean she is no longer a female. It's in their nature.


The End
all 131 comments
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[–]thick_knees 18 points 17 days ago 
fantastic post. I find it wonderful that such a platform to dissect the female mind and discuss it so efficiently exists. What is crazy is that women are doing all this 'subconciously'.They have no idea of what they are doing and their intentions might be sincere (you can never know!) but subconcioulsy their ingrained DNA and genes are masterminding their entire life
[–]Lunchbox_Larry 9 points 17 days ago* 
They have no idea of what they are doing
That will change when they attempt to articulate a social media/national dialogue response to some of the charges being leveled here.
The day it gets into mainstream; when you see random click-bait articles on yahoo like:
"Are women really crabs in a bucket?"
"Do women really want to be part of an Alpha-harem?"
That's the day when their "subconscious deniability" shifts from a "teh-heh, We didn't know what we were doing!" to a "shit we've gotta try and defend or deny this."
When the hive mind gets ahold of it, it'll be fun indeed to see the mass level hamstering.
[–]antariusz 11 points 17 days ago 
Ugh, you mean those creepy misohgynists on reddit, they are all virgin neckbeards, they only say that stuff because they hate women.
... Don't worry, TRP is not going mainstream anytime soon, enjoy the decline.
[–]franklyforthright 5 points 16 days ago 
The first rule of the red pill is don't talk about the red pill please don't talk about the red pill so we can fuck the sloots
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Postado (editado)
submitted 5 days ago * by Endorsed ContributorOmLaLa
TL;DR- A girl who cheated on me cheats with me.

“…And Candy Cheats Again”
“It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving, it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.” ― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

I dated this cute chick named “Candy”.
Together almost 6 months just as TRP really started to click. One post had methoroughly convinced LTRs were stupid. Still believe it to this day. I think it was one of u/Whisper ‘s posts. Love the guy. Smart shit.
Anyways, I dumped her ass soon after reading that. No call, no text. Just stopped seeing her. Hurt like shit but it had to be done. Think she was cheating with some Chad, shit like that. Focused on me, moved on.
So last week me and Fine China [Plate] went to the mall and bump into Candy. She's with some guy. Mike I think. We kept it brief and left.
She called that night. Wanted to talk about ”us”. Wanted “closure”. Says she looks at our pictures and thinks of me. Asks if I do the same. Nope. I’ve moved on. She hung up.
Next day she’s at my door. Won’t leave ‘til I talk to her. But what about Mike? “We’re just talking. We’re not together like that.” Okay, sure. I hear her out.
She goes on about the good times we had. How nice our time was together. She misses the “old” me. The "me" that put up with her shit. That bought her shit because “that’s what guys are supposed to do”. That came by Every. Single. Fucking. Day. for hooours on end just cause that’s what a ”good boyfriend” does.
That guy’s been dead a while now. Tough break.
She had to ask who Fine China is to me. Like a cheap cologne I could smell that jealousy a mile away. “Are you two dating now?” “Is she better than me?” I tell her we're just fucking and we hang out sometimes. And yeah she’s better. She cooks for me. Candy never did that shit.
That bugged her. She threatens to leave. Says she doesn’t have to put up with being insulted. I open the door. Say I don’t do games. You asked for my opinion, I gave it. Now leave or don’t. She leaves.
So that night she’s at my door again. Fine China’s over so we talk outside.
“I don’t know if I can ever see you as a boyfriend again…but I think we should at least be friends.” Okay? Ask her what kind of friends. “Friends that, you know…'do stuff'.” She means fuck.
She asks if we can “do stuff” tonight. Fine China’s over, another time.
The next night she’s at my door, we “do stuff”, she’s asleep. Her phone goes off like 5 times. It’s Mike. I read a few texts. He’s her boyfriend. Poor guy had noidea.
Best part? She’s got me listed as her best friend “Miranda”. She told him Miranda was going through some shit and needed a “true friend” tonight. I’mChad now.

LL- Through overcoming a woman’s perceptions of your former self and all her shit tests that’ll accommodated those opinions, you can ideally fit any role in which she deems you suitable. Past is harder to overcome than simply starting fresh with a new woman, but it can be done with time, frame, consistency and most importantly through dominance/control of the situation.


[–]3 Endorsed ContributorSkorchZang 234 points 5 days ago 
It's such a satisfying aspect of women's caprice - that is, if she ever cheats on you, you can bet your ass she's going to cheat on the guy she cheated on you with.
It's almost never as personal as the guy on the receiving end tends to think it is. It comes from habitually giving women way too much credit that they never deserved. Most of the time, the infidelity has nothing to do with our guy or his qualities, she's just "being herself"...
[–]sealteamaus 154 points 5 days ago 
good to see you're not holding them back from discovering themselves, that would have made you a misogynist
[–]Endorsed ContributorCopperFox3c 162 points 5 days ago* 
The first time I realized I was being Chad was a transcendent moment for me. One of those "holy fuck, I can see everything clearly" kind of moments.
I wasn't even trying to be Chad, just applying red pill principles. That's the moment you finally see first-hand the machinery underneath the guise we call "romance" or "love" or whatever. The script of male/female human mating behavior, humming away like clockwork. The moment it goes from being theory to your reality.






