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postando uns ouro ae pra quem quiser garimpar




submitted 9 months ago * by TRP VanguardArchwinger
A human being’s power in society is primarily defined by one ability: the ability to exclude others. The boss chooses who to hire. The cool kids choose who to befriend. The hot girls chose who to fuck and who to reject. That means our sexual power is defined by the ability to exclude others from having sex with us. Phrased a little more “sex-positively,” the power of men and women stems from their ability to choose who to have sex with. If you have that choice, you are powerful. If you lack that choice, you are weak.
An attractive man, good looking in both face and body, well dressed and groomed exuding wealth and professional success, with a great smile, commanding voice, charming personality, smarts to spare, and lots of interesting things to talk about – that guy is powerful. Why? He has his choice of women. He doesn’t need to consider fucking a woman that’s not pretty, not interesting, not kind and respectful, not smart, or that’s difficult to deal with, sexually or otherwise. And the women who want him know that, so they’ll bend over backward and make whatever compromises are needed to fuck him, on his terms, because the alternative would be to not fuck him at all and to have to settle for a less attractive man.
A less attractive man, average looking, average success, pleasant chump personality – that guy isn’t very powerful. Why? He doesn’t have his choice of women. He still has some sex, but it’s basically the few women willing to put out for him over his lifetime. It doesn’t matter if they’re pretty, respectful, sexually generous, or difficult bitches. They’re his only opportunities. He has the limited choice to fuck them, because they’re what’s available to him, or to fuck nobody. When he fucks them, it’s on their terms. When they want, how they want, and after jumping through whatever hoops and making whatever compromises they insist on. Because they’re his only chance and they know it.
An even less attractive man, who doesn’t make any effort at all, is completely powerless. Why? He has no options at all. Not even a yes/no choice. Women don’t just walk up to a man with nothing and offer themselves. A man who makes no effort doesn’t have sex at all. Women choose not to fuck him. They’re the ones with the power of choice.
A powerful man will therefore be a man who fucks a lot of women, or if he doesn’t for whatever reason, a man with the opportunity to fuck a lot of women. A man many women want to fuck.
Any woman who’s not completely ugly has power. Because unlike men, any woman – even the ones who make no effort – can still have at least some sexual opportunities. Most women have multiple sexual opportunities and revel in the ability to choose who to fuck and who to exclude. Unlike men, women can simply go to the club in a dress, sit down, and wait for fuck applicants to approach them, buy them drinks, and attempt to entertain them. At the end of the night, a woman goes home with her best offer, normally choosing from among multiple applicants. If she’s not feeling it, she may even choose none, because she knows she’ll have plenty of opportunities next weekend.
A powerful woman will therefore be a woman who rejects a lot of men. Her power lies in the ability to choose who to fuck.
Sexual freedom is the highest priority of women’s advocates in the world. Everything they’ve fought for has had the end goal of female power – the female ability to choose who to fuck. This is partly why rape is considered such a heinous crime, probably worse than murder. Rape is far more than just unwanted physical contact. If you beat the hell out of a woman, that’s bad, but raping her is a whole different level, because rape is sexual, not just physical. If you rape a woman, you’ve robbed her of her greatest power – the power to choose who to fuck. She didn’t choose you, but you stole her choice. Rape is about power, just ask feminists.
Abortion? Easy access to contraception? The healthcare landscape? Same deal. Pregnancy hinders a woman’s ability to choose who to fuck, so these are cornerstones of every woman’s advocate. Your wife’s pregnant but doesn’t want a second child? It’s her body. She can terminate as many of your pregnancies as she wants and you’d never know. Your wife’s been cheating, gets pregnant, has the baby, and after a running some tests, her doctor notices that the baby can’t possibly be yours? He can’t legally tell you. He and your wife speak privately about the baby’s medical care and test results and collude to keep everything hidden from you, put your name on the birth certificate, and have you raise that child as your own for two decades. Because…uh…it’s her body? She gets to choose who to have sex with and whether or not to cheat. Violating her privacy would hinder that choice.
The modern marriage? More of the same. A married woman has no obligation to fuck her husband. He’s not allowed to cheat. He’s not allowed to rape her. He’s not allowed to complain or pressure her into sex – that’s coercion. She unilaterally controls his sex life. He’s supposed to sit quietly and hope she chooses to have sex with him. The power is hers. She chooses, he hopes to be chosen. She’s his only option and she knows it. He does have an out: he can choose to pay her off. File for divorce, give her the house, half his assets, and write her a check every month for the foreseeable future. What’s that? He doesn’t want to lose his kids because he loves them? That’s silly. Men don’t care about shit like that, right? Women are the better parents who bond with children. They told me so. Men just care about sex and money.
Women’s advocates will proudly tell men that if they have a problem with this system, don’t worry – they’re fighting for the solution: economic parity. If you marry a wealthy professional woman, you don’t have to pay her as much to divorce her. And financially independent women are a great thing, because that’s more sexual freedom. They can choose to fuck more attractive men instead of whoring themselves out once a month to keep the paychecks coming from a loser husband.
The world is fighting hard for female power, and female power isn’t going away. Women will always have the power to choose who to fuck, and they will have to put in next to no work to have that power. It’s their birthright.
The Red Pill is one symptom of the male world’s reaction to this. Only a small minority of men get to taste that same power – the ability to choose which women to fuck – the ability to be more powerful than women while the women work (albeit often ineptly) for the attentions of worthy men. The male response to female power is pretty simple: grow stronger. Be that minority of men. The only other option is to quit.
They’ll never say it out loud, but women love the Red Pill. Not the anti-woman rants and shit talking we do around here. Not the idea that a guy might fake looking like he’s worth a shit and trick a woman into sex (robbing her of her power through deception). They love the end result – men who are actually powerful. Women want to be fucked silly by a man who’s more powerful than they are. But an unforeseen side effect of women’s advocacy has made that difficult. So many men have quit the game or have assumed their assigned role as a pleasant chump hoping to be chosen as a resource provider in exchange for an occasional fuck. Women got what they thought they wanted, and it sucks. What they really want is to be fucked silly by a man that’s worth a shit, which have become a commodity that’s in much shorter supply.
My friends, just by recognizing this, you are already a cut above the loser chumps of the world. Just walking up to a girl and being direct about your intentions, risking rejection, sets you apart from ninety percent of the universe. The time is so ripe for all of you. You can be one tenth of a badass and look better than every single man in the room, because men have forgotten how to be badass. You can bathe in pussy if you just do the work. Don’t do laundry, don’t do backrubs, don’t do gifts, don’t do feelings, just do the fucking work. Women don’t want to fuck money. They don’t want to fuck labor. They want to fuck men. They’ll occasionally whore themselves out for money and labor, but yearn for men. Don’t be money and labor. Be men.
submitted 6 days ago * by Endorsed ContributorCopperFox3c
Summary: A man’s power lies in his ability to walk away. Freedom is a thing that derives from boundaries. But ironically, so does enslavement.

Many of you may recognize the phrase ”Assume Formlessness” … it is Law of Power #48. You’ll notice in that thread, and in the few other threads about the topic on this sub, there is minimal discussion. Which is unfortunate, becauseAssuming Formlessness is one of the critical laws. Indeed, its mere practice subsumes many of the other laws.
The blue pill man is one who allows others to define him. To set the boundaries. If the feminists say it’s offensive, then he changes what he does. What he believes. He lets them pin him down, to put him in a cage. He is not free. The same is true of personal relationships. If his girlfriend or wife complains that something is bothering her, then he changes what he does.
You see, once they’ve pinned you down, you’ve already lost.
In recent years, a lot of the women I date/plate tell me “I’ve never been with anyone like you” or “I can’t figure you out”. They desperately want to define me. But I purposely refuse to take shape. I often do things that are complete polar opposites, moving from affectionate to asshole, genius to jock, classy city slicker to backwoods country boy. I am an amalgamation of many things, seamlessly shifting from one to the next, never pausing for long in one state. I am unpredictable.
And it drives them fucking nuts. The hamster wheel spins on overdrive.
That is what we mean by “mysterious”. What we mean when we say “frame”.Frame is not something you define … it is the refusal to be defined by others.
A simple red pill hack is play the asshole, a good method to fake-it-till-you-make-it for beginners … though we know the secret of the jerk is something much more subtle.