Editado por planeta
submitted 13 days ago * by Endorsed Contributordr_warlock
TL;DR Don't be afraid to make a woman feel uncomfortable or seem like an 'asshole'. A woman wants to feel both positive and negative emotions. She wants her emotional state to fluctuate with great frequency. Do that for her, and she is much more likely to be sexually attracted to you.


Physics Analogy (Basic)


For those who haven't taken a physics lab class, there is something calledFaraday's Law. You can demonstrate this with a basic, fool proof experiment. Imagine a metal coil with the front and back ends connected to a meter that measures current, the flow of electricity, like this (image), or this(video). If you move a magnet inside this coil, it will induce (cause) electrons in the coil to flow in one direction (positive current) of the circuit, and if you pull it out of the coil, it will induce a current in the opposite direction (negative).
  • Magnet = You
  • Coil = Woman
  • "Postive" Current = Woman's postive feelings [Pull]
  • "Negative" Current = Woman's negative feelings [Push]
  • Current Meter = your eyeballs.


Keeping that in mind, I want you to look at the equation for this phenomenon (electromagnetic induction), and only focus on the two triangles, don't worry about the other symbols, here. This is important because the deltas signify the 'rate of change', meaning that if you stop moving the magnet, no current will be induced. You must constantly manipulate her feelz, for attraction to spark. No flux, no feelz. No feelz, no tingles. You, the magnet, must constantly induce (manipulate) fluctuating levels of electricity, feelings, in the circuit, the woman, to give her tingles.


Side Note: Yes, a changing magnetic flux induces an emf not current. I took out emf for the sake of simplicity.


Predictable Response


Before you've digested the pill, this concept is an assault to your sensibilities; you would think, "Why the fuck would I ever make a woman feel anything other than happy, especially insecurity? That's stupid and cruel! Treat others (women) how you (man) want to be treated!" This is projecting. As a man, you like feeling neutral and above. If you ever have negative feelings, you attempt to come back to a neutral state because you want to think clearly. This is not true for women. The foundational assumption of all your beliefs is: men == women. Unlike you, women want to feel good, not just happy, everything. Joyful, insecure and everything in between. Despite what you think, despite what she claims, she likes the stressful anticipation of waiting for your text/call every once in awhile. Imagine the graph as a measure of current (her feelings) over time, she wants to feel like this. To a woman, stability is boring. Safe is boring.


But dr_warlock, you claim they want to feel everything, including negative emotions, yet they complain, claiming that they feel bad and would never be attracted to such a person that made them feel this way. They call those guys assholes! Surely what you say is ridiculous.


First off, you made the mistake of taking advice about intergender dynamics from a woman (don't ask a fish how to catch fish, ask the fisherman). You also made another mistake: you think you and her are both speaking the same language. Women do not say what they mean, and do not mean what they say. They do not speak to convey information, they speak to get what they want. They want feelz and attention and don't care how they get it. The whole truth and nothing but the truth is not required and often times hinders this goal. Women have different dictionaries. "Asshole" to you means what you're thinking: an abusive douchebag. "Asshole" to her means, "[...] men who don't allow people, especially women, to walk all over them. They tout this shit to their orbiters to garner sympathy and play the victim, when the guy is usually far from being a real asshole." - /u/gzb424


Watch what she does, not what she says. Don't be distracted by the smoke and mirrors of excuses, appeals to emotion, shaming, and crying; keep your mind focused on the issue (Bill Burr: How Women Argue). If she calls Chad an "asshole" for inducing 'negative current' in her 'circuit', but continues to fuck him anyways, do her words hold any meaning?


Don't Walk on Eggshells Around Her


Women would rather feel sad than bored. They would rather have sex (not necessarily date) with a physically and verbally abusive, drug dealing thug that lives in a trailer park and induces emotional chaos, than a rich guy that owns a nice car, owns a nice home, dresses in suits, treats her like a princess, buys hers expensive things, and always attempts to keep the peace. I'm not saying to be abusive, this was just to illustrate a point.


But dr_warlock, 'real' women don't do that! Notice how I said, "would rather", not "do". All women are like that =/= all women do that.