There are many examples of this.
For instance, responding to Shit Tests is mainly the art of evasion, since shit tests are an attempt to force you to “take form”, take a stance, a position, defend yourself. Techniques like Amused Mastery and Agree & Amplify are simply methods to deflect. Your power lies in your unpredictability. When you should defend, you attack. And when you should attack, you laugh. Simply put, you don’t fit the mold.
The same goes for Holding Frame … anger is allowing someone else to “define” you. Or Spinning Plates … it is simply a method of evading commitment. In a similar vein, Abundance Mentality is not being defined by a relationship. The reason abundance mentality works is because – by not being reliant on one woman for your identity – neither is your self-worth or self-respect reliant on that one woman. You are free because you are independent of her. You are free because you remained formless.
And when shit hits the fan, you retain your only real power: Being Willing to Walk Away. There is no weakness to attack. Nothing to bind you. Nothing to pin you down.
Machiavellianism at its core is rooted in similar formlessness: unpredictability.
Ironically, even things like Avoiding Apologizing for SJW shaming language underscore the importance of assuming formlessness, like this recent postpointed out. Or examples like Tim Hunt and Allen Frantzen. Apologizing – relenting to shaming tactics – in that situation is creating form out of the intangible. You are merely giving others a target at which to shoot.
What is perhaps most interesting is that it is assuming formlessness that also underlies Chad the “Natural Alpha” … think about it, remember him from high school, how he could do “nerdy” things and yet not be seen as a “nerd”. Regardless of what he did, he was not defined by others. Moreover, he had no fear of being defined by others. Women sense that shit. For women desire men who shape the world, not those that are shaped by it.

The unifying theme behind all the above concepts boils down to a simple truth:Assume Formlessness. Freedom is a thing that derives from boundaries.But ironically, so does enslavement. The difference, my friends, is in who is doing the defining.
A true Red Pill man is one who enforces his own boundaries, while evading those which others try to place upon him. He is the definer, not the defined. He is the chairmaker, yet he who himself never sits upon the chair.
The greatest power in this world is that which is covert, not overt. One who cannot be defined is one who wields such power covertly. It is not the large thug who scares you … rather it’s his conniving, unpredictable snake of a boss. True danger lies in things unseen.
Whether it be life or love or politics or whatever, refuse to take shape. Cultivate formlessness. Be visible, but unseen. Let them wonder.
“Be extremely subtle even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent’s fate.” – Sun Tzu
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[–]thickskinnedwhiteass 29 points 6 days ago 
This is enlightening. Great post. Thank you for sharing. We are all conscious about something, something which makes us insecure or makes us question ourself. One may think he's not smart enough, one that he's not a sleek talker while the other may think that he's not worthy of a certain love. This list can go on but the important part is to realise that such psychological insecurities stem from our identification with certain situations which may have taken place in the past. You may have fumbeled in front of your boss or peers causing you to think you're not smart, or may have slurred your speech during a talk causing you to doubt your confidence etc. You may react in a certain beta way around girls you find hot. These past negatives in your head make youASSUME FORM. The form of being dumb/shy/beta etc. You start to identify with these forms and you assume that this is who you are at your core. But the beautiful thing is that you're not.
You are not your thoughts nor your past fuck ups. That is why what the OP is saying is enormous in the sense that you have to realise that you are NO thing. You are formless. I would say don't just assume formlessness, embrace it and be the FORMLESS.
Example You're in front of your boss, you're giving your presenration. The old forms come back to haunt you - you're too dumb, you can't even talk, you're not confident enough.
While identified with form - voice is breaking, trying to sound smart, trying to please, stuck in his head, constant fear of being judged, body is rigid throughout with a monotonous tone.
After assuming formlessness - started enunciating words way too clearly for a minute and then suddenly started rambling. His hand gestures are flailing and in everyone's face, the next minute they're behind his back. His vocal tone is fluctuating from a whisper to a loud bang of a point. He is nothing. He is not inhibited. He is formless and in being formless he's shedding away his old skin of identification with his past and he's giving himself to life and to the moment. Be formless.
[–]Endorsed ContributorCopperFox3c[S] 2 points 6 days ago* 
True. I think a fundamental question is why men adopt form at all, when all the evidence suggests that it is detrimental to them? What compels them to do so? Some sense of safety, security? A fear-driven process they couldn't shake from their childhood?
It really serves no purpose outside of supporting a gynocentric worldview.
12 horas atrás, Aroma disse:


Sem querer puxar a sardinha para a minha brasa, mas se tem um curso que favorece empreendedorismo é o de ciências contábeis, mesmo se o fella não quiser ser contador.