At some point, you have to make her feel "bad" things. She will even offer opportunities for you to do so in the form of "shit tests". Note that this does not include disgust. Often times you showing self-respect will be the very thing that induces the allegedly "bad" feelings. You not allowing her to manipulate you can result in her to use the last resort, crying. Why would you ever be hesitant or apologize for showing self-respect? A person who cries because they can't get what they want is acting childish, treat them accordingly. Remember women's feelings are shallow and not proportional to the stimulus that caused them (over reacting), often outright lies to fitness test you.




Give her the emotional rollercoaster that she really desires while not riding it yourself (you're a rock remember?), but within the bounds of self-respect and morality; don't put in too much energy. A little dread here, a little touch there; a little tease here, a little silence there. Most importantly, don't be afraid to 'hurt' her feelings or making her 'uncomfortable'. It's called sexual tension for a reason. Move that magnet and induce that current with plenty frequency, and she is much more likely to thank you with the loving warmth of her thighs.

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[–]Black-Pill 30 points 13 days ago 
Women rarely Qualify emotion as "good" or "bad". They remember/ respond and grow to Crave the Quantity and Intensity of emotion. Intense emotional states are most easily instigated by negative stimulus.
submitted 16 hours ago * by darkstar505
Been lurking TRP for a couple of months and decided to make this my first textpost. I took the Red Pill a couple of months ago and it changed my life. Many friends (both male AND female) complimented me on my new found attitude. Life is just so much more fun and I feel great about myself. Anyway, there are some little thoughts of mine on the whole nice-guys-dont-get-the-girls bias that is reigning the beta realm I wanted to share. Sorry about my English, it is not my first language.
A much heard complaint by beta men is that “nice guys finish last”: you treat a girl like a princess, buy her drinks, pick her up and bring her home when going to the club and buy presents for her. Still, she doesn’t “love” you. How can this possibly happen and why does she instead hook up with these “asshole” men, these Chads who act like a dick to her and don’t treat my precious like I do? Tell you what: you are just boring as fuck.
The motive of the “nice guy” and the “asshole” is exactly the same: fucking the girls you want to fuck. Often nice guys will tell you that they don’t just wanna fuck the girl but actually love her. To me, that is fucking bullshit. I have seen some beta friends of mine hook up with multiple girls in one year (without escalating btw). “Falling in love” is something different then “thinking about fucking a certain girl very often”. Maybe it happens a couple of times in your life but not a couple of times A YEAR. So far in my 20 year long live I have only felt in love about 2 times. I feel like a lot of these nice guys got the Constanza-complex, which basically means they believe a lie they have created themselves: they THINK they love her so their motives must be better better than these assholes that don’t give a shit and just wanna fuck her. Summarizing: the motives of nice guys are fake as hell and they live in their own illusion.
Back to the argument made in the title. The motives of both groups mentioned above are the same but the strategies are not. Nice guys go, as previously mentioned, for worshipping the girls and treating her like a goddess. If she has an opinion, you have that opinion. If she wants a drink, you get her a drink. If she is angry at you for no reason you apologize even though it is not your fault etcetera etcetera. “Assholes” have a different strategy. They treat her like they would treat every other human being. If she has an opinion that is different then yours, you make your opinion clear. If she wants a drink but you now she has 20 bucks on her you say “go buy a drink yourself”. If she gets angry at you for no reason you say “It is not my fault, go fuck yourself”.
So why do ladies end up with “assholes” and not with “nice guys”? Imagine if you knew someone who had 100% the same opinion as you and likes you 100% of the time. That would be boring and creepy as fuck. It is completely unnatural for a human being to think 100% the same as another human being. There is no friction, no argument, no fights: this person is boring. “Assholes”, on the other hand, cause friction, argument, fights. They make things happen, socially, that girls are not used to. Girls are used to beta men who agree with everything they say because they’ll take everything just to fuck these girls. These “assholes” are interesting because they stand out among the group of men that approach these gitls. They are different and make her feel things she does not feel every day, even if it is negative. THAT is the reason why “assholes” get the girls and “nice guys” don’t: the first is exciting and interesting, the others are just boring and feel unnatural.
Obviously, most of you guys on TRP already know about this. I put used the “[...]” all the time because assholes are not assholes and nice guys are not nice guys. Assholes are men that respect themselves and keep frame even if it has a negative consequence for them. Nice guys don’t respect themselves, they have no backbone and are weak: massive turn-offs for women. Thanks for reading.

No meu ponto de vista:


Sendo rico: Não preciso falar nada, né?

Sendo muito bonito: Obviamente que elas resistem menos para um cara boa pinta... Mas precisa ter presença também... Senão só consegue iniciar a conversar, manter que é bom: nada!

Tendo presença: (não física) Um cara que tem boa presença, sabe chegar, dialogar, tem desenvoltura e postura tá dentro das caracteristicas de um alpha...

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