O curso com as técnicas contábeis dá noções de planejamento, gerenciamento e controle financeiro que nenhum outro daria, fora as noções de administração, economia e o direito, em especial o tributário e trabalhista já citados.




Ah, a generalização :D


Cara fala que todos os dating coaches são uma fraude e banca o dating coach no parágrafo seguinte, ahuahuahau, ainda mais a Kezia, que é renomada pra caralho.





Mano,não estou a bancar de dating coach,estou só a dizer um hábito que milhões fazem,sermos nós mesmos sem preocupar com a opinião alheia.

Ela própria,renomada entre os PUA:Dessa fraude chamada de Kezia faz lembrar aqueles videntes que parecem mágicos mas estão só a dizer o óbvio por palavras elaboradas,ela basicamente disse que devemos ser nós mesmos sem tentar agradar á mulher que estamos a falar.


Ora tu não pensas o mesmo?Logicamente sem ter que gastar 10000 reais no curso dela?

Não quero nem sei ser dating coach,com as suas técnicas rapport e kinagem,e fazer formulas 20% de Indirectas e 80% cocky, e outras viadagens.


1 hora atrás, badname disse:

Mano,não estou a bancar de dating coach,estou só a dizer um hábito que milhões fazem,sermos nós mesmos sem preocupar com a opinião alheia.

Ela própria,renomada entre os PUA:Dessa fraude chamada de Kezia faz lembrar aqueles videntes que parecem mágicos mas estão só a dizer o óbvio por palavras elaboradas,ela basicamente disse que devemos ser nós mesmos sem tentar agradar á mulher que estamos a falar.


Ora tu não pensas o mesmo?Logicamente sem ter que gastar 10000 reais no curso dela?

Não quero nem sei ser dating coach,com as suas técnicas rapport e kinagem,e fazer formulas 20% de Indirectas e 80% cocky, e outras viadagens.



Você pode pensar isso e eu posso pensar o mesmo, mas talvez seja porque devo ter umas 10 mil horas de pesquisa e prática de game. E o cara que ainda está preso na matrix, não são informações relevantes?


E eu espero sinceramente que você em outras ocasiões você obtenha uma base sólida para criticar qualquer pessoa ou conceito que seja, já que está criticando tanto a Kezia assim.


Ao meu ver ela é de fato um dos coachs mais renomados que há por aí. Seus vídeos tem informações e sacadas que outros mais do mesmo não tem. O fato dela ser mulher é um pro, não um contra (tudo isso ao meu ver).






se o raciocínio fosse esse, era muito mais vantagem fazer economia ao invés de contábeis e adm (adm é subcurso, HUE! kkkk)


se vc for pegar o que o Flávio e muitos empreendedores dizem, invista seu tempo no que é necessário aprender pro seu negócio.


empreender é algo único, nenhuma universidade te prepara pra isso.

1 hora atrás, cormaya disse:

só eu que acho muito loser esses lance de pua, social coach, date coach, etc.?

Claro, até porque todo mundo nasce sabendo de tudo sobre relacionamentos e só estamos é de zueira .


O problema aqui é que muitos tentam rotular o ser humano com um só. Cada ser é individual, e cada gatilho é ativado de uma forma diferente em cada um, principalmente o do rapport que vocês tanto almejam. Já conheci muito cara que aqui seria considerado beta casado com uma mulher linda e feliz. A verdade é que muitos perdem tanto tempo colocando limitações e todo aquele blabla que esquecem de viver.


Vou falar uma coisa pra vocês: De todos os anos que me dedico à PNL, hipnose, linguagem corporal e derivados, a coisa mais evidente que eu aprendi observando milhares de pessoas é que ninguém é igual a ninguém. Generalizações geram crenças limitantes facilmente.

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